L- ALBANY register. . . - - 1 "' 1 : : 15- ri BMsnEI) EVEHT WKBKifeA D SATUBHAV, By COLL. VAX CLEVE, IJJ REGISTER BUILDINGS, I'arru r Firji and Firt Strata. TKUMS-IN One year Six months. S!ntf!e (Staple To clubs of live Toeln'fcof ten AHVANTK. Three dollars. Two dollars. Ten irnts. match. ....... i oo " ADVKIITISIN; HATES. T -nnsiont advertisements, per square of ten line or loss, first Insertion i:each mibsomienl Insertion Me. Unfer adver tisement inserted on the most li!cral trms. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. DIRECTORY Officers of Oresfon Mate t rnuic. Mtunr -Daniel Clark. Stilcm P. 0. Strrditrii .). 11. Smith, HaiTlsbnrjj. OrwiT Win. Cvrus, Scto, fam-lkKirge Hnntefj Walla Walla. Stamril H.V.m. " tuiii Steward -Mrs. Chine Olds. nktinl Stneari-Yf. M. Powers, Siwla, Chnplniu Anthony Simpson. iSu P tt'- K 'or - Fran k Slit'! t on . Wal In W al ia Trauanr -B. A. Wilzol. Turner. CiW-llrs. .lane '5 rns, Scio. VmoiKi -Mrs. M. Powers. Miedd. Ftom-Hta. L. ;. Heed-, MeMinnvlllo. ftrrfMtlV Cwiwnif" - l'aiiif H'iark. Salem; R. M. iSarney. Ten Mile,l)ontta9Co.;i)rley Hull, Walla Walla; 6. A. Welto, Bnena rista; Thomas Mnnkers,8oio;A.B. Henry, Lafayette: H. N. Hill, Junction. Oflieors ol Central Uranjfe Ansocin Uon. Vrttt-Onl- W. f. Alexander. I'tc- Pi- M -lit James Tatom. &vr tarti A. W. stnnnard. TV wwr -.'. P. Bnrkhart. TVusfwr -P. Sh4dd. F. Powell. (iitK - p-r -Kites Fanning. Aaimth. C. Burkhnit. Moetaat Alimny.on the seennd Tuesday n each month. Home interests. Lve made of wood-ashes will soften hard putty in a few minutes. Light exerts a chemical action which tends to purity the air we breathe, and to infuse strength into our own frames. Dark rooms are unfit for the dwellings of human beings. Craxberkt Marmalade. Sweet and insipid apples, and those which are past their prime and need to he cat tin on account of decay, ... t n9l1o hv I mewing and mixing with stewed better than cremaUon. A widow, ci-anbenies to two parts apple. ' it savs, coiild warm up the bricks Not quite so much sugar will lie j made out of the bones of her la required as tor cranberries alone, ! meted husband, and take them to nuless the apjiles are sour, strain through culander, mix evenly, and serve at any meal .V valuable cement is made of tog fire-clay or ashes, according j to the purpose tor winch it is neeaea. If to close holes in hard-finished use water and the silicate in equal proportions to mix with whiting, if to stop holes in grates, use the nilicate with tire-clay". It to stop holes in iron, mix the silicate with ashes. This chem'cal, which is also Mown as soluble glass, sells at the apothecaries at' ?-l per gallon. T his cement will stick red-hot iron and bricks without crumbling oil', hot it will not bear moisture. Rhubarb Vinegar Drain off the first water from rhubarb when it has stewed 5 minutes; evaporate ft to the requisite degree of sourness, and use it instead of vhiegar for the mUle and tor cooking. It is an agreeable acid, and in many cases it can be used instead ot lemon. His a natural acid, and therefore much more wholesome than vinegar formed by the decay of sweets or by any 01 her chemical process. I t may be "evaporated (by gentle heat) to an intense degree of sourness, and kept m. cans ui ut'iiit! i" utuiv n.