jwa&tifprt. piTBUSHstf' 4MMri ViIMIiSday and IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Corn- Jrrj and fir SbnU. Sootby'temifr, tt 'fWt in holes where crickets ran out, will destroy them. TEBMS-IS ADVANCK. ne year Three dollars. 'ix months Two dollars Ziffle cor Tsn nt. lYclnnsoinve.....a, iW wecn. ro clubs of ten . 100 I . ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisoments, yier square of en lines or less, first insertion fl; each .ubaequent Insertion 50c Laraer adver isements Ufwted on the most liberal enns. Affrlealtnrnl Items. Louisana 'has become the banner ttttaiftee,ifcrOauring OfS year 1,200,000 bales of the 3,000,000 bales raised in the South. Toifac wwhpfish this the cultivation1 6t sugar has been largely nban d eed. WJiiJe the fertility of the soil is iyjio moans au evidence, of the civilization and refinement of a peo ple, a high .state of cultivation of he sou is seldom disunited trom a rtfpeoUbie degree of mental cul ture. .1 ' Breeirmg fine 'stock mi5essfiilly is a, specialty Which requires study aud' experience. It is a science iShat but few farmers are able to com prehend' To a competent judge of1 fine stock, nature must bestow the talent and that gift must be iu1rVed. OOB ' About J.000 acres are cleared of .timber each week day in this coun try. Oftbeannual crop fe75,00,. . 000. wntifc goes ibr tuel and twice as much to fencing. The locomo. tives in this country consume no than 0&OPO tjords ot wood, or 500 pcrji, tyet. 1 1 Xhtjf.'iire, jijaut An experienced woodman says treed shoatd not be cut floft(ftf wood. Limbs may lie lopped off, .flMgeian t,iiBfter,B made. In this way you get $ as mush wood as if you felled the bee at each cutting and the tree still remain good. i The exports ot wheat from Rus sia from Jan. 1 to Oct. 1, 1878, were i!7.i3.l!i bushels, against -2,6506 bushels in 1872; and 40,. 34-1,060 bushels in 1871. The to. tal expofts of all kinds or grain for tlie same time were 86.30,348; Vu. in 1879 against 75,871,937 bushels m. . .', An English scientific journa' states that oxalic acid promotes the sprout ing of' seeds, so that seeds lofty years old will germinate by its ap plication. The method is to soak tlie seeds for a day or two in a1 so lution of oxalic acid till they com mence to spont, when they are ta ken out and planted. t!W New York piugs of well fed chickens when dry 4'rdPiinP08r are,WfOrtl) halt $40 per, to?, ., Levied, ;al.es are worth $6 to $8 per ton, and stable manure costs 82 50 and 85 per ton, accordjtig to locality. TendfFpWiMs-ffliofltd drtdnly a very )ightauppe, aud that lull two or three hours Wore going-to bed. Soup or broth made of different meats is strengthening, as well as nice flavored, but it should be per fectly free from fat if prepared for .invalid ) The studioii" ottght to have stated times ot exercise, at .leattwo or three hours a day, one halt before dinner, the other before going to bed. 1 Clean Tketh. If you will but a . v- 't ices which are sold at fabulous prices are greatly interior to a simple mix ture of soa keep j(oor tfcth clean theyv won't decaf. The wondlmil dentifrice! ned 1 fke orns articles are root ; but the essential soap and chalk. The druggist will prepare you enough for a quarter soft tooth brush, go through Huntley immediately sul your mouth thoroughly. If dis- o a bad rocaith, voir way, the do$e in yie moruing, ; flosetjn fepeat. 