ALBANY REG-ISTER. glister. LOCAL HATTERS. post orricE register. mails akkivk: Krnm Railroad (north and south) daily a 12.20 e. Jt. From Gorvallis. daily, at W-m A. M. From Letianrm. trl-weekiy, (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 10.30 A. M. MA11.H depart: For Railroad (north and -.-.l), laity, clone pminnt at II A. M. , Kor(' 1.51) P. H. For Lebanon, tri-weekly. (Monday, .Wed nesday ami r rtnayj at s r. Office hours from 7 A. M. to 8 p. M. Snnilav. from 12 M. to 2 V. M. Monev or Icr office hoars from il A. M. to M. ' l. II. RAYMOND, P. M. WrjTrto School. "rof. E. P Conner closed hi writing school on hist Tuesday even! up. It proved ! most successful km) profitable term his school numbering eighty-one schol ars. The first prize, awarded for finest imnrovetnent in writinz. was awarded to Miss Emma Roberts 15 The second, for finest writing. Mr. J. T. Ttite a hook, valued at $2. "The Professor coes to Corvallis. where he will doubtless secure a large class He proposes to return to tins city sometime in May, when lie will again instruct a class in penmanship. Robbed. On Tuesday night the occupants of the cars on the Albany & Portland Express, which now "hangs up" each night on the side track, near tlic Willamette river and at'foot of Ferry street, were robbed of monev and valuables. Tom Con- noil v. brakeman, lost a watch and chain and $15 in coin ; Phil Morgan, fireman, lot $35 ; Jim Kelly lost an overcoat. The engineer, BiHCollieot. escaped entirely, although Ids watch hure directly over his head, and-his pant's pockets contained three short Mt. Sold Well. The sale of furniture belonging to the estate of Chas. Mealey, bankrupt, sold at auction last Saturday, as a getter il thing brought fair prices, considering the stringency in money matters, and that tlie sale was for "cash on the nail." The in ventory showed upwards of $1,500 worth of personal property, which brought, under the hammer, something over $1,200. The real estate is to lie told on Tuesday next, and as it Is well located, should bring good prices. New Cabinet Shoi Fred Graf has about completed Ins new cabinet hop adjoining Althouse & Co.'s plan ing mill, and is ready to receive orders for new cabinetware, furniture, etc. He will also repair, revarnish, and nut in Erood shape, furniture, etc., at fair rates. Fred is the best workman in the State, and we can conscientious ly recommend him as such, and as a thoroughly honest, straightforward bu'lness man as well. Give him call aj his new shop. Religious. Elder J. M. Stephen son will deliver his second lecture at the Court House on to-morrow, Sun day, evening, commencing at 7 o'clock. Subject Xo conflict between the Bible and Science. This lecture was announced for last Sunday, but owing to the fact that the weather was unusually stormy and unpro pltious btit few were in attendance, and another lecture was substituted on that occasion. As the subject is one of unusual interest, a large attend ance should be secured. Santiam Lodge. The Odd Fellows of Jefferson, on Tuesday evening of i-t week, installed officers for tne new term. District Deputy Grand Master, W.'c. Twecdale, assisted by Past Unit id,- W. F. Backemto, pu t the new officers through In good shape. After the installation ceremonies, a t)n collation was partaken of, followed by a dance. It was a very pleasant occasion, thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Bi.AlU Yoiino ft Co. are still as popular as ever. Tliey not only have a large stock of staple dry good, grrwerles, etc., on hand to suit the uste and purses of the community, but they are the most attentive and obliging of gentlemen. Almost every" sfjpoKr brlug .litem uewgwk , That Bay Team. Yesterday afcout one o'clock the "Bay Team" owned by Mr. A. K. Arnold ami driven to an express wagon, met with an acci dent that came within an ace of de priving them of all future usefulness. Their owner left them standing in Montgomery's livery stable, as is his wont, while he went to his dinner. About the time siecifled above the roof of the stable fell in, caused by the immense weight of snow upon it, knocking the animals down, smashing in the top of the express wagon and otherwise injuring it. Strange to say the horses were not seriously. injured, the wagon being strong enough to hold up the great weight of the root and the accumulated snow upon it, enabling Mr. A. to "snake" out the team without their receiving but a few slight cuts and bruises. Every few days the bays stampede, but gen erally bring up