The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 23, 1874, Page 4, Image 4

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U r
Albany, My 15, 1874.
Ed. Register : I tee by the
last number of the States Rights
Democrat that one of the fledglings
from the medical department of the
Willamette University baa taken
an early opportunity to air his
"blushing honors" by rushing
print 1 his young gentleman hav
ing had no occasion aa yet, probably,
to sign his name with its newly ac
quired appendage to a prescription,
and not having the funds necessary
Co get it painted on a "shingle,1
has come to the conclusion to have
it printed in the Democrat tor
nothing by subscribing it to t
communication Like a young pea
cock, he is so proud of that new
tail that he must strut about and
show it a little anyhow. This is
the secret of that column and a halt
of school boy grandiloquence about
Dr. Dawne, signed "A. P. Miller,
M. D." To the writer of that re
markable piece of composition the
chief interest of the performance
was doubtless concentrated in the
signature. The letter was meant to
prepare the way gradually for that
final auDouncemet t of "A. P. Mil
lar, M. P." It was kind in the
young man, very kind, to raise us
thus by degrees to the sublimity of
that grand climax. It would have
been cruel to have burst upon us
suddenly and without a note of
warning. Just think of it ! Sup
pose for a moment remember this
ia only a supposition suppose that,
without a word of prologue, the
curtain had risen and disclosed at
once to oar awe-struck gaze all the
undhnmed and bran-new glory of
"A. P. Miller, M. D." Suppose
that he had just announced himself
to us suddenly without that column
and a half of preparation I tremble
to think of what the result might
have been.
"A. P. Miller, M. D.,H says that
he knows Dr. Dawne, which must
be a great comfort to the latter
gentleman in this sad Let
him "thank God and take courage;"
"A. P. Milhr, M. D; knows him!
Aid more than that "A. P. Miller,
M. D. approves of him. Also,
,!A,j P. Miller, M. D,," says that
"Tiaabuotoo" has "willfully lied"
i in hi statement in toe Origoman
that Dr. Dawne is not qualified for.
the office of State Superintendent,
for he baa passed the fiery ordeal of
"A. P. Milter; M. D., critical
judgment "A. P. Miller, M. D.,"
has heard Dr. Dawne. lecture before
the medical diss, and he ia sure the
lectures were not Jfamfc-lNL
that they were only "quoted" from
Dr. Hammond's learned work on
Nervoua Diseases. "A. P, Miller,
K. D., has alio occasionally hou.
ored Dr. Dawne's office with his
presenos while that gentleman was
preparing his sermons, and be ia
good enough to vouch for their orig
inality, It is also plain to "A P.
Miller, M. D ," that Dr. Geary is a
bad ssaii if be ys that Dawne ia
inJttjdd to Bascom for even one
Of flouw after this nobody will
dare iinoach Dr. T)awnpf flnalifi.
; : tmj.mtowtfm'- -MA f Mil
tar, It Dkmwsnm and is sat
anybody ask than that? Dr. Dawne
may now continue to murder the
"King's English" until his sermons
and lectures are crowded with the
slain. He may abide hi Wistful 4g.
noremw ofWbere Capet'odis. He
may know nothing at all about
schools and about the business of
teaching; and he may be innocent
of the slightest acquaintance with
the school system and the educa
tional wants of Oregon. He may
even dare to be one of that class so
odious to Democracy, the "carpet
baggers." All these things cannot
move him for "A. P. Miller, M.
IX," says that he will make a good
Superintendent of Public Instruction
anyhow. , .
But alas, just at the most in
teresting point ia the case "A. P.
Miller, M. D.,V knowledge fails.
He does not know where Dr.
Dawne got those degrees ot "A.
M." and'M. D.," which he added
to bis name when be signed "A. P.
Miller, M. D.,'s" diploma. And
now, "A. P. Miller, M. D." is
unable to reconcile Dawne's state
ment that he is a gaduate of the
Medical Department of the Uni
versity of Louisiana with the un
doubted and undenied fact that
the authorities of that institution
know nothing about him, and that
his name does not appear in the list
ot graduates. So it seems that
there are some things which even
our "A. P. Miller, M. D.," can
not do. But this is just the place
where Dawne needs "A. P. Miller,
M. D.,'8" services most. He has
represented himselt over an over
again as a graduate of a certain
institution and as the possessor of
certain documents, while there is
overwhelming evidence (which be
does not even question) that he Is
nothing ot the kind and that his
claim is an imposture and a fraud as
bold and shameless as it is base.
It will take somebody who knows
a little more than ever "A. P.
Miller, M. D.,w to get Dr. Dawne
out of this ugly scrape.
In conclusion, Mr. Editor, per-
mit me to say that I know some
thing of Dr. Dawne mylf, and I
know that, aside from the dirty
imposition which he has undertaken
to practice on the people of Oregon,
be is wholly unfit for the office of
State Superintendent There is no
Deed of bandying words about this
matter. It can easily baj& to the
test by any who may have . doubts
upon the subject Dr. Dawne
preaches in his church in Salem
almost every Sunday, and any one
who may desire to make up an
opinion as to the extent of his edu
cational attainments can find ample
material for the purpose in a single
one of his sermons. More than
this, Dr. Dawne lives in a town
famed throughout Oregon toe its
Softools, and as I the residence of
many men ot learning and varied
culturai ,i Now I am willing ( to
submit the question! of Dr. Dawne's
f tnsss for the office which be seeks
to a committee of Salem Professors,
together with the entire Faculty of
the College at (Jorvallis, which is
under the patronage of Dawne's
own ehurcb. If a committee com
posed of such men asGatch, Powell,
Crawford, Arnold Dad Emery will
pronounce Dr. Dawne "a gen
tlcmau of fine scholarly attain-
meats" I shall have nothing further
o say, bat I shall keep up
miflfhtv thinkin'."
