The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 21, 1874, Page 3, Image 3

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ftL!Uli m --.J! ALiBANY RKGISTEIt. "
At a qn:it rl :i (few days 11)00. at San
Luis Key, between two men named
Wiles (Mid Graham, another iniin.
named Ulaiichard. interfered and shot
Graham. Blauchanl was discovered
next morning gagged and hung to a
true. Graham will pnttuilly recover.
No farther particulars.
At Santa Barbara. California, on the
18th. Dr. Francis M. Upson, of Ohio,
committed iijekle liy drowiitiig him
self in a well. a. is nppcd while
temporarily insane. Deceased was 50
years of age.
The Slate Temperance Union con
vened at Salem on the I Hh, with a lair
attendance. A resolution. offered by
Mr. Howe, recommending the nomina
tion of a temperance ticket for Stale.
Legislative and county officer at tlas
Wining election, was referred tO Colli
oiittee on Resolutions. Tlie commit
tee to whom was referred the duty of
preparing resolutions relative to the
death of Colon T. Kinlayson. reported
the following which was adopted :
I7HEUKA. Almighty God lias seen
lit in his wisdom to remove from the
scene of earth to tlie spirit land, our
dearly beloved brother, Colon T. Fiu-
hiyson ; tlicreioro.
Re it molted, That we deplore the
lossofBro. Finlaysou as one whose
place among us cannot web be fille I
a true and worthy man. agenial friend,
a faithful laborer in the can ot tern
trance, in whose heart dwelt the true
principles of upright manhood ; one
whose standard of integrity did honor
to all with whom lie associated.
Resolved. That while we deeply feel
his loss, we recognize in it the hand of
an All-wise Providence, remembering
that our loss is his gain.
Resolved, That we mingle our sor
rows, which win he lint faint Mud tee
ble. coniamtively.. with those of the
more immediately bereaved, his family
ami other kindred, whose wouiided
hearts no human solace cm ileal.
Resolved. That we tender our sym
pathy and condolence to the family of
the deceased in this sad bereavement.
fimlmxU That the Secretary of this
Union be Instructed to furnish a copy
of these resolutions to the family of the
deceased, and to the newspapers of the
Willamette Valley for publication.
King Lunalilo. of the Sandwich Is
lands, died on the! Inst., of bronchial
disease, lie was !W years of age.
Queen Emma, widow of Kaiiiehainea.
is named as bis successor; also, Prince
r,iv!il kViima. The Legislative A-
neinbly was ordered by tlie Cabinet to
meet on the Utr (last Saturday), when
the question ot succession would come,
before it.
John Kriise. the well known ship
builder at Coos Bay. will this week
lay the keel of the largest sailing ves
sel built in Oregon, and the second
largest built on the Pacific coast. She
will be ship of 1.100 tons burthen,
with two decks about eight feet be
tween. Her length will I ISO feet, or
aliout 200 feet, over' all ; breadth of
beam, 41 feet; depth of hold, 22 feet.
She will be a full-rigged ship, capable
of going anywhere and carrying any
kind of cargo.
The Coos Kay AVim says Mr. Hew
lett has commenced putting up the
frame of the new sidewheel steamboat
being erected bv Mr. Ijise. She Is to
h about six! v feet Ions and will do a
ort of jobbing frade alwiit the tribu
taries of this bay. Her engine, which
is to lie a single high pressure one, of
12-liieh cylinder, is expected to arrive
here in about six weeks. She will not
be very large, but from the model we
believe she will show her heels to some
of the larger ones.
A writo-r In the Farmer says: In
Umatilla county, tlie lover of fruits
and vegetables find-a congenial home.
Corn, potatoes in fact vegetables of
very kind, grow to perfection itself
100 bushels of corn. 200 of potatoes,
and 1.000 bushels of onions, per acre,
re not nn extraordinary yield, and
grains of all kinds are as good here as
any part of the Pacific coast, and but
for tlie general cry of "no market,"
this would be tlie agriculturists' de
light. The growth of freighting on tlie
Willamette may be estimated from the
fact that Lincoln, lielow Salem in Polk
. i, i lsift stored at its ware
houses 8.000 bu-liels. and 111 1973. 123.
