The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 23, 1874, Image 1

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    L P Fisher
HO. 37.
Tbc Story of a KIM. .
"You wished to see roe, Doc
"I did, Miss Dallas, and upon a
very serious matter. Pardon me
if I appear to be meddling with
your secrets; I do it only to save a
fellow-creature s lite
The young woman's face flushed
during the remarks, but paled
when he spoke so gravely. He
continued :
"Three weeks ago I was called
to the 1-edside of Harry Oilman,
and I tumid him prostrated with
brain tever. I saw at the outset
that the case was a desperate one,
but hoped that skill and care might
bring him through. Prom that
day until this I have been almost
constant in my attendance upon
him; have battled with the dis
ease inch by inch; and have striven
with whatskill I had at command
to save him."
"Early in my attendance I saw
there was some dreadful disappoint
ment' beneath his malady, if not the
cause of his prostration. In the
hours that his mind wandered
your name was constantly on his
tougue. His sister told me in an
swer to my questions, that Harry
was deeply and truly in love with
you, but that an estrangement has
conie between you lately ; and I
think this blow has been the one
that brought him under my care.
To-night the crisis in his disease
will be reached, and to-night will
answer our questions as to whether
he will live or die. Without any
help but such as I can render him
he may be saved; but a man's life
is too great a jewel to trifle with,
and we feel if you would but help
us we could surely save him. Will
you consent to assist us?"
"What could I do ?" she asked.
"The plan 1 have marked out in
my mind," said he, "is simply this.
About midnight he will arouse
from his stupor, and in the next
ten minutes his fate will be decided.
The main point will be to have him
make an effort for his own life.
Should lie try to live, his chances
wll be among the best; should he
make no such effort, we might with
stimulants carry him beyond dag
ger; but if at that moment he re
calls the pst, and despondently
sinks under it, no power under
heaven but you can save him."
"And what would you have me
"Just this, Miss Dallas; if, when
he awakens, he is hopeful and re
members nothing of his disappoint
ment, we will not need you at all.'
But should he begin to sink, the
eight of you would save him."
"Hut hdw?"
""We emild pretend you had re
called your kKxu of a few weeks
"Oh, that would be too horrible!
couW never do that.'1
"Not to save a man's life?" be
asked solemnly.
. "He would not thank me for
saving his life by such a mockery ,''
she said "Why, I might have to
ear that I loved him, might I not?"
, Jf ot even to save his life P
"You said that before,'1 she said,
"'but not even for that could; I do
this thing. Harry and I have ever
V been dear friends. I never fkneied
that he could love me until he stir
prised roe by his avowal, ami then
I told him it ovuld , not be. Hew
and sav that I loved aha ! No: no.
it to be. mmm
pent .vnv.BoaaKM 4
"J have thenghl f all ways,
MissDallaR. I may not have to
ask you to do this thing that you
dislike so much, unless in the con
tingency I spoke of. I will not say
to you what you ought to do, my
dear young lady, but I promise you,
it I am compelled to ask yottr as
sistance, tliat I will explain the
whole matter to Harry, justi as it
is, and give him a correct report
and understanding of your part in
"But how could I ever meet him
"It will be no harder than it is
now. And I have no doubt Harry
will leave the place if he recovers."
"I would be glad to help you,
Doctor, but this would seem like
profanity to me."
"It is to save a fellow-creature's
lite, and be all the blame on roe."
"I wish I could do it, but what
an awful thing it is for a girl to
do I"
"I can appreciate y our hesitation,
and yet, it jrou were my daughter
I would say it was your duty to do
"Thank you for saying that,
Doctor; it decides me. I will do
what you ask."
"Thanks; I will call for you this
evening, and explain your part to
you "
Later in the night there gathered
around the bed of the sick man his
mother and sisters, the doctor and
Kate Dallas. The doctor had ex
plained to the others the part he
had'jiersuaded Kate to act, if it
should he necessary, and they had
thanked her over and over for
consenting. They sat near each
other; the mother and sisters
wondering in their own hearts that
any girl could know their Harry
and not love him,but yet, they are
women enough to know that love
can not be forced or reasoned.
"How is he now, Doctor?'' the
mother whispers, and his reply,
" There is no change. " Tliey
await the slow turnings of another
hour, and then the sleeper makes
some movements with his lips, and
the doctor, bending over, catches
the word, "Kate," but he does not
tell it to the others. By and by
there is another movement, and the
doctor beckons them out of the
"In a quarter of an hour more he
will awaken," he says. "You,
Mrs. Oilman and Ruth, will stand
near me and be ready to catch the
first question lie asks and answer
it Miss Dallas, you will stand at
the door and. come it I speak to
you, and act as I have told yon
belore. If we are prompt and care
ful, and Ood wills it, we will save
his life."
