4 AUUANY KGrEISTER. Wain, T t'o.w BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. ADVEBTISKM BNT8. PUBLISHED IVm WSBUtaSDAY AND BATVUOAY. .By COLL. VA!i CLEVE, IN EE0I8TER BUILDINGS, (hm jlsrr part JTtrsf iSbrrto. TERMS IN ADVANCE. One year Throe dollars. Six month. Two dollars. ingle copies Ton wilts. .j , - .. ADVKRTISINf RATES. Transient advertisements, per square of too lines or less, first insertion fl ; each subsoquent insertion JOc. Larger adver tisements inserted on tbu most liberal tonus. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Gold In New York, not. Legul tenders, WKSlc. Wheat in Liverpool -Average, 13s Sd 9ftf$i ; Club, UsBdcstU 3d. The ColttmWa river is now open, I and there are to-day some fifteen ves-1 sels at Portland, either loading VVJieat I or discharging ballast prepanttory to loading, and all under orders to go foreign, save perhaps one or two. T hit begins to look an if there wag money somewhere, tor these cargoes can not be purchased on crcdiC" W heat is virtnailv money, and the cash is coming into the country to excliange for It. Opportunely with the arrival of this large fleet of vessels, there has been an advance of six cents per bushel on Wheat in Liverpool, and this will give a firmer tone to our market, at least until such vessels as are here now shall have been loaded ami dispatched. Money is beginning to circulate in all the tVesUMe counties, now that their Wheat is moving, and we will expect no more hard times, this year at least. The river Is at a veiy good stage, and at every landing and warehouse on the river, there is the stir of active preparations to convert their grain into coin. There is not less than six hun dred tons of wheat moving from the river warehouses daily, and with every indication favorable for the continu ation of good boating on the river, and a good harvest year in 1874, Ore goo it certainly to a flourishing condi tion. The new year starts out under the most flattering conditions. ha Timmt turn Markets . Wheat Finn at IS 4Vs so V 100 is. Floi r Extra In demand for export at oath 1 1 i Kb m its. ' onions tl 7561 to UK) TO. Portland Market. Whkat-IKM os V cental of wo n. O ats tte V bushel. Flock Firm ; choice brands (S 50Ci 50 V bbl. Baulky I . SKS1 to tier cental. ONIONS-lXtSll o w n. Butter -Extra dairy SOQtSK f ft ; com mon, 18&20C. Eoos-Weak at JOc V dozen. PouiTBV -Grown chickens, tt V dozen. HlDKS-Choioe dry, ltc V ; salted, 7c Albany Market. WiiKAT-Wlilte, V bushel, tl Oats-V bushel. Iff cts. P TATOE -f bushel, 50 c. Onion bushel, $161 50. FLOI R - bbl, H 00. flEANH-White, f ft, S4 c. Dried FauiT-Apples, V ft. 5 cents; Peaches, 16 e; Plums, Me; Currants, 10c BliTTER-Fresh roll, KGtisc V ft. Edos-V dozen, 30c fOttn V dozen, 13. Rioarh -Crushed, Lie; Island, KKi 12c; Han Francisco refined, 12 l,c V h. TKA-Young Hyson, $1 25; Japan, 75c CoFKBE-lVlV tti. fiLT-lSc2kc V n.. HYRI P Heavy Golden, ? keg, 13 00 ; Ex heavy (Jolden, tl no f gal. BACOif - Hams Mb, Rides Sc. Shoulders 8c LiARS-ln tins, lie V ft ; in kegs, ttc OiLS-Devoe's Kerosene, 75c V gal., V can, 5 gals., M 60 : Linseed Oil, raw. V IOU, fl il, OOIHM1, fl 31 ',. Hides t'ndressed deer skins, We V IN, dressed, tl 85 ; dry cow hides, flint No. 1, KkSU.c V : green salted, No. 1, 5 fic; sheepskins, 256c30c each. Mr. Wherry and his two sons Wm. and Samuel cleared 