Titos, HMirgnnlea & .' tl JOB PRINTING. DKY UiXHW, ETU. .it)i t u t f k xrit.'t Retrenchment I MAKE MONEY BY- SAVING MONEY I TITOS, BOUMRDES k CO, DEALERS IK KTBLffiHED KKItY SATURDAY BT COLL. VAN CLF.VE, ' ALBANY OREGON. SUBSCRIPTION -IN ADVANCE : One ropy, one yea 8 00 rive opte, one jrer 13 80 Tea copies, one yer 90 00 Any one getting np ft Club of tve,and forwarding $14 50, will receive the sixth eopy free. Special Inducements offered to persons desirous of canvassing for subscriptions to the Kkuiktkk. The county commissioners of Randolph county, Illinois, at their session last week, established the alary ot county officers as follows : County Judge, $1,500; County Clerk, 2,000 salary and $2,400 lor clerk hire ; Circuit Clerk, $2,000 salary and $3,400 for clerk hire deputies and bailiffs. School Super intendent shall be allowed all nec essary time employed in visiting tcbools, provided he shall not be so employed over 155 days, at $4 per day, to gether with all commis ons ot bis office ; Assessor and Treasnrer, $1,400 salary, exclusive of fees of deputies, to be paid by the county. The Mountaineer says there will probably be collected in Wasco county about $16,000 taxes for county purposes, which will leave about $3,000 to apply on indebted ness ot $1 1,656 leaving the county in debt at the end of the year $8,657. The current expenses of Wasco county for the year ending June, 1878, were $14,904. The expenses of the county tor this year are likely to be $1,900 less than last year, which w not to be at tributed to any abatement ot fees and salaries, but to the fact that there has been less criminal expense to the county, and other irregular expenses, as shown by the exhibit of 1873. An Idaho school teacher has in troduced a new feature in his school. When one of the girls misses a word the boy who spells it gets per mission to kiss her. The result is that the girls are fast forgetting all they ever knew about spelling, and while the boys are improving with wonderful rapidity. Two hundred and eighty Menon ite families arrived at Yankton, Dakota in, April. They had al ready sent instructions to their friends there to procure stock and lands for them, and have gone to work to make that wilderness blos som. A young man named Howard was arrested on a charge of seduc tion by the Sheriff of Lane county -at Junction a few days ago. He is brother to a man under arrest at the game place of a charge of bigamy. Dick, the fisherman, on Thurs day morning last landed upon the Vancouver wharf a monster stur geon measuring ten feet and four inches in length, five feet and nine inches in circumference, and weigh ing nearly 700 pounds. We be lieve h to be the largest fish ever captured in the Columbia. Mr. Henry Voerg, who left Salem two years since because the place was so dull, and weut East, has come back to stay. I " ' .;. .;, , i m i The pottery at Buena Vista now uses steam power, which greatly lrxamt!it'ir capacity - coBurKMiosa or am invalid, Pnbnahed as warning and for the ben efit of Young Men and others whojsuffer from NERVOUS DKEttlTT, LOSS OF MANHOOD, etc., pointing out the means of self-cure. Written by Nathaniel May fair, Esq., whoenrad himself after under- ?oing considerable quackery, and mailed roe on receiving a post-paid directed en velope, by the publisher, HE. JOHN M.J0A6NA t5mS 11 Cllnton-8f., Brooklyn, W. T. ' ' ' A W. H. McFARLAND, (LATE M. M. HARVEY A CO.,) N'-xl diior to Conner's Bank, Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, HOUNE rUBNISHINO HARDWARE, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. LARGEST STOCK III THE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing; Properly Done . 40v2 FOUNDRY. ALBANY FOUNDRY , And Machine Shop, A. P. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill Maclitn ery, WOOD .WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IRON AND RkASS CASTINOS. Pnrtlcnlnr attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. 