4 ALBANY HG-E 1 STE R. PUBLISHED KVKRY ' WKDKESDAT AND t'l . MTTKDAY, By COLL. VAN I.IvVK, . UN REGISTER BUILDINGS, . Confer Firry and First Street!. TERMS IN, ADVANCE. ne yqar Three dollars. ix months. Two dollars. Ingle copies Ten cents. ADVERTISING RATES. Transitu! advertisements, iter square of ten lines or less, tint insertion 1 ; each subsequent, insertion 50c. larger adver tisements Inserted on the most liberal terms. Current news. The Motlrie war claims arc being audited, and onleretl paid. Seventy throe thousand dollars was ordered to be paid on the 4th. in San Francisco, for transportation and supplies. The American Iron and Steel As sociation met in Philadelphia on the 4th and expressed their views to the effect that the ten per cent, duty on Iron should he repealed. Ahmit one half of the mil mills and foundries aie Hie. 12.000 hands are unemployed. Tweeds Lawyers are endeavoring to press upon Judge Davit a bill of ex ception, to be argued at the next ceneral term. Several merchants ot Brooklyn. ew York, are under heavy bonds for alledged' frauds upon the Revenue law. The raeifle Mail Company will soon commence calling at Kingston, Jamaica, on their regular trips. The Seventh annual session of the National (i range ot Patrons of Hus bandry met in St. Louis on the 4th. Thirty two States and two Territories wwre represented by their Masters. The meeting is in secret session. The annual Convention ot the Na itonal Reform Association was held in Pittsburg on the 4th. The object of the Association is to secure the recognition of God. in the Constitution. Delegates were present from most of the States, and ot every shade of leligions views. lames B. (Jrooni has been elected Governor of Maryland, to till the va cancy occasioned by the election of Governor Pinkney to the I'nited States Senate. London Dispatclies of the 5th say: Returns from 16 constitnancies Where election1) were held yesterdav sliow 10 Conservatives and 10 Liberals elected or returned unopposed to Parliament. Mr Disraeli spoke at Newport yes terdav. He said that (Jladstone and the Irish policy had utterly failed. In stead of nroducinir traiiunilirr in int. land, that country was now in a more disturbed state and more stringently governed than ever before. He also said that but for Hie University at London, Mr. Lowe (late Chaucllor of tlie Exchequer) would now be without a seat his unpopularity being such that his appearance on " the hustings would endanger his life. Throughout the whole of Disraeli's speech a" mob pelted with stone the windows of the hall in which the meeting was held, ml attempted to break up the meet ing. A free fight ensued. The pollings at Hacknev has been declared void because or informalities. At Staleybridge. Lancashire, serious riots occurred, and inanv persons were injured. At Dudley. tVorcestershire. conflict occurred between an impor t d mob of Irishmen and miners. A number of houses were demolished, liops ransacked and much proerty destroyed. The Riot Act was road. an shops were closed, and tt was feared that the whole population would rise against the intruders. A company of soiaiers were sent from Birmingham to aid tlie authorities in restoring order. The Union and Centra! Pacific Rail roads arc still waging war on tlie ques tion of pro rata freight rates. Railroad subsidy bills in Congress, make headway slowly. The Houe Committee on Appropri ations, think the present fort of the Army, larger than is neccssarv. A riot occurred on the 3d between 1.200 convicts, at Lisbon, and tlie Iti tnnsigentes. A letter from Paris savs the general belief in educated circle- is that" while Tutce Bismarck would avoid war by preference, he would not missapretex which would give him the appeartince of