The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 07, 1874, Page 8, Image 8

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By COLli.' VAX 'fcLEVE,
Corn-r Firry ami First S'rcett.
'One ye.... Three dollars.
lilt mon'hs Two loliars.
Single eonles TVn pen .
To clubs 1 1 ii vi ?! so cm ii .
Ifp clnb of ten 2 00 "
Transient a'lrarjftemuntn, rw? sqnarc of
ton lines or fL Aral insertion 1: oncli
snbso.iirnt iimirtiim We
tlsemonts imwrtixl on the
.arziM- h
I .01'-
Wornl Ahm for TrM.
The leEowingartte'e, taken from
the agrteoltirfal department of the
SacMmeirto Ttec&rd, sli.mld lie
carel'illy Tead by those interested
in preserving their trees in a good
healthy condition, and warding oil
the attacks of insects!
There are proliahly but tew or
ehardists who appreciate the value
of ashes as manure around fruit
trees Experience has proven them
to lw Worth more as fertilizers or
mauuie than the beat ol bum yanl
manure; but tliey are sti I nvra
waluable to kwp away the borer
ami other destructive insects. Ashes
'lrid uraihire 'mixed make the best
material with which to over Uie
grouul around iiuwg tvei Tbey
act both as a mulch, a mai ore, and
as a preventive oi the ravages o-
.tawtts. u ijjrmer should allow
his ashes to go to waste. Some
sate reoepthefe at a prtfrtpf dist.i ..
firotn th? house slnmht be provid e,
into winch all the ashes t'nm c'te
Jodse sfiould be care'ul'y thrown
eacli morning. They should lie
covered from the storms t j prevent
leaching. Each spri; say in
Eehrmu'y or .ilarch in thit Mate
they slwn.d be wol tuixed with
coarse stable manure in 1 r ':: 111 ,
of ab'-ut one to tluee, and ir'jiJl.
ately covered over say t liree i-ci cs
deep with soil. Let tbe mixture
remain covered about ten d.iys, !
"when it will Ix; rtj!y t'rr use. !
thread the mixture ox jr a c;nj)e of
four feet in diameter aroun I each
tree;, working it in with ihe Mirfaci'
anil almiit three or four inches deep.
Trce treated thus eae'n spring wmI
tmaiit'it'rtecfly healthy, and.. ma fee
a. rapid crowth, other tlutiga Uv'u
C nil. r i . 1 1 : f ,1
be.are mixeU'iu it w.fl be all ,
ttii. U1U.1. ' fj
Nrmitin Wbt-nt.
, Farmers in Oregon are sehrom
troubled with smut in wheat; nev
lieless it is well enough to know
bow to guard against this destruct-
rvedisease or tungr. Oneot the best i
nfWrvetitatives against the disease, I
prtMjaWv. w to wak tne wheat be-
tore sowii)! m blue stone water.
Tat $MdiIYsskiflfoi folkjw
itig directions for using the blue
stone, which our farmer rea
lers I
might do well to cut out ai id put
away &r ready reference :
The method of uiiig blue stone
blue vitriol fj. the pre-yeutjon
of smut in wheat, consuU in sobk
iug tire wheat or (ithcr grain for
ii is as applicable to oata or barley
as to wheat for a few hours, quite
immaterial as regards the number,
but usually Irora three to five hours,
or it may be put in soak at night
ana remain u 1", only m
ocb case the soil where sown should ;
be sufficiently moist to insure unmc
rMte ' -rfirlnation, fbV ei1ferain
will begin to swell in that time,
After soaking, pour ofl' the solution
and spread ; the grain six indies
deep upon a floor and throw over
it finely powdered, dry, slacked
, ic or wood ashes; then stir with
M snovel till every grin is coated.
If there should be more lime or
etm than can adhere, the sarac
mo be used on the next batch ; and
m me solution can be used again
wd again till it ia all takra u.
.K.Tt.CT.11 it. r.II . I J nm.Tj, ;
U from six to ten pounds ot' blue I
stone to a barrel trf witrr. l'u -1
verize, or what is letter buy it nl-1
ready pulverized, and have tlie wa. 1
tcr hot or quite warm, the quicker
tu dissolve it. Smut is a vegetable j
im.L'iis wlik:li the vitriol ami Kirie '
destroy tii lire
, .. i ... i
A seutlemau in Macon, (la., has
utilised a spring-bouse, successfully
wintering in it his tender plants,
the warm temperature of the water
piwmng the air at all times
pleasant and eongeuial to vegela-
linn. e iiwsr a iso oi a miii tar
, . , 1 1
. V ' i i
abait oned . siriiir-ltouse, wlwru,. w
inanv narlia v teiuler nants ariM
w -i 1 . ,i
preserved very well without nix,
heat. Among others ',tf likehanl
ihood thus reeateil y preserved is
a arand old range tree, which for
many years has 'come through each
succeeding winter looking unusually
healthy and vigorous.
