The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 16, 1874, Page 2, Image 2

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rwn wwtv ww'
maim aerivk:
rro iniirtjiiti (north an sotithi daily
t tutor.,
vinj nap ART
Tor Railroad (wort and dally,
close prompt at 11 a.
Kor Lehaaoa.trt-weekly, (MoiuJay, Wed
ncsdaynndFridnyiat r. m.
Offloe bonrs from 7 A. M. to 7 r. X.
Sunday, 1 1-."-
BAPTIST OIiHHCH-&rvioes at 11 A.M.
and 7 P. M. Sunday School at U X P- M.
. C. H. Mattoon. Pastor.
m. R. rncRCH-flervice at H A. M. and
Isaiah Wilson, Pastor.
11 A M. and 7 P. M. tnlavJW.ool at
tp at Anmtevflchoo atlxr.M. uev.
.v,,,iiv iTiovn. i iniitcii without 1
3 r. m.
M. B. CHURCH SOUTH - Services in ;on-
. I
gregationnl uuurcn anrriwm
Bev. JOS. bimgr) , 1
College (happel, alternate. Sabbaths, at
HAM and 7 P. M. Sunday School at
Umm t'oaaty Independent Ticket.
For State Senator:
For Bopreser.tntlvea :
.1. LAME, Ef.wviSn
For Commissioners :
Pot Clerk-T. T. FISHER.
For Sheriff' J. 8. MORRIS.
ForTronanrer-A. S. BAS8JSTT.
ForAsaeaaor-B. MARKS.
For School Supt-R. K. WARREN.
For Surveyor-B. E. HARRIS.
For Coraner J. B. IRVINE.
FaMto Speaks
TI several candidates forthe Legis
lature and the different county offices,
are expected to be present and atWress
ine voters wi mhw wv mw w ..
IO , rw 1 u v . mm
tim riiM and nlaepfl
IlaUey Frfctor . -Bay 22
Harrtebnre ... Saturday
Unmet TuesdnV
Lebanou. ... .Wednesday
Sdo.... TlinrsdJiy..
Miller's Friday....
Albany Saturtlay..
Ri.ioiws.-Tbe serv.oes ot the
Protestant Episcopal Church will
estant Episcopal Church will
m - A. 1
De new in in oiigretpmwiiw u. bhiimi wm -...
. It 11 c.u..i:- o.,.l S M Wood.
chorch, on Monday evening next,
18th instant, at 7.45 P. M-.
are invited to attend
c - w
Elder J. A. Powell will preach
I'auci v. . . ... f "
at the tkmrt House on Sunday (to-
... .11 i Vu
morrow) at 11 o'clock A. M. Sub.
ject "Faitb
. ....
All a ma mtfitod 1 1 I
",w "",,V" w
; T .
Ilia uwniuun i'"u'n.
llu, mnntinn ni vKn. ( ' . .m 1 1 '( Hill- I
cit Tuesday erenine. a committee
was appointed to take theueeessary
. .
steps towara celebrating tue coming
fourth ot July in an appropriate
manner. It understood the
Council will make an appropriation
toward paying the necessary ex.
pens ot the celebration.
Good Tbmplab Picnic A
basket picnic will be held at Rob.
ert's Bridge, twelve miles south of
this city, and two miles from Shedd,
by the Good Templars ot Shedd
andenendent Lodge No. 199).
1 - w w
All Good Templars and friends of
the cause of temperance are invited
to be present and participate.
Sta&ihea will be delivered bv Revs.
I. D. Driver, Isaiah Wilson and
J. S. McCain.
It was ordered by the last County
oe aotBorued to elect two Justices
of lb Pesos and two Constables
eteb, at toe coming ewowwi.
Habkbshah's Map of Oregon,
This do Sectional and County
Mty of OleJjob.tpablWhed by Messrs.
