I'. Oflletnl Paper for roon, SATURDAY, MARCH 2$. 1874. Another Lrtivr from Naabjr. MK. NASBY, HOl'INT. FOR THE SI'KE DY DISSOI.V TION OF THE REPUB LICAN PARTY, ASSISTS AT A JOINT convention- nre result. ( i A KKI)KITXROAI, which Is in the Stat nv Kentucky), Feb. 10, 1074. I hev bin aukslmshly scaiinin the jKililikle horizon thru tin; telescope u hope, to diskiver in'the $ky the bow uv success. I thot tbajt at latt ray faithful search bed bin reward ed. jMy rainbow wuz reflected onto the clouds uv the immejit tucher by the corrupshuns uv the leaders uv the Kepublikin party, and the corf sekent. dissatisfitckshun uv the rank and file uv that oraanizashun. ood we ouly yoose this ea a wedge to git that cussed party to split, and cood we book one tackslmu onto our party, then we shood hev a dean majority, and I woodent give ten cento to be inshoored the Poet Offis at. the Corners, wich is tbe Alpha and Omega nv ray hopes. I heerd uv one town in Ohio in wich the RepuMikina hed trouble on their hands, and, ez an experi ment, 1 determined to go there and see, for mytelf, whether or no eoalishun could be made between the Demokrwky and the anti-cor-rapsbun Kepublikitw. I argood that ef it cood be done in one town it cood be done in a thousand for Jiuman nacher is the same every where. I broached the idea to Deekin Fbgram, (at whose house I hev bin visit in for three years), and to Bas com, who knmejitly tiggfenxl what tbe railroad rare wood be, and they unanimously consented to advance it, et I wood agree to stay away two weeks. These men are gitttin to be disgustinly ealkelatin. , But I went, and found at New liabylon the yoqsual state uv aifairs. There wriz there a dozen Dimo krats who never drank within, and who folioral legitiaut biznis. Then Uiere wuz the great mass uv the jarty made up uv doggrykeepers, tlif doggry.hauntere that vast mass to whom clean shirts is only hfen on twict in their lives, viz : when they are married ami when they are buried. The Dimocrisy wuz iqa minority uv perhaps fifty. Two yeers ago, the Kepublikins in Koo Babylon hed elected two rather scaly tel lows with whom they hed lied trouble, Tbe auditor and treasurer hed bin diskivered at con- iiiv in with contractors, and the vil lage hed between era all, bin swm died out uv about $400. Ez the Kepublikins hed bin eussin the Credit Mobil iei and Back Pay in CobgreM up-hill Bud down-dale, uv course, to be consistent, they hed to denounce corrupshun at home with ekal vfgger. Becoz uv the misconduct uv these oflHtels, a large number u v the Re pttblikins swore the Repnblikin jarly bed outlived its day, and that Mie time hed come to bust it and mike a new organization, and they catled upon' wat they wuz pleased to call the decent Demobrwy to Unite iritfteni. Thompson, Brown, Jones and Smith, the decent Democrats uv the village agreed with em, and a Peo file's Convflnshun wuz called to nominate a ticket on the basis nv reform, which wuz to be supported by the opponents uv oorrujwben, ir. respective uv party. ii wuz inat eonvensnun tiiat i em to .noo uabywn to attena. ie hall wuz crowdid. Imme- jitly Bill Rag, which kept the largest rum-mill in the village, sprang to his feet and moved that jUwyer, Swipes, his clieetest cus tomer, be made obairroan, wich wuz carnd. ' Then Johnny