70 acres of land in the Nehalem valley this season. He intends to put in seven acres of au orchard in the Bpring. Mr. Wherry has lived in several of the State and says that this is the finest country he has ever seen. He says peaches and grapes do well in the Nehalem valley. AHorian, Report says the Spanish Govern ment has oftlfed pot turn for the fB the Vfegima, with a h mX as m m 3 P I l5 I t 9 9 ef 0 CD GO CO CO LJ CD P 2 M 1 3 I' c r-aO 5 i4 - : JOHB CONNER. B ANKJNG AND Exchange Offic?, UUST, OREtiOJI. L ehtk at slihe nierBBt nllov.l Ontimedeposltsineoin. and New VorkVhrlriowestTes' ! W. k Ladd "-"W", nenry rninnfr, Ban klnK hours from 8 A. M. to P. M. Allwiy, Feb. 1, W71-22V3 Something Mew In m inistry B. E. 6. NMITII, DEXTMT, HAM.OCATKDIN AI.BA ny,aud has the new in vention in plate work.whieb ItllNU In iiwi.w ...... i. in i oe iiiouiu wunont coverinif the whole roof,a.s heretofore. Itaivesthewearerthe weiirer the free use of the tongue to the roof of the mouilii In talkiiur mid tnstintt. It is the Smith k Vnrvine patent. Teeth extracted without pain. Plntes mended, whether broken or divided. BtfTOKrirK-Flrst street, iiist of Conner's Baiikupstairsl,Allny,oroion. 7v4 A. W. GA9IBLE, M. D., Physician, S&rgeoii. etc. OFFICE ANI 8E8IDKNCK-At tlie late residence of John C. Mendenliall, near the Foundry, First street, Albany. October, 1873y JOHN SCHMEER, DKALKH IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Clmrs, To bacco, Ac., to which he Invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keen a Bakery and will always have on band a fall supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. CiT Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February l&Mvt TVRKIlfG - . TURNING. 2 a j 5 s f AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS order rawhide-bottomed chairs, Ac. Shop '"w ii- aiwiaa Hosiery, JunersOn, Ore KOB. Rrani shop near "Mairnolla Mills." wiiure oruers ior ('nun's, lumlnif Ac., can be left. JOHN M. METZLER Jefferson, Aug. 2, 1H74 PETERS &8PEIDEL, MAJtUrACTCRERS OF Carriages A Wagons, Of Every Dcacrlption, ALBANY, OREGON. MANUFACTURE TO ORDER ANY and aU styles of Wagon, Carriage, Hack, Ac., at as reasonable rates as the use of good material and first-class work will lus tily. Repairing neatly and expeditiously done at low rates. ' Shop on Ferry between First and Second streets. . PETER8 A 8PEIDEL. Albany, Mnreh 7, 1873-27 Motice. OREGON A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD (rf"I-njllopartmont.Portland OrcgoB, April W72.-Noticc Is hereby Irivcn. that a vttrtimna nrrwiuniru. ..m ,. instituted against any and evorv nerson who trespasses nponTiny Railroad Land, by cnttingand removing tlmlierthorelrnTn nDbPr'om'of,hecom'- AH VHcnnt Ijanarl In Arid n..,)v.i I. Ill ' iiiiiirtriTJii IW tlons, whether ittirveved or nnsnrveyotl, line of the read, belongs to the Company. l and Agent. I" w iinw, igan si anytning ette. Par tteular free. Jjflraw Q. Co.. T. W. HARRIS. H. J. B(H (iUTO.N. HABMR BOVOHTON, Phyalclatw and Snrgeona, ALBANY, OREGON. OFFICE-OVER A. CAROTHERSJtCO's I nut Wore. ResMonce of !)r. Harris-Fonrth-t.,rour blocks west of the Court House. Residence of Dr. Bouahtoa -opposite Dr. Tate, on Third street. nov!573 W. C. TWICE OA LR, DEALER IK Groceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON. xrriLL amirs to kekpthebest ' ' "i "i W '"W, "M x ll at the foie- att Ii'iJ.. ,v.i... tX.ll a.... in. . .w.u ,um n. vull UIIU ITT IW V9 HKKRI r. KAYR8, General Bnsinesslnsnraiice Agent, Jfotary Ftxlollo, C? PKC1AL ATTENTION irlvcn tn the ,1 O ludieution of accounts. Collections nmde in ail irts of the State. Office neit door above Beo Hive Store, First .street, Alliany, Oregon. vJnttl J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and t'onuselor at Law WHX PRACTICE if AU. THE Courts in the 3d, 8d and 4th Judicial Ms triets, in the Supreme Court of Oregon, and in Ibe V. S. District and Circuit Courts. OFHru- In Pnrvish liHi-k ninaiiim i Office occupied by the late N. H. Cran'or, in-ri,nimny, urejron. to.5v . M. JOXE8. j, LINSEY HILL. JONES & mix, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALI1.VNY, OREGON. 7v4 OH, KTKKMCK MEDICAL HOXDER! Cl'KES AU, INTERNAL AND EXTER nal Aclies unU Pains; Purines the lilood; Reflates the Liver: c ires Agues by lXgtet Un't "h' toM tmit LEFFEL A. MYERS' WaterWheeli SPHERICAL FLUMES, Al Ueneral Hill Marhlnery. ,., r- BACKlOiSTO, Agent, 513 AlbanjvOrtiBnn. b. wavu, U. !., Surgeon & Ph) nlelan. Ot'K -Fiist street, between Ferrv and Broadalbln. itmtttSn Tl.lfS i.bW or.S of MTet h L ' A",an"- Oregon. V5n40 W?J.5iT THIS I'AMAtiING AND m,wi -i ",u "npn"nt cannot 1 m wit S "? ""J1?"? lenow of sneeess might be ilaced before yon evorv dav M ?f supposed hom'less caW.si your A. (Urotkcrs r.- IMIe ( Ills ,! Olatanent are all they are retMininended to lie. Will cure Chronic. Blind and Bleeding Piles n a ven short .hncund m2&w This prepamt ion is sent by mall or t liri'SS to HllVlinlnt uH)l.l .1..? r, ' ;.' ."V ! X at 1 Mniukage. " Address, A.T'AROTHERS A CO., ZZ gPM, Altiany, Oregon. j. c. powsxl. ' i rtmt POWELL A FLINN, Attorneys and I'oanaelora at Law A LKTTOR8 IN CHANCm (L A t nn notary- public), Albany, Orego SSftlhf conveync9 Promptly "- Albany Book" Store. JNO. POSH A y, s,irno,i'rrU!" ortMr R. goTwTgray, T E IV T I S T , ALBAKY, OBtXiOX. rVFFICE IN PARWSH BRICK BLOCK J corner First ind Ferry slicets R.l mm-ome Fifth and Fern streets EPIZOOTICS DISTANCED. THE BAY TEAJf WIIX UVEN, AND IS FLOURISHING LIKE A okffk ly tree. Thankful for past favors and wishing to merit jS contlnnance ot the same, the RAY TEAM will always Ik 852?' Rn,(1 '""f round, to do any haiiling within the city limits, for a iwsonabie compensnlfon. &K I Hlverv rnLi- MKpieelalty A.N. ARNOLD Pronrietor I"V0 FOR SALE ! qpHE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS ROWERS. Halne-B BtcaOra, (Wood's Improvetl.) f aqalllanra IndlBoa Farm Wagon . The BoMel and Vibrator Threabera, (beat machines on the coast. Rtatwi resOciB Drill, tor Ptowa, and other Machines Call. see. and jtet' pries and terms beinre buying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop. Oregon Whworlhsts., Albanyl I ' . FRANK WOOD. MABBIiE WOUKS. MONROE & gTAlGER, Dealers in MonaneBte, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stone, Executed in California, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALEM, OKEGttN. BBAKOH KHOP AT ALBANY. No better evidence of the enleicn- cy of lr. J N. olruian'a Compound Mnn oi Kucaiyprnscan Dedeetrsa, timn following summary of cases, treated with this remedy alone, by that eminent Physician, Dr. D ni Woncri l in the ". S. Marine Ilospiiai, San Francisco, report ed in the Angnst No. (1S72) J-arifir Mtrt. 