i,albany register. V. H. Offlelal rpT for Oregon. SATURDAY, DEC. 27. 1873. EDITORIAL NOTCH. General J. Gonzales has been elected President of the Republic of San Do mingo. The first move of the new administration will probably be to an nul the Samana lease. Speaking of the gold product of the future in California, the Alta contends that, instead of the mines being "play ed out," mining interests have liardly commenced. The gravel beds of tliat State alone, although as yet but little U known as regards their extent, it Is estimated, are capable of yielding from $12,000,000 to $100,. 000,000 per an num for five or six hundred years to come. Velly good. Sheriff Bratman, of New York, and his. deputy. Shields, have got them selves into trouble through iguoring an order of the Court to confine oue Genet in the Tombs until sentence was pronounced. The order was not obey ed, and Genet escaped. Brennau and Gibbs can now condole oneanother. It is announced that Gen. Sickles has resigned, ami that hU resignation has been accepted. Says the telegrams, a lengthy writ ten opinion, font by Attorney-General Williams to the Secretary of State, as serts that the Viryiuiu. at the time of her capture, had no right to carry the American flag, aud that her registra- tration was in fraud of the Uuited States. Ou the 22d the wite of Alex. Agassiz. son of the late professor, died of pneumonia, superinduced by fatigue caused by waiting upon her father-in law during bis illness. On the 2d the Pope of Rome deliv ered an allocution and appointed fcweive Ordinals. Ou the 17th die fog overhanging New York citr was so dense that sev eral ferries had todiecontinue running, the danger of colliding being so great. Many accidents occurred, as the fog was impenetrable. Complete official returns make the majority for the adoption of the .new Constitution of Pennsylvania, 145,160. Advices from Washington in regard to Judge Williams' confirmation as Chief Justice, are some what contradic tory. One is to the effect that the President has stated emphatically that his nomination would not be with drawn, and that be never contempla ted such a thing. On the other band it Is said that Williams will request the President after toe holidays, to withdraw bis nomination, fearing de feat. While we know that every means known to hoodlum tactics will be resorted to to defeat Judge Will iams, we still hope that all their false swearing, misrepresentation and down right lying will only leooii on the heads of the authors, and that he may soon don the robes of an office he is go well qualified to fill with honor and (listuieuished credit to himself and country the Chief Justiceship. Senator Mitchell, thus early in the session of Congress, has given evidence of the manner in which bis time is to be employed, and the way he intends fulfilling his promises to the people of Oregon. He has already introduced in the Senate several bills of the greatest importance to the in terests of Oregon. Among them we tnay mention one to construct canal and locks at the Cascades and Dalles of the Columbiaa work of the ut most importance to Eastern Oregon, opening up free' navigation on that river harbor of refuge at Port. Or fbfdj an tot to enforce payment of Indian spoliation claims; an act to improve the Willamette a&d Yamhill rivers another important matter, in the trnness of which Use entire State 1 i iuterestedjan act to open Grand Roadeud 8Uejtz reservations to settie imt; an c providing for the erec tion of MMai Portland,- an, fkteaJimittttf presemptlon rights oh timbered la fact Chat he has been hounded ever since his election, with a spite and ma lignity hitherto supposed to belong only to fiends incarnate, he has gone to work in earnest to procure snch leg islation as the State stands most in need ot, and as will realize the largest returns to the general good. As an indication that Senator Mitchells' abil ities are duly recognized in Washing ton, we see that be occupies positions on three of the most important Senate committees. With Mitchell to repre sent us in the Senate, Oregon may ex pect every aid from the General Gov ernment that ability, zeal and hard work can obtain. But while Mitchell is exerting every energy to advance the interests of Oregon and the wel fare of her people, a ring of soreheads in Portland are doing all that black hearted malignity, without scruple or conscience, can invent to injure his in fluence in the Senate, and to create a feeling of distrust among the people of thisState. This persecution, which has been prosecuted in season and out of season, emanated and Is kept up en tirely by a clique in Portland, at the bead of which is Judge Deady. Out side of this ring there is no feeling against Mitchell in the Stale. The Oregonim, in iimtation of the policy adopted by Bush years ago in this State, is fast succeeding in convincing the people that it is not controlled by principle, but simply by its hates; that it is not, nor has not been for months past, a Republican paper, but is labor ing with might and main to defeat and utterly destroy Republicanism and build up Democracy, using every and all means to that end. Can such a traitorous sheet have influence with honest men? FOUNDRY. JOB PRINTING. ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill Machin ery, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IROJf AWD BRASS CASTIXeN. Particular attention raid to rvnairinir all kinds of machinery. 