r?rw? tar 8 By COM CLEVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Corwr ?rry and Ftr $trt. TKRMS-IS ADVANCE. ia vw . . Three dollars. P?iR& :Two dollars. agle eops AlAUkTm CMtt. Idubskflvo 50 each. e dvktfdtlen.;... i ft 1 AbVEiTISTSG RATES. Transient advertisements, per square of n lines "or less, first Insertion fl; each bseqnewt WMla M-' Urger adver-1 vjefnsuU.Mft" P mo8 liberal ; nil tiit-ii Iteeftil and we. to Keep GtTM 'Aaaittr. Dis olve il in as little cold rain water . a possible, then add alcohol. Toil ; (reserves it, ' Hungry Nut-Oaks. One uound of flour, one pound of sugar, Ju8iiunem poiwd of butter, six jgjjp, two teaspouimui cream-tartar. extract, which was found to con tain 2 8 per cent, nitrogen, while the prtlW s?b,u8Kfl loaves oon tain 3.58 per cent. From this it wmld seem that, -unless we con trive to (fcvoasAlie whole lea iwe lose the larger portion of the nitro gen. Melted Butter to Serve wiAP.-xthwai3rfhl of tknir and six outos ot butter smoothly togetner on a plate ; put into a lined saucepan ami pour in a pint of milk or sweet cream; keep stirring it oue way over a sharp fire ; let it bull for a "minute or.two, when add the chopped yolks and whites offchree hardboiled eggs and serve in a sauce-bowl. An OriitlMlKtrl 4peni Troup.'. An extraordinary pulpit enter tainment has been produced in Lima, Peru, by an Italian named Contarujj, who, proposes to carry his exhibition to &rwpc. lie has tauubt and trained, bv dint of ine teaspbou of soda, one-balf cap great patience aud perseverance), an m sweet milk aud halt a pint ot opera company, made up of -thirty hickory nuts chopped fine. The Philadelphia Medical Wm calls the attrition of its readers to the tact that glycerine may be used as a means of dis guising medicines, such as castor oil, turpentkie, ood-liver oil, etc., mpre eipecially when one or two drops of oil of cinnamon or some pier volatile oil lias been added. Corn mealj heated and placed fa bags, is reooBarnended as a 6ub gtitatefor hot water bottles and such Wke appliances for restoring warmth to the sick. It is said to "Weigh less, retain its heat longer, and does not chill when cold. HoRSftltAtJISI! iw Pickle. Horseradish grated and mixed with .flicjflfi njill, prevent mold forming on tlie top of jars. Leaves of horseradish laid over the ) top Will answer the same purpose. It i said that this pungent root, it aud mixed with cider, and Bn With the food, wiH both pre- veut and 9r -pw1)'- ; t r Washing Rag Carpets. A rag carpet should not be waste! as long as itcan be avoided. It 6oils much easier after being once washed, 'besides fading. If tliere are grease spots, a little hard soap rubbed oa, thee washed- off with hot water and well rinsed, is a cood wav to remove theW; or some aqua ammonia is equally as 'good. : CocojustiT Uake Two eggs; beat the whole to a stiff froth one and aba cups of sugar half a cupof bujtter; half a cup" of sweet milk; ne teaspoontbl of cream i tartar; one teaspoouful of soda; two aud a quarter cups of flour; halfacupof cocoanut; flavor of lemon. !:,' Va: ' Cutlets op Veal. When the piece of veal is eboseni divide, each Done separately ; break an egg and wet