X ft GM & Co., of Portland,
nuppliet want loug felt It con
tains the latest land surveys in
townships and actions, shows the
r , ,
wilroads completed and projectea,
ntn Hbntnt river navi-
gtiou,ool and gold , "J
MM QUKI vsmwm rf - .
town, Itamlet and postofficej in
Oregon. Accompanying the map
is a table of statistics, giving vat
uable information pertaining to the
m. such as the relative areas ot
agricultural, timbered and grazing
land, etc It is certainly the thing
desirable for those citizens ot other
Stales who are in search of reliable
information concerning Oregon
. .
The price, for so complete a work,
is verv reasonable mcieeu, via.
in. :n mmkfit frame 82: Itoen
wiuwl u Order of Messrs. J.
. , . p,. PorllRnd, or ot
. 1
.. . t & 11 ..
jon osnay, rtiuauj
Residence Burned. On
Monday afternoon the residence ot
Mr. Joseph Hamilton, who resides
about ten miles from this city, on
the road leading to Corvallis on
this side ot the liver, was destroyed
byjtire. Straw had been swept into
tlie fire, creating a huge blaze,
which set tire to the oe ling in the
upper story, the ttue being defective
as it approached the roof. The
whole up?r portion of the building
was in names before the fire was
discovered, when it was too late
to save the building. The turni
turein the lower portion ot the
bmkding, with the exception of that
in the kitchen, was saved. Loss,
probably $4,000. We believe
there was no insurance.
Rkai. Estate Transaction.
We have the following since last
report :
Sarah D. Boggs to D. M. Thomp
son, lot 5 in block 23, Albany ; $1.
Ihos. Monteith to John Foshay,
lot Unblock 5, Albany; $800.
David Irvine, executor, to Geo.
W.Powell, 160 acres; $2,880.
wurn01 107 m acre8 tend ;
o g7 95.
Jacob U. Jow, guaraiau, w y.
jo ggj 9
...A T W Hraefiold to
j. r. cwhwh -g -
kr Ut 12 in block 1. Harrisburg
"Tt M lzw ' ",,U5WU,'
. ,n 1 1 t- 1 UaMidkiiM.
$300. ;
W . J. !3iepneiia ei i. v.
Ward et aL, fractional river lot 8,
, .
Harrisburg ; $740.
J. H. Foster to G. W. Utay.rra.
f lot S in block 8.
iiuuti pvi ' -
... AAA,
Albany : wu. .
ik,il KlwiraHawleyto W.B.
Hawley, 120 acres; $850.
JuS. OlOBIi BQu W1IC IA vuu
C3lA. .IKl'
C. W. Grubb and wife to A. W.
anrna S4IRI
"'J' w
Judges of Election. Hol
lowing are the names of the J udges
eectioli different precincts
Aihmai Poll No. is Mart
Payne, R. N. Armstrong, v.
Fniman. Poll No. a: A. v.
Jones, Jason Wheeler, D. M.
Harriilmrg -havi Douglas, a.
B. Holt,M. Fuller.
FranUm Butte loku Kelly,
H. M. Browiu Tbomu Donahue.
.WrtF. P. Devaney, Geo.
Frost, R.U Cusie.
SantiaiJ K. Charlton, IX
T. Craig, Wm, Ry.
Halm T. L. Porter, Cas.
levins, Jos. Lame,
JBrovmniltei. M. Moyer, o.
P. Cashaw, L Hasbrook.
LebanmK C. Miller, Che.
Ralston, R, Chesdk
TTrany register.
, HABBtMUBo, May 7th, 1874.
Ed. Register But s tew
months ago the moral dbjeity of
our Stale was insulted, and her
popular virtue offered as cheap
nrev to porsonal ambition. This
event was enacted in Convention at
Albany, under the rash effrontery
ot tlie Hippie ring. The oonven-
tion very properly snubbed the in
solent conclave, and public senti
ment was prompt in its terms of
rebuke against the Hip-snot clique.
