MM'.W. MATTERS. POST OFFICE HEblNTER. t mails akktve: From Railroad (north and south) daily at 12.20 i. M. Prom Oorvallta, dally, at 10.50 A. M. ' From l-cimnjm, tri-weekly, (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 10.J0 a. m. MAILS dki'aht: For Railroad (north and o..ti), dally, lose pnnim' at 11 A. M. For OorvalFts, 1.50 p. m. For Lebanon, tri-weekly, (Monday, Wed nesday and r'ri'ktylntt p. h. ( Mflee hours from J A. M. to 8 p. s. Sunday, from H M. tol p. M. Money order office nonrs from t A. jr. to p. M. P. U. RAYMOND, P. M. KKRTH 'ES M'XT M W.IV. u.ll ipi i lll'iu ll -ncrviivs ar u A.m. and 7 P. W. Sunday School at X V. M. Rev. C. H. Mattoon, Pastor. M. K, CHUBCH-Sorvlcwi! 11 A. M.nnd 7 P. M. Sunday School atlK P. M. Rev. Isutah Wilson, l'asmr. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN -Services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sundi fiP. M. Rev. ft J. Irvine, 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at ftli. Irvine, Pastor. . CONGREGATIONAL cnt'RCII Wlthont n Pas: or at present Snndav School at tH P. M. M. K. CHURCH SOlTn -Services in Con gregational Church alternate Sundays. Bev. Jos. Emery, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CIHTRCH -Services at College Channel, alternate Sahlttths, at U A.M. and 7 P. M. Sundav School at. UK P.M. Rev. E. R. Geary, D.D., Pastor. A Fine Warehouse. Messrs. A. B. Morris, Allen and John Parker, of this city, propose erecting, the coming season, on the land owned by Mr. Morris, on tire bank of the river, just east of the Farmer's Warehouse, a magnificent building for the storing of grain. The building wlil be laid upon a foundation of stone, and will be ninety by sixty-six feet, and about forty feet in Might. It will have, also, a shed ninety feet in length and six teen in width, on one side, and an awn ing on the south side six feet in width It will have four bins 25x25 feet, and eight bins 20x25 leet Two large hop pers will be placed in the center of the building, so that two teams can be un loading at one and the same time, while two cleaners -will be running constantly, "perfectly cleaning the grain for shipping. The machinery will be ot the best and most improved charac ter, and will be propelled by water from the Santiam Canal. The ware house will Iwive the Willamette river running past its north front, and the 0. & C. Railway on the south, andean take advantage of either to ship its grain, ft is calculated to hold up wards ot one hundred and fifty thou sand bushels of grain, and will cost from $12,000 to $15,000. The machin ery will be so arranged that, if neces sary to clean the grain thoroughly it must be run through the fans twice, or even oftener, the grain can be drawn from the bins to tlw fans, and back again when cleaned, thus doing the business expeditiously and rapidly, and at a great saving of man-power. Mr. A. F. Cherry, proprietor of the Albany Foundry, has the credit of drawing the plans tor the building. Religious. Rev. Joseph Emery, of Corvallis, will preach in the Con fregationalist Church to-morrow, Sunday, at 11 o'clock A. M. A gen eral invitation is extended. Service at the M. E. Church as usual to-morrow. Subject of the evening discourse : The conscious ex istence of all who have departed this life the righteous are enjoying the bliss of heaven, the wicked are ban ished from the presence of God into a place of punishment. Proofs strictly scriptural. All are cordially Invited to be present." Phonography. Prof. A. B. Mc Caw Is succeeding finely with his Phonographic Academy. He has quite a large number of pupils, and will have more. It Is a business that, it thoroughly understood, pays the very best of salaries a good shorthand reporter always being in demand at high rates. Our young men could not do better than to attend the Acad emy. So Relation. Baiter, the young Wan captured at Corvallis on"Monday, estates Prison convicts from Nevada, is no relation to the. lawyer of that typo ot this city. PARAURAWLETS. Ous. Wheeler. ot Salem, trowed our threshold on Monday. ' The -oolcn mill enterprise is hav ing good success, i i Rebekah meeting this evening at 7.U o'clock. Quite a number