The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 18, 1874, Image 1

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    L P Fiihir
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I've Been, Thinking,
I've been thiuklng, I've been thinking,
What a glorious world were this
Did folk? mind their own business
And mind their neighbor's less.
For instance, you and I. my friend,
Are sadly prone to talk
Of matters that concern us not,
Ami others' follies mock.
I've been thinking, if we'd begin
To mind our own fitl'alrs.
That possibly our neighbors might
Contrive to nianacy theirs.
We've faults enougfi at home to mend,
Tt may be so with others ;
Twould he strange, if it were not,
Since all mankind are brothers.
Oh I would that wo had charity.
For every man and woman ;
Forgiveness is the mark of those
Who know "to err is human."
Then let us banish jealousy
Let's lift onr fallen brother.
And as we iourney down life's road,
"Do good to one another."
The Story of the Naiad King.
Among the refugees who, at the
time of the first French revolution,
sought an asylum in foreign coun
tries, there was a young nobleman
from the South of France, named
Ileori d Albignac, lie had been
left at) orphan at an early age, and
his only inheritance was a little do
main that, under the most favorable
circumstances, yielded him a yearly
income of perhaps two thousand
francs, which was little more than
he required for his current expenses.
When, therefore, one dark, rainy
day, he arrived at London, the sum
total of his ready money, amounted
to little more than five thousand
francs. With this sum, small as it
was, had he any knowledge of trade,
or a thorough education, he might
have earned at least a modest live
lihood ; but he had received only a
common-shool education, and as for
his knowledge of agriculture, it was
very inferior to the English farmer
of the time. Besides, he was ac
customed to lead an easy life, and
had luxurious habits; it was no
wonder, therefore, that before the
end of the year, liis funds were ex.
One morning, as he sat in no
pleasant frame of mind, thinking
over tiis condition, his landlord, an
avaricious huckster, who even sur
passed the majority of his uncultur
ed countrymen in incivility, entered
the room. At first he glanced in
quisitively about the apartment, and
then he fixed his eye upon his lodg
er with a disdainful smile, nodding
three or tour times significantly as
ho said :
"It's plain enough to be seen, M.
' d'Albignac, that your affairs are in
a pretty bad fix, and, if I might be
allowed a word concerning them,
I should say they will not be better
rtUI mm make up your oi"d to put
your shoulder earnestly to the
"I doubt whether that would im
prove them much," replied the
young Frenchman; "I know of
nothing that would materially bet
tar my-' condition but one or two
hundred pounds sterling."
"Just so. Money is what you
iked. That I know wy well,"
returned the huckster, "and as for
working, you feel yourself above it,
while you have not wit enough to
make money in your own way."
"Jitr," cried the young nobleman,
Tuive you come here to insult me?"
"''ome, cope," replied Cornhill,
'there is no need of crying ut so
oud It will not help matters any.
Do you know that you already ewe
TOflfiv pounds?"
"You will get y"r money," re
plied Henri ; "I have thus fer in life
Jii?liSid think .uSJS "
"I shall be very glad ; but when
does your honor thhk I can touch
the money? m:
"As soon as my affairs are in a
better condition," said d'Albignac,
"And till then you propose to
continue oh increasing your debt, I
suppose r replied tne huckster.
"No, no, to that I cannot consent."
"I think the best thing I can do
is to leave your house at once,"
d'Albignac, springing to his feet and
seizins his hat: "there are other
people in the world besides yon, and
better ones, too, I trust."
"Tut! tut! 6itdpwri again and
let us talk like two sensible
remonstrated the huckster.
shall see tbat I mean well
you." 1
Carious to know in what way his
landlord s interest in him', would
manifest itself, Henri sat down and
looked him full in the face.
"I need a trustworthy man to
drive round and serve niy customers
with vegetables," Cornhill began.
'Will you be that man ?"
"Will I what ! are you mad f
cried d'Albignac, iu doubt whether
he beard aright.
"What else can you do ? Noth
ing, that I can see," replied the
huckster, shrtigging his shoulders.
"Think it over I will stive you till
to-morrow evening to consider. If
you refuse you need expect nothing
more from me. And what will yon
do then, in this big city, without
friends and without means. Heav
en only knows! Besides 1 shall
expect yon to pay me before you
leave my house."
With these words he left the
room. Henri remained for a while,
seated at the window, considering
what course to pursue in his extrem
ity : then he rose and went to a res
taurant, where he was in the habit
of getting his dinner, Arrived there
he took a seat at a table at which
two elegantly dressed gentlemen
were already seated, and ordered
some roast beef and a salad, which
was all that the few small coins
which still remained to him would
pay for. The beef he found entirely
to his liking; the salad, on the con
trary, he pushed aside as absolutely
unfit to be eaten.
Meautime, three more fashionable
young men of the world had seated
themselves at the table. 'fhey
smiled as he pushed tbe salad aside,
and nodded aside as he said :
"What an abominable mess they
give you here under the name of
salad ! n it h us, in Jb ranee, a salad
is a very different sort of thing."
