Tit VOLUME VI. om) M(By ,f-,:i ,1 Jo,,. , Vf.ajtfeBA)nr, fcwtoW, MA' ie'rff4. I NC. 86 .BHife'i How I AnlCMl for Sellle Mitj ton. lam a modest man. Modesty is in many pople a virtue; in me it is an absolute fault. I have spent all my life in New York city. I have been in society fur years. I have been a lry goods clerk, an aavertiMug agent; and a cu.-tuin-house'broker, and yet I am, under certain circumstances, a sufferer from modesty, or bashfnlness, of whatever people may please call it. Xotl. withstanding ordinary good looks, resectable, manne rs, a good business and plenty of affection, I remained unmarried and even unen gaged, for years after the day f determined I had been a single mail long enough Not that I did not fall in love, for I loved often and ardently; but it always happened that, before I could muster courage sufficient for a declaration anil proposal, some other man would be smitten by the dian'ns of the lady 1 was adoring, and I could do nothing but hasten to reljeve my heart of affection for another man's wile. Time atter time this same tjiing happened. I could make myself agreeable in company, and chat pleasantly with all of my lady ac . lOuaii'tanecX but the moment 1 found myself feeling mmstia tenderness for any one of -them I was sine to feel so terribly embarrassed iii her presence that 1 generally put an end to my hopes by keeping out of the lady's presence as much as possible, I finally began to doubt whether I should ever pet a wife at 11 f laieWmft'tt few Avars of middle age, ami what tender, susceptible girl, such as I should hope to win, would marry an old man? ! Frightened by the thought, I solemnly- resolved that, should I ; cot again tail in love, I would promptly declare my passion, and itr)ty press mv suitill! .My resolutions bad, not time to cool before succumbed (to tlie re sistless power of Nellie' May ton's 'y.H,iKellie did not purposely look' witchingly at me withher deep brown eyes girls never do such things purposelybut by some fortunate accident she gave me a glance which immediately made me her adoring slave. As she was an old acquaintance, I did not thirtk a deliberate court- t $01 5 Pessary ; on 0)6 j con trary, I determined to tell my story at once, come of it what miglift. The time consumed at my toilet fiHHventtid night was far.more than Iliad devoted fo thaf duty even in my foppiest days. Hut, ill spile of all 1 could do, my nose' would look a little rojjj'ifiil a sliglvt mor-cut on my cheek insisted on lookiug, angry ; my cravat acted ,8rf JSessed by a human soul in the most abjectly depraved coftf oition, ani my shoes took a miltjl tpolmh only with reluetameWiK I tiitally luflelicd Mt. Mayton's mansion and rang tlie bell. ForV inU!K-,lur me, Nellie -had nejther ' rfftflwfwwliwor sist(,aWR': her mother was the busiest woman in her set, I felt reasonably sure of rinding Nellie alone.1" .rtf Iw tiW-disappointed. As -I , (vitttaw -tlie' parlor, Nellie was at ,thc piano, putting into sweet sounds an exquisite reverie of her owv ff&lic did not hear the., servant, an. iiomwe me, so her dainty fthgers continued to tenderly chase each u other over the ivory keyR, while $he balmy air of the warm pprinc 'uftvening and the soft shades; of the gathering, twilight seemed, full ym Pthl Wlh( beautilul girl ad - ftever before had she seemed to me ,so exquisitely beautiful as now; and as the purpose of my visit sug gested itself to me, I telt more hope Jessly bashful t ban ever it seeinied that only tle perfection of all man liness should dare to ask for the heart of so angelic a being. ' I strugg'ed desperately against an inclination to retire before, she should know of my prc-ence, and do cut off anv possibility of retreat. I cleared .mv throat violently. ; Nellie turned !iick!y upon the piano-stool without recovering from the soulful trance into which she had fallen, and ' with . her glorious, eyes, she looked into 'my face as if she-would read my soul, ,,,( ..SYNellie!" I exclaimed, but I could , not remember another word of the