The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 18, 1874, Page 2, Image 2

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Itorg tgiste r.
MAILS arrive:
From Railroad (north and aouthl daily
from Corvallls, dallv, at 10.S0 a. m .
From Lebanon, trl-woekly, (Monday,
Wednesday and Friday) at 10.30 A. x.
For Railroad (north and ;uti), dally,
close prompt at 11a..
For Corvallis, dally, at 1 JO p. m. .
For Lebanon, tri-weckly, (Monday, Vtod
BMday and Friday) at 2 r. m.
Office hours from 7 a. x. tp 7 r. M.
Snnday, from ff M. to I P. Jt.
Money order office Honrs from 9 A. H. to
6 P. M. r. n. RAYMOSH, P. M.
n PTIRT CHTRCII Services at 11 A. M.
anJ7 K M. Miinny4tehmit Wi. M
Rev. (". II. Mattoon, Pastor.
M. E. CHURCH -Scrvlresat 11 A. M. and
TP.M. Snnilav School at P.M. Rev.
Isaiah Wilson, Pastor.
U A. M.and 7 P. M. Sunday School at
IX P. M. Rev. S. G. Irvine, Pastor.
. ........... t Chiaiaini? ImAM F
M. K. CHURCH SOUTH -Services In Con-
S relational Church alternate Sundays,
ev. Jos. Emery, Pastor.
Col lose Channel, alternate SabhRths, at
11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday' School at
lX P.M. Rov. E. R. Geary, D.D., Pastor.
Man County lnrpUeiit oni-
An Independent Convention for
Lipn county, Oregon, will be held
st the Court House in Albany, on
Saturday, the 2d day of May next,
at 10 o'clock A. M (instead of 1
o'olock P. M.), for the purpose of
nominating a full county ticket,
and to transact such other business
as may come before the Couven
tion. The Various precincts in the
countv will hold their primaries on
Saturday, April 23d, at 1 o'clock
P. M., tor the purpose of electing
delegates to the County Conven
tion. By order of the County Central
Albany, April 9, 1874.
Odd Fllows Celebration.
Covenant Lodge No. 12, 1.O.O.F., of
Harrisbnrg, proposes celebrating the
55th anniversary of the order on the
17th. The celebration will be in
picnic style, either in a grove near the
town or one of the warehouses there.
Oen. Applegate will deliver the
oration. All are invited to attend,
thaw living near HarrUburg bringing
their own "grub." A good time
may be expected,
DEAD.-rMrs. Elizabeth Powers,
who died at her residence in this
city last Mouday morning, was a
most estimable woman, and leaves
a large circle of warm friends to
mourn her loss. She was born in
Zaoesville, Ohio, in 1838: She
leaves a husband and five children
to mourn her departure.
, f, ,.
Go to P. C. Harper & Co., for every
tttng you want in general merchan
dise. There you will find a splendid
aad well selected stock, low prices,
and easy terms. They have a large
stock of Lion's celebrated California
Kid, Buck sod Dog skin gloves, war
ranted the best in use.
Tkmpkhancf,. The Court House
was filled on Thursday evening,1 the
occasion of the regular meeting of the
Union Temperance Society. Ret. D.
X. Nesbit delivered a thrilling and
eloquent temperance address, which
was frequently Interrupted by loud
"applause. The vocal and instrumen
tal music, was, as usual, first rate, and
Lost an additional charm to the occa
sion. The President appointed a
eosamlttee of young iaoMet lo present
U fee audience for signatures, the total
abstinence pledge of the society. In a
w minutes fifty-five signatures were
raeebrad. . The membership, we
afcouW Judge, must now reach nearly
r qui two tawdred. The Society
4JeoiTOfl t aoet at the same place
'Jcext Thursday evening.
Foot Badlt Gut. Thqrsdag after
noon the D. Godley, a
little fellow about eight years old,
while at Mr. John Montelth's, attempt
ed to cut a stick of wood, when hii
foot slipped and the ax came down c t
his right foot, severing the main artery
and cutting the foot nearly in two.
It is a terrible wound, and It will be
long before Freddie can use that mem
i,nte Illustrated papers, rhagnrliies
and books, nt Foslmy's.
Read N. Batim'8 new advertise
ment. Tworbr three weddings to come off
soon, o else people l j like smoke.
Wheat now eomn-ftnds 75 and 80c a
..... k a ( ..r.I I. t I
onTie"i Vu rtfrsifwriUt-ou 3rtn
Gns Wheeler and wife were In this
city Wednesday.
So much rain has fallen recently Hiat
plowing lias been greatly retarded.
The weather has been disagreeably
coltl and chilly during (lie week.
