The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 02, 1874, Page 6, Image 6

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IT. H. Official Paper for Oroiron.
SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1874.
i c
', I that the same thing may be said of j we have been requested by one of
The workUoesOn. ' nearly every precinct in this county, j the bsdrockers, a good man by the
The nominal made by the If this 1x5 the tn,e 8tote or way, a reside of the Forks, to
Democratic County Convention last tion of thinK' we wil1 te I vcntilte lhe r- A
Saturdav seem to be receiving the I Phoned for doubting the assertion ( n0w seems to be a recognized plank
endorsementofthosewboareowDeditL,,tt,,e icket is PT1" 0,j I i" the platform of the Demotic
by the party, men who have uo but we do beheve that it .s a goodly, if t,e charge against the
opinions of their own to offer, but I One-,or the I"1 to de j gentleman be true, he is only carry
are furnished with political opinions I feat next raont,1 8,1(1 Probab,y ! Piee the principles ad
by the party hacks or organ. As I er thinS for t,,e PeoP,e to away I v b)' hifi Frty 5 tlierefore tlie
the litigant organ will tell you, they j with could not have been nomina- adherents of the old party, the
aregood,truthtul,ho.stmen,whojted- We may refer to tliis wbject "time honored Democracy," will
cannot be bought with "British ; in a kind,y way In a sP,rIt of fail to 800 anything wrong in his
gold," and who will honestly try 'ristiau forbearance, bs the cam- conduct, and will vote him anyway,
to serve the best interests ot the
people of Linn County, if elected
to office. The litigant organ will
tell you farther, that the nomina-
tious throughout aieet the universal i
. . i
approval of the Democracy of Old &
Linn, and are certain to be trium
phantly elected. This assertion is
louinieu mi tuc iivimiu mb mm wic r . . , ., 1 i
., ' . . I Carrying out tins idea, they charge!
rank and hie ot the Democratic L, ...
. , that the Republican party was in
partv will vote as in the past, any- . .., h .
. . . , , , , UTS I favor ot "hippleimr," because one
thing that is labeled "Democrat,
, . , of its successful candidates had been
no matter what the character or ! ., . ,
... . ... i cnilty of certain "youthful lndescre-
qualihcations of the men compos- '.,,. . , ,
? . . , m, , j ! tions." And thev raised such a
ins; the ticket. The party leaders L , . .
7.7j , i i howl of vtrtnous indiguation over
have tailed to see anything m the , , ,
i . ,. , i the matter, that the masses were
signs ot the times that indicated TA .,
, , . .,-, ! led to believe JJemocracy was really
that the l'eoplc might hereafter , . . , ' j,
. ,, r , , . growing virtuous, and the Kepub-
wisll to have a word, at least, in J,
. . , , '. lican candidate for Congress was
selecting the men to whom tliey!(( , nourii Hardf a
would willingly entrust their inter-1 8eooPe easy enougi. r y
, , , ., , year expires and this same moral,
.wt.- an. ho im ..111,1. , thi.iifrh . M '
C. .1.1 .... I, ...,., 1. !,. i
the farce of placing in nomination
. .. I
time-servers, party hacks, who, have
for years past been up before every
ounty Couveutiuu asking lor, r r
office. The whole ticket, from can. i'"1 as cardinal PrinciP,e of the
didates for the legislature to Treat-1 Democratic party! The
urer, area noble body ot office-! ""atio party certainly has
seekers, each one of them bitterly ! Rnw enterprise and shrewd
opposed to the election of any other j nefi! heretofore, in adopting plat
man to the positi&u for which he is tf,rm8 given to the world only a
a candidate. This is well, and of! 'eftr or two ore by the Republi
course tlie party is petfectly satis- j n Party i but in this instance we
tied with the. nominations. Jjut j donbt the wisdom of the undertak
who comjKjses the Democratic party ing- 0f m the lemoeratic
of to-day ? There is the rub. A i candidate who brings with him into
great many men in Linn County t,,e I,arty thi8 KW cardinal Pri,,:
who once "claimed to be bedrock i ciPle. is a rewd man, probably
Democrats are not sailing under i t,,e sharpest man on the ticket, and
that banner at present, by uo means.