The mother: and sisters step
softly back to the bedside, and the
doctor, reading the tremor in Kate's
eyes,' waitsto speak with her. n
"louwiu. not have to say a
word, Miss- Dallas. I will play
the tyrannical doctor to perfection
and stye you, as well as quiet any
apprehensions that come to his
mind. God bless you !"
Ii was no mmmnn asko with
Doctor, Brown, this attendance on
Harry Oilman. When he came to
Melville a poor; unknown graduate,
seeking to establish himself and
earn his daily bread, it was Harry
Oilman's father who had been the
first to trust him, the first to say a
kindly word to him, the one who
had taken him to his own fireside
and made him feel he was in the
house of a friend, the one who had
honored biro with his friendship In
all the. succeeding years. Doctor
cm, repaying to the son toe debt
he owed the lather, and lie could
not have done more for bis owe 4
child. As he looked into the face
of KafPMUIPfe'tfMM ttfl but
but he brusned the ' thought aside,
and returned to his, patient.
There were the premonitory
symptoms of awakening upon the
part of the sick man, and the hearts
of the women around him seeroeri
almost bursting with suspense and
anxiety. At last the eyes opened;
the wild look in them soon gave
way to one of recognition, and the
lips feebly uttered
She could not Speak ; her heart
was too full for words, but she bent
oyer and kissed him.
"Have I been here long ?"
"Not such great white' said
the cheery voice of the doctor, "but
plenty long enough. Here, lake a
drop "of thisj" aiid he gave him
some stimulating drops. 1
"Have I been very sick?"
"You have been pretty sick, my
boy, but you must not talk. Turn
over and go to Sleep again, and
you can talk as long as you wish
"Is that Ruth?"
"Yes, Harry."
"Tell Kate--" j
"Nonsense," broke in the doctor,
"take a little more of this and go
to sleep without anotlter word,"
hut be turned to Kate, and his eyes
said, "it will have to be done."
She tried to still the beating of
her heart, but she had no fear for
"Tell Kate" Harry started
again, but the doctor after a quiet
draught was administered said :
"Why dou'tyou tell her your
self?" "Who? Is she here V he asked
excitedly, but the doctor caught
his hand quietly, saying :
"Do not get excited, Harry, but
listen ; obey me exactly, and all
win oe wen. mm uaiias ana you
have had some mmtiiiderstanding,
but you have fancied it to be much
more serious than it really was.
She is hero now to see after you ;
she wants you to get well, and if
you obey me you will;"
The sick man's eyes opened
wider and wider as fan physician
proceeded, and when he said, "Miss
Dallas is now here," he would
have raised himself, but the doctor
was watching, and prevented his
making more than the first effort.
He turned to Kate, and in answer
to his look, she came close to the
"My orders", said the doctor,
"are that you may look at Miss
Dallas a moment, but you mast not
speak, and then she and your own
people roost leave the room."
Kate's face was almost deathly
whith as she turned toward Harry.
"Kate, oh Kate !" cried he with
the most supreme happiness written
in his face. 1 ,
"There, there!" said the doctor,
"you disobey. me already. Clear
out of the room, you women, at
"No," said Harry. "Stop
minute I Kate, will you kiss, me?"
"Yes," she said, , sod she
pressed her lips to his face.
"You may go now," be said, and
he took the draught the doctor
offered him, turned to be wall with
sweet contentment written on his
face, and in a few moments the
doctor's practiced ear told him his
patient was asleep.
He walked out where the women
were awaiting him, took Kate's
hands In bUj and said, "You have
saved his lite."
"Thank Ood !" came swelling
up from the mother's heart.
From this ttoint Harry's recovery
was rapids His fteqpfi inquiries
for Kate were parried, until the
liour came. When Dr. Brown felt
theatoiy. M'teeft,be toU. There
he set about unfoltMfi strat-
agent. Harry listened, attentively,
his face turning red and pale by
turns, but he spoke no word until
the story was finished.
"I did this," said the doctor,
"because I knew it was the last
chance of saving your life. I kept
her hack until I saw it most be
"Have you seen Kate since that
night f Harry asked quietly.
"I saw her but once, and then
only for a moment. The poor girl's
nerves underwent a terrible strain
that night, and I called to help
"Doctor, I want to ask you one
. TV. - 9 T -....
question, uo you inuiK i can ever
have any hope of winning her love ?"
"To be frank with you, my dear
boy, I do not think you ever can.
I have given you a careful account
ot what passed between us at our
interview, and to me, her manner
showed that yon had no part in
her heart."
"Yet mother says she has sent
over daily to inquire for me."
"Yes, but it was at my sugges
tion, until I had told you the story."
"Doctor, I am, so far as yon can
tell, in my right mind ; am I not?"
"Certainly you are."
"The fever has all gone?"
"Of course it has. What are
you driving at?"
