Empire City revels in the owner ship of a new wliarf. Machinery for a new saw mill has arrived at Empire City. , , Curry County promises to be a great wool growing section. Work on the M. E. Church at Raker City has been commenced. The delinquent tax-list of Jackson County amounts to $12,000. The steamer Satellite, at Coos Bay, has been overhauled and re pa red. Two ricks of hay were destroyed by tire near Paker City on the 7th inst. Empire City, Coos Bay, wants telegraphic ommunication with the outer world. :''A Coos l!ay man got his foot mashed by a timber falling on his heel. " " Temperance meetings are being held in Olympia, but no outbreak has been made. , ,.,,..,., Seattle folks enjoy themselves in free fights. Pleasant, though dan gerous practice. The 'facoma Tribune dedicated three-fourtlis ot a column to the masquerade ball. A fisherman at Washoe Ferry, Idaho, caught five Hundred salmon trout at one haul. At Karris Gulch, eighteen miles from, Jacksonville, three Chinamen were killed by a caving bank on the 7th inst. The notable actress, Fanny Mor gau Phelps, and her sister, are ex pected to visit the Sound in a short time. The usual Saturday mectfng ot Olympia Grange was largely at tended on the 4th iust. Twenty, one' new members were admitted. A new town called "Sumner" hag been surveyed on Catching Slough, Coos County. The population will chieily consist of 6tumps. J. E. Officer writes trom Arizona City, Arizona, that he is coming back to Oregon. He says that this State is far ahead ot any place he has seen. Prof. Wra. M. Davia and wife were thrown from their buggy, near Ashland, a tew days since, by which Mrs. Davis sustained a bruken limb. Many of the farmers in Baker County have commenced inclosing and breaking new land, and are preparing to sow a larger amount of grain than usual. :? The Baker City Herald? "devil" got "basted" in the mouth with a ball bat. The composing room re minds the editor of au old-fashioned churchyard it's so quiet. There is a good deal of sickness among the children in Silver City, Idaho, , The doctors are wondering whether it's scarlet fever or not. Mr. John Eichar and Capt. War. ren Gove, both of Steilacoom, left there last week for Hood's Canal, where thev will embark in the fish ing business and the manufacture of fish Oil. ;'.'4jt'F: it'.t ti An unfortunate miner named Isham, working his claim on I trim Mo no Gulch, Grave Creek diggings, Jackson county, had his leg broken in two places by a caving bank, on the V.hh inst. He may be consid ered fortunate in one sense to have escaped alive, judging from the names.';'''':;;;';', .. " u'Zl There is an epidemic prevailing st Salt lake similar to the "brake. boRe' fever of the South.' " We have not heard of Ha proving total in any instance, yet it takes hold ot its victim with vicjor mti makes Mrfi'&el '"at tioutrh tie had been tirovofirom Cbe highest peak of itie Stock of all kinds about Boze man, Montana, has come through the wiuter in fine condition. , The schooner Meyer is at the wharf in Seattle loading with lum ber from Yesler's miH for San Francisco. The steamer BlaJcely towed into harbor two rafts of logs for Mr. Colman, at Yesler's mill, Seattle, containing some 700,000 feet. The famous Kountz Line steam er, FoutmeSe, was announced to leave St. Louis for Fort Benton on Sunday, the 15th of March. J. M. Moore ha written to his home in Pendleton, from the Yak ima mines, and says he has picked up several pieces of gold from $2 50 to 35. ' "' Parties propose, to transport ore from Helena, Montana, to Chicago at 830 per ton, and from Butte City, in the same Territory, for $50 per ton. Tliere are four District Schools about to open in Pierce county, W. T. Teachers have been employed, and all will commence under favor able auspices, A twenty minutes' stroll over Seattle will show eight dwellings in various stages ot erection and completion, besides several recently built and occupied. S. ft. DeLong has bet $2,000 that he can ride his horse Jerry from Tucson, Arizona, to San Fran cisco in twenty-five days. Thedis tauce is not so great, but the road is extremely bad. A party of Klamath Lake people came over to Jacksonville a few days since. A portion of the party came on foot. The first reports concerning the loss of stock were exaggerated.; i ,, Under date of April 3d the Pendleton Tribune said the mer chants were out of sugar, coffee, tobacco, etc , all that was received came by stage, and unless the river made a sudden rise' they would strike bed-rock. A boat arrived next day. Kev. Mr. Bonnell, who was about to accept a call to Trinity Chinch, Seattle, has concluded not to do so. Being the only resident clergyman in '''acoma, he is unwil ling to leave that town, even for the larger field of Seattle. A Dakota paper says: It is thought by many that in leaving Yankton, P. P. Wintermute in terds to evade the law, and sacri- ficethe amount of his ponds, al though ho represented that he was going on strictly business matters. Last Monday week, the city elec tion of Steilacoom was hold, and the following is the list of suceess fal candidates for municipal honors': Myaor, Philip Keach; Councilmou, A. , Packsher, Jas. Ross, J as. Hughes, F. C. Miller and E. A. Light; Recorder, Julius Dickens; Marshal, A. H. Lowe; Assessor, S. Roberts; Treasurer, Isaac Pinous; Clerk, G... W.Gallagher. TheTacoma Trihme of last Sat. ill-day, says : Mr. E. W. Bingham was in town to-day, settling the remnant of contractor Montgom ery debts, t Every claim that was known to be due, has been, , paid, though a few uuknowu ones are yet probably outstanding, of a trilling amount, however. Of these c'aims, during the past two weeks, Mr. Bingham and Capt. Ainswotth have paid $47,000. The Deer Lodge Independent of March 24th: says: "That there should .have been call on Montana for a supply of grain tor the use of the British Boundary Commission, engaged, fa .defining and making with suitable monuments the line between the British tosse&iohB and the Tj,$., was entirely unexpected. Ncrtheless, one quarter million pounds ot oats have within tho last The Baker Cilv and El Dorado wagon road has been thoroughly improved. Thft rlistrW. (rlinnl limine fit, Baker City has been complek'l, and is an ornament to the town. That the poor Indian is becom ing civilized there can be no doubt. One was caught steam j iioss feed" at SahVlately. The farmers ot Baker Countv complain that the ducks and ga'se are destroying their grain, ai d call upon the sportsmen tor aidf ; u.,,. A HnrtllMK Mclamorphost. One trick which Minhnm per il n-mmf was a verv superior version of the mango-tree "feat ot the Indian jugglers. He took an orange, cut it open and produce", a wps This ho took down into the audi. euco, and borrowing a robe from one, cut the snake's head on aim covered it with a robe. VVI en the robe was lifted again a fox was in n!( of snake. The fox's head was cut off, two robes borrowed, and when t Iipv were raised there was a wolf, which was killed with a sword. Three robes, and a leopard appeared; it was stain with a javeim. rour robes covered a most savage-looking bufftlo, that was killed with an ax. I'ive robes covered m part, hut. wt altogether, a lordly ele phant, who, when the sword was pointed at him, seized mmmm uy the neck and tossed him Violently up. He mounted feet foremost, and finally clung by his toes to the capital of one of the columns. Tepaila now leaped trom ino s-uige and aliirhted upon the felephanl's shoulders With a short sword he goaded the beast on the head until, shrieking, the unwieldy animal reared upon his hind feet, twined his trunk about one of the' great columns, and seemed trying to lift itself from the around and wrap its , ttiL .mi. body around the great pilar, me Mashed out bartraroisly. Nor- odnra flashed forth a dating fire work of some sort, and ti elephant i,ol i;mrvrcd. and Tepada lav npon the stage writhing in the folds of a great boa-constrictor and hold ing up Minliam upon his feet. . ; The following is from the Alta of the 10th instant: ., , The accumulation of money in the city at this tune is something remarkable, and it continues to accumulate in a surprising manner. The banks were never before so full of money, which in bulk sometimes swells beyond the measure of the vaults designed to bold it. This is a feature that Eastern banks do not readily grasp, since paper occupies but a very small space. Real money, hqwever, asserts, its pres ence,, and each double eagle tills out appropriate room, raper at times, however, has a very impos-, ing aspect. In the early years., of