.., JOffM 8TOKS, KSQh ' hL fev
ill W Vi riOiTrrv r" "fi,M UJ
This seems to be jusfcenough.
George D. Coffin, an old and
well' 'known farmer living near
Hubbard's Station, lost bis wife
some" years ago and was soon after
again joined in matrimony to a
widow who had a very young
daughter. Several years since a
marked intimacy was noticed to ex
ist between Coffin and his step
daughter. To such a degree did
thie intimacy grow, that they be
came insuperable companions, and
constantly manifested for each other
an improper affection, which could
but be observed by those residing
ii the neighborhood. The acquaint
ance)) of tne family finally became
satisfied that a criminal intimacy
existed between Coffin and the girl
though nothing was ever developed
to fix. the guilt on them, until a
short time ago, when tne girl was
married' to a school teacher named
IH ram Burrows. Soon afterward
the young wife confessed to her
husband that a criminal intimacy
had existed between her and her
step-father for a number of years,
and that since her marriage he had
attempted to violate her rsoii un
der threats of murder. The indig
nant and outraged husband applied
torn warrant of a rrest for Coffin.
charging him with the crime of in
cest Coffin, however, got wind
ot the proceeding and left for
rortiana. burrows started in
pursuit and arrived in Portland
Thursday morning to find that the
guilty party had gone to Van
couver. Following him by the first
boat he arrested him there and
placed him in custody of the Sheriff
of Ulark county. He then returned
to Portland, under advice of the
officers there, came to Salem by
Friday evening's train to get 'a re
quisition from Governor Grover.
Procuring this be returned to Port
land yesterday, on his way to
Olytnpia to procure for it another
from Governor Ferry. The affair
has thrown the community where
Coffin resides into the greatest ex
citement, and causes much indigna
tion. Charley Hogan, accused of as
sault with a deadly weapon, bad
histrial at Dallas, before Judge
Bonham, last week, and was ac
quitted. Immediately upom his
release he was re-arrested upon a
similar charge.
The deaf mute school at Salem,
under charge Of Prof. "W. S. Smith,
closes on the 23d inst There is
then to be' a vacation until Sep
tember next The classes were to
have been examined on Thursday.
The root of Mr. Gordon's resi
dence at Salem caught fire last
Saturday, which greatly frightened
the inmates, bat it was exting
uished before any serious damage
was done.
Job. E. Harvey, a former res
ident of Oregon and at one time a
member ot the Legislature from
Yambill-eounty, died Suddenly, a
flew days since, near Helena, ot the
heart disease.
The grand jury in session at
Dallas, in the case of the State
against Til Glaze for the snooting
ot Whitley, failed to bring in an
indictment. '
Chris. Hnuaaker, accused of the
larceny of a bar of iron valued at
$1 40, was tried at the present
term of the Circuit Court ia Polk
county, aid acquitted of the charge.
Hon. lufua jlallory has been
chosen to deliver the annual address
terary Societies of the
i University during com-
i-:u,t)-i wmj Ith )
I A Isrgutftt! wstebww will fee
toils by. the i dfrsegSi tip present
to the Li
I WHIamstH
no a J mi,
mmtatc.MiHotth Yathrll Htoiinn
f nwm vfWfS7n BTwf'w
unfaliliur siinnnrt In t ho nsst. and honefulof a con t inunncu and enlargement of
the same In the future, we desire throoga
suiners in Linn county, to our well assorted and carefully purchased stocks of good
at the above points, comprising full and
Complete Lines of all Classes
of goods usually kept In Country Stores. Lack of tlmo and space precludes any at
tempt to specify ; but we are determined to maintain and add to our reputation for
keeping the most complete Country Store in Linn county, and will only say in conclu
sion, that our House at Shedd will be found to contain, at all times, more nearly
EJ-veiry tlxlaas Needed on a, Farm
than ever before-and as we have not been in the past, neither will we be in the future,
undersold by any honorable dealer.
Dealers in General Merchandise,
Machinery, Wagons, Lumber, Shingles, Ac.
Bills for building furnished to order at lowest rates. Forwarding and
Commission Merchants, fjgr Highest market rates In Cash for
t-V All Kinds of Merchantable Produce."
Shedd and Peoria, Linn county, Oregon.
Jf'U-lrlJNr X TXJH.ES .
Everything New.
Manufacturers and Dealers In
Always on hand or made to order on the
shortest notice.
nilXITrrtEremircdexpedii ionsly and
at Hair rates.
Onr Factory Is on Water street, at foot of
Lyon, adjoining Althonse ft Co.'s Planing
Will .-k.W... nr!r.n.i. Mnnla nn.l 4 t...
flK.II, W niilllltiauui 11 iDHlin l.illl 1 1
public to call and examine our stock of
alturwat M Drm Stare of A. Cu
re then & to., first street.
Albany, Fab. 48, 18744
Dealer in.
Of the best 'patterns.
And the usual assortment Of furolshinp
d to be obtained in tin store.
promptly nomi
this medium to mil the attention of eon-
Blank Mortgages,
Latest and Improved styles.
Call at the Register Office.
Neatly executed,
Call at the Register Office.
1 and Kllsworth streets, in this city, on
which t here i a good dwelling-honse eon
taining flVe moms ; there Is a large wood-
on reasonable terms. For ftirt her particu-
Albtwy, February 11, 7tMf
Messrs. L E. KalnandJ. DarrvwireUrinff.
The business wUI heteaftwoeoendiieted
tnrS. K. Tonmr.
mm. m inji"j
BBhIhuR Jt i
Hi BBBliliifflr i 1