Green apples are scarce in this mar
ket, especially good eating apples.
Democratic primaries occur to-day ;
Taxpayers next Saturday.
Tlie Odd Fellows of Portland will
celebrate the 27th. . ,
Paper cuffs are said to have origin
ated in newspaper attacks.
What tiling 1 most likely to becomt
a woman f A little girl, of course.
A deceitful butz saw recently be
guiled John Randall of a finger.
Geo. Turrell and family remove fron
tliis city to the Dalles next week.
Tlie Register for the campaig
only 75c.
T. Bloom offers great Inducement'
to buyers. His assortment of drj
goods, etc.. Is first rate.
The praying crusade still continues
In Portland. The success is not very
flattering as yet.
Miss Anrllla Nixon started for
Waltsbnrg. W. T. last Wednesday,
to visit her brother.
The Independents of Marion county
hare nominated Prof. Crawford for
the office ot County Clerk.
Bart Curl, an old resident of Linn,
is on the Independent ticket for the
Legislature from Grant county.
A new gunsmith shop has been
opened on First street, nexi, to the
Wm. M. Hand, Independent candi
date for fctite Printer threw htiuself in
siiiht on Friday.
Geo. H. Dill, with H. S. Crocker
A Co , San Francisco, gave us a call
ou Saturday.
A terrible tire at Jacksonville Tues
day, destroyed the main business por
tion of the city. Loss. 185.000.
A large number of our citizens were
in attendance at the Independent, Con
vention at Salem on Wednesday.
A very neat dwelling house is being
erected in the Holliday addition to this
The Odd Fellows offer a complete
bill for enjoyment and fun, in this
city, on the 27th. Read the ad., and
you will know all about it.
One hundred and seventeen acres of
land, lying six miles southeast of this
city, sold at auction last Saturday,
brought 31 per acre.
Steamboats now convey wheat from
this city direct to Astoria, where it is
loaded on to sea-going vessels, for the
sujd of twelve cents a bushel.
S. . Young received another hun
dred kegs of syrup on Wednesday.
Our people get away with gobs of
sweetness during the year.
Mrs. Powers was burled by the
Good Templars, on Tuesday last.
There was a large turn-out at the
The wife and child of Dr. J. Luisey
Hill, who spent the Winter with her
father in Umatilla county, returned
to this city on Wednesday, in renewed
From the piles of lumber scattered
here and there lit the eastern end of
(his city, we are led to conclude that a
number of dwellings are to be erected
the uomii'g season.
Dr. Gate, slaps out s tooth la the
.moat srtktic nmner. Hepermits no
foolishness, but when be goes for a
molar be snakes fa oot eulcbr'n
ghsfeed lightning, in Aia-try a
few wlilies, ym to see low! jnai UU
it, .yrvvl ion ymti I
A number ot new awnings were,
erected In front of business houses last
ilium is selling large quantities Of
rood. He lias a splendid assortment
everything you can mention at
low rat.
Rev. D. K. Nesblt's temperance
effort m Thursday night was a mas
terly effort. Mr. N. is one of Ore
gon's first orators.
t;i interesting' procnimme will be
offered at the temperance meeting Ml
Thursday night next. A general in
r'itntlon. Is extended to all.
Win. Beach startci' for the Pelotue
ountry yesterday. He goes to join
ills brother Ki., who Is running a
sawmill In that country.
Miss Aurelia Blain returned to home
and friends In this city on Wednesday
etemng, atter an absence of seven
months hi Dalles.
The Dajihnry philosopher observes
that the placidity of expression worn
by a man wiio Is "next" in a full bar
ber's shop cannot be counterfeited.
Dave Thompson and C.
Tweedale are tlie delegates elect to
represent Albany Lodge No. 4 in tlie
Grand Lodge 1.0,0.1?., that meets
next month.
Vivian gave one of bis pleasant
entertainments at the Open House on
Tuesday night. The performance
was good, especially his latest-"the
mad butcher."
See new card of Warren ft Co.
They know how to put up a neat
mattress, splendid spring bed, or
upholster in a superior manner. Call
and see them.
Whopingcongh Is what's the matter
with our folks. If there is anybody
that deserves. "blessings lo disguise,"
printers are surely them uns. Whoop,
it is,
Raddlsles, onions and lettuce have
appeared in our markets. It has
lettuce alone, as yet. (Very bad, but
.vill have to do until the campaign
airly opens.)
Messrs. Harper & Co. are special
igents for the sale of tlie new and
tashlouabfa glove known as dog-skin
glove. They wear well and are
warranted not to rip,
Harry Godley lias leased tlie Soda
ville hotel and expects to take possess
ion the first of ritrxt mouth. Under
the inanagmcnt of Mr. and Mrs.