tender declaration I had composed before . having home. I was" conscious of flushing vio lently, and of opeiji.rig my mouth to speak words winch would not come; but the searching eyes which were lixed on mine read my story there, and tlie ripe, tender lips be low them broke into a pleased smile As she arose from the pianoj I, with an imploring look, threw my arms about her, and the dro p insr of her beautiful head tmon mv shoulder answered all my unspoken questions.. . ,.. , ,r,t ., 'm I led my beautiful darling to a sola, and there, with unloosed tongue, I whispered in her not unr willing ear a stry which seemed to inte est her irrcatlv. in the 3. , enthusiasm which possessed me after had regained my Kch, I went beyond a mere declaration of love 1 asked "Nellie to be mv wife. She answered in the sweetest whis. per in the world, but in words the mos tembie so ..'. ji ,ij n- .1 -n ";Ves if .mamma is, willing." in an instant I was shivering violently. Ask Mrs. Mayton's consent! I had rather have pro-' posed to half , the marriageable la-, dies in New York ! Not that here was anything frightfiil about Mrs. Mayton; on the contrary, she was the impersonation of politeness, goodness, $act, kindness, and al) other virtues, as well as being brilliant, wittjs,. and, despite her forty years, extremely handsome. Hut when ulie Jisteued to any one,1 it was with a look which plainly said: "No nonsense, now." When she found occasion to use sarcasm, she was most unmercifully sharp and bitter, and her power of mimic ry was such that she could imitate to perfection every tone of her' miserable victim. To think of facing her with any possible risk of m disapproving of mv suit was simply dreadful. Suddenly Nellie, asking me to excuse, her tor a moment, left the parlor." Out of the darkness I conjured up dreadful visions of Mrs. Mavtfn in dverv tioso and feature 'of ditdaiu, and, aside from any other cause, I was thankful when the gentle step and 'rustlinor dress of my darling announced her return. !i Wfoyw &iWiiWfl L As slie sat down on the sofa I stole my arm about hei waist, and ac1a'feedfi,,t ' .tmthty 4 "Nellie, I am not a coward, but how mil I evef ask your, mother'fi coiiseit ?" '! , ,f 'ShetrembM for a insttttil as she-AIw.Uie pressure -of my arm. ole )Uut;siiejma((e o repljul nwn "She is so ,teri;ibjy sarcastic so cutting, whence wisjies to be," .dontiitued. . ;, ,....! pr 111 it k i I Mi jus tone,' merclies-' feitMcsg, . e " siTf v Fry U1 "Voh? tt-mr" nsnKml Vniiu , -itti itnncidnroKln i.tnui.-itio if ( 'i'MiiIi mi ilr wtua 1 1-, , ,,,.''! e ahrnkf of n," 1 Mked.m L , reluctautly, ''the trutli is, she thinks you're a goose she said so this very titty .vislwo 3ml I , "Fwhaps, she will ity me a little when sJie knows ho,w I love you," wi " . " ' "i don't know 'feili' Nellie, doribiOdsly, "She ftyV1 she 'don't believe you'll ever amount t any thiitg, and site's sorjiy 4br the poor girl wlw is taken hygrpu." Qold drops of perspijatiofi stowl on my brW. "Ill mife terrible' mo ment I repented d Haviog ' tbld Nellie of my love, but the taunting she had repeated so ijisulted my pride that I cried. l "You ma be my WTfe, despite aii thiifig1 she may think ' ' or ffay !" ' "SlUb.h !" whispeied Nellie, as we heard footsteps near ;us "per hap that is mothee now." , ; As the unknown' touched the chandelier, I attempted to remove my arm irom its resting-plaoe, but my darling, apparently determined to force an issue at wnee, atid to uphold toe in my critical motneiit, caught ray wrist tight,by,: with, ten soft but very strong little fingers. Tliere was 'a hiss of gas, StnA then a bright flash, tind. 