ALBANY REGISTER. v I mm rrwi: kmmntkb. . abwvti: t mm Railroad (north and south) dally I !i, P. M. Krrnn OnrvallK dally, at 10.80 a. m. Krotu Letiarxin, trl-weekly, (Monday, Wolne))- aird Friday) at 10.30 A. M. AIM DITAW: For Bartrrad (north and ati), daily, cloae iwWBPt at 11 A. M. For CfcrvaUls. daily, at M r.M. ' Ffrtehanon.trl-wpeWy, (Monday, Wed aemhy and Friday) at 4 P. M. Oftk-e bonis from 7 A. M. to 7 p. x. Siinttay, from IS M. to 1 P. M. Money order office hours from a. m. ta H i, m. P. B. lAYMOWn, T. M. VICES SECT SBHWaT. BAPTIST CHURCH-Servicea at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at 12X P. M. Bev. C. ft. Mattaon, Fustor. M K. nrVRCH-SBrvioas at n A. St. and 7 P.M. Sumli Isaiah WOmb, 7P.M. Shrr8cOrlattP.M. Rev, go, raster. ITNITi;!) PBISBYTEIOAS -Services at II A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at iii P. M. Bev. 8. G. Irvine, Pastor. tN RE ! ATIONA L CHTRCH- Wltfcjmt a Pastor at present. Sunday School at 3 P.M. M. K. CHTTBCH SOUTB-Servfce in Con (rreiratlonal Church alternate Sundays. Rev. Jos. Ktnery. Paster. PKESBTTERIAST CITCBCB - Services at toilette Cmnpcl, alternate Sabbath, nt 11 All.atidTP. M. Sunday School at 1 X P.M. Bev. E B. Geary, D.T., lastor. 1,1a County Caajaea- In accordance with the- rwwmnendat Ion Of tlio Republican State Central Commit tee, a Republican Canventfan for Linn Monty will be behlattteOmit House in Albany on Saturday, March J8th, 1874, at I o'clock P. M., tor tb ptrrpase of select mi? ten delegates to attend tar Republican State Oowvantton, to be held at Salem, on Wirfaeaday, April gffc VKt. , , . The various Preefnets will hold their Primaries on Saturday, March 21st, 1874. at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing delegate to the County Convention. The Predlnets will bo entitled to representa tion as follows: Albany- 9 Lebanon 8 Santlam..... U Harrtsbtfrg.? q Scio i. a Brownsville Sweet Home V Haliey , 9 Waterloo 1 I I Franklin Butte (Orleans Brash Creek 1 .Syracuse. I Center .... i ....84 Total. Bv order Linn Co. Republican Central Committee-. . COLfc. VASCLKTE. Chairman Co. Ccn t. Com. RrKTBUQAN Countt C05TKX niMr. Iin Cewnty Republican Convention wiB meet at one o'clock P. M. to-dy, at tbe Pacific Opera House, kindly tendered for the use o the Convention by its proprietor, Mr. David Froman. School Election. The annual school election transpires on Mon day, April 6th Monday week. A Director and Clerk are to be elect- L Tbe question of the erection ot new schooL-house is also to be voted upon. This is a matter that concerns ad oar people. The pres ent school edifice is not large enough to accommodate much more than half of those seeking admission, and a new building, huge enough to meet present wants at least, is im peratively demanded. Let as have the new school building, so that all mav b$o tlie benefits to be derived from education. IJBorat's Ukchptios At the O. & C. Kaalnoad depot on Tbucs day, was not as flattering as ha had beea ted to expect, j' dging from the fact that he remain ed in the coach until the train was about to start south, the shrill shriek of the loco motive" warning' him not to tasty longer fbi the "committee of reeep- tion. Ha then seised his carpet bag, stepped from thecal1 on to the depot platform, and receiving no greeting from any one, he sqaatted then ami there, and drawing a yet io wish-white countwpant from bis bosom, he wail at weep that was melancholy tobeaehl We tell the tale as 'twas tok) to as. He then carefully blew In ponderous beagle, wiping hw fingers oa, the seat of his pants, picked op h aarfeUMg tad track a bee-Mne fat tbe- Dmoml office; solitary ad, alone. The oM ladv bar commenced its piltminace ever the State, preaebing a awn funeral seimoiL. ,,! PAKAURAMUrn. Court week. Lot of lawyers in town. Roads getting better daily. Xo change in markets to note Spring goods heaving fn sight. Slight rain on Wednesday night Go to Peters & Speidd for red wag ons. Grass fairly Jumping out of tbe ground. This has been a bruy week, the city having been nnusualry mil of people. Mr. J. B. Comley is down from Pass Creek on a visit. A pair of mnles ran away on Wednesday. No damage done. On the 20th, to the better half ot Ed. Merrill, a boy 10 