If m ALBANY REOJSTER. lata, Touiut Co." Cell 1HI8INES8 CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND KATOiD.VY, By COLL. VAX CLGTE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, i Comer firry and First Streets. TERMS IN ADVANCE. One year Throe dollars. 1 Sii months. Two dollars, i ingle copies Ten eents. i ADVERTISING KATES. Transient advertisements, licr square of (en tines or less, first insertion l;eaeh subsequent Insertion .r0c. Larger adver- tiseinonts inserted on the most liberal tonus. A pretty fair compliment from tlie London Graphic : By far the most pleasant compan ion you can have is an American. You cannot travel tar without meeting one. and it you show the slightest disposi tion to be sociable, it is probable that be will turn out to be a highly agreea ble companion. As a rule he is thor oughly well informed ; knows all about the country, the best hotels, and the price ot everything ; is talkative without being garrulous, freely gives you his opinion, but, adhering to his national feting of independence, is not in the least put out it it i not taken. Not that he is perfect : he is proud to a fault of his country and her doings, and is rather apt to bore you with in vidious comparisons. . He contests that nothing is impossible of achievement, and some years ago, at a Parisian tahle iVhote,'m intelligent New York er seemed quite hurt tliat tlie writer questioned his statement that a Trans atlantic tunnel would tie begun and fin ished by his conntrymen within eight een months. Thus, proud of his na tionality, our American imagines that every one, from the guard of a rail way train to the master of a monster hotel, must carelully respect the stars and stripes in the person of his own humble self ; and certainly an Ameri can does manage to secure a much greater amount of attention abroad than members of other less fortunate countries. His invariable response, wheu annoyed by the too close scruti ny of an official, or when in an unex pected difficulty, is, I am an Ameri can ; send for my consul.' " A mode! village is in course of completion hi otic ot the suburban districts of London, forelcrks, artisans, laborers, and others of small means. For the first seventy houses there were 1 two hundred applications. All are built I on tlie most approved sanitary and architectural principles. School, a lecture-ball, baths and wash-bouses play and cricket grounds and churches, are provided for. The houses are com modious, and each has a garden. The rent of a house of nine or ten rooms is from tfjo to $1 (XL The situatiou is one Of the best in Loudon. Very Plats. The New York Evening I'ost lets off this : To expel the protectionists and the "saiary-grabbers" from tlie Democratic part' would be to beat out its brains and amputate its legs. The inquiry is Mill in order : "What is tlie policy of the Democratic party?" The trial of Nick O'Neil in Deady's 1 court in Portland, recently, excited a good deal of interest. Of course the 1 prosecution labored for a venlict, but. all without avail, as the jury were but fifteen minutes in returning a verdict of uot guilty A Southern paper, speaking of a man who was kicked by a horse, says : "His life was extinct for a short time, hut recovered so that he reached home on Saturday night," ... Emperor William, of Oermeny, re mains very ill at last dates. Reports ! of his death were in circulation, but ! they were denied by authority on the 33d. On the 24th, the jury in the trial of ex-Mayor Hall returned a verdict of not guilty. The verdict was received uproariously by the spectators. A little girl was once asked the following question: "What is faith?" She