Whi'e we might agree tor argu
ment's sake, that the Democratic
party endorses the nominations, we
are certainly not far out of our
reckoning when we assert that a
larg majority of the People of
Linn county do not now belong or
claim any allegience to that party.
And we certainly believe that hc
nominations made on Saturday are
not acceptable to the People. Put
this a ,"4 that together. As an indi.
cation of the reason for this belief,
we poiut to the action of the Forks
of the Santiam, sometimes called
Immediately after the
adiounrtnent of the Democrat I
Convention and the announcement 26th of April, 25,000 suits and
of its nominees, a paper was, circu.,4j()oo blankets. At that date the
lated, pledging the signers not to river wafi m The guflerers
vote for or support in any way the j
ticket tims put tortn by said ton. ' the Mississippi. Tlie parishes in
vention, and the paier received w,jch the crops are ruined formerly
over one "Hundred signatures in a ; produced 100,000 hogsheads of
very few liours-all ofthe signers gugar( 14,000,000 pouiid of rice,
formerly having trained with the j $4,000,000 worth of molasses, and
Democratic party The Forks lias ! 142,000 bales of cotton.
alwavs been considered the Gibrai-,
tar of Democracy in in County, j . Mn Pottt "W corner at Day
yet she goe. back on these men who teU the f mv
are said to have been "boiftcrously 1 " was se riously injured,
iiiplby the party as its nomL J The streets and gutters of Walla
pftce ami power ! We j
-might hint that even here in Alba-
ny there are men who have trained
with the Democratic party all their om 0f the nominees of the Linn
lives, "who refuse not only to be comity Democratic Convention for
boisterous over these nominations, the State Senate is accused of hav
but positively refuse to vote the : ing got awy with another man's
ticket. We have even been told ; wife, and ot livhi wifli her. and
paitju progresses,
tit roa TAT.
It will be remembered that dur
ing flirt lact Pnnrrrpssinnal iinvncs
T. . . , , . ,
Democratic loumals held that when
man in nomina
tion for office, it endorsed his pri
vate as well as public character.
vinuuus auu uvernuiiivunn
ighteous Demo
cratic party meets in convention
and steals the "hippleing" idea from
i lirt I'niMiKlt,tnti nnvln nml alnvitc
he doubtless showed considerable
enterprise in getting away with
another man's wife ; but the People,
these old-fashioned fellows, yon
know, the taxpayers, will fail to
see that his endorsement by a Dem- j 8orehea3f. ad wi certaill,y mAe gentleman's lace up against the win
ocratie Convention makes the matter . - .. ,, , i , . ., , , ,
any more honorable than a similar
endorsement by a Republican Con
vention. The telegraph gives an account
ot a tremendous flood in the State
of Louisiana, rendering three hun
dred families in Baton Rouge
alone homeless, the town being en
tirely submerged. The U. S.
Quartermaster had transferred to
k j;-f,;K.,t;., ih '
nnmber 25,000 along the line of j
Walla are to be cleaned in order to
make the frogs more comfortable.
inererore we wouiu oniy ue wasi-
inc timo tiiiik'r and ink in chnwii:r
I " a r-c n
up SLich 'little youthful indiscretions.
In fact there seems to be uo
ditl'erencc atall between the Democ
racy and the Republicans, as in
Douglas and one or more counties
of this State they have fused, and
nominated a "Cayuse" ticket.
Having shaken hands over the
"bloody chasm," adopted the ame
platform, advocating the same prin
ciples, they are now fairly started,
on the road to glory together, each
singing the praises of the other.