000 birshels more stored, so we are in
formed bv a gentleman who is Inter
ested In the Warehouse and Shipping
Comnanv. organized by tlie Farmers
m..u r'iwh..i. This Company has
been a great success, and has minced
storage from 5c to SWC a bushel. He
says It Is difficult to find boats to take
away tlie freight. Tliere are now more
boats running on the river than ever
KiLt.HA Tiu, BMiwAs of the farmers
warehouse at Lincoln Is assured, and
will serve as an example tor oiner lo
calities. A letter from tlie Forks ot the Santi
m say that Mr. James Forgey, an
enterprising farmer of that section, has
dried ia000 pound of fruit during the
past season with an average of l,7s
pounds per week. Henry Foilis, an
ether farmer of the same neighbor
hood, has dried 5,000 pounds. This
peaks well for the capabilities of the
AMkthtm country, 1 tlie enterprise of
fe resident-
Our Territory of New Mexico i an
anomaly. Its people are unlike those
of any portion of the country. Though
living on the frontier, they have none
of the push and energy of other fron
tier people, but are very conserva
tive. Thev glorv In the old tame of
Spain and hold on to the old Castilian
dialect, Tlie Territorial legislature,
now in session, is composed almost en
tirelv of men of Spanish descent. A
the laws of the United Slates only
recognize KnglWi as the official tan
guam the bills are drawn hi Knglish
for official publication. However liiey
are hi reality first drawn up in Span
ish, mid the eopleaare presented to the"
members In that, language. The dis
cretions hi both Houses of the Legis
lature are conducted in the Swinish
language. The clerks are obliged to
understand both Knglish and Spanish,
and their Inlmrs are very arduous,
On the 21,st nit. Mr. Poland, from
the House .Judiciary Committee, re
ported a bill authorizing legislatures
in the several organized Territories,
except Utah, at each regular session
to make an assignment jf Judges to
hoid Omits in districts, and when the
Legislature falls to do so. then the
Judges of Mich Territory shall make
mi Hijiirniiiwiit. to continue in force
ti'l the close of the next regular session
ot the Legislature. He explained
thai the exception of Utah was lie
cause there was no Legislature, but
the Governor made an assignment of
The bill passec
Through the, efforts of R. C. Smith.
Sheriff ot CowlttzCmmty, W. T.. $7.
nHOOO of the S.0tW recently taken
from the express box of Wells. Fargo
&Co, at Kahuna, has lieeh recovered.
It, would seem that the money must
have been extracted from the express
box immediately after it had In-en
transferred from one train to the other,
and before the train left Kahuna. Tlie
money was found in an old boot under
the doorstep of the house occupied by
the Master Mechanic of the N.P. It. It
Mr. Curtis, F. L Bndlong, who was
arrested for the theft, and was dis
charged, although the evidence was
strong agalust him, Iwsbeeu learrested,
as there are strong additional eviden
ces that he is tiki thief.
The Coos Bay VW says.Capt. S.
Matteson will immediately commence
building a schooner at Maislitleld, after
the style and model of the Ivanuoe.
We believe that he has secured the ser
vices of Mr. John Howlett to model
the vessel and superintend her con
struction. The moat successful vessels
in the coasting trade nave been built
on this bay. and the repi'tatiuti of our
little ship-yards lias begun to go
The anniversary of Washington's
hiitbihic will lie aimrourlatelv cele
brated at Walla Walla by (tie Fire De
partment of thatl-ity. The procession,
as ennleinulated. is to consist of tin
entire Department (the Washington
and 'Hirers with their engines, etc
tha Hibernian Bcnevoleut&iciety'. and
il, nillttjuw under the command of
Colonel Green at Fort Walla Walla.
In the evening of the same day the
Wahingtons give a grand anniversary
ball, at which an unusually large ai
tendance is expected.
