fUHISKKO KVFT.Y WKBNfaSDAY AND By COLL. VAN CLKVE, III s(C!Tr BUf t tllKT.R Conwr trvrp md First A'tfwts. TKMS -IS ADVANCE. f-' . fart. v, Three dollars. .li months Two dollar. tnjfie oopn.v, ...... ion cems. to clubs of (1t:.v.;.. I ;.l'60 each. UiHJil'WM, KATK8. Transient advertisements, per square of I .... It... I.m. afr i,. .. ,,.,.. il miol uTwoqueut Iasertion 50c. Lanscr advcr- isemenw laserraa on mo mom, tiDunti shonld 6edf respectable size. We unruiy snow ot an instance of youi men mins blitvtiv mi,, th kiuino 1 J "J w,im , -, with SOOlieafl wtid haw not lost their whole investment ' H ffeme Interests. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. DIRECTORY. Officer f Oregon Slate I "run:, , Mofcpr-TWrilel Clark. Saleui P. 0. Seerttarg-i. IT. Smith, Harrisburg. Omfr-Wa. Cyras, Scio. Hirer ucoi-!?.Hunper, nana nana 5wrtf R.P. Olds. . J.. . ..... . Wu ' t . . .I, , tc; hui w . r tiling tntit unrrf - W W t,m-i.ra sh,,,t,t ,war. .... .1 . w.- 1F. V", WV..M AnMt Anthrtnv ttimirann i r.rv ,, I I : .. Jf, . J,',-, i , 1.' 1 1. atutltAn Wall.. W.illn 7Wnitr B. A. Witzel. Turner. Or-rSlr .tone Ovnf, Selo. f i'J Jlmma -juk M. Powers, Slic'dd. 4Mki. Mm t ' I : i Mut....lll.. . &,v:i:,iv,!,in,', . Ditnieiciark.Suicm: . ni- wit. . ...... m m, wnimsy. ten .unit. uu-iHMi..;i.fney .Uull, Walla Walla; (i. A. Wells, Buena U9IA, i !!' Mllf " . 11 IIKI'I, OUitt, A. 0. HUIirj Istiayeite; H. N. Rill, Junction. ORIttia f Central UraMge Aaaaela 1 ttou.' . i . Ptiilrt-N. P. Alexander: 1 11 1 ; I Vjcc Preskkwt James Tatom. eroWru A. W. Stannanl. 0teir-C. P. I(n rk hart. ttMm Shertd. K Powell. Oatffrrpr Ellas Fanning. -towKI,. O. rinrklmrt. Meets atAl'iany, on the second Tuesday n aant mteth. vff Bocceas with Sheep, There have been indications for dome .time and from various quar ters, that wool is going to advance in price. The demand appears to WK&vy in Jgnglatid, and this at, feots or own market. We have watched the sheep and wool busi ness for twenty years, during which tint there were wveral panics, sheep being butchered for their pelts Md tallow, but immediately after, prices rose, and theu every sheep wis saved. Meanwhile, those who kept on steadily and sold at the going prices have done well, while those who held wool over a year or so thercatter were well paid. The troth is, there is no better business, year after year than that of sheep husbandry, for the reason" that the increase of our popnlatiun is so eon stut and great as to keep up a steady demand for all kinds of woolen fabrics. As it has been in the past, so it is quite likely to be in' the future, and those who have sheep may . satejy get more. , But lfno1neperfericed haddS rush ! In, for complete knowledge is required aud ctm.-ia.tt attention. . The best wav to Vet a 200(1 flock of sh'eeD Is f a o r to raiiw them, because there are but few chances to buy such sheep as will pay to keep, unless at high prices. lie who has good sheep knows it as well as anybody else, and as a general thing if he oners to sell sheep they will be culls. A begii.iti'i should buy a few gobd American mertttoi say from twenty to fifty, and if they are really good that is young and free from dis eai there' is mim inert- and money in them than in a flock of l5dtahVbfd, scabby,' and otnet. wise unsound. In tact, such slteep are nut worth the feed reutiired t- winter them,' and the best use to make of them is to send them to the butcher, it such a thing is al lowable. By commencing with a few sheep a pains-taking man can learu how tt Haanage them as fast as thoy glow, being tike some school-teach-ers, who lrn as fast as their schol .an.io.'.' It ;wili take from three to m mttftetu the heep busi- , ana ny was time Ban rr: J r Poi-OvBknW; thw cups of milk, three of flour, a little flt, oik." teaspoon of yeast powder. naice m gem pans JiAWOOK. -One pint of meal. scalded with nearly three pints of milk, a small cup 61 sugar four eggs a little salt. Bake nearly two hours. " u ' Qi'iok ituFFms One quart of flour, one tablespoon heaped of butter, two teaspoons of yeast powder, two tablespoons of sugar, iKl'tut amnt n IimIa calf m..iM.in. i gfo, llltn. Nit, MttlK Ivltl m;n. ,. -..1 -A L-.. ... J tun it u iuaac a huii oaiier rliear y pint. Bake as above. Fresii Roma Take about three pints of flour a piece of butter the sine of a walnut, mix with milk (warm); the whites of twj eggs, well beaten, two tablespoons ot good yeast ; when risen make into rolls, let them stand to rise amiri and then, bake in a quick oven, A little salt. Goon Common Bhead. .Mix- one quart of flour with milk and water sufficient for dough ; have the milk and water warm, a ni nf otuier, nait tne size ot an egg ; add two tablespoons of good yeast; when risen, mould and nut into your pans, let it stand till aain .