- I FINANCE AND COMMERCE. OoM In Now York, USK. Legal lenders, 8889c. Nan r'rartetae wheat $1 ma WShllML' FLoini Extra, VH : Othcrbrands, l5ioTVlb.. ,m OATS; l K"-' T ,u" "! OSlB-t7!VW11J8. lortlniil Marheto. Wheat $1 B.oT-l 0 V cental of 100 n. OATS- tic i bushel. FLOVK-Firm ; choice brands ft OOOG 00 ) hbl. Baulky $. 405a 45 percental, Onions 1.&U'c V D. Bi'ttkk -Kxtm ilairy 2"&30c V ft ; com uion, 18(f2c. ' Eoos-lSftiOe dozen. Poultry -Grown chickens, 3 504 V down. Wool- 2-JS.ric Vtt Hints-Choice dry, ISc V ; wilted, 7c. Albany Markets. WHKAT - White, V bushel, 75&8QC oats - V bushel sr ets. p t atok.s V bushel, so c. Onions V bushel, K(1 Ml ELol'R -V lt)l. il 00. 11KAN8 -White, V JSMO. Dried Fur it Apples, V tt, 5 cents; Peaclios, 15?c: Plums, 14c: Currants, 10c BCTTKB Presh roll, lx20c V . K(is -V dosen, im CHICKENS- V dozen. 505S3. 81'Uars Crushed. He; Inland, lOfflWc; San Francisco rctlned, 12,Hc V Tea-Yoiiu.' flyson, (1 28; Japan, 75c CUl'FKE - H' 10. SALT-l,(.t-2Vc V. ' STKUP- Heavy (iolden, V kcR, $2 50; Ex heavy Golden, 1 on al. , u , TJAOON-Hams 12c, Sides 8c. Shoulders 7c 1, AM) In I ins, lie V M ; In kegs. 9c. OlLs-Devoe's Kerosene, BlXc VksI., V can, 5 pals., i 50 : Linseed Oil, raw. V pil, II 2,loile,d,l T. HlDBB-UndrcMed deer skins, 20c VJ'., dressed, l M ; dry cowhides, Hint No. 1, 1214e V ' : ftroen salted, No. 1, B 7c, ; sheepskins. MotMoeaoh. Fims otter, l;aJ3 each : Fisher, (lots each : Beaver. MXgLt V ft : Coyote, 80 62c each ; Coon skins, 810c each. The question of cremation has gone no short distance on its way to acceptance when a puoiic meet ing is lield to discuss it. But it lias gone further in Switzerland and Germany. At Zurich, where bur ial ground is growing contracted, 2,000 persons have subscribed to ward an association founded in favor of burning the dead. At Basle the movement has received the public approval of orthodox clergymen also on the ground ot promotion of health in the community. In Ger many the newspapers arc talking about the matter a great deal, while one tirm in Berlin has adver lifted the invention of a new furnace in which to perform the operation. And, last, a church-warden ot a Jewish Synagogue in the same city has proposed to establish on a new burial-ground, recently acquired, one of these furnaces. Pardon ok the Foxks. It is announced that the President has pardoned Leander and Byron Fox, ot a New York book and publish ing tirm. They were, at the in stance of Anthony t omstock, Pres ident of the Y. M. C. A. ot that city, indicted tor sending obscene books through the United States mails, and on trial were oonviciea. The sentence was to lie fined $500 each and to be imprisoned one year. The; IYetfideiit remita the imprison ment, but holds them to th, fine ,and costs of prosotion, SixJUroest Steamers. First, ,htt Grout Juttxfrn 678 feet long ' 1 W 1 ... '-J XT rt'i nf ami i oroau. j. sjr v Pekitty belonging to the Pacific Mail Company 6,000 tons, 423 .feat kJig and 4? brow. ! The 'Lwnew, Pacific Navigation Com-pany-4,820 tons, 460 teet long and 45 broad, The Sritamk (Wnite Stav ltiie) 4,700 lou, 455 iat tow bii4 45 fcnad. Tltf ,Q''.V '. Bwhmm' to., and the ' Rpffixt , (CnrtaTd)4,500 tons, 425 feet long id 42f broad. .. Wt I! '! ' ';.' ! 