To Ci.kansk Calk's Hkap am
j FebTi Wash clean, and sprink'e
i pounded rosin over the hair; dip
in boililjg water and take out im
med lately, and then scrape them
clean; then soak them in water lor
: tour days, changing the - water ev
ery day.
Steamed Pudwinh. f'ue cup
: of sour mi k s wee(enel with soda :
' half cup of cream; one cup of m.
lasses ; one cup of stoned raisins,
and tloiir enough to made a ftitf
1 batter, l'oil in a farina kettle
two hours. .Serve with sauce
L.wiu Stfw. Take hah'a shoul.
1 der of lainh. boil it in two quarts
ot water, tiir two hours Then put
in potatoes, onions, turnips, cut in
quarters, two teapoonfuls of kiIi
and pepier to.iate, Teu .minutes
lie?ore serving 'put in the" dump
linos. 7
i-conomy may be practiced in a
thousand ways, and one way is in
our hie', .Wood that. .has U-en
sunned a tPr days after bfrtthtg and
splittii g it. a"d then boiiseil tour
ition'lis or inoie, is worth fur the
family htotptwieS of warming, c 10k-
in anil wasbilig, almost twice as
much as when grecn.
Kkkm'u Omim.kt. P.reak eight
eggs into a basin, season with a
small teas-poo ful of salt, and a
little peppeJV and, ii'hkeil, mace or
niumeg; add two tabli;sMHjnfiil.s ol
milk or cream, two om ces of butter
broken in jiits. and a little parsley
cut small if liked, also a tiiely.
..1. .... .1 . ...1.:.- -ii
cnoppeu Miaioi 01 one onion, en
o-seuiei ii,N ,1 ?i..oi,, jiui,
well tosether with a
1 an ounce of butter in a nymg-paii,
i let it becume builiug hot, and pour
! the omelet in ab mt half an inch
thick; as it is cooking continue to
; stir it' with a sjtuoii, drawing; it
from the sides to the center, that it
may be evenly done; shake the
pan now and tbm to tree the om-
cet from it; let fry. gently, when it
is a fiiic, clear, brqiptorn it into a
MinH "cllcv
1 r -rjf- ' , ' v. -i 11 jr t j tur- nsi-
t er of seqiisilr; ca0a dring the
winter season is not so easfly man.
agfd as oJie misbt. U,iijk Vith n
w'ihdciir MYui olami grteiU,
a hanging basket witu leathery
spravs falling around it, and ivies
clambering arAttnrf1 our picture
frames, to say nothing of the van
otis byouterie on brajjfe ajs
gem, how can we'fiear to raise a
mist r I ei. me
, . r. .1.
swept amk
-1 ,
not l Itauished. A patent sweeper.
raffkiurfa aty, wears off the taw
of the carpet. That cannot le
permitted. , J have Aripji tea leaves
with fair results ; pieces ot newspa-
ipor jsnd Mtfered1 Oyer the
floor, or sawdust answers very well ;
but my best success has been with
bran wet and sprinkled over the
carpet, u ICkia swepfoeff ukl. and
followed by a damp cloth wrung
frequently ftom oleam-1 water will
quite effectually remove dust from
the car;3t without asking the dust.
Once a week, or once in two weeks,
will be often enemgh to go through
this process, which for fear of inju
ry to 'the carpet, abQttl ptrt; te.gjv
en over entirely into the Itandc of
j au qrdiaiy servant.
Many years aoo says the Snli-
nas 4M-eiiiv. when
the tut
itor oC Trt' A'ahti Anataeia (,'areia. commit.
ted nuuilerle-s dark and bhMidv
detsls in the city of Mioiterey and
vicinity, the half of which was uev-
er divulife'l, a Stnuifl Im.v in an ti'd
tort ws stiflsftii.der eireHriMnnceM
that caused the belief that Garcia
and others had induced
a young
ilofHj hy
u . n-u ,
.Mexican, who' 'was emn
iV'Cl'eersas a rvai.t, to steal
j A, , , 4. ... 1 ,, , . , '
we eirn kiii'II 10 COII-
taii. 8 ferine sufc uf iimu'v. These
siispttwuis were f.nniWI on the fact
that shortly alter the box was
THE TOUTll ntrtAri'KAltm.,
I'ut was subseijiiei tlv found mur
dered in the chaeral near the town.