Tag, wich keep another doggery, moved that Samuel Bob), his principal cils tmtx be Semtotf, and that the Cortvenshun perooed immejkly to nominate a ticket to be supported bj all the citizens nv Noo Babylon who was optoosed to cTrrTjitolWin tlw present AdnrinBlijlri It-1 lage, state, and the General fov ernnienti, wicr( raosljeu was ; carried. The Reform Repubhkins tried to git Squire Broadacres Qnlne ticket for Mayor, W it wtfodent Wot. Rag and Tag had erriptied their groceries into that conTeiishiirr, atiJ they wuz toted down1' ten to one', lawyer Swipes wuz rJotriinated Wftn a whoop. Then Sara1 Bttbtate wuz nominated for Treasurer, and Rag himself for Recorder, and five riv tile same stripe uv men for Alder men. 1 ' I "Good Hevin!'' eatmed the Reform Republikius'thiSftifi't wat we expected ! We can't stand'this yoo can't expect us to." "My dear sirs," replied, Thomp son, one uv the decent jDiinocrat, "it is unfortunate, 1 confess, but you see these men control th( majority i?v our vote, and we reely can't tiero onrseives. "But ef yoo are reely'tor Reform, why don't yon leave ' an o'rgarriza shnn wich is controlled ny'sich1 men? Smikey, the Republican; defaulter, is bad enuff, but ez compared with Bobtale, he's an angel riv lite. We didn't leave the Repnblikill orgarii zashun, ez bad ez it is, to git into a wussone. We want to git out uv the hands uv the Smikey's but we don't want to drop into: the 'keepin uv Rag, Tag and Bobtale. That ain't wat we bargained fof. Kf the decent Democrisy can't control that organizashun, what kin be done?" "I reely don't know. Smith, Jones, Brown and niyselt moan over the power wielded by these meu, but we can't help it. Ef we split with them, I may lose the nomiha shnn for Congress next fell, and Jones may not go to the Legisla tor. We can't break our party lines we can't indeed," "It's about the same in XashneJ matters, ain't it?" ueriedthe oil reasonable Bepublikin, who wuzot satisfied with the kind u? Reibrra hewuzgettin. "Spozin we leave the Kepublikin party and jiuc the Democrisy? Do wo leave ,Crlit Mobilier only to take Tammany to onrbuzums? Do wo emancipate ourselves from Baok J-y .to,gUinto the keepin uv John Morrissey ? Do we merely exchange a cbrrtipt Ke publikin for Fernaody Wood ? Ef you are compelled to trot in barn is with Rag, Tag and Bobtail, here, on what principle are yoo to git shetuv Wood and Mrrisey;.,aod Tweed and them men4 in Nashnel Convenshuns? Horasho Seymour and sieh Dimocrats are powerlis without em, ain't they jist ea yoo are powerless without Rag, Tag and Bobtail?" , ; , "It is onfortiinately troo." "And we dissatisfied'Republikiris are expected to vote with yoo, and elect this tickit?" "Certainly, and thereby yoo' en ter yoor protest agin the corrnpslieii uv Smikey. A protest rrry deer sir, is a great thing." ' "I see. We enter a protest agin Smikey, by electin Bobtale, who wuz nominated by Kag and Tag. Excuse us. The fryin-pan is, hot enuff we won't iUmn into tiie fire. ef yoo please F hither think our best plan is to Wist bralkey, rather than take On Swipes, Rag, Tag and Bobtale, and then hev to bust them. And 1 ruther guess that the same policy will do for things owtside of New Babylon. I wood like to go somewhere, but yoti dint show rae any good place to go to. We Wn purify