'J,1 '' ' ' 100 AUIC1IIIIBM XMJ" j: ''NebuchadpezryaR npt the first -rtfcgw3 Rv iniid qrtile a ropu Ution iri trie appTe business, aild broke up A-dam raoiKpoly,"Bd Mas also tl.e vety first to 'paHroize husbandry." ! "George Washington Ciawfbrd Webster HW. uuie a nt.io the oUier day," "His paitnts ought t have knlrtn when tliey ,nd H.wayif. - ...t w A. WHEELKtl $ , . CONTINUES TO ti,.', H Ready Pay Short SJTTIIH2 OF ALL At tie lowest 1 1 1 11 1 Assortment Always Good. ! CfMiip3L PAID A.S USUAL FbR ALL KlXm OF Merchantable Produce. FOR Blank Mortgages, Latest and improved styles, Call tt tie Register Office. ! W 1 FOR V K DEEDS, Nuatly executed, v Call at tlie Kegjistef Office. FORSALE. rWtfmif WimKR F WATER andilflsworthstmits, in this city, on talntng jive rooms I tnerefeaTawwoo sb1' !MUl oilier unTiiuiiKouw, "i"' of water, etc feS oh fttiwonable tiams. or furtlierpiirtjw Allny, February 21, '74-tf Tnotmsiness wm -w .?.. Jt'jAiM .win ease call Willi II1U UHUnmB"."" ' 1lllifeiiestcoM)jwite,nce. ." s i.iiiitfa CO., SELL TO Time Customers ":: KINDS, Living Hates ! HEW TO-DAY. PTJR3ST I TUHJEJ. j Everything New. ! GRAF & COLLAR, Manufacturers and Dcalcrstn ! OF ALL KINDS. I BVREAI H, BEDSTEADS. TABLES, BEDS, CIIAIBS, ETC., Always on hand or made to order on the shortest notice. FlRNITUREreuairedexpedltiously and at fair rates. Our Factory is on Water street, at foot of Lyon, adjoining Althwtse CaV. Planing Mill, wnere wu uivurui,. public to call and examine our stock of goods. Salesroom at Draff More of A. rothers & Co., Firs street. I.KAF A 4'OLLAB. Ailwny, Feb. 28, 1874-23.. THE! OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer In RANGES, COOK, PARLOR AND I'.OX, STOVES : Of the liest patterns. IM i tail, MHLET IBOX AWII C4P f eh a.ih And the u-nal assortment of furnishing ds to lie obtained in a tin store. Kcratrs nrtitly and promptry executed, m reasonable tonus. Nhort rerkonlngs iMakelns;lrlesis1, FRONT STRK T.ALBANY. Dee. 5, 188B-1 ot BLANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, KTC on handv-lat4f styles d !ft(ale low.at thlsoffloe. , , BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OBEUOS. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO cheek at sight. interest auoweu UlUKK aepunu i" otiu . L'.,,.l, .... l,,i.l.,...t Kilt, VllllH'lwn I , .,l IUM' ,,' L.'IIUUIUI IM and New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections man ana promptly rcniiiuHi. Uefers to 11. W. Corlet, Henry Faillne, W. S. Ladd. Banking liours from 8 A. M. to 4 r. H. Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-22v8 A. Vi. OAMBEEi D., Phyf ioian, Surf?oon, etc. "mCE- Firft street, adJoinlnB Weed's 1 I HMMn atni,. Pi.'.iiiim i.' nniiiiitii KU,-J aunt, Hr-iu'i ... i. late residence of John C. Mcndenliall, near tne round' y, r irsi sircer, Aiuany. uciooer , isuj FOR SALE I muK cei.erratki) w. a. wood's 1 REAPERS & MOWERS. Hulne'K Headers, (Wood's improved.) Coquillard's Iudlann Farm Wngon . The nniwcl and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines on the coast. Klatesuinn Forrereed Drill. Ktar Plows, and other machines Call, see, and get price and terms before buying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner Second and Ellsworth sts., Albany, Oregon. SIV5 FRANK WOOT). W. C. TWEERALE, nKALEK IK Tobneeo, 4 l)fars, 4'utlery 4 reU- r.v , and Wood & Willow Ware, ALBANY. OREGON. (Tall uiut ice him. 24r5 NOTICE ! TnE PARTNER8HI1' HF.RETOFORK existing lMMwcen Wm. II. Kuhn and James C. Van Rensselaer under the ftrm dlgsoTvSS : mul'uaV cotisc'ni.'tlie nptes mliu-countsducsaid firm becoming the '"otvrt vof the said Van Rensf elaer. and to whom, or his representative, they mus lie paid, and lo whom must bo presented all claims against the silld Arm. w. it. una, PU. C. SCHUYLER, Guardian estate of JAS. C. VAN RENSSELAER. Referring to the above, I give not lee ithat the notes and accounts due W. ILi hu m Co., will lie collected by Jas. B. Wyatt. of the tliin ol ( laiK njan, found at the old stand of Enhnft f a, and who ts fullv authorised, to recetpt and WkciieilWt'A Guardian estate of J as. C. Van Rensselaek. Albany, Or., Feb. 8, 1874-3m GO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! T4 BI T Groceries, Provisions, Notions, n Xn iK-P.. niKP FOR ASH Country