right, and enable him to crush once ! for all the Ultramontane party. Re rent election- to the Pi-mulm, Iai4L ment have demonstrated the extreme improbability of Bismarck's success by porelv legal or parliamentary means The Catholics have gained 35 votes in the Landtag over and above u hatthev had. and 'the Liberals have gained con siderably. The French Bishops an nounce their intention to resist any at tempt to muzzle them, and Pius ' IX. has counseled tlietn to fight tlie good lurlit of fiiith. even as martvrs. As a .firoliat:v to all this, the Bourse has been falling frightfully during the past ra. spreading coiisternation in irfM. I'Hwtte letters from Havana say that aou to at an inuusiuve Ol a general uprising by the negroes and burning of plantations. The opinion prevails that the Insurgents will soon be able tp cross the old Troeha in force. Heretofore they liave been able occa sionally to cross in small parties. Should they succeed in doing so in large numbers the burning ot the plan tations is inevitable. A secret organ ization is thought to exist, with rami fications extending to all parts of the island, the object of which is to give moral and material support to the in surgents, who, if successful in their operations in the central and eastern departments, will endeavor to pass into the Villa districts. It is conceded that the Spaniards are just now in a tight place, and need men and monev to tarrv on tlie war. The want, of both is apparent and is telling very heavily against the Spaniard-. Owing to the trouble between the Union Pacific Railroad and roads run uiliir from Chicaro to Onmba. on the subject of pro rata freights, several of the largest wholesale grocers and tea and coffee dealers in Chicago have or dered a large quantity of freight ship ped from San Francisco via Panama anil New York. Edwin Booth, the after, has bank rupted. Captain General Jovellar has issued a proclamation declaring the Island of Cuba in tutate ofsiese. ' Rebels, and those accused of sedition, will be tried by Court Martial. One person out ot every ten will be drafted for active service, for six months. No able bodied inales exempt between the ages oi ai ami 4o years. . o one subject to draft will be permitted to leave the Island, unless he gives bonds that he will furnish a substitute in case he is dratted. All persons over 45 years of age will have to furnish tor mo bilization one man out of every ten. Quartermasters will furnish necessary accoutrements to drafted persons, wj10 will receive the same treatment. ,i be subject to the same laws and regu lations as regular soldiers. Those drafted will be organized into bodies of 300, forming two additional com panies to augment each battalion. Two-thirds of those drafted will re main in garrison, and the others take the field, accompanied by - regulars every six months ; one-third in the field will be relieved b'y the one or other two-thirds nerforniimr ,r. -.!..,. duty. Artillery and engineer corps will be reinforced in the stnae manner as infantry. Every male person of age shall be included in the militia, all to be liable to military duty under certain restrictions and .conditions. Free colored people, enrolling n the militia, shall be subject to the same conditions as the whites, and be mo bilized in the same manner. Owners of slaves shall give one out ot every 1,000 in the Island to work in swamps, fortifications, and in trendies; At tlie end of the cajnpaign the Govern ment will lilierate all those slaves, paying their owners $1,000 for each. The proclamation creates a junta for the Inspection of all items of expenses of the war. It organizes a vigilance committee in tlie interior, who will take note of everything, furnish guides, and