Ml ALBANY KEGISTER. 7- FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Gold In New York, 112 K.' Legal lenders, 88iii8Kc. Nan I'miK'tNCO Markets. Wheat - si wxaa y ion lb. KluUB - Extra, iff 12 'a ; other brands, $.5 SHWI W V lbs. oats- l SkI 7 y loo ths. Onions-m 73 V loo lis. Portland Markets. WlIKAT-'fl 0561 70 V cental of UK) Big. OATH 4iC V bushel. jptora Finn : choice brands 008 oo V bbl, Baulky -4. 401 45 per cental. ONIONS l.'jii.Hk' V II. llCTTWt- Extra dairy 255' 3lJc II. ; com ! luon, 18(sr32c. Ktaw-w-ioe V ton. Pot'LTUYGrown chickens, 3 50(51 V j dozen, Wool, ' fi.'i'Mo V Hi Hide --choice dry, USo v a. ; suited, 7c ; Albany Mnrkets. Wheat White, v bushel, 73(900 OATH -V bushel, 3" ct. P TATOES- V bushel, 50 o.' onions V bushel, Sl("l so. FLOW v libl, p oo. BEAN-White, V 11,3 Uc. DiliEli Em it Apples, V lli, 5 cents; Peaches, 18 v; Plums. He: Currants. 10c BUTTKU-Fnwli roll, I52ne V 1i Ki:os Urlnyi'll. I&Ua. ClItcgKNH V dozen, & 308 8UOAHB Crushed, Be; Island, UvaiSe; -9,Viyw, 73c CoKKEE- an U'll 8ALT-1KI(0 VII'. 8YKTJP- Heavy Golden, -'kcg, 2 50; Ex heavy Golden, $1 nop gal. B acon -Hams lie. Sides So. Shoulders 7c Laud -In tins, lie y Hi ; In kegs Be. oils Devoe's Kerosene, 62 '-c ygal., V can, 5 gals., ti 50 : Linseed Oil, raw. V gal.n J, boiled, il SIX. Hidks--Undressed deer skins, 2fle V dressod, tl S3 ; dry cow hides, Hint No. 1. UAMe V tti ; green salted, No. 1, 6 7c ; sheepskins, 2.( Slle each. Funs-Otter, l.'i3each ; Fisher, Wi3 each ; Beaver, suojl y lli ; Coyote, 50S fg.Vccach ; Coon skins, 10c each. A lotttT of May 1st from Inde pendence, Polk county, informs us tlmt Char'es, a son of Wm, Thetl derow, of that place, aged 8 years, was leading a liorse out ot an en closure on Thursday morning of last week, when he fell and scared the hursts which started to run. The rojie attached to the horse's neck got wound around Charley's toot and he was dragged with such force against the fence that his skull was broken, and he died the following night. Ceing a bright, intelligent ami amiable lad, his terrible death lias cast a gloom over the whole community where he lived. The Register learns that Mr, M. Gibbons' residence, on the Wash ougal, in Clarke county, was entirely destroyed by firj Thursday, April 28d. The family saved but the clothing they had on at the time. Loss between 8800 and $1,000. A house and barn belonging to Jas. Bybee, Esq., the Lackamas Prairie was also burned down on the same day, destroying., al! the hay and grain on the premises and every thing in the house. No one was living in the house at the time. The citizens of Hubbard station have made arrangements for a grand Fourth of July celebration. There will lie many interesting features introduced on the occasion, and every one is anticipating a pleasant time. Besides the usual oration, reading the Declaration of Inde pendence, etc., there will be sack races, climbing greased poles, etc The Oakland fleams that a sonofHev. Mr. Todd, of Douglas co;inty, was killed last week. It is supjiosed that the boy had alighted from his horse to put up some fenc ing, when the animal took fright and ran away with him, as he was found with the rope around his wrist, his skull broken and life ex tine'.. Wees ot stock in Douglas county: Cattle, yearlings, $78 ; two year olds, $121&; milk cows, 818 27 ; beet, on foot, M hog, 55c on toot; sheep, $23 50 f) head. The Dallas paper learns that the recent frosts have damaged the fruit prospects in some localities in that county. Al. Graham, on Salt Creek, reports his plums entirely destroyed. Mr. 1. J. Baker, ot Lane county, will in a tew weeks, start with 800 head of cattle for the I'alouse coun try. He intends crossing the Cas- ml "SIMCAXiXj MARGIN'S AND raOMPT RETUHNS." r.-iir i v u- ml r TO v Al'PIIECI TIVE PlIBliC FOlt THEIR GENF-ROUS AX I) 1 nnliiiliti ' support In 'the past, and hopeful of n eonttnonnec anil eniitri meat of tin- same in the future, we desire through this nicdiimi to call the attention ot con. . .7:.' :' ,,,-u.llKii., . it unit I 4'llllv 1)11 ivllasod StOCkS Ot gOOdS MimerH id i .in II nriuiiji -. at Ihe above points, comprising tall and Complete Lines of all Classes of (roods usually kept to Country Stores. Lack of lime and space precludes any at V h .! ,&-.'