I 0 " fWRr'' 1 FCBLISItfcD KVEUY SATURDAY BY COLL. VAN CLUVE, ALBANY...... OREGON. SUBSCRIPTION -4N ADVANCE : Oil copy, one yew.... 00 five copies, one year 12 50 Ten copies, one year 20 00 Auv oi. ! gettiug up tlllM of flyo, and forwarding $12 50, will receive the sixth copy free. Speclnl Inducement! offered to persons daslrous f canvassing for subscriptions to the Ruhstkk. Temperance Movement at Browns ville. Brownsville, Oregon, ) April 1st, 1874. f Mr. Editor: I am happy to inform you that the people of this place are not asleep to the great and all-absorbing topic of Tem. perauce. They see now, what they tailed to do heretofore, that intem perance is the greatest evil that any community could be cursed with ; that it destroys the morals of the young ; ruins the reputation of all who indulge in it; lightens the parse; makes beggars of our wives and families, and, eventually, carries its victim to a drunkard's grave. 'They think it high time to raise their voices agaiust this terrible floounre which is ravaging our w O ..... wv country and decimating it of meu who, freed from it, would be an honor to the nation. They there lore called a mcetiug of the people to devise means to banish from our town and the country at large, the cause of so much misery, penury and want, King Alcohol. A meeting for this purpose was held at the 31. E. Church at this place, last night at 7 P. M., Dr. R. H Crawford, Chairman. After calling the house to order, the fol lowing resolutions were offered: Resolved, That we will not use intoxicating liquor as a beverage. Resolved, We will not patronize those that sell, or otherwise dispose of, intoxicating liquor as a beverage, when we can reasonably do othetv wise. ' After some remarks as to the phraseology and the force in which the resolutions were put some thinking the language not forcible enough they were finally adopted. Appropriate remarks were indulged iu by Rev. Mr Starr, Rev. Mr. Worth, Mr. Ellis, Dr. Rowland and R. W. Henderson. At intervals the audience was favored by both instrumental and vocal music. On motion, the Chair appointed the following named gentlemen a committee to wait on the merchants who sell liquor, with a view to its removal from the community: Messrs. W. C. Baird, J. B. Hen derson and Dr. W. H. Rowland. On motion, a rising vote was taken on the merits of the resolu tions. I may say it was unani mous, tor there was not one rose to object. On motion, that an abstract of the meeting be sent to Albany i for publication. Adjourned to meet at the IT. P. Church, on Tuesday evening, April 7th, at early candle-lighting. The meeting adjourned at 9.25 P. M. The bouse was full, and the great est order prevailed through the meeting. It is a pleasure to see so many manifest an interest iu so im portant an undertaking, and, it mistake not, Brownsville will not , 1m hnMnd in its endeavors' to iceeri May tl&.qatfUuu be agitated to such an extent in our laud that those who are under the dominion of his satanie magesty will see the terrible gulf into which they are hastening, and rid themselves, by one grand effort, of his grasp, be come sober, upright and law-abiding citizens, and regain the p'aces in the affections of those around them which they forfeited by the wine cup, and be instruments in the hands of God of saving others from a drunkard's grave. C. C. JACKSON, See., The above letter was handed in last week, but was mislaid and forgotten. This is the reason it did not appear in our last issue. Ea Plrasant Occasion. The Erodelphian Society of Albany Collegiate Institute gave and enter taiument to their friends on last Friday evening. An invitation was extended to the public to at tend, and although there were meetings of other societies on the same evening, there was a fair attendance. As usual, the exercises were first class, the music, both vocal and instrumental, was especially excellent. The young ladies certainly proved themselves worthy and deserve the praise so Universally bestowed upon them by all present. The April number ot Wood's Household Magazine, now upon our table, well sustains its reputation as a first class live publication While its contents are not deep or scientific, its pages are free from trashy, sensational stories, aud are full of bright sunny reading that goes home to the heart. The mag azine contains its usual number ot illustrations, and its general ap pearance compares favorably with the higher priced magazines. Sub scription price one dollar a year ; with chromo Yoskmiir one dollar and a half. Subscriptions may begin with any number. Address, Wood's Household Magazine, Newburgh,N. Y. NEW TO-DAY. BEDDING! UPHOLSTERING ! W.J. WARREN & CO. Upholsterers, Etrst