lbs. Mr. J. M. Shellay, of Barrfcbarg, gave us a call on Wednesday Remember the school ejection on the 6th of April. Circnft Court will probably run during next week. There are several divorce and incest cases to interest the Court attendance. Snow is still plainly visible on the hills south and southeast of us. Good fresh butter sells rapidly at at three bits a pound in this dty. Judge Odeneal, of the Portland livIMn, called yesterdny. The lightning calculator man mysti fied and edified numerous people during the week. W. S. Newbury, Esq., and family removed to Portland the first of the week. Out old friend M. C. George, of Portland, has been visiting relatives here during the week. Mrs. Lajton has been very HI during tbe week, but is convalescing slowly at the present writing. The whol week has beeii'eonsnmed in the trial of the Mealey-Hardman case. Quite a number of Pprtlanders, were in tbe city on Tuesday, as witnesses in the Mealey-Hardman case. Tbe Granger was two days behind this week, owing to the absence of the editor fn Portland. To-dfty County School Superintend ent Stiles holds a public examination of teachers at the District School-house. Rebekah Lodge meets at Odd Fellows Hall this evening at tbe usual hour. The greater portion of Tuesday was taken up in empanneling a jury in tbe Mealey-Hardman case. See advertisement of the New Wil son sewing machine it's bard to beat as a worker. Mr. Donica informs as that the road to Lebanon is rapidly improving this fine weather. We had the pleasure of meeting A Hill, Esq., of Portland, on Wednes day evening. He returned to Port land on Tknrsday. Half-fare tickets will be sold on the 0. & C. Railroad to all Odd Fellows attending the celebration in this city on the 27th of April, Tbe telegraph office has been re moved to the old quarters on south side ot First, between Ferry and Broadalbin. We have been wrestling tor nearly a week with tbe okLfashiooed square- toed toothache, and the more we feel it the less we enjoy sublunary things The new two-story school -house out on Rev. Mr. Geary's place is pro irressiug finely. It will be a credit to that neighborhood. The Independent primaries for Linn county came off to-day. The strength of the movement wUl be judged from ,ths attendant. t tbe primaries. lAStSAtMrday MmOmuk assved' totolnewStoreanf!mV atantMtMdbuK twentv-tw teat te Dr. Gray has been absent two or three days during the week, attending the meeting ot the Dental Association fn Portland. Mr. Briggs fas been adding to his stock of stores, ranges, tin and copper ware, etc., and now has an excellent assortment from which to select, all of which be will sell at fair rates. Capt. Jase Wheeler got mixed up with a stick, fn some way, the other dar, and now orrries a black eye. He assured us he did not fall down, and step In it, as at first rumored. , A Motion on the part of the defense in theMealer-lIardnian case, to bring Dr. Glass from the Penitentiary to testify in behalf of Mealey. was dented by the Court. For something entirely new and superior to anything yet offered to Torers of tbe weed, go to A. Carotbers & Co., and ask for Old North Caro lina Dog Tail smoking tobacco. Tbe Willamette Chief, the new boat ust completed for the W. R. T. Co.. made her first appearance at our wharf ou Thursday evening, She passed on up as far as Corvallis, on the same day. Frank Wood has returned from his visit to San Francisco. He was suc cessful in getting tbe agency for the best agricultural Implements and farm machinery, which he proposes to have in full supply the coming season. The evidence in the Mealey-Hard man case was concluded about fire o'clock on Thursday evening, when court was adjourned to give Gov. Grover a chance to get hearers to his speech in tbe evening. Tbe neatest, strongest and most durable rawhide-bottomed chair made on the coast, is put up by John Metzler honest John. You can purchase them of Graf & Colter, in tbiseity. Capt. Jason Wheeler has built a boat to navigate the Santlam Canal He brought down a thousand leet of lumber from Lebanon, one day last week, with one horse, tbe boat scarcely drawing two Inches of water. Prof. J. M. Garrison has given the best of satisfaction to his class in pen manship In