The theory advanced was that in
order to hide all of the
crime and retain all minder, Garcia
had decoyed the youth into the
bushes and there murdered liim.
(iarcia was filially
IMXtiKlv ItY A Mon
'11 Monterey It is supposed that
he divulged the hidiiiii place of the
box to surtfvmg friends, and that
it remained in Us cache until a few
days aj;o. ( )n Sunday the 1ft iust.,
a parly including n Kpanidrd recent
ly liberate 1 from San Qiientiu went
to the clergyman 'wtw has charire
of the t 'atholic Church in Monte
rev and requested permission to
1W i niK ciiuncHY.vun.
verriiir thai. ;iion several
simis they had seen phosphorescent
lights over a certain locality, which
they believed emanated from evil
spirits ol tlie Coll Isp ot'a miirdereil
mau,Aiid.lJiey dn4l to nravel mx by thw iiHb''btigrbfV indu-lry
the mystery. The kind padre and liigh morality built 110
granted itTmissinii, and that night I a great colony. They are emigra
te iarty, provided with lanterns ; ting to America rather than serve
and utensils, procueded to make in the army of thel'zar Theirhisto
their investigations. When the : rv is now too wel known tor a ren'
jiadre aros the next morning the , tition here. Thirty pioneers ot
diggers had departed, the exeava-' these colonists passed though here
tioirtiad lieeir tilled and leveled,
ami he was mtRraTfy puzzled to
learn the real object and intent of
the tmnsaetkm. Questioning a few
old inhabitants, the story of the
money stolen was revived, and
knowing ones feel confident that
it was unearthed from its long
resting phiei On tlie Sumlay ffKt
in ipjestion, though it is not so easy
to account tiir the reason why it was
lets so long umlistuilieil, unless its
location was known to only one
person, and he has been in prison
versinCe he acquired the informa
tion, am:
piusccute the h'isrch previously.
I here swms to be snfhcent mys.
tery and truth, however, aliont Hkj
two flairs to connect them.
A Itannrkiible Man.
From the Hawkesville fKy.l
Pabtdnakr, we copy the follow
ing: I "jtXortP Urea ifv Ohio Coltnty, near
Whitesville, Daviess County, a man
whose name is Henry T. Tanner,
aged,7 years. Me never had a
bad'cftld, RaVtieter voted for a
President, has cver been f.. the
conntv seat fHarthml.) has not
voted smct 1801, though an old
oitizen, and has nevef -beeit to hi
precinct but twice. At the
.,p r
23 lie lost, bv Graving, the' onlv
horse he ever owned, though he is
now dUtO-ddfarmi'. 1 !e went
to hunt his mare, and failed in find-
ing her, but fbuiid a wife and
brought her home instead. She is
2ft vears Alder than hn Is. At. t.h
lime 01 marriage ner weight was
'2JMtyhis 128 pounds; now his is
230, and hers 130. At one time
since their marriage they weighed
exactly tha same, viz: 233 pounds.
Tanner is a very strong and healthy
.!...., " ...
man. ne has never lost but one
meal of victuals from sickness.
- . T
heu he built his house lie carried i
:: '. '1.1 ... . . , ,. . ,
enough plank up a steep hill to lay
the floor otia room 17x10, at two
loads, and had six planks left It
to go to mid three
and five miles and carry the cqjh
and meal, never using a horse, and
carrying two bushels at a tin".
He has raised 3,000 pounds of to-
r lli.ei
horse has
Thiii is the
T.: i A i 'A ..J 5
usual crop he raisfs in the Kime
manner, never nsiii!! a horse, lie
,,as m'vVr """'cl any firewood thai
ie up uiri,.fliwj.yA..pirryiiitr it.
- JS Kiip.Vtef' Wrtod n
W,,2""'C "00 )onndt across a
dam, walking a timber altmit eijjlii
incbes in, width. The same broth
er cleared and fenced ten acres o
111 one u''nler. carrying a 1 the
'.mt-spveu 1 Mirteeii rails wa
,,is d Henry Tanner
wrestle I four hours (different heat
and neither was thrown. Van;,
other ilngs c oitW lie truthfully
said tit' tills remarkable"' man. but
Wjf tlu'iik this is sufficient to 'lentil v
him to fbe rdjecti. Vhfe account
was given us by Tanner himself,
and in the presence of several eitt-
7ns ot, W ItiU'svdle who voiiclieil
fbr the most of it as the truth.
w 111 . .