of the children in this city are enjoying the mumps. .1. J. Whitney has been elected City Attorney by the City Council. Judge Denny, of Portland, was in the city last week. j Philip Low was adjudged insane 'and taken to the Asylum by Sheriff Parker on Thursday. Democratic primaries on- the 28th. I Tlie Odd Fellows are talking "of Icrectiirff a hall during the comlne i Sllinninr oumnHr- The Hamsburg (irange has eighty wemuers, aim applications still come pouring it.. The Brownsville woolen mill con- I tinues to turn OUt quantities of C i . ' . cellent goods The Brownsville school has an average attendance of sixty-eight. Mr. Gilbert is principal of the school an excellent teacher. The Brownsville Grange numbers sixty odd iliembers. The attention of those whose busi ness it is to attend to the matter is called to the crossings of the Canal on iiiim ana rourtli street. Ttiey are badly in need of attention. The Albany & Santiam Canal Com pany are now ready to furnish water to those needing it. W. H. Mendenhall Is now lying dangerously 111, with hemorrhage of the lungs, at the residence of C. C. Godly. Dr. Golden has gone to Illinois from California expects to return to this city in May. There remains in store at Harris- burg, some 60,000 bushel of wheat, unsold to shippers, although it has been purchased from the farmers. Mr. Foster thinks of tearing down the frame building between Carother's drug store and Fox's store, on First street and erecting a brick, the com ing season. It would add materially to the looks of the block. Ben. Kohn departed on Monday for a visit to Bavaria, Germany. He proposes to induce as many as he can to return' with him to Oregon. Messrs. Marshall and Goodchlld, the first of Junction and the latter of Eugene, passed several days in our city during the week, looking at the advantages offered for the erection of a sock factory. The brick store on the cornei; of Washington and First streets has re ceived ax new floor, preparatory to being occupied by a Portland imnv chant, Mr. Bloom. Mr. Arnold reports, so far, 86 chil dren between the ages of four and twenty years,, who have attended no school during the year ; 26 who have attended College ; 126 that attend the District school Elder Stephenson delivers his last lecture on the course, at the Court House to-morrow evening, commenc ing at 7 o'clock. SubjectThe Com ing Conflict among the Nations." C. P. Bnrkhart was thrown for ward on to the hom of his saddle, a few days since, hurting him so severe ly as to confine him to his room for some days. He is about again, how. ever. See advertisement of Samuel E. Toting, micAssor to Blain, Young A Co., elsewhere In this issue. Mr. Young is determined by close atten tion to business, liberality mid the low figure at which he will sell goods, to deserve the' continuance of the popu larity eujoyed by the linn of which he was a leading member. Born. To the wife ef Jo. Elktns, of Lebanon, a boy 10 lbs. To the wife of Johnny Atkinson, of Portland, a daughter; Another prin ter in luck. To the wife of Jos. Webber, on the 6th, a boy 10 pounds. Vivian Gave one of his elegant entertainment at Pacific Opera House on Monday eyeotngy A good house greeted him. ALBANY REGISTER. Masonic Corinthian Lodge No. 17, A. F. & A. M., of this city, hav ing grown too large for one Lodge, a division is called for, and an applica tion presented to the Grand Master for the institution of a new Lodge, to' be called St John Lodge. Geo. Humph rey is recommended as Master, and J W. Baldwin and J. K. Herren as Sen ior and Junior Warden. New to-dav. Samuel E. Young (Successor to Blain, Young & Co.,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE-and FANCY ft 75' m m m m fcJD s OS O CC X GO w cc Id o cc o Q O o p 1 I 0 8 3 m K 1 m B a o c B 0 OB e es S3 es ALSO, WAGONS, PLOWS, and all kinds of Farming Implemts Agent for the celebrated New Wilson Sewing Machine, Guaranteed to bo equal to Any, and Irom 10 to $15 less than other first class machines. TERMS-CASH. . GOODS LOW, Call and See. At Old Stand, first Street, febl274 ALBANY, OREUOX. Phonographic-Shorthand SLOADEMT! TERMS For teaching Corresponding style.. ..120 00 " " Reporting " ....40 00 (Time and number of lessons unlimited.) Payable, in advance; balance in half monthly instalments of $5 each. Rooms lh Burkhart's building, up stairs. A. B. MH AW, PRINCIPAL. 