Lebanon. The class numbered over fifty. The first term closes this evening, at which time the premiums offered for superior pen manship will be awarded. Mrs. Andrew Hill was brought up from Portland on Monday, and taken to tbe residence of her tether, Mr. A. Cowen, in this city. She has been suffering with hemorrhage of tbe lungs, and is still very low. Her friends hope tor tbe best. J. F. Backensto has been engaged in overhauling, refitting and putting in prime order bis new purchase, the hose factory, at Jefferson. He has made several changes that will greatly reduce tbe expense of running tbe factory, while its capacity for turning out work will be increased. The Daughters of Rebekah ef this city are making every preparation for the grand celebration of the 55th anni versary of Odd Fellowsldp, which occurs in this city on the 27th of April. So far they have succeeded beyond their most sanguine expectations, and they are in the highest spirits thereat. Hurrah tor the 27th. Yesterday the Directors of the Albany & Santlam Canal Co, were invited to take au excursion in Capt. Jason Wheeler's new boat, from this city to Lebanon and return. The boat will be drawn by one or more horses, and tbe Directors propose to have a good time. The boat is twenty-five feet long by sit wide, and will carry thirty passengers. Marshall ft Schlosser hsve purchased the lot and barn on corner ot Second Stad' Washington streets, lately occu pied by S. Montgomery as a Every stable, oAVlrar G50 bhereter. Two years ago they offered the owner,- Mr, Iteriges, 1800 for the same property They propose to turn: the building around, chaneinsr the front teom WsihtojrtontoiSaeond staeeV audi fit Messrs. R. Montgomery, N. Shanks, J. Marks. P. H. Wigle, Thos. Turner, Wm. Ralston, P. Bilyeu. George Bilyenv J. K. Chari ton. James Houston, B. E. Harris and A. W. Gordon compose the jury in the Mealey-Hardman case. The attorneys employed for the defense are. Messrs. Williams and Bronangh, of Portland, andStmhan, of Corvallis; for the Stat?, Dist. Atty. K. B. Humphrey, Geo. R. Helm, of this city, EnTnger and Thompson, ofPort Tand. Good Work. Messrs. Peters & Speidel have just turned out ready for sales dozen or more new end and side spring, two and three seated, two horse express wagons or hacks, that are superior to anything yet built by them. They will soon have out, also, a nnmber of wagons. Farm for Sale. Mr. Daniel Miller offers his neat little farm adjoining Tangent, probably six miles south ot this city, for sale on easy terms. It is one of the best improved and most valuable pieces of land fn Linn county. There Is a large amount of line timber on the place, never failing stock water. all kinds of fruit trees, as well as chestnut, walmrt, and other nut-bear ing trees. Any person looking for a comfortable home should see this farm at once. Bible Soctctt. At a meeting of the Linn Comity Bible Society, on the evening of March 23d, Rev S. G. Irvine was unanimously electet t Presi dent, Dr. E. R. Geary, Vice-President, E S. Merrill, Secretary, and John Conner, Treasurer. The Ex ecutive Committee consists of Messrs. N. Wright, Dr. W. D. Stewart, Rev. I. Wilson, C. C. Godley and Dr. R. C. Hill. On motion, the Secretary was instructed to furnish tbe foregoing proceedings to the city papers. Arm Broken. Mr. John GOOand, aged 73, on Tuesday last, met with an accident which resulted fn break ing his left arm. Three horses, neither of which had been worked for some time, had just been bitched to a plow. Wash Howard having hold of the lines, while Mr. Gililand was holding one of the horses by the bridle. As soon as the hitching business had been completed the horses started on a stampede. Mr. G. held on to his horse for a short distance, when be was thrown violently to the ground, falling on his left arm, which was bro ken midway between the elbow and shoulder. Dr. D. M. Jones attended the sufferer, and reports him fn good condition at present. Died. Bro. Isaac Long departed this life, after a lingering illness of many weeks, about neen on Thursday, March 26th. Thus another victim is added to that fori dfsease, consumption. Up to tbe morning of the day on which his spirit took its flight to a brighter world, Ike had refused to believe that danger threatened mm and that death was near. He thought witb the return of Spring, with its genial sunshine and balmy breezes, he would gain strength to travel ; and with change ot climate, amid new scenes, he fondly hoped to once more regain his wonted strength. But it was not to be. Bro. Long was a member of thelndesendent Order of Odd Fellows, by whom he was buried on yesterdbfr afternoon. 