the pieces with it, then roll Jtjr a bread . eitmba, aftew j (tying them i'u lard. ' Make a gravy with butter, pepper and salt, mixed with the bread crumbs. Adv part of the veal, almost, cut in, small pieces, may be dressed in thi 1 same way. Tbisdisb must be thoroughly done to be good. Nutritive Value ok Black Tlw. Tea is not only to be con) Bidered as a stimulant, but also as nourishment. That people who use tea are able to live longer and do more work on an . insufficient aamrt of fbod,;tiW,'fVf1. wll. abstain from the beverage, is attributed to its power of prevent - of the body, and in economy may be com- 1 proposition saved is twice the large: amount , it may also to a certain extent, otrisbmeat. A it worifi his bow much ot iufiiMon. tieaamBad Wt parrots and -' parroquet, who I per form Ivq of , Bellini's operas ,,Norina'Vai)d,i"omiiaimbu)a,'' on a miniature stage, with full chorus and recitative. The director and maimer accompany the artists on a piaoo-harniouium, aud the - per fection with whic,h each bird sings his part and the' excellence ot the chorus are prodigious. The debut ot the lyrieownithological company in "Norma" was attended by the wealth and fashiun of Lima. When the parroquet tftat sang the .contralto finished the, allegro in the "Salutation to the Moon," such I was the I enthusiasm, the shouting and applause at bearing a bird sing the Casta Diva, that the bird orjajpaBj, afrighted took flight and sought refnge among the, side sceiief. This- interrupted the per formance for fiilly quarter ot an hour, and 8ignnr Contariui had to tranquilie the "artists" by giving them bread soaked in wine Thenceforth the expressions of ap probation vere moderated in order not to spoil the play. It appears that the bird artists have now be come accustomed to the applause. The correctness and propriety with which they give certain parts ot the opera are wouderful. The primo tenero possesses all the airs arid graces ot the school of Mario, and the ladies of Lima have named the prima donna Patti At least this is the story as told by one of i- 41JU.T OX.Ji i. ...u me hub rrapers- peumu wiiu have any imagination to spare will pltse awpt tjiis draft .-upon it. A oaxty (Iowa) man, notic- mg his wood-pue grow small and com-neigh- ignor- two of those loaded sticks in the kitchen Awe lift cineJi'luTtpare ner ainner. in aooui two minuies she started out through the top of the house attended by the griddle, frying pan, and part of the oven, to interview the moon. She is ex pected back the-lilter irt oi iw xt week. A Giiob Shot. 'the appended par- Lurnikk tomes trom California, March beauti uuy less, tflfotwn tne bined efforts of several of bis bastififeDQwder. la bSaiful ance hS faithful stfMise pUt inn the waste tnewWa! oared to m flpucia that V"6eowv n n troflflrit osnwme v- n bewusaered. - , . T I J K : i i 1 1 1 j a direct weaioi m Vrwwt K4"thiaht niM)te wte?wiM .'l't!, as, 1 CALL. To the Tux-Payers aud Lu ll Clasc of ' P'lJiir, .l borJng Men fall How tbe Vori-uplnc Vttm H QuiUfi Anepondedt. of ffiiN Stream (New York) writes: To meet the constantly recurring question, "How does the porcupine throw its quills?" lsen occurrenceV in