Produce ol All Ulnrte BOUGHT FOR MEROHANl'.ISE OR This is thoplsjv to tot itojvmto GAINS ever otferi'd in Albany, J2E2. m afimyil .So welttocannntlSeewrthete 'Miirt Street, Albany, rlton. ' .ttji i i io MM BUSINESS CARPS. DM. STEELE'S MEDICAL WONDER! T.' ..I, ' y i'l CCIiES ALL INTERNAL AM KXTER nal Aches and Pains; Purities the Blood; Reflates the Liver : Cures Ague and bad Colds. Don't be without It Bold by Druggists. , . , , , . hi t D. M. JONES. J. LINSKY HI1X. mvs & HILL, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALBANY, OREGON. S7v4 ' J. W. RALDWIX, Attorney and Cuunselor at Iw, TtrnX PRAtTICK IN ALL THE Coiirlfc VV in the M, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in the Supreme, Court of Orflgeqi and in the V. S. District and Circuit Courts, office-In Parrish brick, (up stairs), In offloe occupied by the late N. II. Cranor. First street, AHjany, Oregon. tolflvS IK B. BICE, M. D., . Surgeon A Physician. ( KFICK-FliM street,, between Fwry iJ unit Broadalbin. RESlDFJSCK- Tlllra street, two uiockr ociow or east Of netno dlst Church, Albany, Oregon, y8n0 .I.C. FOWKLL. L.FLU4K POWELL & FLU, Attorneys and Counselors at Law AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY (L. Fllnn notary public). Albany, Orenon. Collections and eonveysncos promptly at tended to. li T. W. II AHHIS. H. J. BOVQUTOK. lit KRIS A- I'OVUHTON, Physicians and Surgeon,,, ALUAN Y, OKKUON. OFFICE -OVER A. CAROTHER8 4U)' Drug store. Residence of Dr. Harris- Fourt bt..fQnr blocks west of t he Court House. Residence hi 1)r llrmrhtnn linnMite. Dr. Tata. An Third st root. BOVlt'7S Albany Book Stores jm FOSIIAY, DKAtKK IN MIPOi;iiLANEOl!SBOOK8, School ISooks, Ulunk Hooks, stationery Fancy Articles, Ac. Hooks imported to ordor,at shortest pos sible notice. v5n80 DR. GEO. W. GRAY, DENTIST, ALI1AXY, OI(M.O. OFFICE IN PARRISH BRICK BLOCK, ,Wm!ff-rt nrrfiflVirn-iTj- mrecist Oftlee hours from 8 lo K o'cloi'k a. m .. and 1 to 5 o'clock p. ui. 18v4 EPlKOOTl DISTANCED. THE BAY TEAM STILL LIYtB, AND IS FLOURISHING HKEAORW bay tree. Thankful for past favors, andwi'shlntf tnmeiit the continuance Of o.. ... 11 V TV. AM will iiHuivsbe ready, and aly foimd, to do any hauJWK within the eit limits, for a reasmable ., . . . . . . - . eoinpensttiion. sag HtarreJS" HMCflsltir. A. N. ARNOLD. lilew ! Piles - WHY SAT THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot be cured, when so mnnv evidences of success might bo, placed bdorc yon every day cures of Supposed hopeless eases? Yonr physician informs yon that the longeryou allow the complaint to exist, you lessen your chances for relief. Ejcperinue hat nu(ihtthim (if (am. A. CnrotLers Co.'s Pile Pills and Ointment arc all thev are recommended to be. wfll cure Chroiiic, Blind and Bleedinc Tiles in a very sliort time. Hnd ftroermwuiVnf i uf. This pieparat ion is sent by mail or ex press to any point wiihin the United States at $1 ro H'i-icka(ic .,. u. Address. A. C.MIOTHERS CO., J7v5 BoxS3,All'ttny,Ore-n. JOHN SCHMEER, SEALER If ,, j Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. H AS JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER ostabllshment on comer of Kitamrth ...wl Vl,t uti.lw uifh M Ovh alfM-.k of (;rneerles. Piovisions, Candies, Cigars, To- naCOO, AC l() W1HUII lio mi, nun uiv . ... ... v.. . . I ... . .1 . Uon ot our enanns. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have on hand a full su ppl v of fresh bread, crackers, Ae. arCallandmHjme. JOHN SCHMKEB. S w1"" TURNING - Tl'RXWG. r AM PRKPARK1 TO IK) ALL KINDS I of turning: keep on hand and make to Older rawlikfe-liM'omed tluu.. Snap near the JW)nd "'fS,, iron. Branch sJiop.niwatoolkWTlIs," Al?VWotolnIt W.t!Wi 8 . tilf(wK Albany, Or., February S, WJs. SloSfl Ml' oSit iSii id .Uai ,ui 100