Meantime some of our Harrisburg
Democracy waxed very ardent on
tlieir impreoatious ot the presump
tuous Senator. They became the
champions otoffended honor. They
were doubtless ready to attest a
martyr's teal at the shrine of vir
tue! But just now these same virtuous
Democrats have nominated a man
here, for State Senator, whom
common rumor classes in the same
criminal category with the no
torious Hippie. Voters of Liun,
what think yon ?
H. A. D.
Brownsville, May 7th, '74.
Mr. Van Cleve Dear Sir:
The Independent move is gaining
strength here every day. e had
the pleasure of hearing Mr. Ford
and his opponents, on inesday,
address the good people of Browns
ville. Mr. Ford had the best ot
the fight at this place.
The citizens ot Brownsville have
been called to mourn tlie death of
our old friend, Mr. Tharp, who
was a strong friend of the temper
ance cause. lie departed this life
the sixth of the present month.
Bis departure was sudden, as be
was sick but a few days.
Yours truly,
B. W. Henderson.
The Old Sawmill Eight
miles east ot this city, to be put
in running order again, and will
probably commence turning out
o-ood lumber in a few months,
a .
Sometime ago the bantiam too
new cut-off and left the old mill
high and dry. The intention now
is to cut a race to living strean ot
water near by, thus affording the
necessary power to run the mill.
Lumber is in demand here, and the
business will pay.
SoDA.--For a dozen or so of
soda, on Wednesday, we are in-
debted to Messrs. A. Larotners
Co. The soda manufactured by
these gentlemen is unexcelled, in
tact they are constantly improving
its quality. They have commenced
operations for the Stunner's trade,
which, so far, promises to be much
larger than last season.
A other. Euaeoe City bow
has two daily ppe, the last being
the Daily Chutrd, a neatly printed
little sheet. Tlie Journal and
Quard, both daily, wtU doubtless
go for each other's "head-dress,
"back hair,' or whatever it is
termed now-a-days, with the usual
campaign alaerity and delight.
Such is bolitix.
CoBBBSPOKWSJrrs Will bear
in mind that to mswe the insertion
immunisations, the real name
of the author thereof most be ap-peoded-not
for publioatioo, but
to save us from imposition.
Mrs. Allison authorises as to asy
that she baa not gone oat of the
millinery business, not toe aba any
iiitentkm to remove to the country,
all assertions to the contrary not.
A bnry team belonging to
Marshall & Sohlosser ran away the
other day. Pete was holding the
ribbons. The buggy lurched to
one side and Pete got out hurriedly
to see if the wheels weregettiug too
hot He got out so hurriedly that
he forgot to detach himself from
the lines, and he was compelled to
ride oil the behind part of his
pants (vulgarly called "slack") for
quite a little distance. All things,
however, have an end, and so has
Pete if you don't belive it, ask
him; or, better still, ask Aos.
Halt-soliiig is no name for it.
M, V. Brown being engaged
with Grover canvassing the State
against "litigant monopolies'' and
the "heathen Chinee," and when
occasion offers getting off an old
4th of July speech, has left the
"organ" to be ground out weekly
by friend McPherson and Mc.
is making a success of it. Mc. is
an old seed himself, and he don't
care who knows it.
Graf& Collar are getting out
some beantiful furniture of their
own make curly maple that
can't be beat in looks, durability,
style and finish, and lower in price
than the same article of imported
goods. Go and see.
- -
The ladies of Miller's Station are
soliciting donations for a public
library at that point, and have re
qaested ns to furnish a copy of the
Register tor it. AH nght; we
shall take pleasure in doiugso.
Treasurer Shields is ready to casb
all county outers endonsed "not paid
tor want of faiids." See ad. in this
. -
The shape of the latest style
bounet is decidedly e-ood. It looks
as though it had been ran through
a -thrashing machine, then through
a rolling mill, and then kicked
twice aroaad the lot.