41v3 "drugs. ktcT A. (MOTHERS & CO., Dialers in ' CHEWK-ALS, OILS, PAINTS, DYES ULASN, LAMPS, ETC., All the popular PATENT MEDICINES, FINK CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PERFUMERY, and Toilet Moods. Particular care and promptness given Physicians' prescriptions and Family Reo lpes. A. CAROTHER9 A CO. Albany, Oregon-4v5 Harder In Albany HABXKVER YET BEEN KNOWN, AND no threatening of it at present. Death Is a thing which sometime most befall every son and daughter of the human fam ily ; and yet, At the mid-day, Of your life, if disease lays his vile hands upon you, there is still "a balm In GUead," by which you may be restored to perfect 'healt h. and prolong your days to a miracu lous extent. How ? By calling on R, C. irfLL & SON, With a proscription, where you can have it compoTineMw erne eiperlenoed in that particular line. Also, constantly on hand good assortment of fresh drug, patent medicines, cVmloals, paints, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc Agents for the (Vlebrftted ttk Wed euJy Or. Oregon Rheumatic Cure ! Dr. D. Jayno MTA Native Powder, kept In stock. Also agents for the Hone Mhwltle ftrwtn HrMUm, One of OnSmnnsolWpleoatoflimtSehoM furniture exunt. Call ",J?,ei.w it. .'. syw 1 Has lust received a naw stock of all tut latest styles of MENS' AND BOYS' CL P U And is selling so cheap that all can buy. The goods were 13 ought for Cash, and are being sold for the same commodi ty. The secret of selling goods is in Buying; SULfflrt! Having selected onr goods In daylight, we court tne most CRITICAL EXAMINATION. I HELL ALL GOODS AT GRANGER PRICES! FULL LINES OF DRV GOODS, UROTERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS A SHOE NOTIONS, . ETC., ETC, N. BAl M. CbcadleV Brick, First street, Albany. aprUTUt Samuel E. Young (Successor to Blqp, Young k Co.,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE and FANCY go Q O o bl OS SB o s W go I 0 x 3 i 3 2 S 0 3 0 to r ' hi Hi Q o 40 I i WACON8, PLOWS, and all kinds of Farming Implemts Agent for the celebrated New Wilson Sewing Machine, Guaranteed to be equal to any, and Irorn tlO to $14 lest than other first class machines. TERMS-CASH. COODM LOW. Call and See. MnfTI AuuRT.i , JEWELRY, Silver & Plated Ware. and- DIAMOND SPECTACLES. MANUFACTURED AND ADJUSTED especially for the Pacific Coast by the NATIONAL EL8IN WATCH CO. of Elgin, nilnols, viz: ' Pacific, California nod San Franclico WATCH, and we most confidently roc ommend them to the public, as possessing more good qualities for the price than any ouier natcn in rue marvel. We also keep all other brands of Elgin, Waltham and Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jew. dry, Sliver and Plated Ware, ALSO Pistols and Cartridges. ear Repairing a Specialty. Jf9 fear All Work Done and Uooda Hold, Warranted to be aa Represented 1. IK TITOS. J. B. TITOS (HAS. BOCRGARDZS. Titus, Ronrgardet Co., AT JOHN O AKTK R'S OXD STAND, First street, AEBAN I, OREGON The Singer Mill Triumphant. A T THE VIENNA KXAIBIT10N THE A 8lnger received the Medal of Merit, the Weual of Progress, and three other Medals for superiority of productions. The Singer received all the MEDALS awarded to either of the compering Ma chines, and two Medals more than any other obtained, Then, in the name of truth, what Is it that prompts rHeto .nA.A.l Tl. foot la nn Ttiiklnmtt of Hon IIICJ VII or has been jrlven to any Sewing Machine Company. But immeairarably more valu able I The World's Award as shown by sales -proved by sworn re turns M the owners of the principal Sew ing Machine Patents -which last year amounted to two hnndrod and nineteen thousand, seven hundred and flfty-eight (M9.7K8) machines, nine out often of them being for Family Use, This is over ,ot imtreSewtng Machines than were sold by any other oommny during tliesame period and over One Quarter of all the machines sold in 1872. These enormous sales are owing to the long-tested merits of the SINGER machines, which meet the wants of the public in superiority and simplicity of construction, and capability tor great variety and excellence of work. That the nsers of Sewing Mhlnes find these desl rahte Quanriestn the SINOKR. beyond all others, is shown by the sales above glvan, aside from thl awnrd of International Ju ries, either st home or abroad. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., U Union Square, Mew Tork. THu, Ronrgardet Co., AftBM, Alfcswy, aprint am fl SjBjPB ' 0 liB jHawaflnl W&- Ufa ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AND HAND PRESSES, Latest and most Desirable Strict or J Printing Material. Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR I When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards. Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels But why particularly, when It te gen erally acknowietiguu tnai we are ON XT When it comes to StTUdland see tpeetmeu. Jg Pritttlm 41 'JUC.i