ALBANY REGISTER. I'. . official Paper tor SATURDAY, DEC. 20, 187.1. The Wool. Hakket. Boston ad vices quote wool Arm. with a demand from inanutaeturers. some ipec latlve inquiry . The wool on hand is barely adequate to the demand, and with tlie resumption of work by mills, now lying idle hot soon to resume, and the great revival of business which Is now confidently anticipated, there will be a scarcity of wool before the season closes, and a consequent ad vance in prices. - A SroGESnoN. In view of tlie tightness of the Government exche quer, brought about by the prepara tions for whatever might turn up in tbe Cuban affair, and the payment of the $20,000,000 indebtedness, we sug gest that Congressmen show their pat riotism by refunding all "back pay." and donating their pay as Congressmen for the next year to the Government. However, we expect if they should act on this advice very few of them, Indi vidually, would ever return to specie payments. -i . - Scbkemehed. Tlie Virginiwt was s irrendered to Capt Whitney of the steam yacht Dispatch, on the morning of the 17th, at Bahla Honda. The vessel was in a very filthy condition and was leaking considerably when surrendered. It would seem that this Government has escaped a costly war by simply showing the necessary nerve and determination to be treated on the "dead thieving square" by Spain. A j threat from Uncle Samuel, nowa days. Is sufficient to bring tbe best of them to their milk. Cuban Slavery. The question of human bondage, as It now exists in Cuba, is agitating the mother country, Spain. The Government Is deter mined to bring the matter before the Cortez for action, but desires the slave-owners ot Cuba to suggest some plan to certainly abolish slavery with out Injuring tlie agricultural interests of the Island. If the friends of tbe butchered Frey, Verona and Ryan could have tbe privilege of interview ing them (the Cuban slave owners) for n few minutes, tlie abolishment of slave masters wou'd be accomplished right speedily ou that island. While discussing the terrible cor ruption and fraud practised by Repub licans during' the last election, for which the Oregontan only of all the j Democratic papers in the State pos sesses the patent right, would It not be well for that journal to tell the waiting public how much a certain aspirant for Senatorial honors, then claiming to be a Republican, paid for a single vote to enable him to secure his election as such United States Sen rtor; and at tlie same time explain by what trick he succeeded in keeping out of the penitentiary after having com mitted so flagrant a crime ? A journal claiming such exalted purity and hon esty should not forego such an oppor tunity of proving its sincerity in sbow- l"g ""Jr" $n P1""! Was It $800, as generally stated, or wa it more? Stephens, of Georgia, delivered a speech in the House tlie other day, defending che salary grab and advocat ing a still greater increase of pay. The C'onntitiUiun, a paper in which he is half owner, denounces the salary grab and all the Northern members who took it and demands that they rote for its repeal. Stephens will have to reconstruct his paper or himself. We believe Judge Williams will be confirmed as Chief Justice, In spite of all the Res and disreputable means ewployed by tbe trio of soreheads in Portland, however loud they may toot l heir tin whistles. Honesty and worth must and will prevail over their oppo jsites. H.utv. The filiation of officers nf Buyley Chapter. R. A. M.. came of Tbnrwlnr night, and was a pleas ant cruitf to all in attendance. the Span- Following is from the report of pro ceedings in Congress on the 12th Inst: The House went Into Committee of the Whole and took up the bill ap propriating 4, 000, 000 for extraordina ry expense of the naval service. " In the course of discussion Cox criticised the course of the Adminlstre tlon in the Virginius matter, and made som reflections upon tlie appar ent temper of tlie House on the sub ject. JIawley replied in a sharp speech, in which he paid a high tribute to the dignified and conservative course of the Administration in (the matter, saying that, nothing that Grant ever did. from the time Tie left West Point until he passed through the Wilderness and came into the Presidency, did him more honor than the patient firm ness with which he lias faced the Snish difficulty, and settled it to the satisfaction of all Breck also took occasion to eulogize the Administration for its course on Cuban affairs, saying It there was any thing the President luid managed well it was the negotiations with Spain. The President might have plunged tlie country into difficulties, and per haps have aggrandized himself at tlie exjiense of tlie country . but the course he had pursued nad been extremely moderate. The discussion was carried on for some time longer, when the committee arose and reported the bill to the House, and it was passed. The Democrat asks the Ongonim to throw off all disguise, all hypocrisy, and come out boldly as a Democratic organ. Will the Oregontan act on the advice? Not much. Should it come out boldly and acknowledge that all Its sympathies have been and are now with the Democratic party the patron age which now sustains it would be cut off and sudden death would be its portion. The policy of its master and owner is to claim allegiance to the Re- publican party ; swear eternal love for the principles and tenets of the party so that the persistent and cowardly attacks it is daily waging upon it may have the desired effect of creating dis cord and inharmony in its nfnks. California. On the 18th the vote for U. 8. Senator in tlie California Legislature stood : Booth 56, Farley 41, Sliafter 21, Pendegast 1. By the absence of Higbie (Independent), from sickness, Booth loses one vote. The Or(pn(an asks Snyder, ot the Reporter, if lie don 't want to buy a dog. If Snyder does want to buy, and the Oregoniau man is for sale, