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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1874)
ffgwrv. PUBLISHER KVKKT WEDNESDAY AND BiTUWDA, By COIL, VAX CLETE, Iff REGISTER BtntSINOS, Corner "nr dud Wraf raet, TKRMS-IN ADVANCE. One rear Throe dollar. Six months. Two dollars. iiirle copies Ten cents. To clubs of tv UN each. Toclubsof Ken .rft$ 00 " ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advertisements, per square of ten lines or less, first insertion (1; each subsequent Insertion 30c. Larimer adver tisements inserted on the most liberal terms. Short Agikailtsjisil netns. A. taste for farming ' comes late, and it Is often connected with high menial culture. Chinese labor on the Louisiana sugar plantations is reported to be unsatisfactory. Congress proposes that seeds shall be sent from the Department ot Agriculture postage free. The yield of hemp on Kaw river bottom in Kansas is said to average one thousand pounds per acre. There are fewer lawsuits among farmers now than ever before, which shows there is more intelligence. A nurseryman living near Walla Walla, W. T-, has an invention for digging up trees, which works admirably. Bam swallows have made their marpce, which niay be con sidered a prttty sure sign of Spring weather. The political economists declare that if cash payments were always nude, prices could be reduced thirty per cent. The Western farmers have found a new eiiemy in the lawyers, be eaule said farmers have agreed to settle disputes among themselves. When the premiums for the last Agricultural Fairs were awarded, the sum of $17,000 was given for racing, and for wool only $250. Top propagators of new fruits are again asking why they cannot have a patent as well as the man who invents a chum or a mole trap It is estimated that the losses to crops in the State of Mississippi on account of the ravages of stock running at large is not less than $5,000,000. If every milkpail in the country leaked so much as to lose half its contents, the loss would be no greater than the loss arising from bad butter. The Alsike clover is equal if not superior to buckwheat as a honey plant, while the honey produced from it is fully equal to that made from white clover. A Chinese bamboo was reared in the garden of B. B. Redding at Sacramento last season, which at tained the night of twenty-one feet fn one year's growth. Pour hot water on the blades of steel knives and they wipe easily and do not need drying. Many cases of congestion of the brain and headache are partially or wholly caused by tight collars And cravats. Dandruff can be removed by washing the head with buttermilk and 'thoroughly cleansing with pure soft water afterwards. - f fjghi corn bread : One quart of toiled milk poured over one pint of cornmeal, salt, three well-beaten egg, fonr tablespoofltule of flour, half a spoonful of Soada, one of want of tartar, and a little butter. (inAric Jelly. Weieh .takfe. than let it boil fortv minutes , and set off; then stir in one pound I :,4Kir M pwwd of juice, fte ought to be considered as inconven .' n. to stir with I wooden spoon) iei.t as a house without doors, and ?jmm&M "fi tWrtj nil To extract ink from, cotton, silk and woolen goods, saturate the spots with spirits of turpentine, and let it remain several hours, Then rub H bstwceh the hands. It will crumble away, without injuring jtjCbe dolor 4r texture of Iw article. Eight gallons of water, twelve pounds ot salt, four pounds of sugar and four ounces of saltpeter make an excellent pickle for beef or pork. Tt the water boil, skimming off ill impurities, before adding the other ingredients. Fruit may be preserved with honey by putting the fruit first in the can, then pouring honey over it, and seal air tight; when the honey is poured from the fruit it will have the flavor and appearance of jelly, making a delicious dessert. Harmless hair-curling liquid: Borax, 2 ounces ; gum arahic, 1 drachm ; hot wat (not boiling), 1 quart Stir aid as soon as the in gredients are dissolved add three tablespoontuls of strong spirits of camphor. On retiring to rest wet the hair with Ihe above liquid, and roll it in twisifc of paper, as usual. Veal croquettes: Take very fine minced veal, moisten it with cream, and a beaten egg. Season with pepper, salt, sweet marjoram, and a little pounded mace Form into small cones, either by hand or' in