olosii'al collection. Hie director, Mr CcMiklin. wlio has kinillv furnished me WiiEKKs.ThraiDrliix)lltk'alkn(L-niaiul these facts, had pceaslw, to, euter the mmjSiW & eats of Llim county have beem criminally iuu;luctc(l and outrageously taxed, and t lie will of the people, tlirouh petition and .odternu iue-l. 4uvH'Mly dtsre !lWrW(l,irvHrttfcisliyVMl4id heavy 6l)li;atioiif contraetca, in open disregard ofjusiteccnomyand indirect violation of the constitution and law: therefore, be It urn? Jk i-Hsij 1 That. asiFaAiwi Mft'lufelcs n.l Jjilij'iiiK Men, f e cut Onrsais leose m loon auanx. large aviary, where, as a matter of present convenience, he had placexl some specimens of the white-haired porLpiniiOii .j-nttpv). mm he also placetl a young hare. The latter Immediately sought cover in theorwwoKivtox. MjtoGfftfe- oticeftstfie totiij, a a!j poa-up'ujfe lay eumA Aitluji thefcune enclustfre.-- ft iselliiip.i tlie lattel vtlmat is aaMMlF aiK, J ' instance, true to Its nature, tne' crea ture hugged the floor, presenting his hack anil tail, but securely concealing l.; I ...... l t'..,.f n. I , :., .. box of less than IKWve t K!ffiSZig Troiaall Birtv ohliLration nu jaiiyamuer a LiainerimHHiBiioiigD u iiiifHeesin wlio tiaror, nan jaf a lies, rings, cuuihiniitii ext mvag.mce, WiiPd UldOD- l. of tno- HwT extravagance, H(Kdigara of economy m County, state and Nation. Therefore, as Farmers, Mechanics, und Laboring men of nil classes, we call upon "haun t ms eye oil 'er oflfreffirfflre'; H"t ensconceu closely cacti in its own manner, at opposite corners. Mike, who iWJSiirs "'hadn't Ms ejesroff 'eaT,s;Wi Ui. complete snow for," savs he, "we picked out over minaret! from him " "true, says Mr. Conklin ; "but the most suigulaP circumstance is that the hare was literally covered the quills; that is, they .vere plunged into the nose, ears, feet, body, and, too, on both sides." Nothing will convince Mike that the quills were not shot off tike so many barbed javelins bv some inherent pro- pellinjjKwcr. The jgorcupine, whose M.lt('IIJS,ls71.toeleet delegates toattend a County (.Convention, to be held in Albany, HrMli tlOTttlerslWllii'ct ivoflrty. ( nnmiiates tor an county imices. kmo nroclnct will be entitled to one delegate for even- twent'.-ftve votes. Also, to elect "ET.kvkn Delegates to attend an Indeieinl- ent state Convention, to be neld at Salem, on nc.ta.U. ril !, 1874. W 8 Elk ins, Jos Klk ns, J Wase mi, P II Howell, J K Smith, John settle, I. Kitb' spliswamiweJrjl consplcjious Htxj&l tliiulrile. whan amii5i.il fiir itafaiisp I TGUlll. throws up the mask which conceals j o'Ifa his battery, and lu, tiie long liaiis of Pwtpl his back have been nftedfrotna slileld- " Tr The Temperance ladies held another meetfngln tM Methodist Church yes terday afternoon, hut no plan of actWIi w-dtddti. !i InltetMiw of the discussion which the ladles held at this meeting. Mrs. W. Kalksaid lier hus band had iutormed her that there was a brand of whisky in the market called vSentUr' Whisky," nBiwiafter Gov ernor Booth, and sold by the house ol wbioji lk) was A,tnemben i j She suggest- ed that (iovertior ale their temperance movement, and she hoped that feminine