't. So Orw:i Treak!. Ctirnl. Jm'rf. Itcmlttonft 5 S 19 ll 3 I io 7 a .1 3 6 4 3 27 2S it 13 10 2 7 7 3 1 ia e 4 IS 15 a 3 s i'C of the above, liillNHiid Fever Typhoid fever Inflain. of I idneys.. . . ItlureUN Inroutlnence of t'rine IliBMUte or the Heart. Chronic Diarrhoea ttonorrhna Dropoy .... i. ii i. i m. experiments w ill hucnlyiilns by Dr. Lorrimer. of Berlin Prussia, and tlr. Keelei, Chief Pliysielsii ?lm t2S5 Ra,1,wf V Co., published in the Am. Med. Jour. July, 172. If will be found very efflencions in obsti nate cases of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Hack ing Congh, Chronic Sore throaf, Lencor rhca, etc., and in nnnsca dnrinir in-..m,n. cy. ' nr.Colemnu's Donblr Extract r Eucalyp. toaisa an , prepttia tmn forthufreatmentnt TTMtn and AOVK, and is warranted Ia cow everj' nv treated according to directions, wlihout the inimious results of the nsnalOnl- ,. , ""i iin.-n htii rem edies for. that disease. Also pure ftnld ex tract of fcucalvptns, in one pound bottles. mrnhnni. on,4 hiu, I,.... ... t i..... ' f : -V n:n',,i iiiiuaiioiis. and take none but Coleman's. For sale "PB'oii', uatiauu, lmjliir ior rPgOTl. The standard remedy for t oughs, In nenaa. Hurt Tbmtl, Whoupltiq Omoh, OnUp, Uv, r Complaint, KrtmrKihX Hli-nling vf U Jims, and cverv affection of the Throat. Lungs and Chest, including Cow- W Utar'a Balaam of Wild Cherry does not dry up n Cough, bnt loosens it. cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation; t in n writing the (. of tneromtilalnt. None genuine unless signed I. RI'tts Prepared by si tii W. Fowle Sons, Jlos' ton. Sold by Rl DI.VfJTOIS. HotiTRTTKH ft Co Son FmnclHo, and by dculeYs gen "y- Uv5v $1,11 BEWA1JDJ FOB AX Wh ' Incurable Case! XDR. US RICHAim GOLDEN BALSAM! After ten years' trial on this Coast has proven itself the only curative in a certain clus i f diseases pronounced by medical pnictitko. crs as incurahle. Dr. Le Bichau's GOLDEN BALSAM lfo.i eons Chancres tint and second stages, Soman the Legs or Body; Sots Ears, Eyes, Nose, ac.i Oopper-coloied Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, Diseased Scalp, and all primary formi of the disease known as Byphilia. fries, It per hot, tie, or two for t. Dr.LeBicfcaa'g GOLDEN BALSAM Ho.2 ernes Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Bhemns, tism, Fains In the Bone. Back of the Hack, VU cerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Baah, Lumps and Contracted Cords, Btitraeas of the Limbs, and eradicates all diseases from the system, whether canned by indiscretion or abuse of mercury leaving the blood purs and healthy. Price, $5 per bottle, or two for X. Dr. Le Ma'i GOLDEN SPANISH AX- Moots, for the Gate of Oonnoracss, Gleet, Irri tation, Oravol, and all t'rinary or Genital oiaarTingementa. Price, $190 per bottle. Sr. Le Richan's GOLDEN SPANISH II- JectloB, a wash and injection for Sevan cases of Oonoorhcaa, Inflammatory Gleet, KHctoree, and all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Price, tl.no per bottle. Also Ap t, for DH. LB RI01AU'8 0CLDE1 PHiLS 'or Seminal .Weakness. RiJht Emla. sioranpotencj and all dlaeaatsarisiaf Iron, asturtaUon and excessive abuses. Aire, t per ootthL The genuine Goldbii Balujj is irnt up only In round bottles. b.pwyTSpS 0. T. KICHABD9 ft 00. C. F. EICHABD9 b 00. ttjr Portland,; V