8; PTTBLISHKD WEMiJSSD A Y AND Br CMNUi f V U.EVJB, IN REGISTER B0ILDINQ8, Comer Wt asyf Sfrwiti. ' ' t TERMS-W ADVAKCJB. One year .....Three dollars. Six raontli. .Two dollars. Toclubeof too, .............. ai " ,Vi AlVBfBIG RATES. Transient advertisements, pnc square of ten lines or ten, first Insertion f 1 ; each subsequent insertion 50c. Larser adver tlsestenta inserted on the most liberal tjrms. f j'ffiM ,1. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. DKRMTOKx. Officers f Oreiron State tirmiic JftufcT-Paniel Clark.-, Salem P. O. 8eeMttorjJ. H. Smith, llHrrtubiny. Otmeer Wm. Cyrus, Seto. Lecturer George Hunter, Walla Walla. Steiranl- R. P. Olds. Uvti imlt Strnnrd-ftn. Chloe Olds. ; AaMMaat tfeanrrt- W. H. Powers, Shedd, OtniHain -Anthony Simpson. Cflrvallis. tt-ftpiT-rrankahclton, Walla Wulla freajrorw-B. A. Witscl, Turner. &w Mrs. Jane Cyrus, Scio. Awna-Hm. M. Power, Shetfu. Tora-Mrs. L. . Reed, McMtnnvffle. MXUii: fwnmiOrt - iMnteH'lark.SUem; rTS. lim ney. Ten Mile, IouKlasCo.:nrley Hull, Walla Walla: 0. A. Wells, Rueua Tlsm ; Thomas Munkers, Scio; A. B. Henry, Lafayette; H. N. Hill, Junction. Officer of Central Hranjre Anracln- PreMmiVf. T. Alexander. Km Prfti4ftUJantt Tntom. . SccrHary-X. W. Stannard. ftfiwinT-C. P. Burkhart. VnuLts- F. Shcxld. F. Powell (fti-Kf-nT Ellas Fanning. . -jtfWt-L. P. Burkhart. Meets at Aliiany, on the second Tuesday a each month. ,l)i i i Kane lateresti. It is said that three or four coat ings of glue ou the ends of timber will prevent it from cracking. Take the common herb pepper mint, scatter it in their paths and places of resort, and no old rat or young rat will brook the insult, but Will leave in disgust , ",A correspondent of the Scientific American states that he has leamed frem many years' experience in a mi(hiiie-4)op, where over three hundrei men are employed, that a rag glued on a flesh wound is not only a speedy curative, but a great protection. In the Yuba county hospital, California, interesting experiments have been made with a magnet for the cure of rheumatism and para lysis. A large horseshoe magnet fe med, and one case of paralysis has been almost cured, and several cases of chronic rheumatism re lieved. For colic in horses give the horse twenty drops of oil of peppermint in a half-pint of warm water, and ypq will find him getting better soon. This I have used, says a oorresiKHiilotiL when other old rem edies have tailed ; and I used it in coughs and colds for myself. To stofl acold, take 9 fcnall lump of sugar and drop two or three drops of oil of peppermint, and let it dis Qlve'in the mouth ; then swallow it, and you will feel better. Chokep Cattle. The safest remedy is to place an iron ring be tween the jaws, and large enough to admit the passage ot your arm down the throat to where the ob stacle is located. I have, myself (though a woman), saved three poor men's cows from death in this mariner, the only effect being a few scratches from the back molars, and some bruises from the throats of the sufferers. If you can get the animal . in a place where you can keep lr steady, and a good strong man to keep the ring well in the mouth' it is bettor. I took a turnip out once with only ft pair of tongs put across the month, but my arm was very I ad ly braised as the men could not keep the mouth wide enough open for my arm to pass through. Much' of the blttfeft sold in 1 poor staff, leaving speaks uy. An ounce ot gooa and can be used wither in soft or bard water. Liquid bluing is made by nsing best I'ru'ssian Blue, pul veriIWWi1tf oxalic fcid, rnjirTS'V w-r-- v , pulverized, ounce, and a quart of soflk water. Pn inty a bottle J ' Wtiifti drusoUed if Is rtWy (br use. ! Two or three tablespoonhila is sufficient for a hwgb tub of rinsing water, and will not speck the