41 vj DRUGS, ETC. George H. Williams. The In dianapolis Journal says of George H. Williams, in an article on his nomina tion for the Chief Justiceship : Thus far he has proved himself equal to the requirements of every position to which he has been called, and there is no reason to believe that he will be found unequal to the demands of the place to which he is now assigned. His judgment is excellent. He rarely makes mistakes. He is self-reliant, without being arrogant self-asserting, without, rendering himself obnoxious to those with whom he is brought into contact His integrity has never been questioned. W Iu spite of die Polygamy. The nineteenth wite of Brighara Young has given two lec tures in Denver, both fully reported in the Denver papers. The .Yeirs closes its report of the second lecture as fol lows: The lecture was listened to by the audience with bated breath, the words sinking deep into every heart and evi dently leaving a lasting impression regarding the infamies of the horrible system under which it was her misfor tune to be raised. Mrs. Young tells facts that have come tinder her per sonal observation, and her story is one which illustrates the condition of thou sands of plural wives in the land of polygamy. After the lecture a large number of ladies ant! gentlemen crowded about the lectures, complimenting her on her success in her undertak ing and mission. All were highly charmed with her personal appearance, her quiet demeanor and unassuming manner winning iter many friends. She received all kindly and cordially. and, although a novice in the matter of receptions and public handshak ings, passed the ordeal very creditably. Tweed as an Author. Tweed is writing a history of his lite. He in tends to publish it. He has told his friends that his purpose is to give an inner history of his memorable reign in the polities of New York. He has been treated shabbily by his old con federates. They have abandoned and denounced him as a thief. They go about, as the Times says, repudiating all connection with him. But there is aflutter among them as they learn that Tweed is resolved to write and publish. He will tell, it is skid, all about the manner in which Tammany's business was done; how Legislatures were bought, bow Judges were han dled; how the public revenues were stolen and who were the principals, agents and instruments in the work. If it GEO. F. SETTLEMIE R, DRUGGIST, (Successor to P. W. Wakefield), ParrlNh'tt Sew Building, Flrat Street, ALBANY, OREGON. f Dealer in DRUGS AND MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC All articles warranted pure, and of the best quality. Physicians prescrintlons carefully com pounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 1866tf A. (MOTHERS & CO. Dealers tn- is stated that Tweed, just before going to prison, wrote a number of letters to bis old associates, warning them that if he was to remain in the place to which he was going "he would soon have company there." These ominous words, the Times says, were not misunderstood by those to whom they were sent. And that paper adds that they by no means convey an idle Emperor WJWm, of Germany, ha had a sHghuttttfctf apnpieisf . I (HEXH AM, OILA, PAINTS, DYES ULASK, LAMP, ETC., All the popular PATENT MEDICINES, FINE CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PEMPCMEHY, and Toilet : Ctooda. Particular care and promptness given Physicians' prescriptions and Family Rcc I pea. A. CAROTHERS ft CO. Albany, Oregon-4vS Murder In Albany HAS NEVER YET BEEN KNOWN, AND no threatening of it at present. Death la a thing which sometime must befall every son and daughterof the human fam ily ; and yet, At the Mid-day, Of yonr life, if disease lays his vile hands upon you, there is still "a llm in Gilead," by which you may be restored to perfect health, and prolong your days to a miracu lous extent. By calling on R. C. HILL & SON, With a prescription, where yon can have it compounded by one experienced in that particular line. Also, constantly on hand a good assortment of fresh drags, patent medicine, chemicals, paints, oils, dye- stnrra, trusses, etc. Agenw tor ine 4 Ylrbrnt l'nfc Weed Kenedy, Or, Oregon Rheumatic Cure ; Dr. D. Jayne A Sons' medicines, etc. Spencers Positive and Negative Powders kept in stock. Also agents for the Hone MnrtUe H, wing machine, One of the most nsefn pieces of household furniture extant. Call and examine. R. C. HILL A SON. Albany, June 10, 7MOv3 Notice. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Linn County Agricultural Association: There will he a meeting of the 8tockkold era of the Linn County Agricultural Amq Ciation at the Pacinc Opera House, In At- foiie,lWi)werfielecM to serve lor one year, or until their Sonde beaatetedaadtMaft bau-ihii 1 W. W. Pa, TITTH ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AND HAND PRESSES, Latest and most Desirable Styles of Printing Material. Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When yon wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels DRY GOODS, ETC. OB tr e m m 1 1 w a 3 i - 3 ft . 8a? 12.2 SB" 2 5 P H PIS GG ? i rr 6 W 3 i y t Z 2 i MI - A BOO " I H ea a. "3. 5 B CD 9 - r mow M e W IS -a? St" H e si H i 0 e 1 S3 H ft H 2 hi n l7 l. ? ? 3 rt 5 M , .a H .V 3 51 9 S Hi (S - M i i 1 s n m 0 9 ft Q 0 WATCTIES-JE W ELR. J. D. TITPS. J. B. TITt S. But why particularize, when it gen erally acknowledged that we are ON IV When it come under the hcwl CHAS. BOVWJAHDBJ. TITUS, B0U86ARDES 4 CO,, DKALKKS IN A0 JEWELRY, Silver & Plated Ware, and DIAMOND SPECTACLES. MANUFACTURED AND ADJL'STKn especially for thb Pacitio C'oart by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz : Pacific, California and San Francfceo WATCH, and we most confidently rec ommend them to the puMic.ns posaesSinif S'!aI1.,,le8 for I"408 than any other Watch In the market. We alno keen nil nt hr I Waltham aud Swins Watches, (ilocks, Jew! elry, SUver an d Plated Ware, -Axao AmVtm tp aae n, on MA nlT j .'Kioai Pistols and Cartridges. Repairing a Specialty. . r AH Work Done anil Geo nwranwa to Be as Henreaeoted. tltai, Boargardet ft ., AT JOHN OAKMSHl OLD STAKU.