-c, reduced with water when wanted " Cii'fOXNCT' PcrDiST..')rie-half (Oliiid ot grated cocoannt; 4 cup ot stale sponge-cake crumbled fine; one teacnptul of sugar, one ooffeecupful of ricljt ,ailk; sis eggs. Rub the Uthirawi sugar to acream and add thfi by,ye)k!s When these are well mixed put lit the cocoanut and stir well before adding the milk and cake crumbs; lastly add the whites of three ol the eggs; beaten to a froth While the pudding is taking, whip the rest of the whites stiff With three tablespoon fills of Kiwdered sugar, and flavor with vanilla. When done spread tins meringue if lien nunc ninnu ! v j over the top and return to the oven j until slirhtlv browned ; bake about ! three-quarters ot an hour foisserinn. What Zaccheus Did A story is told of a certain newspaper pro proprietor 'ho relieved his dishon esty by a spice of humor. Thft acratit of a lartre ma'nufactur- -n ; , . turing hoiisf went to lnm to 1 0f laughter floated over tne aiuu nrotest asrainst frequent assaults in : once. i the editorial columns. ! "What the devil is the matter V" j I$there is anything more impres i asked the agent. "All that you j sive than the manner in which an j say is 3ii internal lie! But, then, inebriated individual confides the ' we feel that we can't afford to have I secrets of his heart to a. sympathetic this thiiKf iwi on. What shall we Inm.tioKt. it is the sisrht of hew do to Stop It?" I The proprietor appeared abstract- ed tor a few .uoments, and then re- j i marked : "I was thinking about a character in the Bible. Let me t was feared ihat the famous see; his name was was Zaccheus. j masterpiece of Reubens, in Antwerp What did he do? Oh, yes; he Cathedral, had been injured by climbed a tree to see the Lord ; daropn, but a oommisston recent and he didn't see Him, either, j jy appointed to investigate the mat What did he do then? Do you j r sported that the picture had remember, Mr. Agent, what he did suffered no material damage: then?" ) ' "He came down, I suppose." A Georgia paper has discarded "Ah, yes?" thank you that's cforjK as agencies wherewith to it! He came down, sensible fellow ; j im the unsophisticated subscriber, he came down." and now holds out the tempting The parable was fitting. The nrrpnt. imitated the examnle of Zae- elieus, and the journalistic batteries were spiked. i .t Kome every few weeks we .. - ueaJ, 0f tne Hdeartbiiig ot some A Baptist clergyman relates, as gtfttne orvaseof olden times, show his early experience, that lie eiigaze ;ng tnattne ,.:c, so;i dfthe Eternal to preach tor a society for fifty dob cjy ,Tt teems wy, hidden wonders. the end ot the year, he found that tlm iimmiifpp had an item of twenty dollars charged to him tor the use of the pulpit to practice in. One of the deacons, however, by way of sympathy for the pastor, pre sented him a pair ot boot-taps. In Australia they make bricks out of bone dust. The .Milwaukee Smtinel is of the opinion that this " 7 bed and warm her feet on them. Ana even in ueatu ic wouiu minis- ter to her comfort. The Dallas (Texas) Herald says: I, i.v wv y - -j ' "A sucker got off the cars at the depot yesterday to buy a 'snack and lmrro osl-ml Mtn tii triv , ,r ,Vsf,atl ' mill(r mn there wilI te i ill n j n r y " . - , - - - 'old tweuty. He gave the man in a hurry the two ten dollar greenbacks and found" Well, if the reader cannot tell how the gold peiees turned out he had better stop read - in.' alto'ether.l a 21 A wag weht to the station of one of the railroads 0.ff'a,J' fit.hng the bes car full sa d m a low ,.,,. VV In- 1SU t. iron "! ; Of course this caused a general stara- mule, and the wasr took the best seat. In the midst of the indigna lirm the waff was asketl : "Why did you say this car wasn't going?" "Well," it wasn't then," replied the wag, "but it is now." Women are unreasonable. Pfi- . 1. . I f pecially American women, wne of them, a resident of New 1 laven, deserted her husband because- he meWly caused the death' of their. tour- children. American wives will soon want to deprive their ! husbands of fill rational amuse- , njtiuiH. nen At Bangor, We., a saloon keeper made the ladies happy bv inform ing them that as soon as he sold the hnu tip would .. . . . . tint Cl .