Johniiv Moore, whose parents reside
in Rosebuni. susuduisl a fracture of the
li.irbv beiuur thrown from a horse, at
Looking Glass precinct, last week
This vomiff man met with the same
misfortune about tour months ago.
and the leg was broken where it was
The Salem flouring mills during the
year.1878. turned out 33.800.000 pounds
of ground stuff, as follows: Flour. 2li,-
JuPnnn. i.l....... i! r.on lion , ,.l.
UUU.UUUpillllHIN in nil. im.' iv"n
shorts. l.mOOO Dounds. The Wil
liinietfe Woolen mills' turned out in the
same time 299.000 vards or cloth, con
sinning 400.000 pounds of wool.
A correspondent from Goose Lake
Valley pronounces the statement that
the siiow had been four (feet deep In tlie
valley since December untrue. Four
has heen the deeiH-st gnow
fall, and the tjiermometer lias never
measured more than four degrees be
low zeio.
t. San Francisco on tlie 1 5th, .lame.
Ryan, proprietor of a house on Sjicar
street was snot oy nis urouin
inJnw Vaiureiie MclJarthv. They
miai-relMl about a cigar, anil McCarthy
placed a pistol against Ryan's breast
and flml. It is feared the wound will
prove fatal. NcCnrthy is not yet ar
The Eastport collided with the Mes-
uiumr at, Mars inelu last weeK, auu
..ot ihroinrh her Dort euard. Capt
McAllop told Capt. Ijme to get the
renairs done and that he
wnuid see the bills paid. A high wind
was blowing at the time, so it ws one
of those things that can t ne neipeu
At. a regular meeting of the Jackson
x-ilio IJterarv Society, held Friday.
February 'ttth. the following officers
were electwl for the ensnhig term:
President, ltobert Kahler; vice rresi
dent Miss Ida Martin; Secretary. Miss
Amelia Miller ; Treasurer, Miss Amy
Dunn. The Society proposes giving
an open meeting soon.
Two Rosebnrg hoodlum wlio have
been going on at a high rate, and have
$t last, been caught In some petty lar
cenies, now languish In jail and will
o continue for one moon.
Walla Walla wants a Library Asso
The Walla Walla Seminary will be
reopened on the Kith proximo.
John Leai v. of Seattle, has been ap
pointed a Notary Public.
The new steamer Empire hereafter
will ply between Coos hay and 'Frisco.
Mr. W. N. Bell, of Seattle, has gjv
en King County two blocks of land
for comity building..
Mr. W. R. Andrew's, of Seattle, has
been admitted to practice as an attor
ney by the District Court.
We understand a daily i talked of
in connection with the IntiJlitjencer at
Seattle. Lively times tla-n.
-A correspondent at Centrcville
writes that (he farmers in that vicinity
have commenced plowing.
Mr. S. P Andrew has been elected
to till a vacancy In the Board of County
Coinuiissioners of King County.
' Tlie society oi Industrial Co-operatives
hi Olympla intend having a grand
ball on Monday, February 23d.
Dr. Chance, of Salem, has been
granted a patent on a "dental plug
ger.'" Portland streetcars are again run-
.I,.lwrlif ,,t'lhi'
lilug on tut nine, io Mir i....
iverage pedestrians oi uwinij.
They have experienced severe storms
Northern California, causing the
loss of many young cattle aim sneep.
Severn! new buildings and general
mprovemeiit are going forward In
Seattle, notwithstanding nia-r auo
dull times.
Mr. L. Bean, living on the upper
Wnlia Wnlla. last week killed twelve
deer and four pant hers (the old one and
three young ones.)
An Idaho man has lost 50 per cent.
of his stock the past winter. He had
two cats, and a neighbor's dog "cliaw-
ed" up Thomas.
Tlie Cireuit Court is still in session
it Seattle. Cases are being disposed
of with celerity. certainty ami dis
patch, by the executive, .nidge .i aeons.
I'ticre are five members only oi rue
iTr.ih I I'lrislature who are not posses
sed of more than one wife each, and
of these five, three are Mormons by
Chinese coininencwl celebrating tneir
new year on tne iohi. umiiyi"
co and would continue celebrating
four or five da vs. W lint pleasure there
is in store for San Franciscans!
