The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 28, 1874, Page 6, Image 6

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Jtorog tpttt.
V. S Offlclal Paprr for Orecon.
K. W. F. Dunne is the newly
appointed Chief Justice of Arizona.
TLos. B. Van Buren has been
confirmed by the Senate as Consul
at Nagasaki, Japan.
The Baker City ladies have in
augurated a crusade against the
whisky sellers.
Judge Lewis Dent, brother ct
Mrs. Grant, died at his msidinca
in Washington on the 22d inst.,
of tumor in the stomach.
At Victoria, B. C, on the 21st,
Thomas Schooley was sentenced to
death for the murder of Henry
The occasion ot Gen. Wolsele? s
arrival in London, at Water o
station, recently, was taken 1. I
vantage ot by the people to gi - e
him a grand reception it was a
perfect ovation.
It now seems that all the stork
in relation to the destitution if
of Louis Kossuth, that have filled
the papers recently, are false ones
Kossuth is in comfortable circum
At La Conner, W. T, on tb
13th, Mrs. Samuel Quigley, in a
fit of temporary insanity, jumped
into the Skagit river with her in
fant child in her arms. Both were
The new Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court, Waite, ook the
oath of office and entered ipon its
duties on the 4th inst Tie Court
room was crowded, one-third of the
crowd being ladies.
The Rhode Island Democratic
State Convention, which convened
in Providence, March 23d, resolved
to make no nominations, appointed
a State Central Committee and
- -
The Senate Committee on Pub
lic Lands bave agreed to report
fovorably on the bill creating a
new laud office at Dalles, to be
called the Dalles District, with
offices of Register and Receiver
located there.
The bark St Patrick and the
ship St Nicholas have been chart
ered to come to Portland and load
grain for the United Kingdom at
5 per ton. both vessels are to
arrive at Portland by the 1st ot
The following postal changes
have been ordered for Pacific coast:
Offices established Walton, What
com county, W. T., Jan. M. Gar
den, postmaster, Offices discon
tinued North Bend, Coos county,
Fires. A destructive fire in
Indianopolis, Indiana, on the eve
niog of the 22d, destroyed three
whole blocks and portions ot others
-nearly all i.ew Wldings. Loss,
1300,000; insurance, $75,000. A
fire at Elgin, Illinois, on the morn,
of the 23d, destroyed three of tue
best blocks in the city, Loss,
New Britain, Connecticut, were
burned on the nwrmog or the 231.
LofcJfl0.O0fl; mwirairv. ' I ''.-
From the opening of the Demo
crat) State Convention to its cl$e,
it was evident to the dullest cb
pr tension, that the Grover ring
' id perfect oontrol of it The can
didates for the several State office
had been selected before hand, and
were put through regardless of
"taste or expense," or any lack of
fitness for the positions. The ring
candidate for Treasurer came with
in an ace of being beaten, as was
charged by Democrats, by the free
use of coin. Democrats stated pub
licly on the streets that Fleischner
expended several thousand dollars
"fixing" delegates; but unfortunate
ly for him the ring got wind of it and
went into the "fixing" business just
in time to gave their man. It was
a close shave 60 to 61. It was
the most corrupt Convention, if we
are to believe halt the stories afloat
during its session and since its ad
inurnment, set afloat, too, by Dem
ocrats, that was ever held
Oregon. Delegates said publicly
that they couldn't afford to come
here 'for nothing, and they didn't
propose to. However, we can
afford to be lenient with them,
the ticket they placed in nomina
tion' will be terribly beaten next
In the platform of princi
adopted by the Democratic State
Convention held in this city last
week, appears resolutions aking
Congressional aid in building cer
tain railroads in Oregon. The first
plank in the platform brings the
party back to one of the "time
honored principles" of bedrock
Democracy, and enunciates the an
cient doctrine
and we affirm that the peo
ple Of the several States haw the sole and
exclusive right of governing themselves
as tree, sovereign ana mnepenuem hb
suhteet onlv to the limitations of the Con.
stitution, and that all powers not herein
exnresarv granted to the national govern
ment, are reserved to the States respect
ively, etc.
As no man ever has or ever will
find any shadow of authority for
saying that the Constitution of the
United States anywhere expressly
gives to Congress the power to
grant aid to railroads, it would seem
that this great Democratic Conven
tion has attempted, in a jolarious
mood, to make game of the people
of Oregon. It first enunciates the
principle that Congress has no right
to do a certain thing, and follows
np that enunciation by asking Con
gress to do that very thing. How
ever, as inconsistency latterly has
been a marked trait of the Demo
cratic party, we suppose we shall
be compelled to place this among
the many other glaring inconsisten
cies in the Democratic platform,
and charge it to the "new depart
ure" policy, since the adoption of
which the average Democrat has
been unable to tell what principles
are and what are not avouched by
the party.