act as home guards. Gladstone Is reported to have re signed. Fearful Railroad colli, linn ncir T)?n ton England. Many killed and woun ded. General Sickles has taken final leave of Madrid. His secretary, Adei is in charge of the Legation. - Buffet reelected President of the French Assembly. General Freight Agent Stubbs, ot the Central Pacific railroad, ami Mr. Vining. General Freight Agent ..f the Pilot) Pacific railroad, are in Xety York on business connected with the dead-lock in overland freights. Reports from Washington say the Committee on Indian Affairs are ma turing measures looking to the re-transfer of the Indian Department to the nr ifepartment. The bill introduced In the House in relation to compensation of po-tmas-ters. fixes the rate of New York at 10.000; of Chicago, St. Louis. Phila delphia and Boston at fs.OOO each; Cincinnati. Brooklin. Baltimore and San Francisco at $3,000. It provides that such salaries shall he paid from moneys received from (mix rents and other sonnies, in excess of expependi tures allowed for rent, clerk hire and other necessaries. Kiiglish cn. The pros)eefus of the New Atlantic Telegniph Coinpflnr to lay a cable from Great Brittnin to .Wre and thence to Halifax, lias lieen printed. Advices troin Hiiuiatra sliow that Atchinese chiefs still bold out and are building forts in the interior. It is rumored that (iladstoue is at vnrtenoe with hi colleagues and wishes to resign immediately. They iiwist on waiting lor the opening of "the new Parliament. It is also reportotl that Disraeli has already arranged his Mjn Wry., Oladstone will await tlie con clusion of the eleetiotisWorc deciding as to what course the Government will take. At tlie close of the wek,.509 inem ers of tlie House- of Commons had een returned, ol whom 2i7 am'fJon servatieand2HIJbexals, TlHome Rnler In Cork have retarned one tiwm ber and Kilkenny two. BUSINESS CARPS. OH. STEELE'S MEDICAL WONDER! CURES ALL INTERNAL AND EXTER nal Aches and Tains; I'uritles tlie Blood ; Regulates tlie Liver ; Cnres Agues and had folds. Dout ho without it Sold by Druggists. 3m 14 JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, U.IIIM, OREUON. 1 Er08lTS RECEIVED sm.IKCT TO 1 1 et li...-L- nt ulrht Interest Allowed on tbnitdenoalts in coin. Exchange on Portland, Sim Francisco, and New V.ork. for sale at lowest rates. Collections math' mid promptly- remitted. Refers to II. W. Corliett, Henfv Failing, W. S. Ladd. Bunking hours from S A. M. to 4 1 M. Albany, Feb. 1, le71-vS A. W. GAMBLE, M. D., Physician, SiirgeOBL, eto. OFFICE Firft street, adjoining Weed's grocery stow. RESIHEXCE-At the late residence of John C. Mendenhall, near the Foundi y, First street, Albany. Octobers, W73y FOR SALEY rjMIE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS & MOWERS. IIiiinc'N Header, (Wood's improved.) 'oqiilllnrri'x Indiana Farm Hngou . The RuKitel and Vibrator Threabern, (best machines on the coast. statesman Forcefeed Drill. Star Plows, and other machines Call, see, and get price and terms before buying elsewhere, at ray Blacksmith Shop, comer Second and Ellsworth sts., Albany, Oregon. 39V5 FRANK WOOD. T. W. HAKHIS. H. J. BOUOHTUN. II I U ff . ... .....,-.. . Physicians and Surgeons, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE -OVER A. CAROTHERS A Go's Drug store. 'Residence ofDr. Harris- Fonrtli-st.. four blocks west of the Ifturt House. Residence of Or. Bough ton -Opposite Dr. Tate, on Third street. novlATS W. C. TWEEDALE, DKALEK IN filroceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON. WILL STRIVE TO KEEP THE REST of goqdf in my line, ami sell at the (otc e( living ralet. (Jutland tee me. Hv6 BEE-HIVE STORE! TD R Y Groceries, y Provisions, Notions, &c, &c, FOR CASn ! CHEAP t rain try Produce of All KlMda BOUGHT FOR MERCHANDISE OR CASH .