!ittlp is iifrain in'coini)aratlvi! dark
ness, something about tlll! g"as w"rks
having busted, tlius for a time cutting
off the supply.
Articles of incor)oration of the
nlviiinia Union Seminary were filed
in the office of the Secretary last Sat
urday. It hasa Board of six Trustees.
and the location ot the institution is to
be in Swautown.
William Sharon, the great capitalist,
has purchased the Virginia Cjty (Ne
vada) Enterimse. for the purpose, it is
reported,' to further his chances as the
successor of Stewart In the U. S. Sen
ate. A meeting of citizens was held at
Salem last Monday night to express
indignation felt at the defeat in Con
gress of the hill for the relief of the
sufferers by the Modoc war.
Mr. Lew Tucker, well known to the
traveling public of Southern Oregon,
has been appointed Division Agent for
the Oregon and California Stage Com
pany, in place of Mr. John Clark, re
signed. '
The Olvmpia Transcript, Blinn's
paper, defends Rev. Col. Kemble and
attacks General Milroy. Its anguish
will lie great when it learns tlmtBlinn
has been dismissed and Milroy re
stored. The Walla Walla Spirit of the WeM
says : A few davs since news reached
here of a row that had occurred be
tween several white men and Indians,
fr ewins that, a nnarivl had previously
occurred on Snake river, about thirty
miles from Lewlston. between two In
dians, in which one killed the other.
A party of white men went to arrest
the murderer, hut met with resistance,
and a tight ensued. Three of the In
dians were shot after which the white
men fled. At last accounts the settlers
were congregated at Leitch's, fearing
The man Greathouse, who mysteri
ously disappeared from Silverton. Ma
rion' comity, about six weeks ago, and
for whose remains the citizens
of that "burg" liave been confidently
looking in the stream and wood ever
since, they supposing him to have been
ruthlessly murdered, now writes from
California for his clothes and back pay,
and gives as a reason for his abrupt de
parture, some "youthful indiscre
tions," the conseqnence of which lie
wished to avoid.
An Interior correspondent says: "It
will be remembered by many that the
County Clerks of this stare receive,
notice' from the Secretary ot State tha
the several counties had beeu charget
only with the assessment as equalized
by the County Boards. Now comes
the State Treasurer and notifies the
County Treasurers that they have
charged them with the assessments as
equalised by the State Board. A hap
py state of aflalrs will be inaugurate
by these uou-offiola) notifications.1'
Hie following is from the Yreka
Jowwiofthe 11th Inst., concerning
the death of White, at LinkViile, that
pa per crediting its information to John
Hendricks, who lwd just reached Yreka
direct from I.inkville : "A party were
In Blair & Dick's saloon, wlien a diffi
culty aioe between James Gentry and
a man bv the name of Duval, Wil
liam Hathaway separated them, then
James LimNey attacked Duval with a
chair. Haihaway, fearing flint
would he serionsl'v, injured, started out
of the rear door of the saloon to call
(he proprietors. At this time White
and John Cafl'erty were lying on a
table In the saloon, and were not tak
ing any mrt, in tlie disturbance.
H.ifllHway had not gone more than 20
feet when he heard a pistol shot.
When he returned he saw White lying
on the floor dead. John Cafl'erty
states that as soon as the smoke cleared
awav he saw Gentry with a pistol In
his baud. Cafl'ertv started towards
Gentry and said, "Give me that pistol,
von liave shot White." Gentry re
plied. "Yes. and I will kill you. you
, ThenCafferty caught
hold of the pistol and ued his fist free
ly on Gentry's nose to make him give
up the weapon. Gentry has been seel
to jail at. Jacksonville to answer a
charge of murder III the first degree."
At the last meeting of the Board of
the Washington County Agriciltural
Society. R. iHibrle. G. M. Ravmond
and L. Patterson. Mrs. David Lenox.
Mrs. N. Raymond and Mrs. Sarah
Patterson were appointed a committee,
to revise the premium list of H74.
The committee will meet March 25th.