Street, t : Albany, Oregon, ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH ALL kinds of Bedding, Mattresses, Upholsterlna;, Ac., to order. Being practical workmen, they guarantee satisfaction. All upholstery work done in Albany. Call and examine our stock and w'ork. W. J. WABKEN 4 00. April 18, 1874-32 JFor Sale. FABff. AJDJOINlKa TAKSKNT, A Hnll inmHii'iul .nttl. 1 1 ... o. n It 1 1 lln M, and all kinds of 'Fruit and Ornamental Trees. For particulars inquire on the farm, of DAHIEL MILLER, Trm. Tangent, Or., March 28, "74-tf The imported Pereheron Stallion White Prince, XHTtLL BE AD THE LIV.EBY STABLE n of Messrs.' Marshall A Sehlosser, In AlUiny, Monday ftftmwpn, Tueiday.and wean miav lorenoon oi enon ween, ana on Thursday afternoon) Friday and Satur- oy or eacn ween, at ine uvery sraoie or Mr. lUem ftm April id to July Terras for1 thffscfeon, ttWe July 1st, 1874, ti:a rTunril'ii! frriim lol Jilt' tiJl 1)9 , Fa Insurance, (no u. 8. Gold, Coin, due when the Mare kpiMtitMHttkV)Poa rr rw&vVtaul with 1 . MY GOODS, E'JIU. Retrenchment ! MAKE MONEY -BY- SAVING MONEY! A.UJKI Has Just received a new stock of all the latest styles of JIfcW AND BOYS? n n And is selling so cheap that all can buy The goods were JESought for Cash? and arc being sold for the same commodi ty. Toe secret or selling gooas is in Hiving selected our goods in daylight, we court' the. most CRITICAL EXAMINATION. I SELL ALL GOODS AT GRANGER PRICE8! FULL LINES OF DBT GOODS, UR0CEBIE8, HABBWABB, BOO W A SHOES, KOTIOKH, ETC., ETC. N. BAUM. Cheadlc's Brick, First street, Albany. aprlSWB Samuel E. Young (Suqpessor to Blain, Young & Co.,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ... ; ... - -a- 1 ; ; , STAPLE and FANCY ALSO, WAGONS, PLOWS, and all kinds of Farming Implemts Agent for the celebrated New Wilson Sew lag Machine, Guaranteed to be oqual to any, and lrom (io to (IS less than other i-i'j f. . ifr.' ,!jfitZ"i ' " i i.'vi'V ! first class machines. TERMS CASH. GOODS LOW. At old StaJM, Ftnt Q S 4 BBreet, TITUS, BOWRDES & CO, DKALEKS IN JEWELRY, Siiver & Plated Ware, - and DIAMOND SPECTACLES. ATAN UFACTURKD AND ADJI7HTKD IVl especiaUy for the Pacific Coast by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH GO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Pacific, California aqd San Francisco WATCH, and we most confidently rec ommpnd them to the public, as possessing more good qualities for the price than any other Watch in the market. We also keep all other brands of Elgin, . ....-.... ...... . i. ULV.llv.lj j IVWA .1 , xfj T - elrj-, Silver and Plated Ware, also Pistols and Cartridge. ' Repairing a Specialty. Jg UTAH Work Bone and Moods Sold, Warranted to be as Represented. J. D. TITUS. J. B. TITOS CBAS. BOtlKGARDES. Titus, Bourgardes &, Co., AT. lOllN GANTKIt'S OLD STAND, First street, ALB ANT, OREGON mm Tbc Singer Still Triumphant. At THE VIENNA EXAIBITION THE Singer received the Medal of Merit, the Medal of Progress, and three other Medals for superiority of productions. These are the Highest Sewing Ma chine Awards at Vienna. The Singer received ali the MEDALS awarded to cither of the competing Ma chines, and two Medals more than any other obtained. Then, in the name of truth, what is It that prompts people to claim recommendations for the Diploma of Honor ! Tho fact is no Diploma of Hon or has been given to any Sewing Machine Comrjany. But immeasurably more valu- The World's Award as shown by sales proved by sworn re turns to the owners of the principal Sew ing Machine Patents -which list year amounted to two hundred and nineteen thousand, soven hundred and flfty-eigbt 319,7981 machines, nine Out often or rhom boing for Family Use. This is over 44,000 more Sewing Machines than wore sold by any other company during t he same period and over One Quarter of all the machines old in 187J. These enormous Bales ate owing to- ho long-tested merits of the SINGER machines, which meet the wants of the public in superiority and simplicity at, eonshruotioo.and capability for great variety and excellence of work. That tho wrs of. Sowing Machines flml these desi- - otherft Is sliowA by tho sales aliove given, wuun uom toe awarus oi international THE kNGEtt MANtlPACTTJRINO CO., U tinfoil Square, Now York. w Mf'MlHI VbbbIbbW jsBBnW aflLi u mm H JH WmTmm SSI BLasaaaS i- ' ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND PAST POWER AND BAWD PRESSES, Latest and most Desirable Style of Printing Material l& undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels-- But Why particularise, when it t gen erally acimowieugeu tnat we are ON IT When it comes to iMiivo " fill B i.'i J 10 V'K' i. !,.. "itlJUl KB . . i ait ' ; r- mjrr