The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 23, 1874, Page 3, Image 3

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    :3fhf totots of fiiijB;oary?iy(
please bear in mind that the Dem-
ocratic rrtybasnaaOctf
the county for ten years, and during
that time they have reduced the
-county indebtedness only about $2,
600, all the time levying a hra$y
tax. Ten years ago Linn county
owed between fifteen and sixteen
thousand dollars ; iKifiecrfKijf'
to the showing ot the present
officials, the debt is only some thir
teen thousand dol'ars. Under a
Democra'k: administration (even if
it done as well as it has in the past)
iL would take gwy jcars to wipe
out the indebtedness of the county,
at the present high rate of taxation,
and the people will have been com
pelled to pay ninety thousand dol
lars as interest. 1 )oesn't this sound
like an economical and strictly
honest way of managing our county
affairs ? Do the taxpayers of Linn
like this kind of economy ? If they
do, 6f course they will support the
' ring " candidates ; if they wish
the county debt paid, taxation dje
creased, and the county affyirs gen
erally managed honestly and in tho
interest of the peop'e, they will
vote for the Indendei.t caudi
dates, who are not only capable and
honest, but are not hound in the)
slavish chains of rings and cliques,
and who will lie guided in their
duties by an honest purpose 0
economize and reform existing evils.'
r '
. -According to. the Salem . papers
the Groyer, ring has been busy
"colonizing" Salem". On all the
public works the hands have been
doubled, regardless of "taste or ex
pense," and no man who was not
ready to swear by G rover & Co. has
been emplitfed. The old guards
at the Penitentiary Me been pa
rojed and new nMployed to nil
theSr place, until after election; and
rtvery expedjent to employ dew;roeii
votes for Grover has been seized
upon, no Bitter at what cost to the
State. What do the taxpayers
think of tMrkind of rascality?
Voters will remember that the
i ipm years of jGro vers administra
4on basonst fie Ta$payeif the
State ttnh hundred ' thousand
than was necessary;
says he will
"follow the same
ficy I
pursued i!lapasl.,.'
The newspaper publisher, of
Ohympia have formed a publishers
association, a'n& agreed ; upon uni
form ecale of prices.
The Mayor ot New Orleans
telegraph that nnleia B,W0O
is appropriated for their relief, thdu
ands must perish of starvation in
Louisiana. ;i
.mmwdiw mm
is quoted as strong with au advance,
in price. Pacific coast quoted at
Tim Davenport is chronicled as
making an excellent canvass in
Eastern. 0NHorT
. ,. m i .; i i
'Nellie Gtant was united to MV.
Sattoia ori Thursday, or else the
telegraph is mistaken.
, T);8eamei; 7h-ojan, 40 days
out from London, la given tp as
i ... ; ,
Eatoa (DemocratV has sheen
ofected U. S. Senator from Con-
neoticut. '
Wlwi 110 wpn'iw""i
A number of small Salem hood
4$Uars mm
and it rejected
nWL 1 . J- U i -cJL
ai., mat among umkib, w
at that time law partners, had
made application for 100,000 acres
lion to the Bulletin of the 19th,
Ttfrtw I desire o sav that I never
mailf anv unification for the pur
chase of swamp lands, and that if
such an application appear among
the papers oi any m wpi
mantc nt State it sot there with
out my solicitation or knowledge
Neither do 1 believe; wiai iir.
VViiliams ever made any such appli
cation, for I should certainly have
known something about it n ne
had. Besides, I am informed that
lie denies ever Jvmg made any
antilir-atioil ( if that character, and I
should want better proof than has
vet lieen furnished betore l wouio
disbelieve him. I have known .Mr.
Williams intimately tor the last
twplve rears, and know that an
election to the office for which he is
a candidate, and 'ee-s-mpte nw
to all the swamp lands in Oregon
besides, would, not induce him to
lie. And forparties Who claim to
know Richard Williams fx
over such a nation, issHnply dap
trap. A more truthful man never
lived, and the proposition to sub
mit a auestion regarding Mr. Wil
liams' veracity upon any question
of 'tact, is an insult to the 'good
sense of the people of Oregon wno
Know him. The people will answer
nnon election dav. " who has lied, '
in a .voice tlwt will return Mr.