6 Exercise should never be taken nig on a full stomach, it should never ; go: ut the principal article for -keep. h "' clean! is a tooth-uidk, (juuin wwcn yon may be continnedtoexaustiio,and when use after eating, no matter thougl we are done, we should not cool off too suddenly. Uy setting a glass fruit jar on a folded UweU through iy jaked in cold water, the fnjit can lie pound In boiling hot With no more danger ot breaking than a tin can. Cold bathing is of great advan tage to health. It prevents many diseases, promote perspiration, ac celerates the dhfration W tne blood, and oures against cold, i .Wooden slwes are .highly recom mended by the. agricultiirists of Ku rope, as it is shown 'ihat "imjiaired cciwtltutidn and eveV toss' of Kfe results -from wearing leather: shoes in wet weather. We, may strengtlien any weak part of the body by constant exer cise. Jims tne lungs may oe Strengthened by loud speaking o- by walking np an ascent trie di gestion and nerves by riding, the ! arms and nanus by rnooing tnem daily. To prevent choking, . break, an e-jfi into a cup ana give it. to tne person clu king,' to sWalKSw. The white of the egg seems t cioli around tlie. obsuwle and remove it. If one egg does does not answer ( the purpose, try. another. . Tne white is is all that is Twc&sarf . To'Have CotjLviii) Keek .Itli)E. After it is cold, and not dry as chip, put it into boiling water when take it out of theipot, when done, until cold. ' -;':( J I'remii'h it is a piece of apple, and if conven ient, aftrwanl use spme . water, to rinse between thef 'teeth what the pick has left. T.K.n Ti 1 if " A Brenthlnir Cave. In the' range of montitains hi Western North Carolina known as the "Fox Range," a most singular 1 phenomenon exists. It is a breath ing cave. In the summer a current of air com6 trom it so strongly that a person can't walk against it, while in winter the suction is just j as great, the coofciair nm tlie mountain in the summer is felt for miles in a direct line from the mouth of the cave At time a most offenS sire odor is enlittedipori the cur rent from dead carcasses of animals sucked in and killed bv the violence. The loss of cattle and stock in that section in winter is accounted for Ui this way.; They range too near, the mouth of the cave, and the current caities"'fhem in. At times, when the change from inhalation ,). exhalation begins, the air istilled with various hairs Qt animals : not I infrequently with boues,aud whole carcasses are found miles trom the plaae. Th.ajlhas been, known to change fflaVrtally'iii temperature) during exh?.'tk)i! from quite'tjoolto. ..opleasauUv -bot. withering vegeta-1 tion wjt.hin rey!,, and accompanied by a terfil)le roaring gurgling sound. The St. Pan! DispateJ, prints some a.npiinu76estetefietit rdatrfe to tcwtSaots ion tystar nts Inj the far West, lield by C. C. Huntley. The DisjMitch claims that at tlie outlet Huntley, by aid of some Washington Mf)ofatefcud from ,! tile ftwal paNtioni frllfc3loiitiiia, cut olTthe nniues and attached them to n petition for a jxistal route from Mis soula, Moutaiwi. to Walla Walla. W, T., 450 miles, through a wilderness without settlers, and got a contract at suosaci lent- ao wiuiiiii. Huntley immediately subH-ontracted at $14,000, and pocketed $48,000 a war forbc years. .TkeaU WHter sent oter flie road dl not (xee4d eifrht totter and papers ealh mm.-' fit al. 6taiiled J route ftr 11.131 from Ktltoa...llah, to Dalles W. T, f 1 DftLlel1 Oregon?. ?r. jjiik'4 tki(y trips, at 1234.000 per year. His last o)eration was getting a route for 000 from Boise City to Wiunemueea, Xevada, 2S0iules, .at77.000, of which HfO.KX) Is clear firotlt. A piece of elastic stone was re cently exhibited in St. Louis, which hid beet quarried near GoldjhOro, a. v ., ana nas oeen presenteu 10 the St. Louis University. It is a .bar-ot white sandstone, one foot in length by one inch in width and thickness., (Jt is easily Jbent in any direction, returning with a spring, when suddenly loosened, to its proper axis. It may also lie com pressed with a slight pressure, or extended, and it converts its shape as readily as caoutchotte tr India rubber. A geneva physician has observed that among populations dwelling at a high elevation above the level ot the sea eases of consumption are very rare; while on do other hand caws of pneumonia are very fre quent. Having bestowed attention also upon tne therapeutic effects of a change ot altitude, he comes to the conclusion that a given increase of altitude produces