Godley, this will be a most pleasant
and attractive resort. 1
Mesdaines.Ja8. II. Foster, E. II
Grifllii, Ellen G, Rqssell and Lizzie S
Wilson waited upon our City Council
last 1 uesday evening with a petition.
to which was attached the . signatures
of nearly four hundred citizens, asking
that the Council would repeal the or
dinance granting license, to retail
liquor Ou motion, the petition was
referred to the Judiciary Committee,
with instructions to report back to the
Council a license ordinance in strict
conformity with the law of the State
granting license, which requires that
an application for license to sell liquor
must be signed by a majority of the
legal voters of a precinct before such
license can be granted.
li (-solutions of rondvlmee.
Your committee appointed to draft
resolutions expressive of the feeling of
the members of this Lode (Western
Star Lodge No. 10, L 0. G. i upon
tlie death of sister Elizabeth Powers,
would respectfully submit, the follow-
mg: r -
In as much as it has pleased our
Heavenly Father to take to himself
our beloved sister, Elizabeth Powers,
and ns this event touches us more
deeply than others, therefore: '
Vtoortfi, That k this sad dispensa
tion we recognize the hand ojt an All
wise Providence, and bow in submis
sion to His will
Resolreif, That we deplore the loss
of a kind friend, a rafthtui member of
our Lodge, and an earnest worker in
the cause of temperance,
ito& ThatweKMer.'our chris
tian sympnthfes to the fhiutiy and re
lations of the depftrtedj trusting that
tlie God of all comfort nifty prove their
all-sufficient consolation in this their
hour of grief and severe trial.
limits That a copy of the forego
ing resolutions be transmitted try Ibe
neeretarvolniir l .tr. inH, afflMM)
' Vies 'S.'0:miinrnf '
Mill f .filV! uaii, uirbnir
nunouneea fclntaeir
t the Male f amily
Mmscim Friend
Scioi April 6th, 1874.
Ed. liKciisTKR Dear Sir : The
editor of the Democrat in
issue was rather lengthy in his com
meuts on the fact of J. B. Irvine
attending two County Conventions,
lately kid at Albany j and I sec in
the Portland Evening News of
this date quotations from the Dem
ocrat, and savore comments on his
(Irvine's) movement I also no
notiml in the same issue of the
News that he h: 1 hoisted his Dem
ocratic banner a id raised his war
cry of "Hurrah fr Grover and the
democratic part," indicating,-'of
course, his intent on of supporting
the Democratic ticket. But, in
looking through t ie columns of the
Orejoidan I uolic ed that the editor
of the News had t; ken a very prom
inent part in an 1 idepcndent con
vention held at Portland. I don't
know it may be true Democracy
for a man to say lie is Democratic
ami is at tlie same time vigorously
striving to secure the election an
Independent ticket, but it looks de
cidedly "spotted" to me.
Jis for the editor of tlie Demo
crat, when I read that article con
cerning Mr. Irvine, or think of that
speech he made at this place, it re
minds me of a little incident that
occurred here, in which Gov. L. F.
Grover and Brig. Gen, M, V. Brown
were prominent actors. It appears
that the Bjigadier had become ac
quainted with the tact that the Gov.
would speak at this place on the
6th, and thinking it a rare oppor
tunity to display his oratorical pow
ers, he decided to accompany him.
When they reached our town they
found quite a crowd awaiting with
feverish impatience their arrival,
and the hour ot speaking. 1 he
hour arrived, but as fate would
have it, one of our stableman bad
just succeeded in making a race for
a purse ot two dollars and fifty
cents, in which the contestants were
a boy and a mule, who immediately
repaired to the race-track, and,
much lo the chagrin of the Gov.
and Mart, with about two-thirds of
their crowd following. But soon
the Gov. got wind of it, and not to
be played out m this kind ot style,
left Mart in charge of the few re
maining, and went himself in quest
of his absent hearers. He hadn't
been gone' but a short time when
those remaining with Mart., think
ing the Gov, wasn't going to speak,
began to drop off one by one. So
the Gov had not proceeded far be
fore he was overtaken by Mart, and
the rest of the crowd. After trav
cling about a mile through the
mud and water, they reached the
scene of the race. The contestants
were just coming m on the home
stretch, and the result was in favor
of the mule, who it appeared, had
the most friends, and the Gov. tak
ing advantage of this, informed the
crowd at the top of his voice that
"He had always been a friend to
the mule family," aid judicious
persuasion and promise of "lots of
fun," succeeded in securing an au-
The Encampment and the different
lodges I.O.O.F., of Salem, have ac
cepted the invitation of Albany Ledge,
and will be here on the 27tb in full
regalia. They ejtpeei to charter a
steamer, and will bring their own
band. The Salem boys are bricks.