Williams, to Congress by an over
whelming majority. Even 1ft this
couiityT the strongnold of the Inde
pendent party,it i predicted that
he will have three hundred major
ity, MdJbejjysbut one omniunall
over the rnral districts and thai is
as I have indicated. I am no
special champion fur Mr. -Williams'
nlAAwlt Kilt. T have Rome roaard
for tna,trutav flWW MW0n.
under the circumstances,, tp siaw
.. ac T holiovp them to be.
avvf "V"
go ftr as we are concerned, we
ing eaiWiaatei ; aud -believing the
charge in this case made ag&i"84
Mr! Williams to be 'untrue, we
inrt tUo uhnv'p. denial from the
man who rea'ly did know whether
Dick made such application.
Tacoma former ' contains 177
white-men ovef yeans of age,
nflL. f t'iJona Hraiicm Win run.
nmg order.
Pendleton school children have
been pictircthg:
paying handsomely.
Pack trains perambulate tpe
KKrsare25 cents a dozen, and
butter fnAn 80 to 85 cents pen
Music lovers of Portland are
troune. i .
:mAitii!Hn otof his
E L - . . . . J Jf
legs amputated at Portland, recent-
Salt LakeCity has five miles ol
main gas pipes and about 100 street
viiA -'n rrtxi ,n t
lamps. .,((,r
The La Grande Sunday School
is well attended, and is doing much
discovered, a few days ago
chalk mine one and half miles trpm
TV 'flWffed.'"" '' " ' ""' ' ' ""a
It would be easier to eetllblBh
school on the grade.
J.'H. Taylor wm aeoideutly
mmwmmmj m '
Tueaday night, may 5thi '
niii mill laano iuithwiti
A Li' 'Grind' lAoot quarrels
0vr the m. f "Wet?
which was purchased for thepnpila.
Antttmpt,U),wdft wjld mate
through Pendleton , was the cause
of young fellow's head reaembl
ing a map of the world.
Next Tuesday, persons desirous
of visiting Seattle can go through
on that dny, a distance of 180
miles. . ., 1
Mr. W. T. Barnes has been elect
ed Commissiowtr of Walla Walla
county, to fill the vacai7 occasion
ed by the resignation of S. L. King.
Governor Grover has appointed
Charles Knoblesdorff a Uoromis
sloner of Deeds for Oregon, to re
side in Chicago, Illinois.
' Benton county school teacher
wrote to the Directors asking to
have his salary "raMd." He was
Grand Ronde valley is fast be
coming a butter making region.
It the products of the diary cou)d
be marketed it would be lyge in-
Numerous improvements have
been going on in Pendleton for the
past two nymtfis in the way of
'building, and repairing houses aiid
building new houses and new
The Spiritualists in La Grande
.. . .'
form a circle every now and then
and communicate with their depart
ed friends, some of whom hustle the
furniture about very lively.
The Coos Baj (Oregon) Coal
Company organized inSau Fran
cisco, May 8th, by the election of
M. J, McDonald, President ; Delos
Lake, Vice President; G. M, fin
ney, Treasurer ; T. P. Beach, Sec
retary. Tin T Grande Tiitm imh : A
coup'eof gentlemen were m our
office Saturday, fating that tliey
wislied to purchase lttid ; they also
stated that a large emigration from
Kansas would arrivfe here soon.
The steamer Tenino is mnnmg
betwen Wallnlartd Unriftqu
twice per week, i Steamer Yakima
from Celilo, connects, The Celilo
is running as a freighter to Wallu
la. This, arrangement is only W
last hut a short time.
Fiftyjive rjasseu2ers-.tlie laigest
number that ever went from fhe
Sonnd on one train 'eft Tacoma
last Saturday .morning, tor ttaiaraa.