-: a- O risen, ana bake in a quick oven. A utile salt, it you like. PoAcnsi) Eos. Have the water in the stew:pan boiling, break one egg at a time in a saucer, slip it caretully into the hot water, and let it remain until the white is thick and covers the volk: then lnv it. carefully on a toasted aud buttered mioo oroaa. Olio or to riroi of vinegar put into the water tend to hold the eggs together. Milk Toast. Boil one quart of good milk, and one-auarter nound of butter, more or less as you wish the toast rich. Toast your slices of bread brown, but not scorched black, and pour the milk over hot. Some like the the milk thickened with a little flour one teaspoon of flour wet up with water and stirred into the milk white boiling. Dry Yeast. If you wish to keep your ye?st for a hm time. thicken the yeast with corn meal until you make a thick dough. Then roll it out in a quarter ot an inch in thickness, cut it into small enkes. and drv on a clean board in the suri. When hard, pack them away for use in a dry place. On cake of this, put into warm milk or watei. will be sufficient for three pints of flour. ' OytSTRfe Pirs. Make a rich crust as for fruit pies, line a deep pie liU with the crust.- till .thn nlato with drybread, and bake affertty ingonthetop crust; when done, remove the top crust carefully, take out tne oreau ana n l with t ho t.vv ters they having been prepared by stewing with butter, pepper and salt and a little thickening, and cooked a tew nijmjtes previous to putting them in; lay on the top crust and serve. ;CMfrkWf Podding. One-halt pound of grated cocoamit, one-half pound ot stile sponge cake, crum bled tine, one tea cud of sncar. hup coffee cup of rich milk and six eggs. Rub the butter and simar to a cream and add the beaten yolks. 1IT1 . , vvnen wm arc well ratxedA jut in j the cocoannt aud stir weil before adding the milk and cake crumhs- lastly add the whites of three of the eggs, beaten to froth. While. t.h pudding is baking, whip the rest of inewnites suit with three table spoons of powdered sugar, and fla vor with vanilla. When done, spread this meringue over the tpp wiu rwini io me oven until slightly j browned. Bake abmu three -quarters olu hoar. (Vntiihieil from 1st page. was only too glad to seek the shel ter of the interior of the building. Several other disturbance of a like tature took place, but they wore ! short duraUnn, and i tsulttil in nothing serious, (he reinaii ing gong was kept going, and the tin can accompaniment wis ex cruciating. Some gentleman, whose name we could not learn, at lenstl secured the gong; aud before tire crowd knew what he was about he had started on a full run down Morrison street td the river. Of- fijer Bjsc) iti several others start eq in Jiirsiiit, ibut failed to capture him be'bre he h.iil fnllilled his niission fflat'ff throwinsr the in strument into the stream, where it at once sunk to rise no more. He was at once nlaoed under arrest and conveyed toward the City Jail, but was finally released without incaroeraUon, The spectators con. tuiuea to hang around the scene, and even the ladies appeared de termined to remain until dark. They remained seated, alternately' praying and reading selections from Holy Writ. At times they were almost crowded from their seats, but they evinced no signs of fear. At length, after :i four hours' siege, the only outward display of op position, was the rat-tat-tat of a stick on a solitary oil can in the hands of an inebriated individual. The crowd did not seem at ell inclined to disperse after the ladies had gone home, but continued to stanct around the corner, talking over the events of the day, and wondering where it will all end. There has not been so exciting a day in our city since the great fire of August 2, 1873. We know not what the pro gramme is for to-day ; but, he they what they may, we shall endeavor, in chronicling the events, to adhere strictly to tacts, as we have striven to do in recording the events of yesterday. On Friday a delegation of 21 ladies sat down before the same saloon, and began singing aud pray tnsr. Thev werfi unmolesf ivl far n time, but eventually Chief of Police i.apneus, with nveorsixno twmpn arrested the ladies, on complaint of irioneu, ana marched them off to jail. The charge was "disorderly conduct, making a loud noise, dis turbing the peace and dignity of city." Cronin