'as' with a de.s- perate attempt at calmness, I i-gjsed my head to, meet my drttm, I saw midifr thv chandelier, wjii a 'won-der-struck couutetjance., Nellie Mavton herself, whllfvfi hind )t lauirhte'ew-aiied ivcni; I.m mother,. Jh-Mi tizlitJif flocked I in ipiyarmsf ; r m . i , ' hat arc, you(twp people do ing!" said Nellie, slowly "recover ing ner senses. ' ""iww "AVhy," said MifC, Maytemj with auiair of self.forffeU'nl 'reswua. tion, "I. came into,rthe' parlor a moment ago. and took, a seat oi the sofa, in tiie'dirkvaliU this im pndrtif ftdlow-il'nMild enough to be his mother put his arm around me, ami wondered h6w lie could ever ask my .mother's consent. ,U he.u your father proposed, he was thoughtful enough to ask my corn-j sent 'first, but I supposed the fashl ion of courtship has changed since then. It wade my blood boil to bear your saifitjy .grandma called mercjiesf, . and sarcastic, and cut ting, and', all sxuts of dreadful things, but I've borne itmeeklv'tbr yourftk, Nellie, fat you might have a stepfather youpg atid silly enough to ; sympathize with you, and " "He's my own lover," said Nellie, with a laugh and a blush. as she boxed Jier mother's ears, and hid herself iii rny arms. Mrs. Mav-tongax-e us a look of mock indig, imtioii, but only for a moment, for to mojtherlyiai entirely hid the sharpness of her ejes; jtjien the ittW.!&Teade&, so much rave each of us a kiss; fohicfr Was Tike ise a blessing; w uliti3qo f The KKiMiRSjSf-HiTKSJN'ojLAMi'. Among the lot artsi is that of the eiidjess-buriiing lamp.! Itis said that in the time of JEdwar U.. Jamj) was discovered iii. the, grave oi Gonstautine, wjiicb had . .bfrt(tsinchUburial'to (hf4' a irijid of,J,29 years i alo itj fhef grave t ulliaf daughter of i-icero; was, fougda lawpj , which was, light ed at her death, 1,9 e? hforei It went out as soon as daylight was fkdnVitred. It has been stiaSrestoil 'that gold trabisformed ifitb the shajw df qfiWk8ilVer, ftd these lamps : but j tbfs 'mirmise only. ' Yet it was f certafnl frttevel device bf th; an eients to invent a lamp which would ! wg" illuminate through all time the, WTtenr iefoiit' wanted a ;m An extraordinary Wcumstance mthe histd.-y of the country occar red on the deth of Mr! Fillmore. Never before since the adtfrinirtfa. tioii of Jefferson has it liappaned ihki only one person was alivei ex cept the iiicnmbent, who had filled the -Presidential office. Andrew .Tohnson is now the Only exi-presi- dent livin; and even he was hot elected to that office, bntcame to it as Vice President on the assassi nation of Mr. Lincoln While the younger Adams was President, the elder Adams, Jeffirson, Madison, and Monroe vrere living. When Huchanan was elected, Van Buren, Tyler, Pierce, Fillmore were alive. When Lincoln was inaugurated, Van Buren, Tyler, Pierce, Fillmore; and Buchanan were living. . Within the past thirty-seven years, seven Presidents have been elected besides Grant. It is an extraordinary, fact that not one of the seven is now living., :m , tuii-.,,; r ,,'j.L ' ' u. ; 'AUmhf-yhV 'From the tiny infant in the nurse's arms to the an- cient widow 'in her1 weeds, the whole set Is veiled: Veils 'answer manvmiuOoses. Thev conoeal de. fpctSj-tl.hfighten teauty(J they ipoyer gnei, ana ejo we see a wnoie race of women ' of everjr age, stile and condition laying foundations tor diseases of the eyo through an almost neebless fashion; TheseJ blinders are of every coiceivaHe style, from the white dot oii a Ijttle child to the English crape i on its grandmother. "The' peet oulistv give testimony against the whole sa'l&wdartnir of veils, and we think they should make protest against it, even at the risk of injury to their .calling, t At least let the mothers of to-day look to it that they will lie beld responsible, in an other gen eratipiij for suffering their little ones to go veiled, as the matrons of a past geipration were for allowing turht acing and all evils which that aisiressing practice entailed. Dr. McCormac of London ad van- ces the theojjy tjjat consumption or tutercular disease is caused solely by breathing air tbaf has already been' breathed . Viewia is a health ier city, thanJSt. Petersburg, because in the latter city close stores are in universal use and fresh air iscarefnl ly excluded from rooms. Fating the flesh of tuberculous creatures wil not produce tubere'e in healthy animals to whom it is fed. Fats counteract the tendenev to consump tion. Observfrtiort