About twenty Wt' tbeni wee: from
the Northern mines.
Hon George A. La Dow is still
sick at his residence in Pendleton,
rje wa first attacked with dumb
ague, but is now suffering from a
gevene attack of nearakii .ii" the
bead, and rheumatism and a gen
eral i deWlity I of the system. As
soon! as his; head nets well the next
serious ailment will be in the other
end de-feat. ,
A correspondflnti of the Tacoma
Tribune writ ing from Steilacootti
says : The Tacoma war, which wae
unneceesanly .tmwrrptt , w iw
place at a great cost to the county
through the failure on the part pfi
certain offleBrttodo their the
start, is progressing is a manner that
illustrates the old idige that "great
Indies move llow4yi,' Every trivial
(jnestion is argwed by the attorneys
as though of more moment tban tw
fate of an empire. The most bittef.L
personatiues are iwuu w
n nvlnnt that. t.l,a jnaAPB HUN HI'
eral times beeii eomnllea to orair
the attorneyato tale flieir seata
Te mWMu fftiters have
lien flhtifigllKffr Ay ty Ml legal
twhnwaliti fcrcBangeoftaeue"
anJoantiBanoatM witjh the excep
tion of Chapman, who demand
from the start an jrotuedjata trjel
His demands were refused, and
WiteonV case waa tiken up, and
Sfter three daj, wa found guilty,
and bound over to appear at the
Distriet Oburtt In deult of bail,
be'haa tekea lodging with tle
Saturday last, Mr. D. Grizale
and son found a den -. of, cyote
wolves near the residence ot Mr, T.
Wright, ih Yatnhifl comity. The
neighborhood was soon on hand
With implements to dig them out,
and they anccaeded ib capturing
ten of the young brutes. The wen
aud dogs had a lijely chase
with the old wolf, who, beame
desperate and; was about to ''ho'e"
the entire train of men and dogs,
biit finally let them off with oujy
a severe bite in the finger ot one
of the men .
Says the OlympiiCtoffer of the
16th : "Tlie steamer Isabdle,Cipt.
Daniel Morrison, returned to Victo
ria from Fort Wrangel last Wednes.
ifay morning, bringing nearly 100
passengers, most of whom had gone
un ob. the same boat, and learning
disconrag ing news, evinced true
wisdom ih turning back. Many ot
these passengers' came over on the
North-. Pmjio yesterday. They
.1.- mm. nav. nr..Vt1
iv the Stikine mines are the worst
bilk ever gotten up on the Pacific
coast : hundreds ot men are in tne
mines without a dollar, or a pound
of provisions, and that great suffer
ing must consequently follow. Fifty
men at Wraugell unable to obtain
niissacre down on the Isabella, and
are waiting the 'return of the Cal
A letter1 from Washington brings
the intelligence that a Supreme
Court of the United States has just
decided that the code practice in
the Territories was rizfit all the
time, and the practice under the
old eanitv svstem all wrong. The
, a w
opinion will be printed in a few
William Goodwin, of Logan,
Cache Valley, Utah, was cut off
from the Mormon Church recently,
for keeping Gentile boarders, and
refusinctb act as & home missionary
and sending his children' to the
"Who is Territorial Martha!?" is
a conundrum that' now bothers the
Saints and Centiles of T'tah. Gov.
Woods nominated one man and the
Legislature confirmed, or, rather,
elected another. The question is
betore the Courts.
Judge Thornton, when writing
for the newspaper, locks his office
door, blacea a copy bfthe Bible,
Shakespeare and Montesqueu's
Spirit ot Laws before him, and
pitches' in. 1 short for it idea
he goes a tkhihg. iiid alaya gete
one, from one of those books.
! Fifty Saints were cut off from
the Mormon Church hut week and
turned over to the buffetings of
Satan for refusiiig to turn over to
Enoch and the Prophet.
