FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Gold in New York, 11X. Legal tenders, 8990c. Nan Freleo Mnrketa. WHKAT-ll flOfei 100 . Flock - Extra, l BW; other brands, B 1505 10 V IDS. OATS-tl B5M 75 V WO I1-ONIOlffl-W OOV IOOP'S. Portland Markets. Wheat $1 51 70 V eental of 100 lbs. Oath - 45c V bushel. Floub Firm ; choice brands $5 0O6 00 V bbl. Barley -l: 4Ki:l 45 per cental. ONUI.NH-lK&llXc Butter Extra dairy 680c V n ; com Uion, lSCSMc. EooH-lWSWfc dozen. Poultry -Grown chickens, $3 04 Tp dozen. WooL-iBi5c V HiDES-Cholce dry, 15c V "' ; salted, 7c, Albany Markets. Wheat White, bushel. 7580c OATH V bushel, 35 cts. P. tatoks V bushel, 50 c. Onions-V bushel, Jl&l 50. Flour -V bbl, oo. Beaks-White, V . 3$4 c. Dried FRU it-Apples, V lb, 5 cents; Peaches, U S Plnnls, 14c; Currants, 10c Butter Fresh roll, UW V lb. Kgos-V dozen, 18c. Chickkns - V dozen. 2 50S. BUOABS-Crnshcd. 15c; Island, 1012c, Sun Francisco refined, 12Xc V ft. Tea Young Hyson, 1 25; Japan, 75c Coffee 33c V ft. Salt-1X''MKc! ft. 6YRUF -Heavy (Tolden, m keg, 3 oo ; Ex heavy Golden, tl 00 V gal. BACtw-Uaras 12c, Sides 8c, Shoulders 7c Lard -In t ins, to V i H,90-, M can, 5 gals., 5 50 ; Linseed Oil, raw, V gal, $1 25. tolled, t 37 X . Hides -Undressed deer skins, 20e V dressed. 1 2.5 ; dry cow hides, flint No. 1, 10Cil2Xe V lb ; green salted, No. 1, w Jc; sheepskins, 45(ui30c each. A Simple Croup Preventive. Take a piece ot silk two or three inches wide, sew it around the child's neck, and let him wear it constantly, changing it when it be comes much worn and thin. Our little one, who was always subject to the croup, has never been troubled in that way since we used the silk, although many a night he has gone to his crib so hoarse he could hardly speak. Try it, mothers. It will certainly do no harm, if it does not do good. You had better have your little ones encased in black silk than see them suffering from that fell destroyer, croup. The body of Dr. Livingstone is on its way to England. The temperance crusade is still being quietly pushed in Portland. A heavy M of rain is chronicled in San Francisco on the 26tb. Crop prospects all over the State reported as never better. The impression seems to be gain ing ground that th'-re will be no third party State ticket. It is reported that the Independ ents have purchased the Roseburg Plaindealer. The bark Wetterhorn, from Portland, Or., with wheat, has arrived at Liverpool. From Memphis, Tennessee, we learn that the total loss by the explosion of the Crescent City was 1300,000. Blodget, the wife murderer of New Hampshire, pleaded guilty and lias been scntencud to thirty years in the Penitentiary. Tbe Stickeen business, in the steamer line, has been overdone. The Eliza Anderson has been with drawn from the route, and is lying upatOlympia; Great anxiety is felt to New York tor the safety of the steamer GblitM. The latest report trom her she was north ofMazatlan with v. Uv,.L!i x'n fiWs are lid Dbion U VJ.vj.i. a - v entertained by toe agents la San ! 1 .' 1 ' A FAM, AOWINIMB TWSW A w)WavedHa Barn and an nmn u imi mm unu" - r I BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINE8S CARDS. A WHEELER Sf CO SBEDD, CONTINUES Ready Pay Short RST CLASS GOODS OF ALL At the Lowest Assortment Always Good. CASH PAID AS TTSTJAI FOR ALL KINDS OF Merchantable Produce. Shedd, Linn county, Oregon. 