I CwwAIsBebf "A sn.cTfoe,' asks "for a good recipe for corning beg he haviog.t.ried, several times trM ZZ2Lh P(rt- wl when killed and dressed, in a weak brine and let it remain there a week ! or ten days, to soak all the blood out of it. Then for each 100 pounds at meat prepare a brine by using 9 pounds of Fait, two pounds ot sugar, two ounces of saltpeter, two ounces of black pepper and six gallons of water. Boil and skim this ami pour it hot upon the meat after it is packed in the barrel. In sbring. draw the brine from the barrel by tapping it at the base, scald and skim it again, add a little salt and pour it on the meat again while hot- If at any time the brine should !..,; ... .n i..i -: i,,..,t.i w IKTtlOt (MUCH Ort'l, It PIIOIIIU IK drawn off, scalded and pVratneil j and returned while hot, as before. I By this means beef can be kept in good condition all summer. ,ttm'am ,i The Hon. John M. Francis, late Minister to Greece, writes to his paper, the Troy, N. Y. Times, about the drinking habits of Europe. He says that in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Greece, where the consumption of wine is very great, there is far less drunkenness than in Great Britain or the United States. His opinion is that the substitution of mild wine for the whisky so gen erally drank here would-be a refor matory agency in checlring intem perance. The result of his personal observation in Spain was that wine shops met him at every turn, but he rarely saw a drunken man. Out side ot the English aud American colonists he knew of very little drunkenness in Paris. In Germany he witnessed a tremendous flow of lager, but believes the proportion ot confirmed inebriates there does not equal one to twenty of the same class here. In Russia a liquor stronger than our worst whisky is used with bad results, and in Great Britain the evil somewhat ap proaches it extent in the United States. Glasgow was the most drunken city he saw abroad. Albert Green, a young man sev enteen years old, shot aud killed himself at Grant, Boone county, Ky., a few days ago. The cause of his suicide is stated to be that a young lady, his cousin, to whom he was greatly attached, was married that day, and young Green, not having an invitation to the weddii m, left the church upon the close of the ceranouy, and borrowing a shot gun, placed the muzzle in his mouth, touched the tr'gger with the fVPrpd ipd btew 1 hi? . head to pieces. Weath Wa4 liMaiitaneons. It is very probable that his love for the young lady who was married was so great that the thought of its hopelessness drove him to this rash act of unrequited affection. Mr. Carlyle has written a letter recently on the relations between labor and, capital in England, in which he says : "What a contrast between now ftd, say, only one hundred years ago ! At the latter date, or itill more coffgfafjijj, for ages before it, all Eng'and awoke to its work with an invoca tion to the Eternal Maker to bless them iii' their day's labor, and help them to do it well. Now all Eng. laud, shop-keepers, workmen, all manner of competing laborers, awaken as if it wene with an un spoken but heart-felt prayer to Beelzebub, 'Oh ! help us, thou great lord of shoddy, adulteration, and majleasnfice, to do our work with the maximum of slimoess. swiftness. mendacity, fur thedevil'sj Mike anteo." if Haps and Mis ha pa. A OrMBptOti It vtVtrr near Orion, 111., wnile carelessly handling a loaded revolver the other day, shot bis fcpr, 1jfll piercing her fturV fcfe dfe Id ' a few hours, a boy named Larrey,at a school in Champaign, 111., had one of his eyes knocked out and the sight nomnlotetb ilixttoimft laa tt-ppt Ku L t0 dart thrwn by one of his companions, Mri JUddii,ol Cairo, 111., was dangerously, ,yid it is wns thought fatally burned by