"Just this, said he with despair
ing bitterness, "I wish to heaven
you had let me die 1"
"Why, Harry I"
"I mean it. i'ou ought to have
let me die."
"My boy, you are too yoong to
talk like this. There is more in
lite than just loving or being loved.
Yon have your mother and sisters,
if you care nothing for yourself."
"Well, let it go. As I am alive,
I must make the best of it. I
thank you just as much as if lite
was dear to me. When can I
drive out?"
"To-morrow, if you choose.
Where do yoa want to go?"
"To see Kate Dallas.
Not to worry her, Harry ?"
"No, to thank her, and, then
withdraw from her presence for
ever." "Can I help yon?"
"No, except to let me visit her
without announcing that l am com
ing." "It shall be as you wish."
The next dav Harrv wan driven
to the home of Kate Dallas, and as
he sat in the parlor awaiting her
appearance, his thin white lips
seemed to move as if he were re
hearsing his part.
"I am glad to see you out again,
Harry,'?, she. said, as she came
towards him, but though her voice
was sprightly, her face was as pale
as his.
"Thank you, Kate, this is ray
first call : but Dr. Brown consented
to my ride today."
Her eves tried to read in bis if
the doctor had told the story, bat
"I hope you will soon be out of
ttUC UUDWi a iiesiiwh
"I learned from Dr. Brown only
last evening," he wept on, as if
determined to sty at once what he
bad come to say, "of what you
consented to do for him during my
sickness. I ought to thank you
tor, aeroapa, saving roy jue. i u
thank youjbeartily for all that you
did, and all the more bee? use I
know it was a terrible task for you.
He told me tne complete History or
his plan, and while I wish I had
never been thought of, I cannot but
She bad covered her ftce with,
her faandt'a sootiaifae began,
still kept them there. He.
a momentraiif to give her
iMYiunwYTO mesa, w
Qepitpi ,aoiwiifi'Tje at j .'
"I have ""OTrari m
to thank you only, but also to say
Good-bye.' " She uncovered her
face at this, and her eyes filled
with anxiety he went on ; "In a
few days I wiH leave Melville for
ever, but it no matter where I
am the day shall come when I
can be of help or assistance to yon,
you will remember that I owe my
life to yon, and" he almost broke
down here "all that I am or have
wiH be at your service."
She had covered her face again,
and bad he looked closely he might
have seen tears forcing their way
between her fingers, bu his eyes
were on the carpet, where they had
been a ll the time.
"I am sorry," be continued,
"more sorry than I can tell yon,
that I have ever been the cause of
annoyance to you, or have ever
brought aught of sadness into your
lite, but you have, beautiful "days
yet in store for yon wherein these
will be forgotten, and I hope you
will think ot me, if at all, as one
who would rejoice in your happi
ness and be happy in your joy.
He waited a moment, as if hoping
she would say a word, but the
tears were dropping from her eyes
thick and fast, and her tongue re
fused to speak.
Finding that she did not intend,
to break the silence, he arose to
take his departure, and then, for
the first time, saw her tears. A
wild, exulting light leaped into bis
face and eyes, but died away as
soon again.
"Oood-by, Kate," he said, and
he moved towards her.
Her auswer was a sob.
"It is my lot," he 6aid, "to faring
yonr life unpleasant experiences,
when qy dearest wish would be to
bring you joy. I shall never be a
cloud on your horizon again, so once
moregood-by.'" "
She turned her face from him,
and said between her sobs, "I don't
want to drive you from your
"Let that give von no pain," he
said tenderly ; "I could not live
here now." fu
"But it is I who am driving you
away," she said.
"No, you must not take the
blame," said he. "I should never
have supposed you could love me,
but let that go now. Oood-by."
"Don't jp," was her answer.
"I must. Ioouldnot stay and
see you.the wife of some one else."
"Don't go," she repeated.
Heavens! Could he believe his
own heart I Could it be possible
that she loved him I His' eyes filled
with light and hope again, and
with one step be was beside her.
"Kate," said be, "Bm I coming
from death once more to life? Oan
you love me? Do you fore me?
Ask me to stay but once again!
I am youre form of1 deaft ' if you
love me. What shall it pa, darling,
will I go or stay?" .
"Don't gc," was all she said.
Marth and Some, , .
Augusta f.ytle, who was convic
ted of the murder of Indian Skolla,
last Sammo was to bAve been
hung at SteHacoom laJFriday.
Men were building the gallows,
when a reprieve' was ,etarapbed
mtf 1 1 Some flaw, it seems, was
founding earliest, staof the
carried before the Supreme Court.
A Vaaeouverite, wait) exercis
ing his borae, a tew days since,
discovered a lw ,bin the
ffaiait whieh , jspoa, natioii
jawrefl ftnae 0mtM&h the
liikelilirt iiiIIsjI ii isjhn iWWaif nnnfT ,
w!jehnbbj$$ there