People are arriving in this city
almost every day from the East,
... . . , i . i.
but do not torry long because they
eanuet obtain residences. There
are no- residwtees for rent in the
The Lb'a County Business As-
socistion of the Patrons ot Hus
bandry were in session on Tuesday.
The attendance was large. As the
session was secret we have notlmig
to report.
The John L. Stephens, from
Sao Francisco to Portland, on
Wednesday, arrived in the latter
city with one hundred emigrants
on board.
A" pair of horses belonging to Mr.
Nanny, with harness on but de
tsehed from the wagon, took a lively
little apinou Tuesday. No damage
Tka Mvminer fourth of July is
beginning to receive the attention
of our peoplfc A celebration is
proposed. Laroptedee whose on
on it?
J. Bloom has a very tastily ar.
ranged stock of goods, and in Mr.
Coffey he has one of the most ac
commodating and gentlemanly
salesman la the city.
Three of those fine hsoki, both
by Peters A Speidel, were disposed
of Monday. They certainly do
build elegant carriages. I
Miss Stephenson ia taking lessons
in telegraphy. Jo. beoosae
wry bdwtriotM wh the bsoorn
A. WflSEMOl. e. P. UMIIS.-
C. R. WllF.EJ.BAi
rustlers In Merchandise ami! Produce. A
Kod assortment of all kind ot Good al
ways in store at lowest mrKet.rntes.
Agent for sale of WKms, Grain Drills,
Cider Mills, Churns, Ac.; c. .
Xew To-Day.
Eor Justice of the Penee.
Through Inn solicitation of many voters
of Albany Precinct,. I this day announce
myself as a cuylidatc for Justice of the
Peace. N. I 1'ABOTHEBH.
Albany, May 0, 1874-td
Denton holding County Ordow. en
dorsed "Not Paiil for Want of innds," In
present the same at my office for payuumt ,
as interest on the same will cease fiwmtho
date of this notice. ' , .
Treasurer of lanii County.
April 15, 1874-38WS
j. e. snmi,
Kalsoiuiniu;;, Vhttewashln
j TWl1j fltm,.t, between Washington, and
ferry. Albany.
The Xew Patent
Climax Steam Washer r
Will do THE washing for an.
ordinary family in from thirty mlii
nti'H to one hour!
Requires no attention while the process
of cleaning is (joint? on; much less soa
than by the old process; the clothes rc
qnirliig no nibbing. It isespevially ala)t
ed to washinsf Lace Curtains and all due
fabrics, ami for Flannels is most desirable,
as it will not frill them as a Machine or
band-rubbing does.
For full particulars as to price, ., rail
on theawnt, BI.I HAZEL, at W. H. Mc
Farland's stove and tin store, First street,
Albany, Oregon.
April r 1ST.
rrwJM HVriTtnirvT at Pnrr1airl la rixr.
' 'III", fj ai l i i..'i ii.' a lav nriun
X ing t a very high degree on account
oi r ne
Liulies Crusade J
Also, at Jlliany, on account of the new
store whfch I have opened at tlie corner of
Washington and First street, with a nice
Assorted Stock of Goods!.
which I proposa to sell at
Bedroc k P v ice? .
J. J(MM,
Comer of Washington and First
ifpW streets. A'baiiy, 0egn.
stock of
-constating in part of elegant- -
and an endless- variety ot
Ribbons, Collars, Collarcttea,
Laees, Ac, Ac.,
for the ladies, and a ne assortment of
Readymade Clothing,
of all descriptions for men amtbeyi. Also
full assortments ot
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware.
for everybody.
The goods wore selected with care, and
pu rebated at very low artae.
A look through our stack and our mark
ed prices thereon, will satiety all that wo
are determined to place mrgiodsatpweea
thaU warrant sat Wfcotlnn to the pux
Lebanon, Oregon, AprBV.ISH,