"Then, you are a Frenchman,
sir?" asked one of the gentlemen,
in a Courtly tone. "la it tr,ue that
your countrymen are . the adepts I
have heard they are in the dressing
of salads?"
"That is one of the arte in which
they are certainly proficient," re
plied tho. Frenchman.
"But the secret is, of course, not
known to everyone ; it is probably
only in, tbe bands of professional
cooks and epicures,?" ,
"Not at .0,11," replied Henri;
"every child with us, knows how to
dress a salad fit for a king. True,
our petit crepe, is, a pery different
sort of vegetable from the bitter let
tuce that grows, in, England."
"l! tear you do our gardeners in
justice; the lettuce they .raise, is
good enousm, jt oniy requires, ip pe
properly dressed," ,
Tlie discussion was continued at
some length, when one pf the En
glishmen turned to d Albignac, aid
asked if he would not undertake to
prepare a salad then and there after
the Freiich manner.
"Certainly! why not?" replied
Henri 1 whereapoa the waiter was
called, and all the necessary warm.
dtente vera immediately ordered fer
the dressing salad ate Fraaoaifae.
Then the young iotHnteafl'
to work, answering, meantime, the
questions of the Englishmen w'th
regard to his country and his im
pressions of theirs, And thus it
came that he told his interlocutors
his own story that he was an
emigre, had exhausted all h means,
and was at a Joss to know what to
do or which way to turn.
In duetime the safyd was dressed,
histxl oiid Tirnnoun'eed SUlicrb.
TiwWd. one of the VOUnfT ftllglish
men was so well nleased fiat he in
, 4 W
sisted on testifying hi? appreciation
of the Frenchman's art by present
ing him with a five pound bank
Henri very naturally objected at
first to accept it, but the English
man would listen to no exenses, and
he was finally" compelled to yield.
At parting they took his address,
And assured him that lie would
hear from them again.
D'Albignao returned bis lodgings
in a much better frame, of mind
than he had been for awny days.
His first step -was to sstisfy his im
Doitunato landlord with the five
pouuds that had so fortunately fal
len into his band; his second was
to look tor other quarters. The
huckster was aotajittk chagrined
to see Iris tenant leave bin?, but he
made no effort to induce him to re
main. "We shall see," he, thought,
"you will be glad to come back to
me and accept my offer- f not to
day or to-morrow, then liter. Ire
turn you are sure to, for What can
you, friendless aud moneyless, do in
Henri found, in the sanfe street,
in the house of a wearer, t modest
apartment that answered 'iris pur
pose. He now began to bok dili
gently about fbr some means of
earning a livelihood, and thought
no more of the salad adventure until
he was reminded of it in a manner
that, in his impoverished condition,
was most agreeable.
hour or five days 'had elapsed,
when one morning! he received
a note in which he was politely re
quested to do the writer the favor
to come, on a certain day, at a spec
ified hour, to one of the handsomest
mansions in Grosvenor Square, in
order that the guests at a large din
ner party might profit by his skill
in a!ad dressing.
Grosvenor Square in those days
was the most fashionable part of
London. Once favorably known
in that neighborhood, and his feme
could not tail to extend throughout
the city. The' young Frenchman
had sufficient sagacity to see that
his Rkill in dressing salads might lie
made to retrieve bis fortunes ; he
therefore spent the time that inter
vened betwecu the receipt oi the
note and ttie day on which he was
to visit..Sqqare jp njakjng some
experiments, which finally resulted
to his entire satisfaction. 1
He was punctual, arid found the
principal ingredients for 'the dish he
was called in to prepare awaiting
bis arrival In a little box which
he carried with Him he brought vari
ous condiments he deemed necessary
to enable him to acquit himself in
the best possible maimer. He was
entirely successful, aud won the
highest: praise; but what gratified
him most was the liberal recompense
ho received tor his trouble, which
strengthened his determination to
reap whatever pecuniary advantage
from his art he could-
Henri's hopes and expectations
were more than realised. His sec
ond so-called Italian salad did much
more toward making him known
than heaiitidpated. In a very few
days he received another invitation,
oi rather order; soon afterward an
other, and within a month it was
not considered "the thing" at a
gItfdtoaer offer ne guests a
eVttliim flay, not fengafter this
turn in his affairs, d'Albignac paid
a visit to his former fanaibrd, who,
as soon as be recovered from, the
surprise the young unjs triumph
ant mien occasioned, asked in his
brusque manner :
"Well, have you corao to,, your
seiifCBw W?, Have you decided
to accept m pi posal and peddle
my vegetaqles foj n w
'No, 1 have not decided (o ped
die your vegetables for you, but to
buy tflem, replied d Albignac.
"Eh, what ? have you lost your
wits ?" replied the astonished huck
ster. "A trtadman would hardly come
to' von with so rational a proposi
tion," returned the Frenchman,
"Then you are really in earnest?"