shows that per sons who in early life show a taste tor fat meat seldom fall a victim o this disease': ami vhn verm, that consumptives have early shown a repugnance to such food. It is sug- irostd t hat if the anneitite for it is r Tv ' , wanting itshould, if possible, he cnaieu oy ionics nnu auuiiuanir ex- efeis6 in" wi open' air. : (" -itfc" 1 , j L '''here is nothing so tends toahorU, en the lives of old people and to in jure their health as jhe practice of siuing up lauj, espetuany. winter evenings. J his is especially the' case when there its a irrefwn-un daughter in the family; . .We pub lish thisirtem at tpie earnest request of several yoiyg meiy M j ,t '''Old' im 4jm. of 8t, Albans. was aceiislomed to insert lintb hismanlvforrti muifirralisohnl fluid On a Saturday right? h was. asked bM.ttiicWrulto-ji .took to hjst hira over csMUoay. tie rcD led that he n a, pun, but Wtfttt to p' Sunday t ne wame ouetfti '.if. At k regular meeting of Browns vile Grange No, of P' of ' R held at their. tia.Il on.tbe 9tli day of Mar, AVI) 1874, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : WH8.:..God in his allwise proifdende his, by Mtrf, lebioved ftoni pafptA ourbefde bifller, Obediali ihorp. '-hv j Jteaoleed, That , we bow ,f in humble submissibnand aflectibtoate confidence to this afflicting dlspeii sation of our friereiful ileilv Father, knowiug thatnti W,': sofler. ingi and eveu seperatioD ior-aiflime by death are necessary to perfect our trust in the faithful promises of "Him who doeth all things well." Resolved. That in the death of Bro. Thorp, this, (Jraneo of- the Patrons of Husbandry dee? ;duly appreciate tlie toast of good feend, a tattntal laborer and aaxemplary member, h)ntiw ,, Hemleed, TKat our Secretary lie directed to furnish it 'copy hereof to the Albany papers for 'publica lion, and that lie also present a copy to the bereaved companion and re latioris.of the deepAKMf ue whnm the tender sympathies anct fiafernal CQiidtlence of this Granirc are here. by rendered,' ' v H. AVERILL, W II: BISHOPy ' A. W.STAN AM), .-ssuiu "n '-a Committee. It is one of the sweetest and most oonso ling relleetioitH of , the opening easotjot budand flowers, when the brooks shal be released from their icy chains, and tfitere is a fair prospect of the gentle; JKnbs skipping from rocK to rock and h is tie to thistle, that: the nightmare rapidly growing Iwiefer, and the iron rod of the, oppressive gas-man has, been broken at t(io fountain to Some extent. 1 " " 7 . 1 1 in i i Kl.'.tf. (, A, lady at confession1 iowl edged that she used rouge "to make her appear captivating." .?But dot it make yOMBore.Jean. tiful?", "At least, holy U)gr, I thinlc it does." TJie priest took the penitent ont of the'!cdnTewfonal into the light, and forking'' rter in the face, said : "Madam, youaiay paint-without offense, , for ou are Very ugly.1' . We observe a tendeney atffong newspaper writers to mdulge in re dundant expressions. For'ilWttice, the Lousivilfe Coitrier-Jotmtal says, "Two physicians ire in attend ance,and it is thought hcaiihot reeover.'Mt would lVe beefesuf ficient in this case tOihave.saldim. ply, "Two physicians' are! in atteud-encc."-iVi;)e York Mag "P : i UjjuMv! i Cob t Higginsdh has relievedbim. elfby !tfie following beerwtibn : "I weald rather see too mash en thasiasm than not bhooglr(!: I ..Aai, I.:.. 1- .1.- a v. r , 1 l'J l,c spreau -eagie oi the stump orator is better MWe cold spirit of the city- editof " who cuts liim up. I would raflief be choked with gas than smotftereu with staioh. . j () 9it n i-f r,r , , : i Hfe.'u , A pair of readbrests are recited as having built their nests in the running gear of a gravel par eon stantly plying betwen Dujrwin and Cftnellen-Gilveralh' in Gtmivinv. A nest of young wagtails,Were also brea anring tne past smtmef under tha nlatA nf ft rftilifWtvl Atkritnlt urn imw M,nsM--i.v aiTIHlli Twenty-fiveregulaif tfafis;' besides ertra trains, wenaaiVn)BiHP,'and fourth over themyWtM'Jrfy 'fittle ml!y didrk'seterto wi'the least' mam: 3 In Memoriam.