prayers might lie peculiarly efficacious In that quar- "TVi mft 1'i.ia) uujluA.'l.lM'r .Iff like patch, which is closely beset with short quills. The short tail also bears a large statfe of Jbu Vvipons. These quills ' aw verj3 fniely pointed M barbed ; they are also set so loosely in the skin that the slightest plunge into the enemy suffices to tlx them, where they remain not only to tease the victim, hut to create a dangerous irritation. The liabit of the creature when aroused wHl'sTi5W flow" Be" tUS-' charges (he ,. .(.milbj. , t He crouches closely to cobeeal the vulnerable -arts, and tlieu, presenting the quills towtird tlieetietny. uniHasiKid, H'iks tbeui in by qfiicCTy repeated qdebtr'froni the tail. So rapidly does he thrust ajidTecoVer bj wcp)0ii the action is not readily uotked ; the effects are, however, luasfpalualik. . Wiujk that n-rturaiists hav usim II)' refilled this as the true explanation of the habit. We may add this as a fresli instance wtiiub iM)rJttieftl-f eve'Of somff one lMfl b Wlitied to sk: "Uois the porcupine slioots its qitms?' AsiffN fAPA iVb iNPIItrTCM. The following pretty good and very amusing thing is told through' the newspapers' r""'! " ltisrtidtltt9ir Walter Cambell, who was lately in a tucrcautile hr;n in New York, wished to marry an Amer ican lady of -good position in the Um pire State. I 'pon his applying to the young lady's father, the patent seated that he always referred all those ques t ions to 1 lis wife. The mother in her turn stated that, she nwtst refer it to the Dttke"of Atyte. TheDuke plead ed that, o)t)idering his conheciion with royalty, be Must consult bis klest sort. ' Tiie Mflrqiiis otHd do nothing witkfMtt tfbfy Queen's consent. Her Majesty telt Unit tbe issue must be re ferred to the Duke of Saxe Cobnrg Gotha, awaiLt he family. The 1'uke reTOnetr-Wiat:- since the" recent changes in Germany, he looked upon f cwT&tMii Wf .iptroFAVfliUm 'l.h sovereign. I s sK and must how to tils advice. The Em-1 A Pw . j nernrsniil l,fl tvmM iln nfilhiiiir without ' iS'S Wadkinds, at all. one way or the other; and so the question tfli marry or rot to mar ry was brought to a dead-lock, j ffj A dtpattfiroiaSf ew Jprk, i arch 1st. gives the annexed: 11 Toe iY'.iv'rfitorday publishes tlio fol lowing interesting facts in reference to lei now oemg York, exlsl- his city: inere are now! in 3j : L Kai.n. : J l ,lnq list, , J II (iih aore, K Lilfe!tj t 1 A Krwin.4 1 J Simons, KH Robinson, i S A Nick rson, I (I W WlKeler, UFBhid r tt, W B Oils n. J W Mcii night, i a XiUllv. , i John Iln. I. , David Smith, tieo vt lun, j E Cheadle, fi K (rilmore, W B Donaca, John Dcnney, J Ralston, r 0 Ifusard, ( W Young, ' J Ellison, F Pttrton, 2 ' BW Baker, ' J Ble vins, K K Fanning, J Turner, L Knighton, I Blevins, J B JenkH, T Clemens, WO McCoy, ( Parker. 0 P Knighton, D )iaugier, W ( iohtolJewy, J A UoGhee, .1 W MeUhee, li II Raber, M Luper, MCWoway, J Sk-ott, ItMe-Clung, . J(. Prler.