1 I L . . .- ----- "Mmx' REGISTER. . , 7 - Real Estate Transactions "to the 20th : M. Rudolph to N. Simons, lots 8,4, 7 and 8, Lebanon; $800. Trustees M. K. Cntirctl to Catherine Keen, cemetery lots; $10. State of Oregon to RobL Robe, m acres; $100. Snpt. Common Schools to Paul Hrattain, fractional School lands; $1 80. , A. Grubb to A. W. Mctfary, ooe-filth interest in estate of John Grubb; $1,332. G. W. Grubb and wife to A. W. JIcNary, 360 acres, $400. Robert Coppock and wife to A. Gross, 102 acres ; $2,000. By a telegram on Thursday mprning, .1. H. Herren, our City Recorder, was informed of lite death of his elder brother, Percy Herren, ofSalemby a pistol shot in the head. Perry was found in the alley in the rear ot his residence, on Thursday morning, a hole in the left side of his head just above the ear, and a pistol tightly gripped in Ins right hand. The body was warm when found. Later. Since writing the above, the following telpgram has been received, dated Salem, May 21st: " My brother's death was caused by a pistol shot in the head, and in my judgment it was the work of an assassin. J. R. HERREN." The yield of grain in Linn county the coming harvest atv present bids fair to equal if not exceed anything jet exhibited in the famed Willam ette Valley. In a little trip of fifteen mi'es out in the county on Wednesday, with grain to be seen growing in every direction, we did not see a single field where the growth was not dense and thrifty looking no thin patches anywhere. As there is a much larger area, seeded to grain this season, the yield, with no unfavorable weather, will be simply enormous. The Independent County Central Committee convened in this city on Thursday. The members of the Committee are enthusiastic, and express their firm belief in the suc cess ot the entire ticket in this county by a rousing majority. Messrs. Charles Simpson, of this city, and C. P. Church, ot Oregon. City, on Wednesday, purchased the warehouse lately owned by C. B. Comstock & Co. The price paid was $4,000, cash. It is ft good Hieoe of property. Frank Pabtojt, lifelong Dem ocrat, one of Linn county's best and most capable citizens, has been placed upon the Independent ticket for State Senate, in place of D. M. Cook, resigned. A better aloction could not have been made. Dora McfJord, a twelve year old elocutionist, late of this city, uow of Seattle, W. T., has been enter, taining large audiences in Portland. Dim ft Mm. DtmwayV:ijce. RBWeiou8.Rev. J. H. Bab coek, Episcopal minister, mil here after, until further notice, hold services each Monday evening in the Coagregational church of this . " I, , ,, MM , ., Another owe of seduction re ported oot south. Market exlreowly quiet Hub- Xtfsttkiudjmtber slow. Avery1! Actlnjr Panorama, Avery's Acting Panorama con- ajst of huge oil pngs. ten ylWM' Al J ... . dA a that wit show up tfceWhfBl flfan tftartcter in V'HMM MlUi and tragical state in the way of ConS-one come all. tragedy. ise ugs Mnv 22d and 23d. Admission 50c; childreuIiaTtpim Aitewxm- Ti'i?)ctiv4k; mfc chine", buVduring tfiTliroe it 1ii Cnilie, UUU uuniig irro inuc w been bcfi&S public it has achieved unparalleled success. It is atriKt" runuing, almost whWIcs-r machine ; is pheap, for a JBrst class machine, and will do any and all kinds of work. 3p ftaipr is the agent in this city, and .icall at his office will satisfy you of the excel lence ot the machine, The Astoria excursion eomes off next tydnday. the ecursion had been postponed until after the election, it would have paid much befter,,, . . "Rattlers" is the name of the new base ball dub, jWbior officered as follows: W, Peters, President; T. Tate, Secretary; Wll. Warren, Captain. - Wm. Mansfield, late one of the Register employees, returned to his home in this city on Wednesday after "jmiring" it a year or so in "furriii" clmees. The Mexican Congress has voted $70,000 to provide proper represen tation at the Centenial Exhibition at Philadelphia. The City Drug Store has had a good ran on ice cold arctic 6oJa during the warm days. Several of our cititens are hav ing their1 houses and fences re- painted. The Farmers' Warehouse Com. pany propose to enlarge their ware house immediately. Stickeen fever not raging so much now, on account of late tin favorable reports. The Sanday ScheoleKoursion to Salem is postponed until Friday week. The Fanny Morgan Phelps troupe wil soon open the Oro Fino theatre in Portland. Paxton's