-?$!,ll'hevbe,1 f1 fl,e BKT bar- OAJLN8 ever otteted In Albany. Parti wlualwajw 4) wefl tocalland see for thorn selvm, rinutmt, Albany, Oregon! WKkVi GO TO THE jJbRBBBB IT iiiliNHMn ' BUSINESS CARDS Something Mew In Dentistry DR. E. O. SMITH, DEVI 1ST, IT AS LOCATED IS ALBA- AX oy, and lias the new in- vent inn In nluti. u-iti-L- u'li!.ti finiiijta lit ti,uMitln.r ,,,,,, t, ..... ...... ... uiov, inR in the mouth without covering the whole rooLns heretofore. It gives the wearer the wearer the free use of the tongue to the roof of the mouth in talking and tasting. It is the Smith & Pnrvine patent. Teeth extracted without pain. Plates mended, wJiether broken or divided. UrUrrtca First street, east ofConncr's Bank (upstairs), Allianv, Oregon. 7v4 D. M. J0KK8. ' J. LINPEY HILL. JONES A HIM., PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALBANY, OREGON. 37v4 J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts in the 'ill 3d ami HI. I.lt..l.,l trtcts, in the Supreme Court of Oi-egon, and In thel;. S. District amlCircuit Courts. okkice In Pairish brick, (upstaira), in ottice (Kiupied by the late N. 1L Cranor, First street, Albany, Oregon. to!5v LLITEL &, Ml Kits' VvaterWhe Is SPHERICAL FLU5IK8, And Ucnvrnl Maehinery. J. F. BACKENSTO, Agent, Allituiy, Oregon.. SlvS n. it. rice, n. d., Surgeon &. Physician. "VFFICE Fit St sti-eot l.ti. .... J and llrondiilbin. ffvuiiiwf.i.. street, two blocks Ih'Iow or east of' Metho. nisi ninrcii, Albany, Oregon. vsn4(i i J. c. powell. l. rum POWELL & FLIXN, j Attorneys and t ounselors at Law A NO 80UCITOR8 IN CHANCERY (L. IX l nn notaiy public:, Allwny, Oregon. t "lided llSand TOnV('l"K's Promptly at to. j Albany Book Store. jxo. rosiiiv. TE.1-KR IN MISCELLANEOrSBOOKR, JL7 school Books.Blank Books, Stationery tancy Articles, Ac, 1 Books imported to ordcr.at shortest pos slhle notice, v55, Dr7gEO.W. CRAY, DENTIST, ALBANY. ORfON. OFFICE IN PARRlin BRICK BLOCK, comer First and Ferry streets. Resi dence f nnier Fifth and Ferrv streets Office hours from 8 to 12 o'clock a. m.. and 1 to 5 o'clwk p. m. jjV4 EPIZOOTICS" mSTAXlfED. THE RAT TEAM STILL LITEM, A ND IS FLOI RISHINO LIKE A uaKEK i bay tire. Thankful for past favors, and wishing to merit the continuance ol the same, the BAY TEAM will always lie ready, and i-iisilv tnmui t,. ,i,. ...... 1,.. within Ihe city limits.' for k reWn.hi?. oomiicnsalinn. I'-i-r n ii. - " Specially. A.N.ARNOLD. 2o5 Pronrietor. Piles ! Files WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot he cured, when so many evidences of success might lie placed liefore you even- day cures of supposed hopeless cases? Yonr physician informs you that the longer you allow the complaint to exist, yon lessen ESL?68 ",r relicr tSzpiritvee has aught this in all cases. A. (arothent A- Co." Pile rills and llltl till All, arc all they arc recommended to be. Will cure Cnronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles In 11 S2W s"ort ,ll,m. 811,1 art) cunvratenf to use. This preparation is sent bv mall or ex press to any point wilhin the Cnited Slates at ;1 'ill ls'r iuwl.iiiri Address, aTtaROTHERS A CO., vS Pox 3a. Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IK Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. H'lS,JV?.T,0FEiKI' mS N W iKO( ICS establishment on corner of Ellswoi h and F ist sini.ii .i.i, .. ... " 1 1 n.TV ' ,7"u""e mviies t ie atten tion of our citwens. In connect ion with thcsto)liewIllkceD a mm, and will always hafe on hand a lullsuppy of fresh bwail, crackera, Ac C Call and ace me. JOHN SCHMEER. February 1B.!Mv4 f AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS 1 of turning ; keep on band and make to order niwhlde-lxittomed clmir,4c. Shop nearthe Mills and Hosiery, Jefferson. Orr gon. UraiK'h shop near "Magnolia Mills,'' Albany, where orders for ef'Bire. 