all right after they get over their flurry, and now a stable falls on them and they get away with hardly a scratch. An invaluable team, certainly. Snowballing Was indulged in to an unlimited extent by our boys on Tuesday. Everybody that came in the vicinity of the Postofllce caught it, whether they liked the sport or no. Mayor Brown was one of the victims, and for about ten minutes the boys went for.him in a manner that might have been fun for them but was almost death to the victim. They yanked him from one side of the street to the other, rolled him over, pummeled him with balls, half mud and half slush-ice, threw great armfnls of snow on his bare-head, crowded it down his neck, and treated him generally in a very undignified and discourteous manner. Brown "tout" manfully, but numbers overpowered him, and he succumbed. Such disrespect for the chief officer of this great city calls for the earnest protest of every citizen against its repetition. Concert To-night The Vieux temps Brothers will give a grand con cert at Pacific Opera House this even ing, cotnmeueing at 7.30. They have an entire new programme which they will present for the entertainment of this public. , Several entirely new comic songs and costume pieces which will doubtless be relished by ftin-lovers. On some evening soon they propose playing for the beuefit of our Fire Company. A large audience will doubtless greet them this evening. Snow. Wc have had a considerable snow-fall at various and sundry times during the week, but as the ground was soft, and the prevailing weather anything but freezing, no sleighing to speak of has beetr indulged in. Very little skating or sleighriding are to be had in the Willamette valley. Runaway. A. N. Arnold's team took a short spin without a driver on Tuesday. They made the fluid and snow fly quite lively for a few minutes, but Were stopped In their wild career. before they had done any damage or given us an item. . , Handy. The Albany & Portland Express train comes down on to the side track every evening, and all who choo-ecan get on to the train each morning opposite Beach A Monteith's flouring mills. Sale in Bankki itct. Dave Thompson, assignee in bankruptcy, will sell on Tuesday next, certain real estate belonging to the estate of Chas. Mealey, bankrupt. Attention of those wishing to purchase real estate is called to the fact. Personal. -Judge Russell, of Portland, called on Wednesday. High Smith, of Harrisburg, was in the city on Thursday and Friday. Dick Williams, of Portland, was in the city oi. Friday. Carothers A Co. are constantly adding to ' their excellent stock of drugs, chemicals, paints, etc., and are selling vast quantities of goods. They are also preparing for a big soda trade the cotnraing season. Four horses now get away with an empty wagon, if the ttorse are hi good condition. Harper ft Co. have done a tine business all through the Winter, owing to the fine selection they made of goods, and the fair rates at which they sell. Those fine breech-loading sliot-guns are to be obtained there. A Shoniger Organ-Will, be u?ed by the Vieuxtemps Brothers this evening, kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. W. B. Barr of the Albany music store. PARAORAMLETS. Slush and mud. Snow. rain, sunshine. Sleiffhiiiff stands over for better weather. Stenography is now on the tapis. The Vieuxtemps Brothers are among us, full of song. Vivian and his troup failed to make connection on Tuesday night, which is the second failure after being billed to play here. No change to note in market prices. "Change" of any denomination scarce. One fight and one runaway on Tues day. Culver ft Priest are nutting up a large number of tbeir Plow Cultivators to fill orders. Albany Express Train was robbed on Tuesday night. If our City Marshal doesn't stir his stumps the boys will get away with him. It is rejiorted to us that certain young hoodlums have "rolled" parties whom they have found drunk, after nightfall, robbing them of every cent. It is a matter that demands the attention of the Marshal. W. O. Palmer has leasetj the butcher shop heretofore run by J. L. Harris. Look out for St. Valentine's day. It occurs next month. Several Oregon papers are urging farmerto beware of peddlers, who are peddling shoddy goods through the counfrv. We have no data from which to write up the reasons of this caution, but suppose they are good. Beware, therefore. Marshall Martin, convicted of the murder of Valentine Eichler. was to have been hung yesterday at Martinez, California, at 