... ..... i,.,....,..l...i , ,iiin . , . I ,wif to nnr rcnutation tor keening the most complete Country Store In Mnn county, and will only say In conclu sion, thai our House at Shedd will las found to contain, at all limes, more nearly Everytlilng Needed on a, Pann than ever before and as we have, not been In the mst, neither will we ! In the futwrc, undersold by any honorable dealer. j fTTfTl TT T J, f f '- K J SHEDD and PEORIA, Dealers in General Merchandise, INCLUDING Machinery, WagonsLumber, Shingles, &c. Bills for building furnished to order at lowest rates. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. l Highest market rates hi Cash for , EJ AIl Kinds of Merchantable Produce. 5 3 Shedd and Peoria,' Linn county, Oregon. FOR Blank Mortgages, Latest and Improved sty lee, Call at the Register Offiee. FOR BLANK DEEDS, . Neatly executed. Call at the Register Office. EOR SALE. TWO LOTS ON CORNER OF WATER and KIlsHiorth streets, In this city, on which there 1m a good dwelling-house c n talning live moms; there is a large wood shed and other outbuildings, a splendid well of wider, etc. The property 1s for sale on reasonable terms. For furl her particu lars inquire, on the premises, of MRS. S. HCTCHIXN. Albany. February 21, 74-tf NOTICE. THKCOrAETNER8HD? HERETOFORE exiting between the underslgnwl. Is this dny dissolved by mutual consent. Messrs,),. E. Hlaln and J. Barrows retiring. Thei business will hereafter beeondnctcil by s. K, Vwnug. Al) norsons having unsettleil liustness wltfcthn undersigned, will please call s.t ttutr earltest convenience. L. K. BLAIN, J, BARROWS, i K. YOONCL .j XT Ti Q tl i X J m;w TO-DAY. FURKTITURB. Everything NVw. CRAF & COLLAR, Manufacturers and Dealers in FURNITURE ! OF ALIj KINDS. Ht'RKAIW, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, MIVXUEK, SOFAS, SPHIXtt BHDS, CHAIRS, KM'., Alwavs on. hand or nuu'e to order on the shorl est notice. KfltN'ITl'UKriMiaii-edcxpeditionsly.and at fair rates. Our Factory is on Water street, at foot of I. von, adjoining Althouse & f'n.'s Planing Mill, where we invite our friends and the public to call and examine our stock of goods. Salesroom n( Driiy Store or A. '; rothcra tc Co., First street. URAF A COLLAR. Albany, Feb. 2S, 187t-2. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT. Jom BRIGGS, Dealer In A A N (i E S . COOK, PARtOR AND JIOX, S T O V K s : Of the liest iiatlcins. ALSO : TIN, SHEET IROS AND COP PER WARE, And the usual assortment, of fiiraisllilip s to lie obtained In a tslore. tteixvlrs neatly and iwawKy executed, m reasonable tonus. i shortreehoiibiirilM'lg'',lends, FRONT STOE T.ALBANY. Dec. J, 181-1 BLANK fltKIW. MORICHES STA, on tandv-lateit slylg and if), sale low, oVWS Office., BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange, Office, ALBANY,! OREUON. DET08M8 RECEIVED Sl'UJECT TO check at silit. Interest ftllowed ontlinedoinihltstneoln. Exchanite on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest niles. Collections madoand pronmtly remitted. Refers to H.W.Corbett, Henry Failing, W. S. La id. Banking hours from s AM. to 1 P. M. Allauiy, Feb. 1, lS71-iiv;i Physician, Surgeon, etc, OFFICE - Firft street, adjoining Weed's grouery store. RwioiWi kl -Ojinoslte lute residence of John C. Mendeuhn:!, near Hie Foundi v. First sircet, Albany. October O, lS73y FOR SALE ! rpiiE CELEBRATED W. X. WOOD'S BEAI'ERS & MOVCK. Huliie'H llendern, (Wood's improved.) Coquillard's Imllnnn Fund Wngon. The Bussel mid TlbnUor Threshers, (best machines o'u the coast. Statetuiim ForvelVeil Drill. Stur Flows, and other machines Call, see, and get price and terms before buying my Blacksmith Shop, comer Second and Ellsworth sts., Albany, Oregon. 39V5 FRANK W(X)D. Wi C. TWEEDALE, DEALER IN Grioceries, Provteions, Tobweo, t'ifrars, Cutlery Crock ery, and Wood & Willow Ware, ALBANY. OREGON. tStCnV undine him. b'5 NOTICE ! THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between Wm. H. Kuhit and .lames C. Van Rensselaer under the firui name of W. II. Kulm A Co.. is this day dissolved by lnnliml consent, the noil's and account's due said linn beoonilng the property of the said Van Rensselaer, and to whom, or his representative, they must be paid, and to whom must be presented all claims against i be said flim. W. II. Kl IIS. PH, C. SCHUYLER, Guardian estate if JAS. C. VAN KENSSKLAEIt. Referring to thp above, I give not ice that ll.u w,tfw ,mil ni'i'iilll'ts llllt' W. 11. KulOli Co., win be wtl'.ected by Jus. Wyutt.of the firm of Clark & Wyutt, who may be found at the old stand ot Kuhn & Co., and who Is fully authorized 10 receipt and settle the same. Pit. C. Sf'Hl YI.ER. Guardian iwtflte of J as. C. Van Ri ns- vek. Allmny, Or.. Feb. 3, Is7-Sm TO TUB BEE-HIVE STORE I TO BI T Groceries. 