6b was twenty-five years of age. Nbw and Elbgant G00D8. N. Baum has returned from San Francisco with a mammoth stock of dry goods, clothing, general mcr chandise, etfe, which he informs us he purchased at a bargain, and con sequently will be onabtod to soil on the veirjt best tonne, seen offered in thie- omcamnty.. He certainly has a desirable tot of goods, audi those desiring anything in, Kilt Mna should! call: at 0049, . a 1 HABBI8BUKG l)KLRGATB8.T-Tha elect to the Republican ConventHp whiah meets in this city to-da feom. Harrisburg, Ur Manas, Owl Teewslfifas, Geo. nuiiawillim'l iili TTtlfan fliiiltli Country Tub Governor's Speech. Get, Grover sauted a calm, spirit leas spout, at tlia Court House iu this dty, on Thursday night, to 8 fair audience- the major portion of his talk on the occasion has lieen spread before the public by him so oflen during the paffc twenty-three years, that in gettin it off Thurs day evening Tie was not compelled to refer to his "eld notes" very frequently, but niesied along much the same ss a school boy who had pretty thoroughly mastered his Rttle piece. It was simply a tribute from Grover to the great and good and honest and patriotic and incorrupt ibfe Governor Grover "yonr pres ent Executive.'' In winding up his remarks, he said he had doubtless made some mistakes, and signed bills he should have vetoed ; hot if he should be so fortunate as to be re elected, ho would pursue the same line offofici for the future ho had in the past which was oheer- ing news to proprietors of litigant organs, if to no one else. We are sorry that our limited space forbids farther notice of this sketch of the fife of Grover, delivered by Grover; but we can assure those who were not present, that Grover when laud ing the "present Executive" (the entire burden of his song), was very pathetic it was indeed a melting time, with the Gov. Indeed so pa thetic did he become that Mart V. and other lights of the party were compelled to give vent to their pent up feelings by going out, reason ably early in the evening, and. re maining out ! The Democratic Stewards having left tbe room be fore the close of the services, the bat was not passed. Gould this have been otherwise, bow some of those old Democratic seeds present would have shelled out ! Scio- The delegates elect from Scio to the Republican County Con vention are Jesse Irvine, M. Bailey and H. H. Hewitt. ROMANCB OF ABITHMimC. The most romantic of all numbers is the figure nine, because it can't be multiplied away 01 got rid ot anyhow. Whatever you do it is sure to turn up again as was the body of Eugene Aram's victim.. One remarkable property of this figure (said to have been first dis covered by Ml Green, who died in 1794,) is that all through tbe multiplication table tbe product of nine comes to nine. Multiply by what you like, and it gives the same result Regin with twice nine, IK; add the digits together,, and 1 and 8 makes 9. Three times nine are 27 ; and 2 and 7 are & So it goes on, up to eleven times nine, which gives 99. Very good -T add the digits ; 9 and 9 are I8 aod 8 and 1 are 9. Going on to any extent it is impossible to get rid ot the figure nine. Take a couple of instances at random. Three hundred and thirty-nine times nine are 3,061 ; add up the figures and they are- nine.. Five thousand and seventy-one times nine are 45,689 ; tbe sum of' these digits is 27; 2 and T ana 9l. A movement is maturing at Washington to concentrate and organize strength in Congress and elsewhere, in favos of Newton Booth foi the next President. Fiomjnenb men in labor organiza tions say there can be massed three thousand) sMiflties throughout tbe country, in his support. Just received, by schooner Orego ntoMlil6 law.Fn;feco A Bwlfib Sugar JteMm - handred! kegaotrSyrap. POr sale law by, 37ml BAMSim. 1L. TOUNG-