the war astonished crowds would assemble in Wall street around the immense vans ot Wells, Fargo & Co., which, drawn by four horses, were loaded many stories high with square boxes of small paper money leaving the Treasury io pay the army ; but the stamp of a different .. i- . e - Si .x .1.. figure ou pieces oi paper oi uie same size makes a arreat difference in the nominal value of the prom ises. It San Francisco the coin is ready to meet any obligation in any oumtry. (W It is claimed that by mems of a recently invented freezing machine. the temperature of any limited sriaCe rkn be kent down to almost any required degree! The inventor proposes to apply the method to the construction of cold chambers on board ships, to be used for stor intf fresh provisions, or in the case o - r I of merchant ships, tor the convey. ance ot perishable freight, ne does not. however, think it possible to 7 - - - ? A freeze a whole cargo of meat fo as to resist putrefaction m a long voy age, as from Australia to KnsrhMid. Among the various uses ot the new invention will be to cool railway ' . ..7. .. ...f . f.,.;J?,.i. ' i ttriHa tn iitMMet etial vaam fur tne conveyance or mem ana omer proTKiona in India, to ooei the r to.prcvkie an unlimitrf sopply ot pure tee ftMnoeetxaniBat cos rite MnkinK ol Wrlita. HOT M.u Hi IN t)lX DAYS NO CNI VRRSAL DELUGE THE TESTiMOr NY OF THE BOCKS OUB WORLD NOT FINISHED YET GEOLOGY VERSUS GENESIS. 1 I -iJ The San Francisco Chronicle has this account of a lecture delivered in that city on the evening of March 19th: (i ,,i,,s ' Professor Denton was confronted on Thursday night by the largest audience winch his lectures have yet drawn. The last was, at least in a pecuniary sense, the best of all. But the professor, like a genuine Yankee as lie is. did not shoot the last shaft from his quiver without intimating that he has nr reseTVTF fresh quiver, from which next week he is gfjiug to shoot an assortment of brand new shafts. In other word,-, he is going to deliver an other COURSE OF LCfriURES, In which abandoninsr the safe gronnd of the History of our planet as can be read in ttie record ot the rocks, he Dronoses to forecast the future of our globe and its in- h:i "Hants, trom the data lurnisited tt: the nast hitorv of the earth. A certain clement of fanciful specula- tion, not strictly seieutitio in itscnar acter. mav reasonably be expected to lend its flavor to the new course. T1IE DRIFT BHDS. The Professor commenced his kcture last night by remarking that the pathway of our planet, through the immensities ot space, is not straight and regular, nor its march uniform. Its history is a history of vicissitudes, of strange vicissitudes. The drift beds exhibit bowlders ot all sizes, from that of a boy'6 uuvble to rocks of the size of a meeting house. These beds extend over im mense surfaces. NO TRUE GEOLOGIST Believes the story of a universal delude. Such an event is a mani fest impossibility, whatever the the ologians may attcpt to the contrary. There never was water enoutrh on the globe or in its atmosphere to produce 6uch a flood as mat wiucn the theologians profess to believe in ; geology is, on this point, at war with Genesis ; s"d science and com mon sense are on the side of geolo- gy, There nave ceriaimv oeen PARTIAL DELUGE, ...-. . a ' . 1 -j font no universal deluge, the no universal oeiuge. story of Noah ami his ark must be ranked with the Deucalion. In tho drift beds are found some curious and interesting relics of animal life. Amohsr them is a beaver more than twbe as large a the existing repre- sentative ot the species. Also tne skeletons of elephants, and of the great cave hyena, a terrible monster ot which we have no living type among the fduna of our present era. In 1S5S a new cave was aw. covered in Devonshire, England, m which skeletons ot the , ; CAVE BEAR : . ;.;i- Were discovered, also skeletons of elephants. Savans from London went down to Dcvonsnire to exam ine these strange relics. From these researches it appeared that man m Great Hritain had a wonderful an- tionitv. and was the contemporary of the Blitish elephant, the rhinoc- eros and the cave pear, ine I N , of two distinct species ot ele phant, of the cave bear, and of the cave lion were discovered in the Devonshire caves, and also various