always the same effect, whatever the altitude of the starting point. A curious m PETERS & SPEIOE L MANI KACTIRKK8 UK Carriages & Wagons, Ol' Every DcucripUon, ALBANY, OREGON. f AM'KH'TTlIE TO ORDER Ati J iU and all stylus o , Waffona, C'ai-rlngfg, Hack , e.. t us reasonable ntea as ttic use nt gwa material nml ilrstK lnsg wrirk will jw t loSr rates ""5 rxp,'Ait '"""'J' d"" Sbopon f'errj- betireea First anrf ftrrt streets. l'ETERS SPEIDK AIIny, Jlaivh 7, li7-JS7 MA1UU.E WORKS. MOXROK A STAIfiKB Iieulera In Momimeals, Obelisk Toms. Il ad and Foot Stones, Executed in t allttirula, Vtruiont . MurOle. SAI.KM, OREGON. aud I til; it. lilUM'lt M4l AT ALU AH i ey o 'St No bettei of I r. .1 . lol, iim..-u i '.iDiiuDiii.l IHi1 Of Elll'jlJl'llOw'on 1 ... .1. .v., -t'1t 'his ivme4v lon hv u,-T.,l"; ! i V r. .v. 2r- ..te then . .111 Ml, is said to be I laving Colk spawn from fishermen "pla in au empty sealed up wit a sitting hel they break tl fry into wfate; sun, and tl they ar,8d turned tyto aakqfyr ell -watmo nurse thrtn iehtlj' strong Uve Bread. One i as a pot boiling, feared bv quart of meal, one quart of wheat many that a v-otanic eruption may dour, one teacup b yeast, one tea- i breaLfcrth there nometime Sueii . m .. 1 I ' , . . i - ' I it! 1 1 . . J 1 li I III I 111 Vlltidliii I N f I It....-, IT -I j. ... fl J 1n.:'i 1 jr.'. r r. i I HfirtatH Ml i nau'iung in China. KiSlessary liUge the quantity which i dJ in thi JiAtHml: Hat. Satt mnciNx ltnXtil IS"'' rcport- EUCALYPTUS A I im v 'I n ittiil, (''in Jiti; a inn: nt v r hill i.iul JM.'r llImi( i r..,. . Inlluin. ot !WSi, .s iSimeiK j'Ax and pjnt, under juter sAnic days ifgg and emrtv the 4 10 :t t a? 18 1 0 a 7 a 'I i '.5 10 1 of warm milk; pour into pans let it rise. Jiake ui.ttl well done. (Tat. A certain cure tor nose bleeding f 1 -- ; i is said WbeJ to extend the arm perJ L lhe as 11 w of pendicularly against a wall or post, lK,,me u"der tue auRPioefi ofil8 )ICW or any comment object for a sup-1 master.t !e K" of lt? ! ging port. The arm on 'the side from ! ou ldly a,)d 110 1 "freqontly a few eveoiii it-ent sleigotWt.ha(B die, and found which the blood proceeds is the one to elevate. CrTAUDAvnirorr E (Wis TTdisays fTOc,'the dtop- presefits some interestfing. fabis. 'Theeost of eradins is immense. j the workmen, in many places, being a quart of milk exptf a teacup-1 In digging down they find" ruinsof ou in which w u ijwr wuiwpjon- j tne itome ot 3jiii(Ue Ages fifst, and fuls Of flotrr. When it bolfe put in under them again, "those of the . 3 i i . . ... ' a very nwie sau, ttn sur as ror starch. Add, fotoblespoonfuls of sugar and anch Biro aa yo fike. LjUkgi yiww Pi B8.v-3ljffieVze a Ancient ('yl and aometimes the origitial surface of the earth is at a dlib.ot eighty fe apenfaee, tnerlSfore, at what fffgntrill expense largo lmraoer m Beopia wilo were drawing their snpjHirt iiom the town. Jhere are now' in that town any quantity ot mou hunting up wood-jKtes to'"w. ' i I by the until to be e IVIfc J.aporte, visited a rptse swin- atidience Mrietarc . ; HHNUK orhMAWr. a lilPlllMll'iinu ltl . . Kt'O iit ihellenri ! K S'r ! .V ..... . . rtiMiitle I,rrliu . ; UouorirlMpa ! t'W omnptrteiy corrooo atlve of ln.tii. a iilf- k n, hi . if...'..i"i . Of the .Vfsti-lmi.RailwHvCo.. pnWfty-('''i It will beftMnd vet v ettiliK.foi 1 ai,. ! !Hi'f??e!,?f WPtw"t, BrrTnohitJB. Hnc kiiea, w, ana u B1Ui-fc dhrlhg pmui in 3 0 .1 tjyjab nenti It WfM Euraliy fun ls Sheelftl mvimiT tior. fWHic-ff&fowitOl 'KV i lxv1l MiVh. Kdtirt IB e .(? (-.. i( it I -, ' eureirvery cm It'HStfd acoamin m direFtionn 1llu:tt the Hjnrimh remilts..: iju. ilMmj ytt 1 1... !;,. i. ....... I .. - . .. "me nn! tnmtaeuiStt U1U ogiiK-Houhe .yMBtn ik more iuqsmr tnst cujaise, Alvioni tlnitlex extensive than any in "the world, :WXW' tne lights ana beacons extending ! takx mum iu; Uiioaiah'si fi mu more than mib,,n.ii., .' '- "'7t lien -. Iio . .i.vaiuwy large Wmofi: rjifl tteiid(i till tl,p work milst go . for all these tender eno tour ounce gh to betit to a mash: yawuuiK cos musiqpi f W artdW iihrairfed . support nie'tMitre paveTrteW Vt f.rifXTv Q , k;u;, t . ,.t.,.,..i :.. soe;isuei: nait a pound . l,"v' """' m lnienueu improvements ot improvements to and the the s i i.