'Provisions. Notions, &o4 &e &e., CHEAP FOR CASH ! iMnilry Produce ol All Kinds lart'GHT FOR MERCHANDISE. A. OAS ! This Is the place to get the BEja BA GAINS ever offereil in Alhany, Partit will always do well tocnll and sector thorn selves. H. WEED. ?lfft WIHK AlhW?. Orfljon.. 5 BUSINESS CAK18. OK. STEELES MEDICAL WONDER! CI RES ALL INTERNAL AND K.XTER-' mil Aches and Pains; Furliles the Blood : Regulates the Liver: Cures Agnes and bad Colds. Dont be without it So'rt by Druggist 3mH. i n. M.JOM-D. . BIW.. JM.S A HILL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALBANY, OREGON S7v4 J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court a IT in the 2d, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in the Supreme Court of Oregon, and in Hie V. S. District and Circuit Courts. ot KKK - Iii Parrlsh brick, (np stairs), tn office occupied by the laic N. II. Cranor, First street, Albany, Oregon. toISvK D. IS. RICK, M. D. Surgeon I & Phyetician. OFFICE Flint street, between Ferry and llroadalbln. RksIdknce Third street, two blocks below or east of Metho dist Church, Albany, Oregon. vSn40 J. C. POWELL. h. FLINS POWELL A FLINN, Attorneys and Counselors t Law A ND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY (L. y Flinu, notary public), Albany, Oregon . Collectionand convcytmces promptly at tended to. - 1 , T. W. KAURIS. II. ,T. BorOIITON. HARRIS A- EOI'MHTON, Pliysiclaiig and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE -OVER A. CAROTHEBS ft Co' Drug store. Residence of Air. Harris- Fourthst..fortr loekswestof tbeCourt House. Residence of Dr. Boughton-Opposite Dr. Tate, on Third street. ovl57a Albany Book Store. JNO. FOSIIAY, DEALER IN MIPCKLLANEOI PBOOKS, Si-hiail Books, Blank Books, Stationery Fancy Articles, Ac. Books Imported to shortest po slble notice. v5u30 DR. GEO. W. GRAY, DENTIST, AI.BANY, OREUON. OFFICE IN PARRLSH BRICK BLOCK, corner First and Ferry streets. Kcsl dciue - Corner Fifth and Ferry streets. Office hours from 8 to 12 oVIeek a. in., and 1 to r o'clock p. m. Wv EPIZOOTICS DISTANCED THE BAY TEAM STILL LIVES, AND IS FLOURISHING LIKE A okkkk bay tree, Tbunkful for past favors, and wishing to merit Ihe continuance ot the same, the BAY TEAM will always bo readv, and easily fotutd, to do any hauling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. fciT Delivery t Uoods. aSpeeiHlty. A. N. ARNOLD. 2Uv5 Preinrletor. I'iles! Iile& WIlV SAY THIS DAMAGING ANIH troublesome comnlaiat canHot b cured, w hen st many evttleneea saccess, might be placed lielore yu every day cures of supposed hopeless cases? Your physician informs you that the longer you allow the complaint t exist, yoa lessen, your chances, tor relief. Sryerieuo: hap awjht thin in all me, A. Carothera A Co.'s Pile Pitta aim OIntnieut are all they are recommended to h. Will oure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles la n very short tiane asd iui arnvrniiml to w. This. preparation Is sent by mall or ex-. )ireas to any point wit hin the I'nited States, at 1 50 per' package, Aeiiress, A. CAROTHERS ft CO,, 27V5 Box 33, A lliany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER, t-I)KALEK IK Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER; establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of. Groceries, Provisions, Candies, CiKars, To bscco, Ac, to which he invites, the atten-. t ton ot our cltusens. In connect liii with the st ce ho will U. top n Bakery, and .tlUU:.:s,iwve on honil a. full supply offosdl,brea&.c!ii:kei(8,,ftu. fe& Call and; see mo. JOHN SCfrMKER. Febru;y W-H l Metzler Ghalrt Can le bttd , m the f-liaun places : Himnlsbuop., .......... ..,.,Vi..KSani. May Junction City Snifth Brasfleld ltroiW7ille. Kirk ft Hume Hajsay ......... .J. M. Morgan Seiih , ,.(wn ... ...J. J, Brown Albany ....Wat Collar A (till snrudy can also he obtained st my old shop on, First itraet. Albany. OregoOt.