a wine-glass ; crumU the outside, and fry, or else set into the oven and bake, basting frequently. In order to ascertain whether ground coffee has been mixed with either roasted corn or amylaceous substances generally, it 's only necessary to treat the powder, first with dilute caustic potash, and after filtration and addition of a large quantity of pure water, a solution of iodine is added, whereby the starch is detected. Old corsets make the best stove cloths. J nst one-half at a time is a convenient size ; they are ready made, and much better when un folded to take hold of anything with than a made holder, and much easier to wash. Just throw them in with the brown towels, as many as you happen to get during the week, and they come out clean and ready to use again. To remove adhesive plaster ihe portion of the plaster which is left adhering to the skin may be quickly and completely removed by the use of oil of turpentine and sweet oil. Use a little more than half turpen tine. This compound, carefully rubbed over the parts with a bit of cloth or sponge, and then washed off with warm soapsuds, will leave the surface as clean as nature ever intended A correspondent writes : "I have found the Whit jWeetSwede tur nip is good for bkfei.ickens cooked and then mashed and mixed with an equal amount ol corn meal Mix it so that it will be as near dry as you can. The same when you mix a potato mash. Mix it too thick' to pour. Potatoes mixed With corn meal I think cannot be beaten to feed laying liens.'' Keep some strong , spirits of hartehom in a ground glass stopped bottle. A teaspoontui in a teas poontul of water will clean combs and brushes and restore colors in jured by acids. A weaker solution, applied to ill-smelluig leut and arm pits removes the odor, alid removes the grease spots from carpets and clothing. A weak solution in water makes a good wash tor the I hair, and stimulates its growth when impaired by tever, and cleanses the scalp effectually. A weak solution, scattered over the leiffes wfflaintf!n a soft, -fine, limber brush, gives new lire to plants. Even if a little is sprinkled over the earth at their roots, their Plum Pudding. 2 eggs; 6 cracker ; 8 pints ot' tweet milk ; a piece of butter the size of an egg; 1 cup ofaudu8 littb salt and; nutmeg A bouse without water-works as incomplete in the euantry m in lttoitjr. Pancakes. 1 egg; 2 spoonfuls whose tulle scarf, dexterously wrap of sugar ; 1 cup of aweet mjk;. 1 ped about her throat and carqlessly teaspdnful V sodaj2 teatotifals Virown back as tj fori prttident ofcream-of-tartar; vcupsot fiour. ends over her back, serves only to A remedy for the poisonous 1 le nd enhance the effects ol carlKilja, aajj aj leSmctr4.ybat pm toherdaz of common hmajfcbld W "d observer a superbpai! of shonl. liable to be taken accidentally pra- Fancy discovering aft. r has been found in the use of wards, perhaps when said lad v las saccharate of lime, which oembiiies' ! become a bride, that those shoulders with the acid'and forms a neutral ; we but a dream made of kid ! carbolate of lime That worse than nightmar and Sihv.of.Bp.eV 1 'Mv. HaW J4. B8" the shin well cracked up; put it to . " Jgdjj say, "False one, boil in 5 or,.o quarU. of water; . ire to haVethe credit oon it or o iiouts; saim it very often. UtitiP, Very fine, h Jf ml 3 vr.""-n r f r rr-,i soup with pepper and salt, and L....I ; k. .nl.i tli. lu.nn anil in mi lb u flump, uinc biic uviic atiu ffrittle out before serving. It you. , . ., , i m iAist t i. wthvtois roundness in tl.o neck, have some laised wush make hp j .T , , ' , ; , , . .u s,. , v And here puffed tulle sleeves are a dozen ba s the size ot a nutmeg, , . T. . . , i 1 called in p ay. It 19 said that flesh, drop them into the soup and let ; , , 1 3 , , , it u k u . " " I colored enamel makes the eomplex thcrn bod haltan hoar. ?wm 1 , . . , , . " ! ion, dowp to the joining hidden by ()AT-V:ivi.OAKE8.