-: i ,-, teen lands 011 hand. It is proposed to open the Con gressional Library on Sundays. The editor of the Reno Crecent, the ancient Pistol of the Profession, says the editor of the Journal is a candidate' for the State Senate; of the Appeal foi the State Printer ship ; the editor of the Chtmich tor State Mineralogist; of the Tribune, fur tlio Insane .isyimn; '.'' of the Are? for the 1 einteiitiary ; of the Enterprise for perdition. ) - A flannel checked lawyer oi Bnoyras, Ohio, led off in a tem perance meeting, stating that he had seen his own father killed at his side by the carelessness of a drunken man. "Then," said lie "1 took a solemn oatli never to drink again, and since that time I have never broken that oath, at least not very much." Of course a ripple j ; . , . of young ladies as they offer their J adoration at the shrine of an un- married clergyman, promiseof a"thrillingeereal." This ; is probably to catch the d rangers. The fault which Mr. Robert i Buchanan finds with Thomas Car Ivle is. that he has "no heart tor hu manity," and besides is no great shakes of a critic. ... A lite of the great German sculp- j at eTi He was undoubtedly the first of modem portrait sculptors in merit. It is curious that in circulating j i iinranes ncuon aimnsL uas cum- j ! ait.m.Ii- Iiia ,mr .net ilJHStiS SL'VVliU-UG I'Vl Wfl. j 0f ciiculation- . A book is announced wit h the ; litii, of "Down the Mississippi j River ; or Practical Lessons Under, 1VUVI , 'i m. m ; the Code Duello. i ! Annearannes indicate that dnriuff , - - - -5 - - t great stampede of artists to Europe j and California. :; ; ; Among the attractions of a sale ; of oil paintings advertised in San I rancisc0 was 3 l),cture (lC,iml i Jackson just trum the bath. the'nrTtoonceivc the idea of basing national opera r r I o A French novelist has one of his characters bored through with an auger in the hands of" an American. The Count de Paris is said to have nearly ready an account ot our war of the great rcbe lion. Tim TmnuwlAi PllKtln 1 JlmkrV i if I I M . . . (I I CI IAV 1 1 , ,st. I'etersOurgh has 2B,rji docks j I iM foreign languages about Russia, j ' .W-- - ; Wendell Phillip is reported to : j have cleared uy nis icciures ;mou,- 000 Cincinnati boasts loud!yj)f the generous patronage it accords the tine arts. " Professor Sumner, of Yale Col-1 i Wi k tn nnlilirih Kouii a litMorv ot .,,..!.. dk ... , Ht-Zll lW Some hunters near Frank Coopers coal mine, in Clackmas county, killed three California lions and a wildcat, owi day last week: I .1. . l( A New Idea! WILSON SHUTTLE FOR. 50 Dollars!! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned :fffil ilcie! THH BEST IN THE WORLD! ElTTlie Highest Premium was awarded to it at Ohio State Pair; Northern Ohio Fair? Amer. Institute, N. Y. ; Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair ; and Georgia State Fair: FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machines in the Market were In direct - COMPETITION ! ! IWFor Herriming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, 2indingt Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. "Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named ajaove, at the nearest Bail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles tor all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange AMENTH WASTIKO. AKKSN Wilson Jewtns Machine Co, 28? , ;rWtfimd, Ohio. 6 A D V RT I S M K N T8 . PETERS & SPEIDEL, M.VNVFACTt ItKHS UF Carriages & Wagons, or Every llvflcrlptiun, A3.B.VXY, OKEUO. MAM KACTURE TO 0BDIt AXY iiml ull stylos of : Wagons, Carriages, llncks, Ac, at as lt-nsomible rates as tlio use of jtckw mtmm imi ftm-Mbm wm-k win ins- lifv. ftnnalrina neatly anil rapoilttlouslytlonu at low rates. Shop (in Ferry between First ami SeeonU streets. PKTKRS & SPE1DEL. Albany, Marrti 7, 1873-27 MARBLE WORKS. 