9 . $ fltA MbTOq FOR Blank Mortgages, Latest and improved styles, Call at the Register Office. FOB BLANK DEEDS. Neatly executed, Call at the Register Office, FOR SALE. y. it rino n 1'iiuVRlt CV W ATRIt 1 and Ellsworth street, In this city, on whtcli tncre is a uncuu- . . ivu.. . .ham la a lanrA wiul. shod I and other outbulldlngSja splendid well OI waier, eiu. "LHvfj a" -p KlI Aa Prtr fnrthtir lutr Mf'il- Albany, Feowary ii, iwj . A1 Ml NOTIOB. iHK COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE hctwwn the nnderslsned. Is Inssra L. E. main ana J. lHUTowsrounuM. 'Swmii will hereafter be conduotSl thtt dat AWolyed by tnal. s wsowfhftving unseW bnstaeai wuKtoMf' please call at Atbaby, or, ftbmrj,, , TO SELL TO Time Customers KINDS. Living Kates AEW TO-DAY. PTJRN I TXJHEI . Everything New. GRAF & COLLAR, Manufacturers and Dealers In OF ALL KINDS. BUREAUS, BEDMTEAMi TABLES, IAUMC1IH, SOFAS, SPBINQ BEDS, CHAIRS. ETC., Always on hand or made to order on the shortest notice. FiiRSlTUHErenairedexpedltlonBly and i mil' num. Onr Factory is on Water street, at foot of Lvon, adjoining Althouse A Co. Planing MlU, where we inrtte our menns ana uie publlo to call and examine our stock of gooos. SalearMM M Drwgjtor of A. C. rumen at . w., im mw9 BAF ft COIXAB. Aibany, Feb. ,! OLD 8TOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES! Of the beat pattern. ALSO t TIN, NHEET IBOH ABB COP. PBB WABB. And the usual aBgortmeat of tarnishing ds to 'be obtained In a tin store. Hepalre neatly and promptly executed, m reasonable a. ShortreckontMga atake Umg frleada, FRONT STRS T, ALBANY. Dec. 8, 1886-1 CITY MARKET. W. H. MEMBKBHAIA, nOPV. bad In m market, W g2fr to accommooasB warn a vitha call. Efw JOHN CONNER, BANKING -AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OBKOOH. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections madeandprmuptly remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbett, Henry Falling, W. S. Ladd. Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. LM71-22V8 A. W. GAMBLE, M. D., Physician, Surgeon, etc. OFFICE-Flrft street, adlointng woea's Vroeerj' store. REMDBNCf-At the late residence of John C. Mendenhall, near the Foundry, First street, Albany. Octouer ti, way FOR 8ALE ! rpHE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS bwe-Haine-K Header, (Wood's Improved.) t'MiiiUlard'N Indiana Faro Waon. The Bnuel and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines on the coast, Mateauum Foreelfeed Drill. Star Plows, and other machines. Call, see, ana (?ct, price anu ; . . P 1 , T7.ll..; ... AltlOlll' corner oeconu au x,uowio., i W. C. TWEEDALE, DBALBH IN Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Cutlery, Crock cry, and Wood Willow Ware, ALBANY, OREGON. KiSftiIinwtM him. Uvi THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Ltin K..miHi Wtti II ITnriTi Ann JamosC. VanRensflelaer under the flrm- w o Vnhn (Vi 4a thia iIav dlsaolved by mutual consent, Uie notes and acoounia aue muu urw wuuwtuii Sroperty of the said Van Rensselaer, and whom, or his representative, they must he paid, and to whom must be presented . -i 1. . K.. aaJI Bm All CIUIIHH SlKrllimi vim raiu uiw. W. H. Kli'HN, myi PH. C. SCHUYLER, Guardian estate of JAS. C. VAN RENSSELAER Referring to the above, I give notice that ..... MAnA11n,a Hna V IT TTllhll A Co., wUlbeoolleotcd by Jas. B. Wyatt.of tne nrm 01 iiant "TKCr ' i lonna at me oiu sianu m muh , who is fully authorized to receipt and settle luo saint'. PH. C. 8CHUT1.ER, Guardian estate of J AS. C. VANKKNSHELAKK. Albany, Or., Feb. a, 174-Sm GO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO BUT Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &C., &C, &C, CHEAP