--Intf)aqnart !thetuei a perf teh to the of cold water stir oat-meal ei.ough kid j Does not this cap the climax? to make it about as thick as hasty- j What cim8X ? the may de. pudding. Be sure that the meal is j mail(1 yfdf tf)at of tie pj.up spnnkled in so slowly and that the deceptions 01 enamels, rouges, dying stirring is so aetive that the mash 1 or bleached hair, false eyebrows, wilPhaveno lumps in it. Now, 1 th, pads, colored lip.stiiffed put it on a buttered tin-pan, where j bnstef!) altitude-bestowing heels, it can be spread out to half the artificial calves, &c. thickness of a ronton cracker, and j t(,e men' are "just, bad," smooth it down with a case-knite. ft j8 cfa1mjd. A fashionable" drug- Kun a sharp knife across it, so as to divide it into the sized pieces you wish, and then5 place it in a warm oven and bake slowly, being careful not to brown it. PflKVaWiNe uar in Ikon -j-The following mixture is stated to be an excellent brown coatii g for protecting iron and steel from rust. Dissolve two parts crystalized chloride of iron, two parts chloride of antimony, and one part tannin, to tour parts water, and apply with a sponge or lag and let dry. Then another coat ot the paint is applied, and then again another, if neces sary, until the color becomes as dark as desired. W hen dry it is wajjhec wijl water, allowed to dryagaisii and the sdrfaer pblhthed with boiled linseed nil. The chlo ride of antiniouy mubt be as nearly neutral as possible. 1 Gems, or Iron-clads. -Strain graham flour ho soft cold water, making a batter a trirle thicker than for griddle-cakes. Drop from a spoon into the cups of the bread pane which are already heated, and bake in a hot oven. Take them from the pan as soon as they are done and arrange them on plates, taking care that ho Weight rests 011 them to make them heavy. These, after standing two or three days, are made as good as new by dip ping in cold water and setting in a hqt oven a few minutes or steaming over boiling water. i l cakes of this, kind are made lighter and more delicate by being beaten ten or fifteen minutes while mixing the batter, but it is aob. necessary in order 10 make good bread. S-tr.) r.U "KM Xerki"- The Hem Femulo De- Ips rejlly na wouder that the 'opposite sex' ' occCsionaNy burst forth into a plaintive reproach, and upbraid false fair o;es fiir the many means resorted to in order to de ceive them." iFof, ik Hii ieoiitest for the prize awarded by Paris to the most beautiful, deceits are invented and bodily worn such as are some times too astounding for belief. Years ago we remember hearing of a French singer M tW tfifi han- tavt, whose hnsljana, on iiemgcoin- j plimented uponthedazzliugfairitesfi I of his wife's neck, lilted off a pair j of shoulders of tinted wax so ar. ringed as to be easily adjuitihle! ' But that ant of our belles should WNaut to, the paltry , R9PJit!9fe wearing false kio necks, made in Berlin audita Paris and sent, with a vast amount of mystery, to the that almost need to bo "seen to be a lady at a aau i....:. .. ........ .. . .... ... l WM"" ' ov:""(f; w i dp slul(i urge to (jnclt a ll.igraiit . I- OB 1 '11 j jthrms the ladies that he sells as much ".hjgnolia Halm" (a sort of enamel) to gentleman as ladies ; while the tailor whispers of false shouldars made of wood, and the barber, the dentist, and the vender of uniforms tell anything but flatter ing tales. The biters are bitten ! To remove stumps, a New South Wales paper recommends the fol lowing: In the autumn bore a hole 1 or If inch in diameter, ac cording to the girt ot the stump, vertically in the ctor of the latter, and 18 inches deJ. in 1 or U ounce ot'saitjjSef ;;jpfctlie holt, with water, audgjpg Uptiqse. In the ensuing snriin? take 7ut the plug, and iKmr in a 'half a gill of kerosene on, and ignite it. I he stump will sinould."- away without blazing, to thejr extremities ot the roots, ltiavvii j: nothing but ashes. The stump must in a fresh sappy state ueu the Saltpeter is put ut, pi- it wit- not penetrate the fibers thoroughly, 1 'Inch is essential to the aucess of the ex periment. ''' :' 4 Recently two young men living in Detroit, anxious to exhibit their nerve, laid a wager with third person, which resulted in some rifle shooting extraordinary. A dozen apples were procured and the gen tleman stood forty feet distant from the other, who shot with a rirle each ot the dozen apples in succession from his friend's head, after the manner of the late William Tell. Not satisfied with that the apple holder produced a common- paste board match-box cover and held it close to his bead, between his finger and thumb, and in that position permitted his friend to fire three shots at it, each going plumb centre. A young man by the name of Calison went to the house ot Mr. Heeves, near Marshfield, Mo., a few days