the explosion If a lamp ana cnam. while tilling a lamp with Aurora oil a few nights ago. A little girl named Clara fernuie, living near Montgomery, Mich., was left in the house alone by her njbther, -wiiiV she w?t to a neighbor's. '""While gone the child lit a candle and set her clothes on tire, and was so badly burned that she died in nine hours. A fatal accident, rfcently occurred at pea j0W8 ' Herbert Benning, 1 , . ?A , . d about fifteen years, employed in llie wagn ft0T7 of Shubring & Fosdic, in attempting to put a belt on a pulley, became entangled in the belt, was drawn up and whirled radidly around the shaf'. above and beaten to death instantly by striking against the joists of the upper tfoor. In Dubuque, Iowa, William Haley thought he wanted to die, and so bought a buttle ot strychnine. He took it home, and upon getting there found he wanted to live. There was a roaring fire in the kitchen stove, and into it he threw the poison. Up blazed the stuff in an explosive way, burning his hair off, and injuring him so badly that for three days lie hung between lite and death. A few evenings since, at Sterling, Whiteside county, 111., while Jerry Carr and Mr. Lahey were engaged iu a game of hilliards, they became involved in a quarrel over some point in the game, when Carr struck lahey over the head with the but end of his cue, knocking turn insensible, tahey was at once removed to his home, where he has since died. A man named Hiram Smith, a well-to-do farmer living some miles north ot Oshkosh, Wis., committed suicide a few days ago, by cutting his throat from ear to ear with a razor. He invited his friends to a party, and, while all was pleasantry and amusement, lie quietly took out his razor and out his throat. He lived but a short time. He had been troubled a great deal with heart disease, and die physicians giving him np as incurable, it some what demented him.. He was 65 year old, and leaves a wife and several grown-up children. 1 1 t f t ' ' i I 1 1 The Offffen Junction, in support of the bogus claim of a million and a halt dollars, made upon Congress by tne rapaciow priesthood, men tions, among ether virtuous and patriotic services of the Mormons, that "at the call of their country they have gone eu to the plains and protected travelers from the assaults of the savages," The Trib une says: "This may be gospel truth, but the editor forgets to mention how ibis protection was afforded. Jfountaiu Meadowy for instance, 'ty pioteeted six score of Arkanjas travelers from 'the assalts ot tlie savages;' but, the trouble is, thty made their pro teution altogetlfer too effectual. Killing a man to pave his life has been condemned y many enlight ened 'tnihke'rg 'ft (111 extreme policy. This Arkansas pajty 0 men, f omen and children werfl protected out of existence. A melton and a half for the country to pay for such services is altogether too much, especially as the jpiwroiss protectors fell heirs to all tfe property fehUy tne extiiiguiaheil tompany," jl A New Idea "" ' A WILSON - SHUTTLE Sewing Hi FOR 50 Dollars!! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned KSTINTHEWQRU)! Highest Premium, was awarded to (. VIENNA; Otto State Fafcj ff, V' f Northern Ohio jWrjL , Amer. Institute, N. f.; Cincinnati Exposition? IndianapeUiK)slOttf St. Louis fair; Loaisiana State Fair; Mlaaissinpl State Fair; V and Owia State Fair; FOR BEiNG THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machines in the Market were In direct COMPETITION ! ! tWFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine' Or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Bail Bead Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. (Xd Machines taken in Exebanga AtJKSTS WAJITE1P. AiJlHUXS, Wilson gewlng HaabJiitt Ca., StalSeiWaliiii! aSS THE ADVKR'fltiiiMMfTB.'