Men who were once denounced by
Democrats to a waiting world as
biack-hearteit abolitionists, "ring
thieves," etc., are now warmly em-
braced by these same Democrats,
ami pronounced paragons of honesty
and virtue. What a change, my
countrymen! The time ( has come
here ih Oregon, politically speak
ing, when the lion and the lamb
have laid down together. The two
great parties have found it ex
pedient to unite; and for what
purpose? To defeat the will ot the
people While they have asserted
that the Independents, the Tax
payers, were composed of a few
soreheads, and would make no
figure at all when the vote was
counted, yet they have deemed it
wise to tuse, and by putting up a
ticket composed ot Democrats and
Republicans, make one grand effort
to defeat the will of the People as
expressed in the nominations made
by the Independents. It was ever
thus. Of course they believe their
own assertions that the People's
party doesn't amount to a "hill of
beaiiK." eomnosed as it of a few
uu miow iii me . caiiase, jeii -nu
here's the rub they seem to tear
Lthat they have pomibly been led
into error in making such assertions,
and to provide for this pomi'dtiy
they are willing to make any sacri-
flee of principle, eveu to fusing the
two (mat nlturt nawin a,,d
miming but one ticket ainst these
interloping fellows, the People.
We are certainly of the oninion
that the fears ofthe nolitieAl leiulem
are well grounded ; and we further
believe that, no matter what com-
.binations may be effected by the
okl political parties, the People will
crush them at the ballot tyox. The
People are thoroughly aroused lumbia will leave Wallulo on Aln
have gone into this tight to conquer, j days and Thursdays tor the dpwn
and the puny hand ofthe politician ! trips and going up will leW Celilo
may not stay their onward march to ! 0n Tuesdays and Saturdays.
complete victory.
A bundled guns Were fired over
the News concerning the P. D. fc.
S. L.R.R., in Portland Thursday.
New buildings have been erected
already on the burnt district of
Md-Fnstalonf4l IHkIiwrj Rob
bery. A teVumm dnted
i'iI! ia, Ap;-i. 28
anta Ciue,
grives the
fashioned highway robbery: The
stago which t$ fan Jose this
mrnhicf, at 0 o'clock, was
FMgv? I I'jf f"" I djtiwn at
halt-past two, about five miles this
sid" of Tti:igt')i', and sixteen
miles from JNinta Cilara. There
w.?r? t'-i.'" men ai j tw.. women,
l'sii - li e drive r. u ! c .-tage.
i in; lolhn'.; . tepud into ti.e road
in front of the f;a". with double
barrelled guns, cocked, and ordered
the driver to stop liU horses, which
he did w
ul 1 citation, as the
c gnu- loc ked very
muzzle,- or thi
large, they
Fargo & ' si
ilcioa id d Wells,
evprt'ss h a, which
the driver fwformsd tlcn he did
not have, as it was hot carriel on
that route. 113? thtn t:-! that
they wished to go ihrongh the
passengers, who were or'enul out,
but as they hesitated, tlw robbers
said to hand out Whfit money they
! r;d, which the led
n do. The c lltviiiui wnj railier
light, only about $20 altogether
Iwing taken. A goll and a silver
watdb were demanded and handed
ovi : The gold watch -as vorth
$100. Tiio robbers were masked,
and evidently new at the business
one bemg very young, while the
other, a heavy-set man, was of
more steady nerve, taking the
money, while the young man held
his guu very nervously, and but
m"! V7f
lit i! l v.niii.. .ii, t. 1 ... -nni. nun
lll.l,. Tl .1 . t .
who robbed the stage on this route
a few weeks ago The other was
light olmplexioned, slight build,
small hands and feet. Both were
well dressed in dark new clothing
ot fashionable cut. They were
gallant enough to make no demand
upon the ladies, who were some
what frightened, but not molested
i:i any way. After taking up the
collection which was carelessly
done, the passengers retaining most ,
ot their money the driver was
ordered to go on The fbllowingis
a list of the passengers : H. Fd
leson, Geo W. Converse and wife,
William Brothers and Mrs. Brant.