ago, picked, Jip a pistol which was lying in tfie hnlw, and remarked to a daughter of Mr. Heeves that he would shoot her. at the same time at her and tiring. The ball took effect in her side and killed her instantly. Some of the citizens living in that vicinity say it was accidental, while others contend that'll wa inten tional. Bev. .1. V. Wicklein, pastor ot b church near Reading J'enu,, was suddenly' killed a few days kjgg undept'ddiareiroumstaiux's. Ilav. ing gone gunning, his (lop ran a rabbit into a- J two companions he nni;i 01 ine tree to mWM the- rabbit, hej. intantly the entire trunk broke into three pwceii aiid foil with a terr JTriW.iokleiii wittolieailjcrualinit him toll- artjb and iillng Mm instant bj. ! ADVERTISEMENTS PETERS & SPEIDEL, MAKCKACTCBSK8 OK Carriages & Wagons, or Ewry DcsrripUon, ALBANY, OREftON. MANHFACTi:K TO ORDFH ANT and ull styles of Wagons, Carriages, Hacks, Ac, Bt as rossona)lc rates as the use of sood nmterinl and first-class work will Ju- aMow'rBtos nC",ly an,exIlwluioiJSly don streets0" Fe"7 b$WW im all(l Sect'"i . pKTKRS ft HPEIDEL. Albany, Mareh 7, J879- MARBLE WORKS. JNOXROE & STAKjER, Dmlerg In Moanmeiits, Obelisks, foabs, Hi-ad and Foot Stones, Execnted In California, Vcrnnnt and Italian Marble. SALEM, OREGON. BRAXf H SHOP AT AMSAS Y. CflfWWH'SJSS Extract of r.iN'nlyptusian in iltwircd, than TO fallowing fnmmaiy of ases, tiMtxl wltli this rnwerty alone, bv iliat onrimnt "livslcfnn i),v:- Wo sr. i , In the V. 8. Marine Hospital. Snn Fran-'sco, ivrxirl ed in the v i.-.- r . y ,j EUCALYPTUS a 1 Crw 1 1 UU 1. Ournt. An'rf. ReniHtPitt evir a n iiills iimU 1 r 19 T.vpl old F, vr 0 9 InflNw.oriiMneyB.... 4 3 i Dfnretfo.. 10 7 S nennllneiim oi I rine 3 3 nlrlt-hirn.. B 4 2 Iiiflnm ( iildler 27 25 2 lileiiiiorhKln......... is i iHH l the IJ. nr. 7 7 tyeutery 4 8 , ( ltrir IiiHrrhvea.... 12 4 Uitiiorrliceii 15 j$ 3 3 CmpWely eorroTio alive of the love, are the reports of 1 ho eXKeilniento with Kinnlyptijs hy fr. Lorrinier. of Berlin, I'nissm .ju hr K.rl. (.hief I'liysician of the Atisirinn RaHwavCo.. published in the Am. M il. Jn: Jnly, ifn. It will he found very efflcaoiotM m obwi natecasepf Dysiwiisla, Bronuliitis, Hack inirVmh chmnie Sow throat. Leueor rhea.we., and In nancea rtnrinjf jiregnan- 1 lr.'lemin'KtHbl j Extrnrt r Kuap- T ' i '",i,'B special pi epnrii- - SaWHtSr ,ifin ""' twa'tnent 01 -rrrfTftSrrfe l'K?: "d adb, 7HwfflE:.flia is wnrrmited to AifW'ffi nrr every case treated riv-'pM aecordtnar to directum. r'ttiv,V w'llunn the iiijurlou U ivstiltsof the usual Qni- ' , nine and arsenicnl rem- ejlics for that diseatc. lw pure fluid ex t; u ; nj Eucalyptus, in one pound liottles. lOriiMysiclaiinTnse Revaret iiuitBtipni, nnd lake none but loleman's. For sal everywhere, and by ' odire Calef f'o.. I)(ii!istH, Portlnnd. Agents for Ttsgmi. v5n3!;y 1 nun kei TialJIfW InfuraWe Case! XDR. IX RICHAtrS GOLDEN BALSAM! Aftar ten yean' trial on this Coast ha proven itself the onlyeurf.tive in certain chum f diseases prononuoad by medical practition ers as incurable. Dr.Lefiito's GOLDEN BALSAM Re.. cores Chancres flnt and second stages, ton on Ws Legs cor ady; fkire Bos, Eyes, Nose, c.; Oopper-culored Blotobss, Bypliilitio Catarrh, Wieased ScaTp, snd all rrlmary forms of the disease known as Syphilis. Price, $5 per bo, tie, or two tor 9. Or.LeBichan's GOLDEH BALSAM Ho. 2 cures Tertiary. Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheuma, Ham, Pains In the Bones, Back of the Neck, Bb oentcd Bora Tkroat, gyphllltic Bash, Lumps and Contracted Cords, BtUtaess of the Limbs, and eradicates all diseases from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of mercury leaving the blood pure and healthy. Price, S per bottlfl, or two tor 19. Br. Le lieta's GOLDEN SPANISH AR- Hdoto, forth Care ot Oonnorhos. Gleet, Irrt tattoo. Gravel, and all Urinary Or Gimitat disarrangements. Price, $3.60 for bottle. Br. L6 Hekii's G0LD8N SPANISH IN- Jetton,awBsh and Injection tor severe cssea of OonnorhoiB, Inflammatory Gleet, Btrieturea. and U diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Price. J1.M per bottle. t for Da, LE BIOHAlTB ( Bemlnsl Wesknes, Hlgl soy, and Ml diss aw an and aaieaaalvd abnues. Tha genuine G-Mat Buw op only to rtmad bottles. On receiot of trios, these msdlctas wfB fcntenttoalipartoof the wunlry, by bxMm orur. Bacftta ana am worn onusv (i iflwrlit ; ;flPri"