-rtS.; WW "foster, (Irecn Kinder, ISBurtenshnw, , B W Hamilton, Jax K Charlton, J Mew mail (leoi-gi-1 rabtree, F II Smith,? .; Job CmbtretL Andrew CrBMftkv Wm J Cwbtree, JNCrWreeT J WCary, . Jo Nixon, James Ridgeway, Asa II Peterson, it r ciayjiooi. M Blake, C Martin, J Mallett. M Tillert, K Murray, J B Titus, 5 K Young, .iSftJjwi, T MThotnpson, (i FSiuixson, R Cheadle, Kicbmoud Cheadle, J A Powell, U (iray, Jos Liggett, (i W Collar, li W Kessfciiee, J ttBiefi l.oms r.nrents L F Smith, W P Anderson, Daniel Houck, R A M Farland, . F Bm:kensto, W (i Harris, M Teollis, Blchani ClieatUe. rnileslerT.ec, J B Parrish, 6 Usher, A M Wilson, W A Peterson, DiiviilPeebler, I) Simons, D Simons, Jr., J M Marks, W Miller, ,' Hi J G Rowe, A C Vernon, G Scott, LF Smith. K P MeCliire, ; 4 H Simpson, JV L Vane. PRowk, W Iteneduit, W II Miller, 1 .Ml ciliuore, AJBlevins, David Froman, L K Blain, B M Cook, s I mi i can. . McKarliind, rTlndertonl 1. Linebargrtr. J A PlnmiiKir, M James, DPilne, E T It Curl, K Tucker, , J X naudls, J P CraTtrree, John Wilson, J I) South, James Lindlcv, W Polndexter, in Kin .1 Mills, A W Chariot on, A II Charlton, (J Fitzwater, J A McIIenry, ' " B the stihiect of the relief granted- to tile poor M Wew howtni! in part the destitution V . . .. ig iu tin operation' twelve soup houses, at which 1.1,000 persons were yesterday lurmsn ed with sotirr2,D00 g:illons of which are distributed daily at these establlsh Infen. MWIftiajMB pubiisha jjumnr ous inuA wherrpoor people wlio were alinosp In a starving, condition have htm MeitqX, 'M;0mm societies with money, clotliing. fuel and provisions. It U believed that the effmt-' matte tAMlleve the dertitute ot Xew York liave been tlie menus of savinc inauv lives. and Senator-elect i . tnoi idMmmuBauilim'trfAdv a subject as 'Hie lollowinir Is a dispatch ffom hicb to itiiti-l pMUiwmWrrii1ttliAardi4tljj tu the -Ledslaturc yesterday the Hultrage presenrexi a in; w S Smith, Wm Prier, Robert Moore, Joab Powell, Jr, Erter, L R South, .las ti joiinson Kltmul). C J lA-ever, W Rav. flflfM K L Plnmmer, J W (iarland, 0 Clnrk, P C Clurk, DJ HECTOR Y. JJiMter Daniel Clark. Salem P. O. Secretary' J. II. Smith, Hanlsimrg. f), OtvTwrr Wm. Cyrus, SdlO. Zr'ii-WgiJi4Uitcr. Walla Walla, .i. iWmiW ft. ?. (Jtfls. " Ltidit A&ewml-- MnLi'liloe i)V. -. eWm --Antlxmy' SlinTvHi'valHU.1 tf;'-f'f-rrtliikhe1loii, WaltaWbl.ti Trmio r;-B.'A; wnwu. iiuiiet n . . r... .... I' . a. .til I . AUVKKTISKMllNl. PETERS & SPEIDEL, MANOKACTek' I'S Of Carriages & Wagons, Or Every Bmcripl jm, ALBANY, OKt c;o. or' ::r any MANUFACTTRK TO and all styles of Wagons, CuriingcR, YlackR, Ac., at as reasonable rates ns good material and nret-claas we tifv. Repairing neatly and expedit at low rates. Shop on Ferry lietween First add Second streets. , PF.TKRS 1 SI I IPFX. Albany, Mai-eh 7, 18727 he use of h will jus- usly done MARBLE WORKS. MOKROE & STAICIER, Dealers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, II'ad and Foot Stoneg, Executed in ' ; California, Vermont Marble. SAXES! . OREGON. and Italian HKAM'H SUOP AT ALBANY. CCLEWS No bet t ei evi lence of the ,.m..i..n. SJ ()f Ur;' oIcdiih'k Coitinonnd wlraet of Euealyptiiscan liclcsiiixCtlian the following snmmhi of insfs, treated i"i this n-medy alone, bv that eminent lihcsieian. Dh. Dvvir Wo'sti h, hi the V. 8. AHirina Hospital. San rnwiolseo.ioport ed in the August So, iWJ1 i',,ne tUni EUMLiTTUS A Om" TrtHtetf. Curni. Jmhl. Ilemlttent ver 0 5 4 hilla and Fever 19 9 Typhoid Fever' 9 g IHlireUa jo 5 S Ineontlnnareori'rlii a j Mrietnre 9 4 i IiiflniH.orBladder S7 25 Kleantirhnirta jg io a liUeaNforihe llearl. . 