for the city and Par rish for the defense. The ladies were discharged on their own recog nizance to appear the next day at 1 o'clock P. M, A writer in Fun. a London paper, doesen't like civilization. He says that it has introduced into Polynesia maii-pox, drunkenness, missionaries, 'and dtber mortal diseases. He laoks back upon the happy days when each family grew us own wood,, ana tailors' and dressmakers' bills wefe unknown ; wiieu the skin ot the wolf, covered the human body and the animals kept down the -surplus population by eating np any young member of ;i lawny wie parents desired. hen there is toothache. The aborigines had teeth like ivory. There is also neuralgia. "Picture," ; ays he, '.'Pocahontas with a', poultice of camamile and popy-heads." He proposes to form auanti-civilizatiou society, (or at that narti;utar mn. ment of writingho was suffering from civilization in his left cheek. He should go and offer his services to King Coffee. EJe might fall heir to some of the 'grounds." A Hew Idea! saffiiKrimAHii PETERS &8PEI0EL, MANUFACTURERS OF WILSON SHUTTLE Ml MM m S flap - f? a 1 met ft ytpta.A Ti" FOR 50 Dollars!! FARMEES, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned Heueiiiaii! "Linger not, darling," she paid to him, as he stood, on the porch pressing ner Hand before he bade her farewell tor the evening. He did not linger. He saw the old man coming up the street at a rapid gait. He lingered onlv lour , .... P . J a euuugn io pun nis hat down over h eyes, spit 4m his hands, and uounu actively tor the sidewalk. It is generally believed that the President will approve the hienate Finance Bill. Of 1,009 applicants for citixeti. ship at New Haven, Conn;,' IkW. only 788 irtre admitted, KSTINTHEl Highest Premiura was awarded to'jjij'ift- .' ' Olil State Mr; NortaerOhloijipr ' i Ataer. InsUtate, N. l.j Cincinnati Exposttlt is ftposMeR j St, Utiifklrt ' Ml' Lonlslana t&tf$fff 'k M;,isip?j FOR BEING THE BEST SEWtHG SUCHIHES. and doing the largest and best range or work. All other . Machine in the Market were In direct COMPETITION ! ! t&'For Hemming, fell ini,StitdMn Corfting, Binding, Braiding. Embroidering, Quitt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed m Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Bail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for ail Sowing Ma : ; cWnes for 't'i Carriages Wagons, or iwtr ifmitioii, ALBANY, Won, MANUFACTURK TO ORDVR . . and all styles of UKU1!" -T Wagons, Carriagca, Hacka, c., at its ruasonaWe mtm as the .. W ,S0n Ft,rr- '-'tn First and Second Albttny, March 7S8P,D MARBLE WORKS. woxroeXstaiger, Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head anil Foot Stonei, Kxeentea in California, Vermont and Itallaa "till UIC. 8AI.EM, OREGON. BKAX( NHOHAT AI.HAST. WilMn Mntvlnx Maciilne i o isjrt'HtL&s ,i U Mevetand, Ohio. i Mil ,.. itmrubt 1 .(. fcUCALrPTUS a 4 25 19 a 9 18 i i a t i 4 . wnsi '-initirni evi- K 3lHiM htntu W"'m ;nm.olItMdf(?r .... 27 ''wMi'oran' i...-.t" ? Iynrj .... " i Honorrliirti it Completely con ()i'o'aiit (. of the .w mta, etc., ,,.! ,n nanet tnrfn!f pregnaiv nr-ruIpnnuDonlilc Exlmef or Knralyp. mm snecial prepara tmn toi inolreatoieittoj rKV.. nn Afilm. Pand i Ha, runted to 0frrery caw treated . acrtimtnff to direction. wnnrmt the injnrlon srtrsorthonsimlOtH- t.iifAii,.. '""Pa"U ar?nica reM- I, at..'hw"w- Also t'nre fluid "i- &&fi$r ,n on Pound DoMlW. ror pnysiuiaiiti' nun it..v. 'rr1 like none mt ' "L""ll"i"f ir tT-n-rr it I'rqgpists re. and ty Hodite (.'olet 4 i I'orfland. Agents fortregoir w EEWAED FOR AN Incurable Case! X 71X9 T P -DT-i-tTT90 GOLDEN BALSAM! i Aftl i&rt ...Kit ti.f am 41.1k riAua tL. ofdiieaaetpraaotuuieil by medical jmcttttofr. Br.USIehn'g GOLDEN BAUAMHo.i iCbaodrttarjttnd bcoo1 tUge,8iMan CojMoiorSt'llotcheB, BypSfllnf Oitot! Quawad gulp, uid .11 primwy Intel of tM .. . tut i oore mroai. nvimiiitic. Huh r.m., I riAnrniefiul IMtit MiVn. -TtvL t ii. and eradicates all dluaiei lrom tne nttest whether cauud by Indiscretion or ibtueof Dr. U Midi GOLDEN SPANISH AK- tttote. folthe Cure at Oonnorhtea, Oleet, JxA toMon, OraTel, and alt Urinary or OrnitiJ Mtaanpaata. Prjco, f2,S0 pet bottle. Br. k Hlibao'i G8LDEH SPANISH IW Jectton.awath and injection feraermam ot Oonporho., Inllamm atory Cileet. SMotnna tiom. Imwttnn JgfcMttoniHid excti?e baw, Srlce, P mm (towtv Sluat ttmintti1latH.jttuu . rr. ... ,L MHBt or mail. I 'Mwr aaeiMlaitd (Ma tew eW X CaamitU, g. W. cor. CUyYamu mm, mb mBelaeo-, .-i i i t :i. ..' . . .,...- . j t.Jl... . j-i , j' ..... . .... 1 " - - ' " .71 r iV.-. . -mpwom,:.'!