1 o'clock P. M. Rev. Thomas Condon, State Geolo gist, Is delivering a series of deep y in teresting lectures in Portland. We hear that cattle and sheep are sufferingduring the late unprecedented spell of weather, a few having died. The truth of the rumor, however, we will not vouch for. Yakima Mines. A gentleman liv ing in the city has just received a letter from his mining partner in tlte Yaki ma mines. In which the statement is made that during the winter he has. succeeded in striking bed-rock on both sides of the claim, and the claim is paving well. From all sources of in formation that, we have, we now in cline to the belief that these mits may pay better next summer than was generally believed last fell, Walla Walla Union. A half breed, at Boulder, Colorado, get out of jail while the jailor slept. A party of "friends" helped him out, and then hung him to a convenient tree. He was charged with murder. SPECIAL CARLE DISPATCH. From the World's Fail'. Vienna, Austria, Aug. 20, 73. W. G. Wilson. Esq., President Wilson Sem'ng Midline ( 'mjmnj, Clere land, 0ii': The'Wilson Sewing Ma chine received tlie Grand Prize Med al for being the Best Sewing Machine, and a Grand Prize (medal of honor) was awarded to the Wiisott Sewing Machine Co. for manufacturing sewing machines jn the best maimer, from the best material, and by the best known mechanical principles. These cele brated machines ar now on exhibition and for sale at the store of lltf. BLAIN, YOUNG A CO. i Advertisement. There are four gentlemen from Manchester. England, in Albany, at present selling off a bankrupt stock of English dry goods. 20v2 NEW TO-DAT. A. W. GAMBLE, M. O., Physician, Surgeon, etc. OFFICE-Flrft street, adjoining Weed's grocery Rtore. RESIDENCE -At tho late residence of John C. Men den hall, near .1. W 1 KM . n. ... i 11 f H" WUIIM , r .11,1. WITO, aiiwiv. - Octobers, 18T3j- Wishing to 0 REDUCE 0 oar stock of GOODS!4 i Before the opening of the Spring Season t To the LOWEST PRACTICABLE LIMIT, We liave determined to offer, during the S our remaining stock cf Winter Goods at a Large Reduction i on rates current during the sea son, iiud to that end will on the o 0 IstofJanuary ,1874, MARK DOWN our stock to prices that Will DEFY COMPETITION. Terms e READY PAY! and 0.l! PRICE FOR ALL. 0 CASH PAID, as asnal, for all Mud of fterehantable Pro duce. A. Wheeler & Co. Sm:ii Dec. 30, MISCELLANEOUS. CITY MARKS W H. MENDENHALL, PROPTt. WILL ENDEAVOR TO BE ALWAYS supplied with tlte best meats to b had In the market, and will be ever ready to accommodate those who may favor bun with a call. . ' Wv OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES ! Of the best patterns. ALSO t TIN, NHEET IRON AND COP PER WARE, And the usual assortment of furniehls ds to be obtained In a tin store. itcpalrs neatly and promptly executed, mi reasonable, terms. short reckonings make lonjffrlends, FRONT 8TRE T, ALBANY. Dee. 5. 1886-1 $ ! . NEW GOODS! MONTAGUE & MeCULLY, LEBANON, OREGON, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND ARB constant lv receiving, large in voices of late Style DRY GOODS, FRESH GROCERIES, . NEW CLOTHING, and General Merchandise ! which thoy will dispose of on the fairest and most accommodating terms. A gen eral invitation Is extended toall to call and examine our new line of Dress Goods, lats styles of Clothing, wear, boots, shoes, Ac, Ac., the very latest in market, and se lected with the view of meeting the n quirements of this people. October 18, 13mi , W. II. McFARLAXD, (LATE M. M. IIARVET A CO.,) Opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, , STOVES, RANGES. Force and Lilt Pump, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, HOt'SE IT'RMSHINW HARDWARR, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wane. LARGEST STOCK IN THE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing Properly Done, mm BUILDERS. ATTENTIO f ASH, BLIND, ANI DOOR FACTORY. 8. B. ALTHODSB. J. T. HACKKKSTO. W. KKTISUM. - ALTHOUSE & CO., Lyon Street, on the River Biuik, ALBAN Y, OREGON. Keep on hand a full assortment, and aia prepared to FCKNRH TO ORDER, Doors, Saah, Blind, and Molding, Such ax . CROWN, PANEL, RANK A KECTHSR OLD, Of all size 1VIXDOW ANI DOOR YRAWU, Flooring, Siding, And- All other kinds of Knlidlns; Material . AlBO': PREPARED TO DO MTU, work, fumlHli shaker fan, listing shakers, suction fans, driving pulled of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street .on the river bank), next !low Markhsani f;. , ALTHOLSE A i Albany, Feb. 10, 1M9-U