replied, "Doing Goo's will and asking no questions." A golu bar valued at $2,613 .S3, as sayed by Fred. Heller in 1866. has been dug up by its owner and placed in the banking house of C. W. Moore, Idaho City. A company is forming in London for the extension of railroads through out Jamaica. Thirteen persons were drowned by the upsetting ot a ferry boat on the Thames. London, on the 21st "Weight for the wagon," sang the fat lady? Brigham Young was to have been married last night Christmas eve. Refined kerosene is offered at ten cents per gallon st Oil City, Pa. 09 P n B m s H9 i N J 1 IK V o 0 1 V p ! CD GO OJ S- H CD J ! CD tk U February 18-S4V4 oo 3 m riKi. rmrmm & 2 s W I 1 I 1 75 i i p - I JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OKfWOX. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO elicek at sight. Interest allowed on tlmedcposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collection made and promptly remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbctt, Henry Failing, W.&Ladd. Bunking honrs from S A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-22vS Something New In Dentistry. DB. K. O. MMITII, DEHTINT, TTASLIX'ATEDIN ALBA- AJ. nv. and lias the new in vciitinn In mate work. which consists in inserting teeth in the month without covering the whole roof, as heretofore. It gives the wearer the wearer the free use of the tongue to the roof of the mouth in talking and tasting. It is Iho Smith & Purvine patent. Teeth extracted without pain. Plates mended, whether broken or divided. Bar Office First st reef, east of Con net's Bank (up stairs!, Albany, Oregon. 7vi A. YV. GAMBLE, H. D., Physician. Surgeon, etc. OFFICE AST RESIDENCE- At the late residence of John C. Henden hall, near the Foundry, First street, Albany. October 22, M73y JOHN SCHMEER, DKALEK IK Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First street, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To bacco. Ac, to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, 4c. Call and see mo. JOHN SCHMEER. TURXIXCi. r AM PREPARED TO IK) ALL KINDS 1 of turning ; keep on hand and make to order rawhide-bottomed chairs, Ac. shop near the Mills and Hosiery, Jefferson , Ore gon. Branch shop near ''Magnolia Mills," Allmny, where orders for chairs, turning, c, can be left. JOHN M. METZLKU Jefferson , Atlg. S, 1D7S PETERS & SPEIDEL, MA.M MITIBEB8 OF Carriages & Wagons, Of Kvery Descriptiou, ALB AW, OREGON. MANUFACnTRB TO ORDER ANY and all styles of Wagons, Carriages, Hacks, Ac., at as reasonable rates as the use of g wu mm t-i uu nun urBl'-vnm WOTK Will 1US tify. ' Repairing neatly and expeditiously done at low rates. Shop on Ferry between First and Second streets. PETERS A SPEIDEL. Albany, March 7, 187S-27 Notice. OREGON A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company. Und Department, Portland Oregon. April 5, WTl-Notlce is hereby given, that a vigorous prosecution will be Diftitnted against any and every person who trespasses upon any Railroad Land, by eiittingand removing flmbertherefrom ta?i!5eLfe.iolIOHT,f ,he Compa ny AND PAID tOR. All vacant Land In odd nnmbered sec tions, whether surveyed or unsnrveyed, within a dlatenee of thirty miles from the line of the road, belongs to the Company. I. R. MOORE8, Latitl Agent. i Wnll9A .J1? tl! AH fll!AV classes of wortrrat people, of either sex, voung or old. make more mon y work for as In their snare moment. orsH the ttoe, !ha"ythlngls. far T. W. HAKR1S. II. J. BOVOHTOK. IIABBJn BOVOHTON, Physicians and Surgeons, ALBANY, OREOON. OFFICE-OVER A. CAROTHERSAWs Drug store. Residence of Dr. Harris- Fonrtli-st., four blocks west of the Court House. Resident) of