-njul ii.. mi Altifta w vinegar ift good to set colors red, green or yellow. A hot shovel held over varnished furniture will take out spots: -WWW6f any VXkliiKJShWbe washed in cold guds and not rinsed. Sal soda wjtfbMoD' : one sK)iv tul is fcitfcMiitftr a kettle full of Clot deli ai wheu saritly. a are hnyiug a carpet for , ywu mm, cuooee. wnaii .ti- i . 1 .. . along t and shore. We have 521 light houses, 35 powerful signals operated h afjdnvjo'stjii fi$hot air, ow uay or nniignied iK'acons, and 2,888 buoys; Gounod's "Komeo and Juliet" wa j, rttefitty Ivent l M al)i! j but was not a success, owing to the fact that the "Juliet" of the oc casion was Mme. 8ass, a fragile female ot more than two hundred Ill II X pOUtl' sreyoir soaps iid plants. of currants, and four ounces snrr ' Put the juion.jff.frhe lemon and ! citPs sutjfensioji brii some candied fruit as for other mince ;cwstJ)e,TibW. - ' pies. Uake with rich crust. . , m. "771 T7T 7 , i iBAASiNfi ir.TT:Tcrirtrmg ports having found tlie meanest to Dr. h.lsner, water in winch po. j main J'hehai donated a. pair of tatoes haVS new oMM' ekercise a i worn-out summer pants to the remarkable cleaning influence upon I homesteaders, hut took out the .MM&frW all kinds, especiallyj poekete fiwl rped tnetoittons off spoons that have beconr blackened before parting with them. by eggsi-JveHclicatly chased and engraved articles can, it is said, (..Cbsterike ;b,re hjg, ,yi bMMittfel brUifc-fcy Vtts makod.' Conconl and j xiMt frriel home., even Setter tTian by the use' "0 mMfcl A 1 Will iro down , u,,k polishing powder. TK: ? i A,- What . W ba.e VawMfc-A. an LrilP ,t VW'IUIMIIS,.. MMi fflWi;ih4n d. says the London "Figaro," another remarkable Wiprano', hYname Mile. Dieudonne ((iod-gifted). a pupil of blonde, endowed with p, seraphic j voice, say the reports. Mamma. "Now, then. Tommy, j make haste WifAtrp'mir dinner " j ilVtaroy (aftr a pBuso).HVi'Bnir-: 'g to eat it :up;ma,hinia, but 'jt FOR AN n(nral)Ie Cas LL oJ . Wl'Mffltoi DK. LE RICHAU'S COLD EN BALSAM I f m Aft T it'H crs' trial hd lhi ftiliit nn pivven Itself the only rurative in certain c1bi. (1dt9nwsprohowM!u41 by fcuaioi)1 yrautiUuii (ts as incurable. 1 : -Jfr.LtHftto'f GOLDES BILSJOlli'l faw Chihciwiflr$taiii')nd MtfK Sswb toe Un orBeOT: 8yi' IJUp. Ejr Sum, fcc. ; Ooptierlcolted BlotcHcs, BnAilltic CVflffii, , lliwcA Sculp, ar4 itf primary torrnnft'the WHtn known as Syphilis. Price. 15 per tot tic, or two Lit riJJ Or. Le Bichau's GOLDEN BALSAM M enree TetHiry, Witprial, SyphUlllo Hhrtm. , sod Oontctl ansa, BtiSnMB ef thtt mate. and prmdlffttna all .1 .... . ' whether cat merci lndltcremn' ht'iMns r,f Price, 6 pe?bottle. oAjrolor It. WW 0- Le Richaa's GOLDEN SFARISH AN tatton, Oratel,,' and all Vrlnary or tfc me of a ct)m'b.k uds for the gar- DT to harden yards m yarnisb for wicker work, F. Rhine WW,D"" recomraendn'the Follbwing 'feorapo- 4, : Mi consist-! ..." Iin'T-' i" K 111 cCIll UIOIISII IOIIMV I ataananementa Price, wetty nr. Lb Mm'i GilL .Irrl- asui ii'iiurun sition is boi ilea aoWn V a Kyrtipy qHe! -fW'trtrV" tli""tio'WWi 1 ency and mixed with twenty parts j aronjj(k of copal. This mass is then dilu- proper thneBiVr, .naW , wnaish tmatflig t ore forJiis-wife. . Ji ilidn think 4lonW MMrioi slfppery"thaaw .w tetith ..Jn.-n .the farmers are'jlot 'OftlY-'iiiicrsiiiff ... 1 1 . 1 1 a 1 1 . i 11 11 Kin ! 1 1 11.,., iP redqc (i iUi a-vjewi to ,fiigieriitiiWalnn. FILLS tar Seminal Weakness, VltitHBato- pufopmMrWm dlaeaece arising from MatbaMM.' Av.tvWoV. -''T'i IIH 91 oar' win rMan Ml mate crane. iSI ,l -if 4ni, ejbulfJiBnrvpa.nte..,.,. , una '.'JO. 10 1 Jam aiiJlv ! diasolved. in in a MlUard'1 saloon on a Sundav. He mat!