5IXKOK A: JiTABiER, Moiiiiineiils, Obelisks, Tombs, llt'iui ami Foot Stones, Executed In California, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALEM, OREGON. HKAM'H SHOP AT AI.BAKY. "3 CftftAfiHG ..": w v UKii si labl J Q i im, ..I'i'ilX.',! rv nf nr. .1 8. oIi-iiinii'N t'omponnil Kxtract nf Kncsnlypiiwuiu iit'dwiivl. tlmn (lie fnllnvHnsr stjiinnarv of cases, tnWnl wilhihiamiiMftyalonp. l- tlittt ciiiiiicu! nliyslrlim, Dk. 11 Wli Wti sti it, in timh. S. .Murine Hospital, Sun fmwfsco. roport 0.1 In tile Aivrns Vn. 1KT" h-He AM EUCALYPTUS 4o (.'.' Xnuied. Curtd, Im'U ! mtfl'i'tX ever 3 5 .. CIillhiHlid Over 19 ; TyptiuM Over 9 ' I Iiiflmii. ofliMaeyN.... 4 3 1 IHtiretis jo 7 3 ! IneouHiieneeori'rlue 3 s I Slrletiire rt 4 2 ! IiiUiiat.oi l.liKkler 2" 25 3 Hleniiorliniii ;t n, 2 iser.s ct the Html.. 7 .. 7 OS'cn(ry 1 3 1 ; Chronic l)i;trrliu-n . . . 12 4 tioiiorr'tu:! 15 1(5 I Urw.v 6 3 3 I Completely eorrobo ative of tlio above, aretliu reports of the experiments wltli 1 Ehcalypttts by Jr. l.orrimer. of Berlin, j Pruss&i, ami Dr. Kecler, Chief Phvslclnn Of Hie' Aimtrttii) lJailwnvCo., pubUsiied in ! the Am, M-tl.J-.nr. July, IS78. I Itwlllliefomul very elllcaeinns in olwti- i naleeiise-or HyspepWa, iliniu-hitis. Haek- mif ( on.'li Clirotiic Soiv throat, Lettcor rliea, etc., and In nausea (linitijjj pregnan cy. , nr.roleuuiii'iOniiMe' ( fl Extracl of Kuenlyp- vv ' ' . Mi ' speeini prepura tlwi for tin; trentmen tof Wrapr VKV:.t imil .Mil':, 1ff;4iiv--!ind la vi'itrrntel l WjkW55L euro every ease treated "2s5Brvt lyeonlin o direetions. 't vF wltho'W fhfl Wjnvions resnits of the usual (Jni- ' ' nine and arsenical rem edies for thai disease. A lso pure Jiuid ex tract of Eucalyptus, in orte r"'i"(1 Iwtfles, tor physlclniW use Beware of imi'nliofif;, and Sake none luit loleuian's. For salt, everywhere, and by I'odw. (.'a!el A Co.. liruggists, l'orthuid. Agents for' rCgon. vn39y REWARD TOE AN VV V lirt MI:H VIWV DR. LE RICHATJ'S GOLDEN BALSAM! Ma. i. ,. :.....) nil f 1 .- .j hntt proven itbclf tho only curnUva in a certnin elm . r a: , ,..ut .... ,1 I .. I.,, .lienl HHpiitinn. era as incurable. Dr.LeBU GOLDEN BALSAM Ho.4 curtmChancroe first and second stage, Soreson tho Legs or Body; Bora Ewe, Eyes. Nose, 4c.i Oopper-eolored Blotches, ByhlU Catarrh, I)iiaed 8cIp, and all priiuary forms ol fho disease known as Syphilis. Price, S3 per hot tie, or two for $9. Dr.LeRichau's G0W1EH BALSAM No. 2 enn Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Khenm, tism, Pains In the Bones, Back of the Neck, Vh cerated 9oro Throat, Syphilitic Bash, Lumps and Contracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, and eradicates all diseases from the system, whether caused by indlacrctiun or abuse of merc ury leaving the blood pure and healthy. Price, & per bottle, or two for $9. Br.LeRirtan's GOLDEN SPANISH AN- tidole. for tho Cure of Gonnorheaa, Gleet, Irri tation, Gravel, and all Urinary or Genital disarrangements. Price, $2.50 per hottle. Dr. LeRichan's GOLDEN SPANISH IN- lection, a wash and injection for severe cases lof Oonnorhcsa, Inflammatory Gleet. Strictures, and aU diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Friee, Jl.fiu per bottle. Also Agents for DR. IE EICHAU'8 GOLDEH PlLIiS 'or Seminal Weakness, Sight Emis eions, Impotency, and all diseases arising from Masturbation and txcessivo abnws. Frlce. 13 per bottlo. The genuine Goiden Bsuui Is put up only In round bottles. On reouipt of price, thesa mediofnes will be sent to all parts ef the country, by express or Ball, iecrm-ly psckol and torn from obser vatitm. BoleAgenta, J - t . !( . .-. Wholemle and Chemists, H W.CM.aayk Snusome M Streets, Ban Francisco, 01. w m