Dr. Boughton -Opposite Dr. Tate, on Third street. novltTS W. C. TWEEDALE DEALER IK Groceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY. OREOON. WILL STRIVf TO KEEP THE REST of goals in my line, ami tril at the fmc et living ratet. Call ami n -. UrS HKKBl F. KAYBS, General Business. Insnrauce Agent. Notar yj? ixlbllo . SPECLiL ATTENTION' given to tlie ad judication of accounts. Collections made In all parts of the State. Office next door above Bee Hive Store, First street, Albany, Oregon. v5nS0 J. W. BALDWmT Attorney and Counselor at Law, WHX PRACTICE l.V ALL THE Courts in the 2d, 3d and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in tho Supreme Court of Oregon, and In the V. S. District and Circuit Courts. OFWPE-In Parrish brick, (up stairs), in office occupied by the late X. II. Cranor, First street, Alliany, Oregon. toSve D. M. JONES. J. LINSKY HILL. UrSKi HILL, PHYSICIANS AND SOSOEONS, ALBANY, OREliOX. S7vi Bit. steeLew MEDICAL WOKDER! CURES ALL INTERNAL AND EXTER nal Aches and Pains; Purldes the Blood: Regulates the Liver ; Cures Agnes and bad Colds. Dont be without it Sold by Druggists, ihiili LEFFEL A DIVERS' WaterWheels SPHEKICAL FLUMES, And Ueneral Mill Haehutery. J. F. BACKEXSTO, Agent, 51vS Albany, Oregon. a. H. HICK, a. !., Surgeon & Phjslclan. Flist street, lietween Ferrv uiiltilltin . ... ra.i.i.i and Brniidalbin. Street, two blocks belOW or east of Metho dist C hnrch, Alliany, Oregon. vSntO jPiles Piles' WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot bo cured, when so many evidences of success might 1h' placed before you every dav cures of supposed hopeless eases Your physician informs you that thclongeryou allow the complaint to exist, you lessen your chances for relief. A'ijWicnce A aught this in all rasex. A. Carothera A Co. Pile Pill and Ointment are all they are recommended to bp Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles in a very short I i irie, and are nmwnirnt u, usr This preparation is sent by mail or ex PfSto any point within the United States at II SO jier package. Address, A. CAROTHER8 A CO., "vS Box J3, AlSany, Oregon. J. C POM' ELL. L. FMNN POWELL Ac FLIXM, Attorney and Counselors at Law AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY (L. Fl nn notary public), Alliany, Oregon, Uillcctions and conve)-anccs promptly at tended to. 1 Albany Book Store. J!fO. FOSHAV, DEALER IN MISCELLANEOU8BOOK8, School Bcks, Blank Books, Stat Ionei v Fancy Articles, Ac. 1 llooks imported to order, at shortest pos sible notice. ' v5n30 DR.CiEO. wTGRAY, DENTIST, ALBANY, OBBBOll. OFFICE IN PARRISH BRICK BIXK;K. comer First and Ferry streets. Resl" denec- Corner Fifth and Ferry streets. Office hours from 8 to 12 o'clock a. m.. nnd 1 to S o'clock p. m. 1KV4 EPIZOOTICS DIWTAiVCED. THE BAT TEAM 8TIIX LITEM, A ND IS FLOURISHING LIKE A Okeek . i-v. tTee- Thankful for past favors, and wishing to merit the continuance ot the same, the BAY TEAM will always lie reiifly, and easily fonnd, to do any liaiiling within the city limits, for a reasonable compensation, 6&D ellvery ofUood a Specialty. A. N. ARNOLD - Proprietor FOR SALE ! rpHE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS & MOWERS. Halae Header, (Wood's Improved.) CooallUroT Indiana rams Wag. The Emel and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines on the coast. Mar JPlowa, and other machines Csil.see.and get price and term before buying elsewhere, Sf my Blacksmith Shop, corner Seeoad and Ellsworth sts., Albany, vsm" riAEK WOOD. ADVKKT1SEJ1 ENTS. MARBLE WORKS. MONROE &. STAICsEH, Dealers in Monunents, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Fool Si one. Executed in