our own party, but I hbofl. ent like to undertake the job' for yoiirn. I guess 111 make hay fight i a leetleclosef to home. GwMiye." ! And this headstrengmUri and his friends loft the hall with theii .Dose 1 in tlie air, ,ud ty jra wo&,4 r woodent pacify em jthey went P ind called a Republijcin Coiryej' : shun, and they s4uhtered Srpikey, ' and put up Broadacresy 'knfl a lot f nv sich Repnblikins for ll-ithe'J I offises, aid they will.; ieleet em. I Smikeyj ov eotiw, , rit 1 to us, but a dozen Dimoemte left' .ni tha minit ha, MnoA on m Inst. Ktrlt'i Ff ivMAil ha a hiaa tlttnv fit m the Swipeses, and Rags, and Tags, and Bobtales that belong to us cood be'Hepl onVoVsiM,"bWt that cant be. Ontotf tlufy hei tlielr share! trV plunder they Won't vote with us,,ai)d ef tbey . do, ;yote Pfi they keep out eyery body else. The meu who W iiessary to w, bef ts ; us. I am at. home, sick and disgustid. Tim game y,;Ketnnn wi)'t work, for we ain't jest got the proper maferjaL to juji formnL Why, , at New HabvtMPi whenever I preached) the nessessilv uy KetoiTn, the people jeered at' he ifflee!' My personal alifaeafaiice; it seems, wuz snmwhat ineonsistenl with that fteshen. But it may come at last. i'UTKi !,HIM V. Nasby, mil in -.(Wich. was Postmaster.) A fnnny scene oriimJ the other night, in the Bowery Theatre, New York. The sceeo was at midnight, with an old gentleman reading a letter. To the sound of slow ninsic a vilfaiii enteml tlie room, and with a Sat-fike treiid approached the old man, clutching in his hand a glittering knife. He approached the M man slowly and the excito ment among the go-nmins In the gallery bectime intise. Just as the would4.rriimi rer was about to make a deadly plunge at his unsuspecting victim, a boy, who was leaning with open,, mouth far over the railing of the aallerv. saner put With frantic earnestness, "Look behind you, gnv'neH Tiler's a follow going to stab yerf The assassin dropped his knife and roared with the audience, and the curtain went down w ithuut anybody , being murdered. A man 1 iiamed .Fames Costello died recently in New York, worth $600,000, who was finable to read and write. Patience, industry and a natural appetite for business had enabled him to aconite this wealth, although lie bad never learned to write. bis, name. , The children of the Siamese twins rejoice in the names of Christopher Columbus, Patrick Ifeiiry, Stephen Decatur, eta No wonder tHiey are willing to sell their father's remains. 1 Wm Justice Watte 'is grandfather Teached 90. Kis father was over -80 at the time of Ms death. Both were Judges. It runs in the family. Gen, James Rogers, a South Car olina Congressman forty years ago, nasjusi aieo. ,s ,: There were eighty-five deaths in San . Francisco . last week, seven from scarlatina. A little old maid says that tlie smallest women look hopefully to Hymeu. Viscount' Landon has been elected to, l'irliametit from Liverpool. Chief Justice Waite has children. eleven 61 Chess for four is a (lefmau intio vstiou. Japan 1ms adopted the 'postal- I card system, . . ' . '' xew tbii mvusi KALES or LAST YEAH. TtnriiTesalw' orrn'&i?! in 1W, (ti'portwl WISH MOW OIK shiirer mannA&tnrmc ('omimnv Mfl c. f'oniininv Mold. Ill list Vfll r,nvt-r FORTY -Fl7i TttWSffiB pnpm ,wei maenniestrani any other uonunny and over one qirarto of H nuif him row ihtr- in. thpt year. JUne- ont o( ten of siiici Sinifor Miu'hih-i WerO fttt TAMlbT' ufe- Kuvinj; tlH'irrijRtpopiiliu'ilv of the Sinwr Imiist'Ubl'V.' Aiim-?