pictures are 6 always good. He has no superior as an artist. The Grand Lodge of I.O.O.F., tor the Bute ot Oregon, me in Portland on the ltHh. Base ballists are already inquire, ing tor arnica and linen rags. Le Circle is the latest new play, and is an improvement on croquet. Strawberries are coming in plen. tifully, selling at 25c per pound. Farmers general 'y in this county are through with seeding. Bokn In this city, OH the 18th, to the wife ot A. S. Mercer, a boy only 1211. To the wjte of A. N. A wold, a boy-13 pourtds; ' " m On the 20th itwt. a4; the resi dence of the bride's parents, near Shedd SUtion, by Her. 8 G. It vine, Mr. Chart Rouiprdea and mm vf wtuev. HicifeemHfi A lot of drunken hoodlums were paraduig the streets to a late hour ffPW JjS 'haklng doors, beatingfences, hKMktiwr umitlivara rpmnvmor Stems. Thursday nigbt, anbg, throwing breaking windows, removing signs, !g defacing buildings, and behaving in ft a disgraceful manner generally. It is. the duty of the Marshal to arrest these leiiows, aua see tn uiey n fined to the utmost extent of the law1. Next Satnrday evening the Litemry Alliance g.ive 006 of tthf entertainments at the interesting entertainments at the Colleffe. The programme is a very " - - .. interesting one, and everybody w.U certainly want to be m attendance. "pid Sumner' Bank Acconnt" is the title .of an original story, written for the Register, which will appear soon. Look out for something rich. Mr A Harmon wants one thou- fsand head of sheep, and has em ployed Lew Stimson to purchase them for him John Barrows isselling6ffhouse hold furniture preparatory to mov ing to 'Frisco. L. C Burkhart will put up several hundred thousand brick this summer, which he will sell cheap. . . s Hon. Ben. Hayden speaks at the Court House on Monday eve ni'igi ,. Dave Taylor is erecting a neat little dwelling on bis lot near the depot. ' "V- College examination Thursday of next week. A new window has been put into the east side of the Parrish brick- Match game of base ball trans pires next Saturday. ; Thebounty canvass commenced at Halsey yesterday. No change in market reports. Business quiet. JL The street sprinkler is doing a gocd Rebekah Ix)dge meets to-night. Weather cloudy. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Gold In New York, JWX. Legal tendon, 88X(89c. Nrii FrHrtPlseo Mnrketo. WHBAT-1 90iV 1001b. . TuiVH - Extra, K MX; other brands, 8547JVlb. OATS-ll DOari 70 f 1UM W. OSIOK8-i 75 V 100 IW. PrMKl HarkeU. Whsat- II &sil 70 V cental Of 100 rim. OATS - 49c V bushel. Fut!RFIrin ; choice brand 00(86 00 flbbl. .t : Baulky-. 4091 4!) per cental. ONiom-lXlXovV. Bittkk Kxtra dairy 880o V ft I com- moti, istjW'. Koos-184WOe V doten. PocLTBY-Urown eWckene, 8J04 V dozen. , WooL-8o1 1 Hiniss -Choice drj'. Uo V S ; ealted, To. Albany Harketw. WHT-Wnlte, V buobel. 7580o OAT-fbMbe),lUet8. P TATOBS V bushel, 50 0. Beans-White, V ft. SSM o- Drikd FBUiT-Applee, 0, 5 cen.tj; PewheeasXo; PlumvJ4c; Currwu, 10c utt-reeh ro, Wm V - fKlSdoxlllfiW. ( St(j B8 -Crushed. Me; Island, WOUc; San Francisco refined, liXe V . TKA-Youni? Hyson, 1 S5; Japan. 750 ComsK8c V . i l?vyC denkti,i hi tx BACos-ftemuk SMBtfc'Shonlders 7c OiLS-De'v-oO's Kerosene, 81 Xo f ml., can, 5 mis., fi 90 rXlnieed Oil, tew, V fM.llV bolrtd.il H. lli . i w BUSINESS CARD8- JOHN CONNER, BANKING fii; i , ! if j 1 i4i v 'jls'fM p.) I, j Exchange Office, ALBANY, ORFAiOSI. CErOSTIS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight, interest allowed on tlmedcposltsln coin. Kxelmnire on Portland, San Francisco, and New Yrk, for sale at lowest rates. Collections madeand promntlv remitted. Hefors to H. W. Corbett, Henry Falling, W. 8. Lndd. Banking honrs from t) A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-i2v8 A. W. OADIBLE, M. D., Phioitin, Surgeon, etc. OFFICE-Firft street, ndjoinir Weed's gi-oeery store. RKSinKNCE-Omx9lto late i-esklenoe of John C. Mendcnhall, near the Fonndi y, First street, Albany. October J, 1873y FOR SALeI rjpHE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S UEAPK & MOWERS. Hume's Headers, (Wood's Improved.) 4'aqulllards Indiana Farm Wayon The Bussel and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines op (ho coast. statesman Foreefeed Drill. Star Plows, and other machines. Call, see, and get price and terms before buying elsewhere, at my Blncksmltn Shop, corner Second and Ellsworth sts., Albany, Oregon. 