The Pendleton Tribune says:
William Wigle, Kving near Willow
Forks, informs us that he has re
cently traveled from the source of
Willow Creek to its moutb, and
that fVoni close observation he is of
the opioion that on an average six
or seVen cattle out of every one
hundred dipd during the entire
A Salern Chinaman rushed into
a church last Sunday, and startled
the rontVregatiou by the following
u'ttie speech : "What's a matter?
Yoa heap too , mhee
It Mftnitthat somebors had teen
ihwwi .vett Mm, and borto
" " m . I
OtoW In New York, 11SX.
JLegul tenders, 8808.
Nan f'raurbM-o .Market.
Wheat 1 90313 V MOlbs.
Floub - Kxtra, S8 lilt ; other brand
S3 vm 7.1 V U.
OATS-II SS1 70 7f 100 its.
OMONS-i 73 V wo us.
Portland Markets.
Wheat $1 636)1 70 V cental of 100 ft
Oats - i3o V bushel.
Ki-orn Firm ; choice brands fs OOOfl 09
V bbl.
BAlrf.KY-11 40SM IS per cental.
Buttek -Extra dairy aif'SOc V n ; com
mon, 18CW2c.
Koos-18!0c V dozen
Poultry -Grown chickens, $3 504M 9
WOOL-888S.3C V Xb
Hides-Choice dry, Wo V B ; salted, 7o.
Albany Markets.
Whisat- White, V bushel, 7S3S0O
Oath-V bushel, Jficts.
P' TATOEt-V biwhel, S0c.
Oniuvs V bushel, SlCul AO.
Kuu H V bill, r, IK).
Beans-White, V a., SIM c.
DRIED FBl'IT-Apples. V a, 5 cenfci;
Pencbes,16 Vc; Plums, 14v; t'urrnnts, 10a
BUTTER-Fivsh roll, Hiu.30c V 1.
E008-V dozen, lSXo.
CHICKENS- i dozen, f2 30(23.
SroxRS-Crtished, 13c: Inland, 1031;
San Francisco reHned, l-J'sc V V.
TEA-Youmr Hyson, f 1 29; Japan, 79o
Coffee-SSc? n.. . ,
Syrup Heavv (ioldnn, k-es,2 SO; Ex
heavy Golden, $1 no V
Bacon -Httms t?c. Sides Sc. Shoulders 7o
Lard In tins, 11c V lb ; In Kegs, 9c
OiLS-ltovoe's Kotowne, G2 !,c Vk)., V
can. 5 pals.. S3 AO: Linseed OU, raw, V
Wl,$l 93, lulled. 1 37X.
HlDES-rndresscd detr skins, 80c ff.,
dressed, II 23 ; dn- cow hides, flint No.
1, 12&146 V U. ; Kreen sulte l, No. 1, 6
7c; sheepskins, 23S30C each.
FURS-Ottcr, 1113 each ; Fisher, llfttt
each ; Beaver. 80C'I V R : I'ovoto, 309
fane each ; Coon skins, 810c each.
of tbe Introduction of the
Independent Order
odd Slows
United States of America,
to be held In the city of Albany,
Monday, April 27, 74
consisting of a
during the day, and a
Grand Calico Ball
I A 13
s o c
Orator Rev. D. K. NESBIT
Chaplain Kov. JOSEPH EMEKY
AsslBlant Marshals. w- A.ABNOliS
Prooesaton will fonn at Odd Fellows'
Hall at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp and march to
I tacksman's Grove, where the exercises of
the day will take place; after which the
B recession will re-form and march to tiw
dd Fellows Hall.
In the evening
A Grand Calico Ball
Will be given at Pacific Opera House, to
gether with a
at Granger's Hall, all under the manage
ment, and for too benefit of, the
at Odd Fellows' Hall, open to-all guetta on,
that occasion.
Ttofcete tthe bait (including gappr H o
NtrTo l)fl obtaluctl ot the Committee of
Committee of Arrani mml.
CoiL VanCtove,
D.M. Thowpson,
JL r.lfieiMnatiov
Frod. Oraf,
John Millard,
Mrs. H. D. Oodley,
" J. F BaOkensto,
" Mtm. vaii
Reception ComeiHtte.
LikrSS?ff Ir. BaciaS
Jos. Webbar,
T-lir" "WW ' " n iai 1
iOPV , ,j HaSSX