(t nlrii Wt Sales of the (llfforrm makers: Tkr SimT Ifamifnr'g Cn. Sold ait.75i. Whaler Wil WlltV Co. . . .Sold W,n How Miii'JiiMi; (Y). ;i-niiiniili'il!. Grover A BhUerS. M.Co IioinesfiffS. M. t'o WecdS. M-Co Wileox ;tfjhs8;M. Co Wilson S. M. Co Amer. B. II. t). S M. ()... , . (jold Me'inl S. M. Co ,. norenod . U. fo...:..t 144JXW TC.tun .i aM88 n.aps WW uM 15,78 TITCS, BOUKGARDKS JkCoA ti Ai?ent, Allwny,. Also, alf kinds of machine needles kept for sale. nuvwjuj a. wneki.KB. p. p. HOVOK. C. K. WHRKLEK. A. WIIEELKB & CO., 911 EOD, OREGQIV, PorwardiUl&CdBiiaiss'n Mercliants. Dfltlfisla MrchndiJeandrroio. A Rood asaortwerit of all kiBd of Good al ways in store at lowest market rates. Agents for safe of WAffons(,'Gmth itrtlls, Cider Mills, Chnrn, Ac., Ac. CASH mhi fur WHKAT, OATS, PORK, IUlTT Kk, KGGS and I'(tTL'rRY'. iifaMU FOUNDRY. ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A.F.CHCRRT Proprietor, ALJ1ANY, OREGON. Maiutfactiires Steam Engines, Eiour und Saw Mill IVaclrin- WOOD WORKING ij -. JUid A A6RICULTURALMACHINERY, 'And all 'kinds of IRON . AND - IIRANH I'ASTI WSM. Particular attention paid to repalnjiK a all kinds of machinefiy. V8 PRUGS, ETC. A. MOTHERS & 10. -Dealers In- I HtJIK AI.S, OILS IvmTW, MB V1.ASS, LAMPS, KTT., All the popajv i PAT EST MEDICINES, rrte cuttlERY, cigars, TraAct5f), ROTIOim PEBFCSWy, nod Toilet; ood. I'aUvniBr rate and rrnmntnoef pi von Physlcijui'.prciicripUohsand Family Uec im' A. CABOTUaRS k CO. Albany, OrcgX)n-4v5 Murder in Albany ASS'Rtitft TfctfiREX KJtoMTjf, AND no tlirantoolnif of It atuneseni. Is a thlni? which somcliine rut befell everyson and daghtrof tlie-hiunaii fam UytandjBt, ; ir I he Mid-day, Of yonr life, if dlaflc lay hi vlh bands Ut4 yon, thmisfill ii bain WCIIkiiI,- lw bear ongyo toa 1'iimextODt, How? Bycallrfigon ruM ftp k9 With tipnncrMiWfnvrt van can hav( It comnonndqa '' qnAexpenenond n thai WHWHar llne; AViojoowdtumtly on hah.! bjtv . it luirjttnwnMi Antt fOfMw m i m of ttn mbAttfefttifiMMaf Haittshold I fnrnttare extant. Call and examine. R. C. mu, A SOU. Albany, June 10,7140V J H i ST ll a s ' Hf frig ( , 9 P u 3' If. 5 n V g ft 'ft C 3 H H S 0 99 0 ft R. n -0 v.. 9 ft we T : 2 IfcE W ATCltKS J EvftLRT. f. ft TITUS. C1TAS. BOt'ROARDES. J. B. TITUS. TITUS, BOUEGAHDES & CO,. I.KAI.HKti IN J E WUlry, Silver & Plated Ware, DIAMOND SPECTACLES, MANUFACTURED AND ADJVfm especially forthe Pacific Coast by Um NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Klgln, Illinois, viz: Paeific, , California and Sun FratirNro WATtan. and we most cohndcntlv rwi ommond tlm totliupubltn,at pofHcufiinj morfl good fjiialltlcs flir the price ihaii any otlierWartoh In Uicraarfcat ! We also keep all other hi-anna of Elirln. Walt haw ihmI flW WitcliA. Oloeks. Jew elrj-, Silver and Pliiteu Ware, IIBf'I VIM J It IW OJ JIJi WPUi , AMO rimol ana eartriUc. ' .,.1 tuUrn r I . j !:.. I Hi.) rtupairtagaSpcMnity. jjsa lll! ia lUMillll!" IK) . M SiTMl Work Dmi mn Ctooda H WnrkwttMd to ,b m mptrmus. tiuw, ntrdv n h'iu h!i 'vil Friiti rn i U J ti AT JOHNS AirrW otD HTAN1), First street, AXBANT, ORBftOK 40t9 9m- i l n . frtfc s