'ntnbur, .ratvliy. ' J(MIK)M,iklMT7.tVM. Joffwoii, Aug. I, !, ADVERTISED KNTS. PETERS & SPEIDEL, MANuyAcrtBxHa or Carriages & Wagons, r Every Ueserlition, i ALU AM, OREGON. MANCFACTl'ltK To ORDER ANT and all styles ot Wagon, Carriages, Harks Ac., at as reasonable rates as the use of good material and Mrst-class work will jus. at'l'iw'Ja" "W"'-V n(ll'-ltPl't'naly d"ono stwls0" VVrti be,w,'en Flrs' "1 SeooiMl Albany,Mar.h7!,K88L' MARBLE WORKS. MOXROE & STAIGER, Dealers in Monmaents, ObeHshs, Tombs, Hrad and Fool Stones t Executed in California, Vermont a,i lullin Marble. SALEM, OREtiON. BKANCH moP At ALBANY. I No lietter eviilence of tttlu-,0,--,'P"i fcMract ot Eucalyptus can be desired, than the following summary ot ewes trVated with tins remedy alone, by that etntnenl Physician Il, .,v,i Wost ',, ii , h( )v 1 An Oj-., Treatetl. Cured. Jm'd. . misi.ot .vr a thills and Fever Mi Typhoid Fever ... ' Iiiflam.orKidneyN....' 4 IHiiretla . ln ll'loiilliK iiec ol t rine 3 Ktrletnre... a Inflam.orHla'dder.. . 27 MlennorhaiKia.... i nleae of the Heart!! 7 uynentery 4 A 1 ft 1 S 2 2 2 7 I 4 23 10 inronu- Oiarrhu-a ... 12 Oonorrhaa 15 DropNy ;;;;; '2 0 15 are the reports of the experime nt Tw ih II will he found ven efflcacfons in obsti nate cases of Dj s,rIa. Broncliitis Hack ingl.ough Chronic Sore tl.mat, Lt'Zr. rhta,etc.,andin nausea (lining pregnan cy. l Olnril('l V Pfirrnlw! alt,.,, v lr t'olemnn'Knoublf Fxlrnet ol F.uralyp tiiN is a sneeirtl pivpara t Ion for the treatment ot .V I. and ACVK. and is warrantd t eore every case treated awordlng to directions, without the Injurious results of the usual Oui- ii... . .. """- ""' arsenical rem . . ,rJnnt, '""ease- Also pni-e fluid ex tract of Eucalyptus, In one pound bottles. ,,P.Jl cla"s' I'Ha,-p of Imitations and lake none but Coleman's. For sale everywhere, and by l odge CaletACo Druggists, Portland. Agents for .regon. v5n39v REWABD FOR AN Incurable Case! XDR. LE RIC HAITI GOLDEN BALSAM! After ten yean' trial on this Coast ha proven itself the only eqntive In a certain clatt f diseases pronauaced by medical pnctltlOB erg as Incurable. Dr.LeBiciao's GOLDEN BALSAM No.i euea Chancres first and second atagea, Sores on the Legs or Body; Bore Ears, Eyes, Noae, ate.i Copper-colored Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh. Diaaased Scalp, and all primary forma of thi disease known aa Syphllia. Price, $S per boa- ue, or iwo tor W. Or.Lelicbau's GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2 enrea Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheumv tlim, Paint in the Bones, Back of the Neck, Ok ceratad Ion) Throat, Syphilitic Baab, Lamps and Contracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limba. and eradicates all dlaeaaea from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of mercury leaving the blood pure and healthy Price, ft per bottle, or two for $9. Dr. Le Biehan's GOLDEN SPANISH AH- tldote, for the Cure of Gonnorhooa, Gleet, Irrt tatioa, Gravel, and all Urinary or Genital disarrangements. Price, $2.50 per bottle. Br. Le liehaa'g GOLDEN SPANISH IS- lection. weeh and injection for serere eaaea Ol Gennorticaa, Inflammatory Gleet, StMctnraa, and all dlaeaaea of the Kidneys and Bladder Price, fl.SU par bottle. lun Areata for BR. LE BICHAfPo G0LDBI FHiLB for Seminal , Weakneai, NigbtSmuv ona, Impotency and all diseases arUnf (rote MesturbaUon and excessive abuses. Price, per bottle. The genuine Gorani la puiap only to round bottlek K.rdp! ot Prtce. these medicines wfD lie atnt to all parbj of the country, by exprtdl mall, securely packed and Wfroto cW n hi uresis. $1,1 f rsBuaw, uat, m mm