1S74. at. Hillshoro. A generel attend
a nee of parties interested is solicited
by the committee, as well as cnihinn
n'iciitioiis containing suggestions will
be thankfully received. All communi
cations em he addiessrd L Patterson.
Hillshoro. which will be delivered to
the respective departments.
From Nevada, February 1(1: A
woman in Truckee. by the name ot
Mrs. Heyinan. committed suicide by
drowning ill a small pond on theGrass
Valley road, about halt a mile from
town. Mrs. Heymaii, her husband
and son were arrested about, a week
niro at Truckee and brought to this
place for examination, and on the
charge of robbing the freight cars and
secreting stolen goods, and on examin
ation they were admitted to bail to
await trial at the next term of the
County Court.
August Webishank, one of the oldest
citizens of Los Angeles. California,
fell from a tree on the 18th. and died
shortly after from internal injuries.
He leaves a large family.
Work on tlie Eureka & Palisade
Railroad. Nevada, is progressing slow
ly, on account of the excessive cold
Eastern Oregon claims 12.000 inhab
itants and $(1,000,000 worth of prop-
iM'tv. and pays an annual State tax of
One man In Union county lost seven (
bead of horses in one day with the epi
zootic. Persods should attend well to
their horse.
At Baker Cifv hay is worth $10 per
ton ; wood. 4 50 per cord ; potatoes,
2c: butter. 50c; eggs 50c per dozen;
flour. $5 per bbl ; grain, lc.
A iJiborJiavlnit Invention.
G. W. Peque. in the La Crosse Lib
eral Demoamt, gives tlie following de
scription of his ne w invention, entitled
the "Patent Self-Baking. Stem-Winding.
Breecli-l'iOadlng. Seven-Octave,
Non-Explosive, Automatic Urchin
Cbastiser and Combined Hair-Comb,
Editorial Protector, and Hash Cut
ter." He says:
This is an age of invention, and
there is no knowing what a day may
bring forth. Prominent educators lor
years have racked their biiiins and
consumed midnight oil to devise some
method whereby the youthful student,
the urchin with i hick-soled pantaloons,
could be chastised as the gravity ot his
offences might demand, without in
flicting a more severe punishment up
on the-lady teacher's hand than upon
the child. Previous to the invention
of this machine, principals of schools
have wept to see their assistants go
around with their arms in a sling from
the effects of uunishiiig their scholars.
i mmiv instances excellent teachers.
who loved their calling, have been
compelled to resign their calling, tlieir
positions, and get married, because
they had too much on their lands.
The matter has been discussed at the
various institutes, and it had beeii
almost decided to adopt capital pun
ishment instead of the time honored
taking across the Knei
when the in
ventor of this machine stepped in, and
by tlie simple device aDove iiiusimiea.
he saved the lives of many valuable
young ones. The heart of tlie inven
tor was touched at seeing a frail school
ma'am with her right hand swelled up
to the size of a cauvas ham, from ag
itating a boy who had wickedly placed
a piece ot clapboard Inside his trow
serloons. when he knew that the teach
er was on the war-path after him. He
was a bad boy and will probably fetch
up In Congress. - I'he teacher was
wreping, and saying she would lie
ami Tf she didn't run that boy
through threshing machine before
she got through with him. Tbe Idea
at once struck the inventor that a ma
chine could be constructed that "would
tan tlie jacket as It were, of the young
Modoc, and yon see the resnlt of care
ful thought and study in the machine
before vou as a spanking machine.
WhntachAige! Instead of dread
ing the task of punishing scholars, and
shivering at tlie prospect of blistered
ha i ids, she looks forward to the hour
for doing the day's spanking with a
feeling of pleasure and gladness, ami.
the frown formerly srerreotyprd on
the face of the average school
ma'am gives place to an angelic
smile. She seats herself at the instru
ment with a dime-novel in her hand.