On Tuesday the temperance cru
sade opened in Portland. Thirteen
ladies started out to pray and sing
tor the conversion of liquor dealers.
Only two saloons were visited by
this little band, and their success
wis not the most gratifying; but
it is understood they intend to
persevere in the good cause, until
they accomplish the desired results
the closing out of liquor saloons.
I,,, . .
Iii remarks upon the school law,
Grover said if it was objectionable
to the people, they sooum eena up
mavta, the Legislature who
would enact, a law repealing it to
hlu Gruvef to veto it we miii
Grover for Governor 1 This is
the old lady who told the Con
veution, with outstretched hands,
that she had been laboring for
twenty-three yean for the principles
contained in the platform! The
platform pledges the Democratic
party to the repeal of the Litigant
Act A law vas passed by the
last Legislature repealing this law,
but ber Excelle icy vetoed it. But
she had the che k to come before
the Convention nnd say:
Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of
the Convention : You are not In any
temper to listen t a speech, nor are
you here now to a gage in any such
business. I wish t say only that I
recognize in all t ie resolutions the
sentiment of the 1 mocratic party. I
recognize iu those, resolutions the
principles for which I have fought and
struggled for 33 years In the State of
Oregon, and there is not an element
in those resolutions which I do not
recognize as an old friend for which I
have fought, and will continue to
If the possession of clean cut an
dacity and unbleached mendacity
is the chief qualification for office
in Oregon, Grover possesses both
in all their pristine vigor, and is
clearly entitled to all the benefits
arising from their constant practice
"tor the past twenty-three years."
We affirm that the greatest danger
with which we are now threatened is the
corruption and extravagance which exists
in high official places; and we do declare,
as the cardinal principle of onr future po
litical action tnat retrenchment, economy,
and reform are imperatively demanded in
all the Governments of the people. Feder
al, as well as State and municipal ; and we
here proclaim ouriel ves the uncompromis
ing foes of ring politicians, and land mo
nopolists, whoever they may be, and wher
ever they may be found, whether they are
in office or out. and we appeal to honest
men everywhere, without regard to past
political affiliations, to Join us in branding
as they deserve these corrupt leeches on
the body politic, and assisting ns to purge
official stations of their unwnolesomencss
and baneful presence.
The above is the second plank in
the Democratic platform, adopted by
the Grover ring that assembled in
this city a few days since and styled
themselves The Oregon Democratic
State Convention. Notoriously
the Convention was run and
managed throughout by Grover
and his ring, nominating Grover
and his pets for all the positions to
be filled at the June election.
These being truths that cannot be
successfully controverted, the
adoption of the above resolution
shows the immensity of "cheek"
possessed by the ring. A ring ot
notoriously corrupt and venal
political wire-pullers and office
seekers assemble in solemn con-
clave, and resolve that "we here
proclaim ourselves the uncompro
mising foes, of ring politicians," is
a spectacle of suob sumbline irapu-
deuce as to call forth the envy of
even a Boss Tweed. It certainly
is unapproachable by any similar
event either ancient or modern.
How's this ? Whenever a minis
ter of the gospel entered the political
arena heretofore, Democratic papeis
all over the land emulated each
other in hurling epithets and black
guardism at tbe "preacher," as they
sneeringly dubbed him, for daring
to strive for political honors. But
lo ! a radical change has suddenly
come over the Democratic heart ;
the aforetime despised and reviled
"preacher" is brought to the front,
placed upon the ring ticket, lauded
to the skies, and Democrats ordered
to vote, htm without a murmur !
Not a howl nor even so much as a
murmur dare issue from the litigant
organs, so abject is their subjection
to the ring. Great s latter day
Democracy in the hands of the Gro
ver ring!
The 22d , instant was the 77th
birthdriv of Kaiser William of Cer. !
Democracy is now and ever has
been, say Democratic editors and
spouters, opposed to monopolies;
especially to monopolies that op
press tbe people without cause.
The platform put forth by the State
Democratic Convention sententi
ously reiterates this ''great feature"
of the Democratic party. And yet
the meanest and most contemptible
monopoly ever saddled upon any
people, outraging every principle
of right and justice, and imposing
a heavy burden upon the people,
was passed by the Democratic
Legislature of Oregon, and was
signed by its Democratic Governor,
and is known as the "Litigant
Act." Under the benign influence
of this law, litigants are left no
choice as to the paper in which they
shall advertise, and are forced to
pay from three to five times the
amount they would otherwise have
had to pay for such advertising.
And although this iniquitous and
outrageous law still disgraces the
statutes ot Oregon, every Demo
cratic inkslinger in tbe State, with
unblushing effrontery truly refresh
ing, weekly rehashes sickly twaddle
about the undying opposition of the
party to grinding monopolies !