8DV5 FRANK WOOD. W. cTlrWEEDALE, DKALF.it IN Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, 'lffars, Cutlery Crock ery, and Wood tc Willow Ware, ALBANY, OREGON. t3rCalland)ce Mm. 4r5 NOTIOH ! THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between Wm. H. Ktihn and James C. Van Rensselaer under the flnn natno of W. H. Kiihn A Co., to this day dissolved by mutual consent, the notes and accounts due said firm becoming tho pioixirty of the said Van Rensselaer, and to whom, or hto representative, they must be paid, and to whom must be presented all claims against the said firm, i W. H. KCHN, ph. c. scrnrvxER, Guardian estate of JA8. C. VAN RENSSELAER. Referring to tho sbove, I give notice that the notes and accounts due W. H. Kulin A Co.. will!) collected bv Jos. B. Wyatt.of the firm of Clark A Wyalf, who may be found at the old stand of Kulm A Co., and who is fully authorized lo receipt and settle the same. Pn. C. 8CHVYI.ER, Onardlnn estate of Jas. C. VakRbnsselaeu. Albany, Or., Feb. S, 18744m GO TO TJIE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO BFT Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c, &o., &e., CHEAP FOR CASH ! ('an try Prowbee f All Kbits HUH .1.;. own IflSj I , BOUUHT FOB MKRCHAHDISK OR OAS This is the pises to get tho BEST RAB GAINS ever oflbred In Alhwy. rtte sJwlo weMtooiBdsestorUMiB BUSINESS CARDS. . : . : ; . BTEELtTS ; MEDfCAL WONE; rtCRES ALL INTERNAL AND EXTEB- I i .l , Hntui nH Pnlna- Pnrlhrl Itw byiwuggwis. 8mH D. M. JONES. ft USSEY HELL , ' JOKIX HULL, PBTSICIANS ANP BOKOONI, ALBANY, OREGON. J. W. BALDWIM, Attorney and Coaajs1or at LW, TILL PRACTICE IN ALL TAjBOwrts W in the ftl, 3d and 4lb JndTotalllto- SSrtfc tlu8l&a1uTMf n. b. bice, n. Dm Surgeon Ac PliyNlcfan. OFFICE Flitt street, between Ferry and Broadalbin. RjctdDEtiCE- Third street, two blocks below or esst of Metho dist Church, Albany, Oregon. v6n40 J. C. fOWKLL. L. KLIHM POWELL A I IJW. Attorneys and Counselors at Ew AND SOLICITORS IN CnANCERJT (L. Fllnn notary public!, Albany, tmon, Collections and conveyances promptly at tended to. i 1 T. W. UAKKI8. H. J. BOIGHTOW. HABBM A I 014111 TOM, PliysiclanN anil urgeont, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE OVER A. CABOTHERS A Co Drug store. Residence of Dr. Hanls- Fourth-sty four blocks west of 1 heConrt Honse. Residence of Dr. Boughton-Opposite Dr. Tate, on Third street. novlSTO Albany Book Store. JttO. FOSIIAY, DEALER IN MI8CKLLAN K (I SHOOK8, School Books, Blank Books, Hlutionery Fancy Articles. Ac. B(Xks Imported to order,at shortest pos eible notice. vSnW DR. GEO. W. GRAY, DENTIST ALBA2IT, 4IBEOOW. OFFICE m PARRISH BRICK BLOCK, riii'tHT Firm Hint Fern- Htnets. ResL Klence-Corner.Fifih and Ferry streets. Utnee nnurs tiouisio rj o'ckkw a. m.,ana 1 to 5 o'clock p. m. Wv4 EPISEOO'TICS DISTANCED. THE BAT TEAmTnTILI. MViS, AND IS FLOI'RISinNG LIKE AOREEH Imv tree. Thankful, for nast favors. and wishing to merit the continuance i( the same, the BAT TEAM wHl Slwsvbbs. ready, and easily found, to do any hauling within the eltv limits, fur a reasonable compensation. 0a?Dlirjr oftsoods apecialty. A. N . ARNOLD. 2v5 Pronrleton. Piles MPiles WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome cOmnlatnt cannot be cured, when so many evidences of success might be placed betore you every day cures of supposed hopeless cases? Yonr physician in tonus you that the longer yon allow the complaint to list, you lessen yonr ennntcs lor roller, nrpmcyot not aitfM thit in all cates. A. t Wot hers C. PUe PUIs and Ointment ' are all they are recommended to be. Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles In very snort time, ana are oomvnim w uw, THIa nmemrntlnn Is sent bv mall or ex. press to anv xlnt within the United Slates utti 50peTpaekae. Addrpts, AC A MOTHERS A CO., S7v5 BoxJS,Albiuiy,Ore;on JOHN SCHMEER, tlEALKB l' Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JITBT OPENED HIS NE W GROOKB establishment on torner of Ellswortn and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candles, Cigars, To. baceo, Ac., to which be invites the atten. lion of our oitizuns. lit connection with the store he will keen . ulu-ivu have on hand S full supply of fresh bread, crsekers, Ac Call and see me, John schmekb. February 1M4v4 TECJSJ lYEctzler Chair ! Can be hjdftt the foIk)ln( pjacesi K!ttVy::::::;:::::fci'iA iKruio...............-..Ta- Mo . .. iM"! m wfrAftSS Albany.. Lfc-lV.. AfulUam ssasuup v j It!