I after placing the condemned urchins
in a row wiihin reacn oi ine noi-ung
apisiraius or ice tongs; ph smiles,
touches the snatch-brake with her foot,
and the doomed urchin Is launched
into If not Into eternity, he will
think so before that hand lets up on
him. With a smile playing over her
face she works her flnv hoof, and the
avenging hand descends; the boy says
his -Now ' lav me." and the old ma-
bine works as though endowed with
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi
ness. (Care should be taken not to
work the machine too rapid at fli'w; a
it may make it liot for the boy. ,Or it
might telescope hhVMH'twl mnfoffr,
with fatal results. Any teacher can
work It all right after perchance kill
ing a few scholars ot the cheap'er kind.)
It will only take a moment of treading
to make any boy sorry he enlisted,
when he caii be dropped and the next
one snub bed. A whole school can be
spanked up in fifteen minutes, if the
ti iicher is anything of a treader We
make different sized maehlnes, suita
ble for the primary department, the
intermediate, and high school.
The eae with which this machine
can he changed from one thing to an
other will convice the reader that it is
altnwf human. It will remind one of
a politician every time itchanges. To
change it from a spanking, machine to
a selt-rakcr all you have to do is to
HiisereV the "hand," remove it and
screw on a fine comb, change hands
with the boy, and proceed to search
tor thlnestiiat live. move, and have a
being, and Mate boys' heads. inis
tends to relieve motliers of much search
ing investigation, as the school-ten i 'her
can by simply moving her feet keep
the heads of all the urchins free from
the festive bug that at times makes
life a burden. Don't you see?
Even- editor in the land will thank
ns on his bended knees for the inven
tion, as it solves a problem that has
disturbed the minds ot the knights of
the scissors for many generations,
viz.:' How to exterminate the ex
change fiend, the mail who steals ex
changes when you are busy writing.
The editor can have a machine sitting
in his office. In place of the hand of
Providence, we screw on a cast-iron
fist weighing 700 pounds. If von de
sire simply to maim the fiend for life,
yon work the treadle mildly, and only
mash his eye out, and italicize Ids nose,
and break his jaw-bone. But if he is
an old offender and yon want to make
an exnmpleof him, you keep treading,
and the pile driver will come down on
him and break every bone he has in
his body.
To transform tlie machine' Into a
hash cutter it is only necessary to nn
Joinf, the hand and put hi Its place an
ordinary chopplng-knife. and set it
running. (Of course it is understood
that the boy should be removed m.d a
piece of lieef hoisted in his place, un
less yon are fond of boy hash.) We
liave testimonials from some Ot tlie
best liotels in tlie State, when our ma
chine has been used as a hash cutter,
and they all unite in pronouncing It
tlie most successful aid to the dissem
ination of meat that has lost Its charm
tor boarders that they ever saw. One
accident has occurred so tar. At a
Madison hotel tlie proprietor had been
chastising a dining-room girl with the
machine, and stepped out to see a man
leaving tlie girl hoisted or. the ice
tongs. The cook took tlie machiue to
cut some Iwsh. and forgot to take the
girl off. and she was cut finer thap
mustard seed. One of, the boarders
was first to discover the tragedy. He
got a piece of ear-ring on his plate.
The funeral was largely attended.
These accidents need not occur Jf tbe
manipulator of tlie machine uses or
dinary caution.
There Is no end to tbe ases to which
the machine can be put. Anything
tliat requires a strong horizontal mo
tion can be done better hy machinery,
and tills machine will 111 want long
felt. But it is as an urchin-chastiser
tlmt, its principal merit lies, awl In
which Its owners eip t. to !)iiihs a
fortune. It Is not only in the sohoo -room
that tlie machine can be otUte-d.
but in the family. Any family .that
has thlrtv-tlve or forty children can
make a machine pay-tor itself In a
year and tlie work will be more safls
factoiy. Where femiltes are smaller
several can club together and own one
in partnership, 'and up
nolnted to chastise a whole neWiboi
hood. Tbe Invention opens s M lor
the unemployed bv vvhlcb tbw wn
make a living. I hose tenia book
agents can buy a machine and' mount
it on a wlHltarrow a..dgo f one
house to another, doing Jobs tnt any
mother would be glad to pay aqprft
to get off ber nana.