FR CASH! Cwmsry PiaBawil At I Kin. BOUGHT TOR IIERCHANDISK OR Thtotetheplapatoget the fM R, WEED. ' Ftrttttteet, Albany, Oregon. ? DR. STEELE'S MEDICAL WONDER! riUBES ALL DfTKHHAL. AMU KJHW I t , l.ku ..H PntnD' Plirtfll'U thft Blood; KeguiatestneMver; iauwakuo; and bad Colds. Dont be without It Sold by Druggists. : ; Jinn D. X. JONES. M3MBY UU. . JOKES HILL, PHYSICIANS AND SUSQBOIfS, ALBANY, OREGON. J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and Counselor at Law, "iriLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Conns rV In the d. M and 4th Judicial Di rltn. In the Snnreme Court Of Oregoi., and In the U . 8. District and Circuit Courts. OFKiCK- In Parrish brick, np stain), In ofHcc occupied by the late N. H. Cranor. First street, Albany, Oregon. tolfiv6 D. B. BICE, M. ., Surgeon V Phyilclan. OFFICE-Fit st street, between Ferry mill Rmannlhin. RKHiDKKCl-Third street, two blocks below or east of Metho dist Church, Albany, Oregon. voniu l. c. KWBto. nvm POWELL FLINN, Attorneys and OaMaaeton at Law A ND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY (L. A Fllnn notary publlo), Albany. Oregon. Collections and conveyances promptly at- tendeato. ' T. W. HARRIS. H. J. BOUGHTUW. HABBIK A BOVCIHTOM, PlijHlclant and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICEOVER A. CAROTHERS A BOB Dmg store. Rosidence of Dr. Harris-Fonrth-st..four blockswestoftheCourtHouee. Residence of Dr. Boughton-Opposite Dr. Tate, on Third street. nov!57S Albany Book Store. JMO. POSH AY, DEALER IN MIPCELLANEOCBBOOKB, School Books, Blank llooks, Stationery Fancy Articles, Ac. Books imported to shorteet poe slble noUce. vSnM DR. GEO. W. GRAY, DENTIST, ALBANY, OBEtiON. IIU7 www i ..... n-' - - . nffiiw hnuni from ft to 12 o'clock a. in., and 1 to 5 o'clock p. m. 18vt EPIZOOTICS DISTANCED. THE BAT TEAM STILL LIVES, AND IS FLOURISHING LIKE A OBHEM bay tree. Thankful for past favors, and wishing to merit the continuance of tho same, the BAY TEAM will always be ready, and easily fonnd, to do any hauling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation. 68TP ellvery of Uaoda a peany. a. n. unuuv. ms Pronrietor. Files! Files WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND tronblosonie complaint cannot be cured, when so many evidences of success might lie placed liclore yon every day cures of supposed hopeless cases? Your physician Informs yon that the longer you allow the complaint to eaist, you lessen your chances for relief. Szprienct hat aught this in all etue. A. Carotbera A Wa Pile PIUi aad Ointment are all they are recommended to be. Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles In a very short time, and are eamwaleal to we. This preparation Is sent by mail or ex press to any point within the United 8tat atl to per package. au areas, a. ua AMOTHERS A CO., 27v5 Box S3, Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER, DKAUB IK Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER ostabUshment on corner of Ellsworth , Vhl u a fMiah of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To- Daeeo, no., in wnicn ou iuviwb iuo b.kiu- turn ol onr citizens. in Minnnot.lrai with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have on hand a fall supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. " Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEEB. February !M4v4 TURNING TURNING. , Au PRKPARED TO DO AH KINIW I f turning; keep en band and iatake to imwhboyocbaira Shop &v.fta oxdeg Lfor chatrtnrning. Ac.oihbeieft. Jon: at