A llroulnir sen.
We take the tolVwmg from a
Chicago pafer of the I8th Inst.:
1 prominent builder of Chicago
has an order by telegraph from the
' ommisStniieY of
trie .ilennonite
three hundred
for them. The
and Santa Fe
colony to build
houses a month
Atchison, 'loiieka
I'ai road Company have just solo
18.000 acre of land fcxttalsted,
Harney County, to this colony, and
'20.000 more are engaged to lie
taken 'during the coming season
This great tract is one of several
which the Cerman-liussiaii-Qualer-like
set are locating ktf .their 40.-
IIIJ0 hivthren in 1,'iissia, who. it
alleged, will find their way hither
a soon as ti e way is prepared for
them These (icople emittrated to
Ullssia Some anenntv vir mr.i
a short time ago, audcreated a verv
reniarKanie impression. 1 ney are
Cermans, and with 'one exception,
have resided some little in Illinois
and Iowa, and are all farmers by
occupation. Tliev were on their
1 r.
: return, alter coiitiaetinur with tl
i Laud Commission of the Uailroad
Company tor the purchase of the
1 land as above stated,
We are indebted to the New
bnryport Herald for a curious bit of
philology. It appears that uo
dam is not profanity, but sun
bacon, this year, and a
iiiivi-r luxni in tlio
V omioiuomy w,, ., .,,. mafo,,,,!,.
. . C
, mM &M t,)p me!,0(1
; h. n,uml m h off
j the metal. After being subjected
' to this nrncpss. thp brp:nl is bnn.pd
j and spoiled, and is a fitt'ng type of
.1.1 nM! 1. .... j
LT V"". wm
uio'-c instances not uncommon 111
which, the corrupted phrasja is quite
as fWHile and fitting as ti e orig
inaltinkers usually lacing vaga
bond persons to whose swearing
nobody pays much attention.
I """
' is s,,c'1 littll! incidents
as this
... 1 i
' that keep alive one's tail)
n 111 un
man nature and in the future : Just
after the great fire, the employes of
.'lacunar, v inams b 1 itrker. ros-
. . ., ... . . . . .
ton, of their own notion, proposed
reduction of salaries. Their gen- j
I crous offer was accepted. Since;
then the lrusiness of the .firm has
prospered, and last Wednesday the i
i partners played the return game.
t Thev presented each one ot their
cktks witn a cnecK ror tne 111 1
amount of the pay surrendered, ami
announced that all the salaries had
been put back to the old figures.
We wish such histories as this got
into the newsrapers a great deal
It. ., . . 1 1 .. . 1 t
1 'wner inau tney akjtmgjiM
"Fellow-travelers," said a colored
preacher, "ef I had befciipatlb' dried
apples far a week an' then took to
! driukiu' fiir a monf, I couldn't feel
more swelled ni than I am dis
mi nit wid pride an1 vanity at see-
ing such ;FfuIl 'tondtiiscr 'naf '(Hi
.V!)Vi,;;!i-j; ..i :.s .
(AM l- Al'TI KH.h I t
it Warons,
Oi S.v :t 1,'t'sc. ij.'.
Al.S.i.iT. OKf!:;X.
MN1 K 'i't't'K I'o 1 in i'.K AST
an ', h.i . of , .,
Wafrbw '.'-o-?-iw. r:.:tcki,
(!., IV s ll'ftlHtllB'tld IH I :,. .I).' list' Of
'(! I man ri an I time -e - m rt: will Inn
tifv, '
lliiai Ini mm !y im trvu-li done
a' tow m'e'i
Sfio'ina tny UfwivTi Finn sji-.l s.'iind
I'KTt l t si'KnilX. 1
Alintri', Marvli ". n?;;-:;
M WxllLJi W'OtiKS.
.?.MO--; V IsTAIC'IRR,
1 en ers in
nVHtd 5J.vl Fooi S;orc,
IjM'l-ll Oil ll
(.'alifuriiSa. lirmvnt . t, ct ittllaa
s ll.EM, (ttu,ix.
iiiuvcfi Kio at AjjMjnr.