A good deal of dissatisfaction is
manifested by the Democrats of
Linn county at the results of their
State Convention. The nomination
of Grover tor Governor don't set
well, and leading Democrats assert
that no matter who is pitted against
him in the race, he will fall behind
in this county at least two hundred
votes. Prominent, old-time Demo
crats have told us they intend to
vote and use their influence to de
feat Grover, because they have no
confidence in his honesty. Ot
course ev ery effort will be made to
"see" these dissatisfied Democrats,
and these efforts may prove success
ful with some of them ; but, a large
number of sterling Democrats, who
have fought all their lives under
the Democratic banner, will not be
driven, coaxed or bribed into sup
porting the ticket put up by the
Grover ring at the Albany Demo
cratic Convention last week. Mark
The Stat&mim of the 22d says :
An item published Hast week, in the
Statesman, stating that from
description of certain articles fonnd
upon the person of the man who
was discovered dead in Willamette
slough, it was feared by different
ones here that the body was that of
John Huff, of this city. Subsequent
revelations have proved the worst
fears ot Huffs, friends to be only
too well founded. Saturday eve
ning Deputy Sheriff Sewell, of
Portland, brought the bunch ot
keys which was found upon the
body to W. J. Igo, of this place,
by whom they were at once identi
fied as the keys belonging to Huff.
In addition to recognizing the keys
and several pieces of coins which
were on the ring, Mr. Igo also re
cognized a coin, a nickle five cent
piece, which he himself had carried
for several years, and which he gave
Huff; leaving no doubt that the
unfortunate man who met his death
so mysteriously can be none other
than Huff. Or at least, that the
keys found upon his person were
those carried by Huff.
... i
After describing the Railroad
King's manner of capturing legis
lators, Grover paused a moment in
his walk back and forth upon the
rostrum, and in most melancholly
manner and funeral ton, declared
to his audience (hat he was incor-
inptiMr, and that HollMay hil
On the 12th of February the
Legislative Assembly of the king
dom of Hawaii Nei couveued in
the Court Honse at Honolulu, and
after a little preliminary skirmish
ing on tbe part of the adherents of
Queen Emmp, proceeded to the
election of a successor to the late
Kiug Lunalilo. Out of the forty-
five memben constituting the
Assembly, thirty-nine gave their
votes to Prince David Kalakaua,
the remaining members casting
their votes for Queen Emma, the
opposing candidate. The announce
ment of the vote was greeted with
cheers and rejo:cing by the friends
of the new King, while the adhe
rents of the defeated Queen, com
posed largely of the "sansculottes,"
attacked and sacked the Court
House, and probably would have
murdered the members of the
Legislature, ha'l not squads of
marines from U S. ami H. B. M.
ships, in response to the request of
the new King and his Ministers,
promptly interferred, and overawed
the mob. On the 13th the new
King was duly installed, and took
the oath to support the Constitu
tion. Four days after he appointed
the following Cabinet : His Excel
lency, Paul 'Nehaolelna, Minister
of Finance; William L. Green,
Minister of Foreign Affairs; Hon.
H. A. Widemau:), Minister of the
Interior; Hon. A. S. Hartwell,
Attorney-General. Looking to
save tronble for the future in the
selection of s ruler for the Sandwich
Islands, King David has selected
as his successor to the Hawaiian
throne his brother, William Pitt
Leleiobokn, who is bow invested
with the title of "His Royal
Highness." The new King is
credited with possessing a strong
mind and fair political knowledge,
and it is predicted that his reign
will prove a prosperous one, al
though so inauspiciously com
menced. Democracy is on the rampage-
the Independent movement has
scattered their hopes, and scared
them into perfect spasms of honesty.
Democratic editors (candidates for
office especially), spit and splutter
and swear as though tbey bad
taken a dose of ax legrease, thinking
it whisky, while Democratic orators
roll their eyes in fine frenzy, ran
their fingers through their tangled
locks, looking the while as solemn
as owls, while they declaim against
the rascally Republicans who are
at the "head of this Independent
movement, merely to distract and
defeat the g-r-e-a-t Democratic
party, and secure the offices for
themselves." All of a sudden they
are struck dumb with astonishment
at the wav the people have been
robbed through their State ami
county officials, and they are now
determined to see that those un
constitutional enactments, passed by
Republican Legislatures, of course,
(Democrats had the power to pre
vent these wicked acts, tut Re
publicans wheedled them into vot
tor them, unbeknown to them
selves), are strckeu from the statute
books, p-ovided the people will
trust them with office once morel
All they ask of the people is to
give tliem (Democratic office
seekers) the power, and they will
positively, this tims, do their lid
ding, though the heavens should
fglL They' really have done no
Wrongin the past, but they are
willing to be forgiven, all the same.
In truth i more tfencrous, simple-
minded, confiding, promising get
Oil! -HI''
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