The citzens of Weston, one eve
nidg last week, were thrown into
a little excitement by a pistols shot
about 9 o'clock at night. The facts
appear to lie these: A certain person
undertook, on last Wednesday eve
ning, about nine o'clock, to visit a
certain family, when the husband
j was aliscnt. The lady, who slept
witlf one eve mien, discovered the
now jijiiie ui ui o: iiei oeu-
; room. She instantly called to the
j person to begone, at the same time
j discharging the contents of a
pocket derringer at the receding fig.
i are.
' '
' Camplx'll.cnndidntetorGovornor
! on t,ie Memtnt ,,aR ",et
r,om"or Gtow' and ' ir0VPl
i not B61 aw'a-v with 1,im as "eas-v ns
.i i i
as ieinocrauc journals
! PriHllctca W tMottW hand it
1 ls rePyrted tli3t ""pWl welted
1 T P"r (,ovornor 80 mtrf Ltbat
j eve" '
Hereafter the boats on the Co-
The Jacksonville Literary So
ciety are preparing an entertainment
for the benefit of the sufferers by
the late tire.
The Dutoh teem to have got the
best of the fighting, so far, in
Qmerftl lew?.
A blooming woman in Unonter
costume has put in au appearance
at Walla Walla.
Uy the death of S. D. Smith the
position of Postmaster hi Walla
Walla is made vacant.
A. J. Kay has been elected
Chief Kngineer of the Walla Walla
Fire Department.
(ieorgc H. Roberts, of Wahki
akum County, W. T.. has been
appointed Notary Public by
Governor Ferry.
The meetings of the Second
Adventists at Walla Wal'a have
been commenced at their tent, and
have already awakened considerable
Messrs. J. and G. Caches, of
Laconner, W. T. intend enlarging
their wharf and also building a
grain warehouse for the coming
season's crop.
The printed statutes of last ses
sion are now coming into the Secre
tary's office at Olyuipia from the
bauds of the binder. They make a
volume of 786 pages
It is reported that the wrecked
schooner Flica, as she lies bottom
up between Victoria and Fsquimalt
, barber, has been sold for $100 to
Messrs. 'tarr and Stalsnridt.
Mr. John Campbell, ot Skagit
Valley, has discovered quite a fine
tract of open country on the right
bank 6f the river, ten miles above
the jam. One or two settlers have
already located there tor the pur
pose ot raising hops on an extensive
The weather of late in Baker
County has been very disagreeable.
Farmers are feeling somewhat
anxious in regard to their grain
which is in the ground. It is al
most certain to rot it the weather
does not get warm very sxm.
The waters of Coos Bay are full
of herring, those delicious breakfast
fish, which are now to be seen on
every hotel table in that vicinity.
The Indians spear flounders at
night, while the American fisher
men catch herrings with rets every
Mr. Underwood, ltvingiii North
Salem, lost a fine cow, last Friday
by being poisoned from drinking
water from Mill t reek, in which
coloring matter had been thrown
by factory hands. This is the third
or fourth cow which has been
killed by the same cause.
In the adjourned Democratic
County Convention at Albany, last
Saturday, the Soap Creek "orator"
of the occasion nominated tor one
ofthe offices a gentleman who had
lieen dead tor a year or more. The
Chairman, in a half waggish way,
suggested that perhaps the gen
tleman from the classic shades of
Sosp Creek was thinking of General
Jackson, ft required everal
minutes to restore order.
A man supposed to be Tom Fu
son was shot at Weston last Friday
night. He had been drinking, apd
attempted an outrage on one ofthe
'ladies of the p'ace; which she
promptly resented and fired nH)ii
tbo villain, who tied, but shortly
returned Bud commenced prowling
around the premises, wheir he was
again fired upon by the insulted
lady. No arrest has been made. At
last accounts the party had fled from
Weston ; and was at Pendleton
or irt th'at vicinity. Whether the1'
nhotB took effect is hot kuowin