tools and implements, indicating that the contemporaneous man pos sessed a considerable endowmet of meohauical skill And contrivance. It is impossible for the preachers and theologians to stand up aga'n6t these a,i j!!...jfi'.v,v;..I ;:n- WHITINGS ON THE ROCKS, l.vell thinks that instead of our race being originated five thousand years ago, according to the mosaic record. Eurone was occupied by man one hundred thousand years ago. And he famishes aburxnuH widenoe to sustain his tfiesk The ory and nwritakm must go down hafhra mniiri taAU ma T.nofn wa find in 'the rock. These facto of Baton ftmisba fcondaUoa Wdkd must stand unsbfien bf theological speculation!) I.iif tlMh't WOBLD CHANGES. This world of ours is not a complete 'edifice: It is hot tinlsHed yet. The forces that have made it what it is' are" still at work making it what it is yet to be. The wind and rains, the heat and frosts are doing their work to-day as when tho morning stars sang together. The rivers bear down sediment to the sea; rocks crumble and are worn away ; the central fires work ing through earthquakes and vol canoes are still active. Lands are upheaved and depressed ; new islands are formed, new hills are lilti'ii nltitv tl,i (Limit; and world. 1 rnk'mg is as Jfly going on to" f nigTifas at any time in the history of the terrestrial universe. The remorseless and inexorable forces of nature are at work night and day building up a new world out of materials of which the old world' i despoiled. ," THE OCEAN, ;1J Which covers two-thirds of the surface of the globe, is a mighty agent in terrestrial transformations, tt assails the land and wears it away with an irresistable energy! Its vast waves life great bowlders of a ton's weight as if they were the marbles which are the play things of a child. The mighty1 waves lift and move and hurl tlieni against the shore, which they battef and tear and destroy. Cross the ocean ; go to Yorkshire ; study tHe coast and the wearing encroach ments of the waves. Ask the men of Yorkshire why they built theij' ureal, Abhv so np.ir the sea: and! they will tell you, "When it was built it was miles inland." The ocean is still eating into the land- It is still encroaching. But while pulling down on one side it is building up on another. ETERNAL CHANGE. itA ( There are great and populous cities now where ohce the salt sea waves rolled. And the blue bil lows of ocean rise and fall oyer the !;raves ot many a butied city. The aw of physical life, whether in atoms or continents, in motes or worlds, is a law of eternal change. What is the Mississippi now doing? It is carrying down sediment to fill up the Gulf of Mexico and annex Cuba. What is the Amazon do ing? It is carrying down to the sea the debris of mountains. For two hundred miles from its mouth It discolors the ocean. It is laying down new strata ot rock. It la doing its share towards makiiii 'a new world. The Nile is the mother of Egypt. The rivers and the oceans have a great mission. Adrift was a seaport in tho time of Augus. tus; the waves washed its teeU To-day, it is twenty miles inlapd, Yet the destructive forces of nature have their checks and balances, so that upon a comprehensive vrely we find in the whole scheme a certain beauty and harmony as in a fine picture or a noble poem. Dis order is partial and fragmentary. Order and harmony and beauty'dre normal in the universei It is rather singular that dji amonds, the most valuable of all mineral products, are bought and sold by a measure based solely' 'bib usage. Carat weight is employed for the purpose, but has never been legalized in England or this country, neither is it governed by any standard. It is, however, ,w,..nrn!l mttfrillpd that 15 ui. iiimh j t if diamond carats are equal to a troy ounce. The fourth part ot ine rliomnnd rarat, is called the carat grain, and is found to be as nesfrly as possible equal to me average w a dry wheat grain taken from tbse middle of the ear, which, again, is identical with the Alexandrian gram of the Ptolemeys, four of whfeh Were equal to the Alexandrian carat, : ' "' ' 'y"A1 Kate Field says of Isabella II., of Spain, the scion of tin Bourbon race, that "she k ft great, ftout, ungainly female, wl seeds but ft dozen children and a Iraab- tnbtobeaotmpterfett ptuwmm of the typical WiAj