I Ml i': i.ft ..r
.... 1 m mtruu ul J i. ('(lii'lt'ie
I0 1
I, lliun
11 I ll'l
in 1 lie 1.'.
s. y.nri
el fn O
ClOllt r ' '. 1 .
bills 1 il v i-
lUliOil v 1
!B -ii Of Ktitifj-K...
IHh, v'i
Inroiillii. hp ni t tin.
I tri"!
Iiiflui) f! 'difpr. ...
s .w t,rai ii ni '
.v -;.e.'
Chroitiv l i 'iilu'M .
Ouiivri !
. Im'd.
:itv tin- tv mis iif ihi
"i" ' I'" nliovi,
"'m m with
"' of Mcrfin.
ilef ni'vslpian
Kiintivn' n iv P. ,. ;IM ,
PrniMW. mii 1 1 r li.'i-v . 1 li
of 'tan An ri:m Hsf m v(i ,
1 In' Am I 1 ur .frily, 1 n
V mill tie (frinul vr f,
nst we'iif I jrriwn, it n
in1: 1 'oui li 1 hrntvlo son '1
i.ishi'il In
in olipfi
N rini-k-
'..ini'l in MllIWi ''rriii ; rn Riiaii
I riii-nr-
Or I'nl iiimi'h nonblv
Kxtrili'l ot I , eriytv
- trn w a sih-ihi rrPeparu
' :-V- " lor li'iiirlni'Htcil
vrSsV rrv v,,,t t uvk,
"trSrnfe'',r'l I" nn. inlrd f
,'l,r "vi-ry 111 so irontod
H.,-,r itoronUji;- -o .'ijwtiorH,
' f 1 WlUioio too MnlnrMtn
J n-iiilisof nminHnii-
nlito n" 1 HWAhUl rem
etlles for tlwl 'lleSp Ats 010 AM ox
trsct of Kucihrniw. in i.'.'r m iii tl'iottle,
for tinystliinrreio Bbwn'riM 1 Irm'stiorm,
mi'! take none lin o-Vnmo's k'or HU
'!''". wlioro. iiiiU y ppco iti.olACo..
nrufrglsr, I'oi'iiiii'f. Ajmw for rwift:
ro:t ax
Incurable Case!
Xra. ix richau's
Aft"r t -n yi-tw" Irlil on thhi Cot bu
pr-'Vfia ils. .(til" onlf curat: vo in a certain clwi
of diueawmprmjuucea kyiunliul fractltiOD..
era as inenrubtj. I'M
cores Cbancnw first tui wroud ,agcs..finrca on
the Leu or Body: fkn-o turn, l yes, Koee, ftc.i
Ooppor-nol irwl Bt..U'he, Pyi hllltlo Caterrb,
IIimmh d S ialp, an t all priiir iy forma ot th
(I isra w kn.iwn in SyphUIs. 1'iki , & pur bo,
tie, or two tor $3.
Dr.LeEiGhau's G1LCEN BALSAM Ro.2
cures Tertiary, Memnrial, Byphflitlo Rheum,
timn. Pains in tho Uoncs. llsckol the N, CI
corated S:ro Tliriat, Sypbilitio liuBh, Lnmps
and Uontraot-d 0 .rds, btttbicus of tho Lttnns,
and eradicates alt dlacares from the system,
whether cauoil by indin'retion or abuse c
mercury Waving the blood pure end health .
Price, $3 per bottle, or two for $9.
tidote, for tho Cure of Ooanorhoia, Olect, IrrV
tation, Uravcl, and all Urinary c Qenttsl
disarranjpments. Price, $I!.r0 per bottle. '
Jectiod, a wash and Injection for severe case
of Oonnnrhoja, Inflammatory Olcit. Ftrli'turCs,
and all diseases of the Kidneys awl tladde
Price, fl.SU par bottle.
Also Agents frrDR, LE BICHATJ'S G0LDEH
PILI18 for aemlnal Weakness, Nkht Emis
sions. Imnotoncy, and all diseases arisini from
Masturbation and excessive amiwiTprTee. tf
per bottle. The genuine Ooldkk Baim
pot np only in round bottles.
On receipt of price, these medicines will
lie sent to ill parts of the country, by express
or mall, securely packed tad tree rrotn obt
TSttou. Sole Agents, if j fit,!
Wholesale and Retail Dngjrjsta and JT
Chemists. B W. cor. Ctay F Sanson ,
vnavf, un ranclaco, Oal. il i
ill tli