7 7 emery . 4 a Cbrville Otarrlira.... r .g 4 Gonorrhcea 15 ij o'Pj- e a ,'n Completely eorrobo ative of the above, art' the Deports of the enieritnama with RUMthMM by Dr. Lorrlmer. of. Rerlin, Prussia hiu Dr. Keeler, Chief Phvsieian of the Austrian BallwayCo., foliHsh.'d in the Am. it 'I. Jvur. July, tf!-. It will be found very eftlcaiiloiiin obsti nate cases or Dysfiepsla, Blwichftis, Hack ing Cough. Chronic Sore, throat, Leacor rhea.etcniidin nausea (rtrring pregnancy. r.',i luiiNMtouhle T.ttnt or Rnealyp- tm is a IPpcjAj prepai-H-tinil for tlie rrehtiflrntnl FKVri, and AfiVK. .-r-aiid is Harraiitrd l rare everv ense ti-ealed a'OrilUg U diictjons. without the injurious resullsof the nsnal Qui nine ilihI ursiMllcul rem edies for that disease. Awo pnru'flnid e. tnart of Eifealyptua, in one inuini! bottles, for physician' use Bei(aief toittatlons, and take none but lolciiiimV Pat wilo eyerywheiv, and by lloflge Calel Co., Uriiggists, Portland. Agents for 1 regon. VSnWy r fr m REWARD FOR AK IncuraWe Case! PATRONS OF HtlSSflNDSY. XDR. RICHATJ S GOLDEN BALSAM! After tun yetn trial on thWCout hu pivren itself the only curative in certain i bum mfdiimueH pronounced ly Buecllcri pwntitkui crs u incurable. Dr.LeBichao's GOLDEN BALSUTHo.1 curei Chancres first and secenct itagea, Area on the Legs or Body; Bora Ears, Eyes, Nose, kt.f Cbwer-oolored Blotcqas, Syyhiutie Catarrh. Diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of tbe 41s)uMklown as gypbaUa, ; Price, $5.perbot He, or two tor $9. Dr. Le Sichaas GOLDEjtl BiLSAM No. 2 care Tertiary, Mercnriat, ByphllftW Itbeiima, tism. Pains in the Bones, Backof the Neck, UL canted 9oro Throat, Byphijitio bah, Lumps ana uontractoa uoras, mumess f tne urnns. ana sraaics whether cai Mrs: .(anc Cvrns. Alo. rowci'e. ii "'iln. m 'u-Texas on the object and valiw rftteSotleii llisterical report. MmmmiMIMsniMi 'mOBiiMoffto tbe wmeW.'BflWwllrand srgally. fiall IB Mrs. M. It niA-a -Mrs. L. O.'IWrd. MeMlnnvWlo. , . jueaOamm' -Daniel CMrkitailrm; a t, IfT Onrtiey, Teh'Mile, rjouglasCo.: i jrley j Hull, Walla1 walla; Q. 'A. WdH lfmsia j Tlsta; Thomas Munkers.Sclo; A. B. Hcjury, i V!'. "J."!': . . oniMF wr ciitrM tisramf )S'i.jiiint'W.F.' Alexander. ! r.nas rauniiiK. itursniui. aria- IT irtiiirm r snemr. r nKi. "fllirW TM jtll all dlseages frpm the iystem. I by indiscretion or abuse ot y leaving the blood purs and healthy f bottle, orrwo forfO. Price. $5 perl Dr. Le lieta's 60LDES, SPANISH AN ttdote, for the Curs of Oonnorhoss, Glest, Irri tation, dravel, and all Urinary or Oenlts) dtarranfemeats. Price, $3.00 w bottle. Dr. Le Ritiufl's G9LHJBH SPlHISB IK- jectlon, a wash and injection for sricrs case ol eoonarhosa, Inflanmttory QJe.Bfrlcturtx and all dlaeasoa of the Kidneys and Bladder. Priest UM pip bottle, i . (-, put op only to round bottles. svisail. casaisls usbd sad Jmt nop "e- Woifll lllsaito sad BstsU praaw w 6 6 eet emL ash. aud 25.5 of ciety. ms - - r ' tfci. Jtt'r WV' ' m eacn Biwk