63T Lessons by mail to any part of the State. fel574 NOTICE. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between the undersigned, is this duv dissolved by mutual consent, Messrs. L, K. Blain and"J. Barrows retiring. The business will hereafter beoonducted By 8. K. Young. All persons having unsettled business with the undersigned, will please call at their earliest convenience. L. E. BLAIN. J. BARROWS, S. K. YOONO. Albany, Or., fchrtiarj- 5, 1874. NOTICE I THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between Win. H. Kithn and James C. Van Rensselaer under the firm name of W. H. Knhn ft Co.. Is tins day dissolved bv mutual consent, the notes and accounts due said Ann becoming the property of tho said Van Rensselaer, and to whom, or his representative, they must be paid, and to whom mnst be presented all claims against the said firm. W. H. KITHN, PH. C. 8CHUYLER, Guardian estate of JA8. C. VAN RENSSELAER. i) tn thi ahnve. I iive not ice that the notes and accounts duo W. H. Ku in Jtl Co., will be collected bv Jas. B. Wyatt.ofH the firm of Clark A Wvatt. who may he found at t lie ow srana oi nnim u., mm who is fully authorised to receipt and ttle the same. ii C s,m,tl BR . , Guardian estate of Jas. C. Van Hknkskjakil Albany, Or., Feb. 3, U744m Wishing to H.3E!IXTOE3 0 i our atoek of IS! ll Before the opening of the Spring Season 4 To the LOWEST PRACTICABLE LIMIT. if We liave determined to offer, during the 1 0 Next TwIontlA, our remaining stock of W" fer Uoous at a Larg Reductin I 0 on rates current during the sea son, and to tnateiui will on tbe 1st of January 4 MARK DOWN 0 our stock to prices that will DEFY COMPETITION. Terms i READY PAY! and om: price for am.. (5 I ( ANH PAID, a WHial, tor ail kinds of MerenaataM Pi A. Wheeler & Co. p SHBDB, Dec; ft THBCEEEXNEOCBT CITY MARKET, W. H. MWDEMIAIX, PBOPV. WILL ENDEAVOR TO BR ALWAT supplied with the best meats to to had in t he market, and will be ever ready to accommodate those who may favor him with a call. OTv6 OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer In HA.NGES. LOOK, PAKLOH AND BOX, STOVES ! Of the best patterns. ALHO : TIN, SHEET IRON AND (W PEK WAKE, And the usual assortment of furnishing ds to be obtained In a tin store. itepalrs neatly and promptly executed, in reasonable terms. Nhor (reckoning make lontffrlenla FRONT STRE T, ALBANY. Dec. 5. 1880-1 1 NEW GOODS 1 MONTAGUE & McCULLY, LEBANON, OREGON, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND ARC constantly receiving, large invoices of late style DBY uoooa, ritENA UIUM T.HIEN, NEW LOTHINO. and General nerchandlse ! whicli they will dispose of on the faireet and most accommodating terms. A gen eral invitation is extended toalltocalland examine our new line of Dress Goods, lata styles of Clothing, head wear, boots, shoes, Ac, Ac., the very latest in market, and se lected with the view of meeting the re quirements of this people. MONTAGUE A McCULLY. October 18, '73m3 W. II. McFARLAND, (LATE M. M. HARVEY A CO.,) Opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES. Force and Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PfPE, Hollow Wore, HOUSE rVKNINHIM II Alt ll WAKE, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. LARUENT NTOI-H IN THE VALUVt Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing Properly Done. 40v1 BUILDERS, ATTENTIO . i'ASH, BLIND, AND DOOH K ACTOR Y . S. U. ALTKOl'SE. J. V. fttiKtOUtm. W- KKI'I UI.M. ALTIIOVSE & CO., Lyon Street, on tke River Rank, ' ALBANY, OREGON. Keep on hand a full assortment, and ar prepared to tTKNISH TO ORDER, Doom, Mush, r RlindH, and Moldings, Such as CROWN, PANEL, RAND SHTWI HOED, Of ail sizes WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMBP, flooring, Mdiny, And- ARo4herkhMiorBnlhMn-Material. AfcfJO: PREPARED TO DO MIU, work, furnish shaker fans, ilgaaa bakers, suction fans, driving puUeya of anv our factory on Lyon street pa the river bank!, next lielow MarktolM watvhonnr. ALTHOl &R A i Albauyreb. 10. vm-U