Halt the length ; ot the Olympia
and Tenino Railroad has been
' Turn water sent a delegation of
20 . to work on the Olympiai and
Tenino Railroad on Tuesday last.
lingers leaving Portland in
the moming, by a ue w arrangement,
. . .. it
reach Seattle at 11 P, M. tiieisame
6ut on Saturday last enfJES
to procure tiames to theTemperance
Salemites ae;iileiea over the
nroDosed erection ot new brick
building i !t : ' j in M w?V
am raidino, on
The La Grande paper says the
Operations on the Southern Ore
gon Wagqn Road will soon oom-
Tlie Willameti above the mouth
of the Santiam would hardly float a
skiff. 1
David Sexton. of Jackson county
was fined $25 last week for blockad
ing a bridge. ,;j
About $6,P00 coin was paid to
employees of the Salem Woolen
Factory last Tuesday. , "
The Independents are going to
have a grand blow up at Salem
Robert L. NeVin, of Salem, has
been tried on a charge of perjnry
and acquittea. p
A tatcm convict attempted to
desert n haunts, a few days since,
but was unsuccessful. , ,t , j,
The Willamette Woolen Manu-
faotory has suspended work tor, tfle
week, to make needea repairs.
Ninty thousand dollars com ar
rived at Salem, on the 18th, for orie
of the manufacturing estabiistiraents
The iron for the Springfield
bridge is being sent up, and, woyk
will be pushed as fast as timber can
be obtained. 1
Some ot the' night owls ofSafem,
spend their Sunday afternoons in
certain stables playing' "peM,"
which is tery wrong.
A little son of John Martia,"6f
Salem Prarie, lant Sunday, went
fishing near Swartz' rriill andeap
tured thirty-eight fine large trout
in about two hours. , fij
The sum of $9,000, has been sab-
scribed to aid in building a bridge
across North Mill Cwek oq Clrajich
street, Saem. , ,,.m w
The youngsters up the yajlev .are
playing truant frorrt school ih Targe
numbers. ' StrabetHi8s it Hht's
the matter."
s Tlie G. R. Jockey Clnb noes
(wilt be inn over the , Fair Ground
Race Course, near La, Grande, com
mencing Wednesday, May 27tp.
Mr. I). L. Riggs, of South alem
has received a patent fiom Wftsh
ihgtbri beiring date May IMfor
hismoddel for mending cracked
bells.;': ,iiii!'i Mi W
A Lane county lumber mill; is
filling an ojiw for 100,000 of
lumber to be use at Junction, all
of which show's tha Junction is
Inforrhation is wtthted ot Benja
min Swignt, who left Montana for
. . n t it rra 1
Oregon ui iotjo. Aqrasa ineoaore
Swigut, MU Holly Springy (fJum
berlahd county, Pennsylvania.
From the ABsessort.retnrng tor
1878 it appears that there was
assessed in Mario county that'year
4,771 head of horses, JO48O8: bead
qfcattle?Sl,178 head, of goafa,and
4,778 hogs.
Govenor Moses and ex-Treasurer
Hambert, of Sbfith Carolina, have
beet) indicted by a Republican
Grand Jury for breach ot trust frith
fraudulent iotei,ttone,anA grand
larceny. Warranto for ttwir arrest
have been served, and tne County
Sntlnitnr declares his intention of
prosecuting tbeto Irtgwowly.
The ta Grande fWe 'siiys:
"Rurt Wood and Wiw XiNrnby
Were indicted at tlie late term of
Circuit Court tor tba lWfeny p a
mare aud gelding. The animals
had been levied urjpnby the Sheriff
at the suit of Sommer & Bear, and
by him placed in Swackbammer's
pasture. W lieu wanted, the horses
were gone. Wood(ftQwjpbyere
iridicted and the warrant placed by
theSr in Hhe' hanvSi'otlly
Wiletori Ho wmk' Btfiy fennd
his men on Trail Creek, a few miles
Une ot the
ftle .refrantory
veiftea oysawwajolti iw-iwaicn
bmnbta km to titffeH The? are
H)f Wuinttoeoanja4'