California, Vermont and Italian Marble. SALEM, OREGON. BBAXCH SHOP AT ALBANY. CSLEMAN'SS cy of Br. J S. (oleman'a Coiunound hxtract of Eucalyptus can lie desired, than the following summary of cases, treated with this remedy alone, by that eminent Shvslelan, Dk. Da vi n Wis sti c, in the U. . Marine Hospital, San Francisco, reiort ed In the Amrust No. HS74I Parwc Mid. JottrniU: BSIIdhMI UPNSCaiS ?r at Cases Treated. (Mrnl. Im'il. Resnlttenl ever S ff Chills and Fever IV 19 Typhoid Fever 9 9 Innant. ofKMney 4 3 1 ninretla 19 7 3 Ineontlncncc olT'rlne S S Ntrleture 6 4 a Inflam. or Bladder 27 SS 9 Blennorhngla IS 10 2 Maenscorthelleai-t.. 7 7 Dysentery 4 3 1 Chroulr Diarrbwa. . . . 12 9 4 Gonorrnera m 15 D,DS3!'i--, das Completely corrobo atlve of the above, are Hie reports of the expen'ments with Eucalyptus by Pp. Lorrimer, of Berlin Prussia, and Dr. Heeler. Chief Physician of the Austrian Railway Co.. published in the An. MM. Jour. Jniy, 1872. It will be found very efficacious in obsti nate cases of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis. Hack ing Cough. Chronic Sore throat, Leiicor rlica, etc., and in nausea during pregnan- "r.lMimss Double . ui r.ueniyp- ireaimenioi HA i l( and ABVK, and is warranted to cure every case treated Sti8SP Becoming to directions, 7 rSrl 4 u-ithmit il... I..;..i... nine and arsenical rem edies for that disease. Also pure flnid ex tract of Eucalyptus, in one pound bottles, for physicians' use Beware of imitations, and take none hut Coleman's. For sale everywhere, and by Hodge C'sletACo., Druggists, Portland. Agents for Oregon. v5n39y C4f Xpl The standaitl remedy for Cons;h, In flneusa. litre Throat, Whooping (tough, Croup, Lh'tr Complaint, BroneMis.Blinling of the Lungs, and everv affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including CtW 8CM1TI0N. W totar's Balsam of Wild Cherry does not dry up a Cough, but loosens It , cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of tne.complaint . None genuine nnless signed I. Rrrrs. Prepared by Sftii W. Fowls A Sons, Bos ton. Sold by BBDINGTON, HOSTKftKB A Co.. San Frimcls -o, and by dealers gen erally. UvSy REWABlf FOB AN IncoroMe Case! X DR. Lfc RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM! Aft r t u vsars' trial on this Toast has proves if sell ths only cuntivs In s certain class 1 r disease, pronounced by Dieaicai prscunoD ers as Incurable. Dr.Lelicban's GOLDEN BALSAM No. i cures Chancres first and second ages, Sore on the Legs or Body; Sore Ears, Eyes, Ross, c.j Copper-colored Blok-bes, SyphiUtie Catarrh, niseased Scslp, and all priiisry forms of the disease known as Syphilis. Pries, 5 pw bot tle, or two tor $9. Dr.LsBichaa's GOLDEN BALSAM He. 2 cares Ternary, Morcurlal, Syphilitic Rheums, tism, Pains in the Bones, Barkof Its Keck, t'l, canted Bora Throat, Byrhllitio Rash. Lumps sad Contracted Cords, BtiUhew of the Limbs, and eradicates all diseases horn the system, whether caused by Indiscretion or abase of msrenry-lesving the blood par and bssshy. Price, 15 per bottle, or two for 9. Dr. Le Bichae's GOLDEN SPANISH AN- ttdote, for the Core of Gonnorhoss, Gleet, bit- uravei, ana au unuaiy cr uswiai Rtee, fa.w per notue. Sr. Le liekan'i GOLDEN SPANISH IN- taction, wash and injection tor severe case ot GoanorhoM, Inflammatory Gleet, Sttlc tares, and all diseases of the Kidneys sad Bladder. Price, I1JW per bottle. AIm Aetata tor Di. IE KlOEATrB OOLDEH l lor seminal wessons, mgn smu. Inpotancy. and all diseases atisao from SAd SI salve souses. Price. IS The senoine Gouts Baiaui Is pat p mly to rosbottles. V nevm a VK.i ii'ii.ii MHiim. wtu to all part ot n conesry By i C. W. RICHARDS 4 00. mar tuuu.Tr trim m