- PETERS&SPEIDEL, XAKUFACTt'KEBS OF Carriages & Wagons, Of Ever? DMrltioili UVBAW, OllKCOX. MANCFACTCRE TO ORDER ANT and oil Htyles of Wagons, Carriage, Hacks, Ac., at. as reasonable rates as the use of (rood material and flrsl-class work will Ju tify. RepairlnK neatly and expeditiously doiw at low rales. Shop on Ferry between First and Second streets. 1'ETKRS SPEinfiL Albany, March 7, 1873-27 JUARBTJC WORKS. MONROE & K TAICiKR, Healers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Iltad and Fool toncs, Executed In Caflfurula, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALEM, OREUOX. BRAXdH MtOJP AT AMI ACT. No better uvjdcnce of oy of r. S, S. (olemnu'a t'lrninonml E.viract of Ewalypitis enn be (lest red. than the following nmnmiv of cases, treated "'.'"'."''""PflyalOTe: by that eminent nhvslHan, Ph. In vn, Wo sti h. In the C. S. Jlaiino Hostn'tal. San Frnnelseo, report ed in the August Xn. H Pnrilr if EUCALYPTUS . A 0m$ Tri atetl. Cured. lmi Kemfttent eer. ...... H s hills unit Fever 'I'yphoM Fever a o " innnnj.orHjdnevs.... 4 IMuretlt m 7 Inetithieureorirlac 3 3 Mrlfliifc 6 4 Inlaw. ofMaMcr 37 23 Ulennorhaaria 13 10 I faease l the Heart. . 7 nynentmr 4 Chronic DtarrhutM.... ia 9 liionorrhtrn ig i 3 2 2 a I 4 mvytty O 3 s Cortpletely cnrrolnvative of the abort, are 1 he. reports of toe experiments with Encalyptns Ttj- j)r. Lorrimor, of Berlin, l'msm, and I)r. KeeJei , ;hiof Phyafcbn of llio Ansti ian Railway Co., pnblished n the Am. Mil. Juvr. Jaly, IhK. It win be foiim) very effleaefomi in oftsti nati.' case or llysiiepsia. Bronchitis, Haet lngOonsh. Chronic Sore throat, tencor rhea,ete.,ml in nanea dnrltijt prfftnan- Or.t'oleniHii'altauMr Extract of i:nenl). t ien for t hie t real aient ot :ml Is w itr ran fed to cure every ease treated r wlllOUt the ifiinrimii results of thenstinl Qn- 1 f t r 1 nml 1 . i,...t w edies for that disease. AJso pare fluid ex tract of EncnhTiiiis, in one pound hot ties, foriihylctan'me Beware of iiiiitatienp. and take none hnl Coleman's, for suln eyerywhere, and hv I'cslife Ca'et ftt'o.. Dnigists, I'orUaml. Agents lor i 'regon. EEWABD 08 AN Incarable Case! XDB. IX RICHATTS GOLDEN BALSAMl After ten years' Mai on this Coast hut fro ven Itself the only cumtlv in a certain tins of diseases pronounced by medical practition ers is incurable. '!7 flr. Le Ricbaa's GOLDEN BALSAMHo.l cures Chancres first and second stages, Sores on th Leg or Body; 80m Sara. Eyei, Noe, Colp?r.colored Blotches, ByphUitio Catarrh, Diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of thd diaeaaa known as Syphilis, Slice, fl par bot tle, or two for $9. Br.LeRichan's GOLDEN BALSAM Ho.2 rares Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic jfthemn tism, Pains in the Bones, Back of the Heck, CI. cerated Sore Throat, 8ypa(Utio Hash, tamps a Contracted Cords. lfma of the Umta, and etadicates all diseases from tboaystem, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of mercury leaving the blood fure and healthy. Price, $5 per bottle, or two lor SO. Dr. Le Sichaa's GOLDEN SPANISH IN Udote, for the Cure of Oonnorhoei, Gleet, tel. Utton, Gravel, and all Urinary or Genital disanangemonts. Price, $'J.50 per bottt. 1 Dr. Le Bichaa's 60LDIN SPANISH IU- lection, a wash and Injection for tevrase of Gonnorhoa, Inflammatory Gleet, Strictures, and an diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Woe, 1140 per bottle. Alto igenta ftrUB. LE BICRalTB QOIJDEH a for Seminal Weakness. Nisi ight Emlc nions, IrarKitency. and all diseases ariaing from Uaaturbstion and eiceesive abuses. Price, 13 per bottle. The genoiae GottttH BaUmt la '"cretolleTXle medleinei wilt bo sent to all par of the eoantry, y aWMW or mall, aecurciy nacjq and free from obte wwa. dom agencs, ii'ajL TSta!jsitlSS,JC