""Ay, really in earnest. True, I
have no use tor all that grows in
the gardens that supply you, but I
will take a very considerable portion
that is used in preparing the various
kinds of salads provided we can
agree as to prices."
"Well, I have no objections,"
replied Cornhill. "A fair price
and. prompt payment is all: I ask."
A few. days later, tbe young no
bleman provided himself with a
light wagon in which in tube, bas
kets and boxes, he could take with
him a supply of the various ingre
dients that enter into the com
position of the various kinds of
salads. Tims provided, it was an
easy matter for him to serve his
patrons, and it was no wonder,
that in time, he came to be known
throughout London as the "Salad
king." After some months he took a
shop and dealt in everything used
in his specialty, and by close at
tention to business, and taking
advantage of every opportunity
that offered, he acquired in a com
paratively short time, a little for
tune amounting to eighty thousand
francs, with which he determined
toretnrn to France. Arrived in
Paris, he invested sixty thousand
francs in State sororities, which at
that time were selling considerably
below par, and consequently paid
hint a handsome iuterest With
his remaining twenty thousand
francs he purchased a small landed
estate iu Limousin, which still re
mains in possession of his family.
The story of D'Albignac is
vouched for by the famous French
epicure, Brillat Savarin, who tells
it in his "Physiology of Taste,"
and says he knew the "Salad-king"
personally. Translated for Ap
pktoih Journal.
lover-Pro verb.
Koses and maidens soon lose
their bloom.
Red is love's color, said the
wooer to his fox-colored charmer,
Singers, lovers, and poets are
privileged liars.
For lo ve the wolf eats the sheep.
When there is no love all faults
are seen.
, Where love is there is great
pain. Italian.
Where love is, there the eye is.
Where there is not equality,
there never can be perfect love.
A cat pent up becomes a lion.
It is better to have a husband
without love than jealous.
In the war of love who flies
There is no love without jealousy.
Handsome is not what is hand
some, but what pleases.
Love levels all inequalities.
Every man has a good wife and
a bad trade.
As is the lover so is tbe beloved.
A lover's anger is short-lived.
It is all one whether yon die of
sickness or 6f love.Jfoiaji,
A bring man, a jealous man.
Faint heart never wo fair lady.
Man. laves bat once. German.
Praising is w loving ji
Jealousy is pain which eagerly
seeks what causes pain.
One hair of a woman draws
more than a belhrope.
A woman strong in flounces is
weak in the head German.
Gluck und die Weiber halwn die
Navren lies,
Yedes weib. wilLlih m v
Cold hand, a warm heart.
Maidens say no and mean yef, '
Man without woman is head
without body. Woman without
man is body without a head.
Revenge converts a little right
into a great wrong.
Hot love is soon cold.
Love of lads and tine of chips are
soon out.
Lovers live by love.
Follow love and it will flee; dee
love and it will fellow,. , lj
The love of a woman and a
bottle of wine are sweet tor a sea
son, but last for a time.
All's fair in love or war.
Whom we love best, to them
we caq say least.
Old pottage is sooner heated
than newmade.
Love, money, and wipe ba'yje
their virtue and their bane.
Aime et savoir n'out pas le mcme
maniere. To love aiid to be wise
are two different thiigs.
In men every mortal sin is ve
nial ; in woman every venial sin is
True bve never grows old.-
Absence is a foe to love.
Out of sight, out of mind.
A beautiful woman, smiling,
bespeaks a purse weeping.
He loves well who does not forget-
Beatta collei che di vecchio
pazzos' iunaraora.
Who loves, believes.
Who loves the tree loves the
Who loves well chastises Well.
Who Ioyes, fears.
She wl;o is born a beauty is born
He who cannot revenge himself
is weak ; he who will not .is con
temptible. lie who takes a Woman at her
word may say he holds nothing."
Counsel is nothing against love.
He that hath love in his breast
hath spurs in his sides.
Love, a cough, smoke, and money
cannot long be hid. ,
Love aud poverty are hard to
Love and faith are seen in works.
Love aiid' lbrdshrp like no fel
lowship. Love begins at home, ,
Love me, love ray dog.
Love demands faith, and faith
firmness. ' ',
Love does trtuch and money
everything.- English.
Love does wonders, but money
makes marriage--Jfymcfk.
Love expels jealousy.
Love, grief, aud money, caitaoif
be kept secret 8T
Love is an excuse fbr its own
faults. :..".r'
Love is blrnd.k
Love is blind, but 'sees afar
Italian, 1 safe
Love knows not labor.
1 Love ismasterofallarts; mt"
Love is the true price at whic
love is bought
Yd .... W-WF
William Wheelright,
late of
to be
Newburyport, Massiv
numbered among the good New
Englandera who in lifetime were
thoughtful for the good of those &
come after thenn Tw-mntba of
his estate he devised for the purpose
of founding a scientific college lb
Newburype-rtv It tolerably re.
tain that about Jlfil.OOa Mil be '
realized irtbatl tdMWy
ra v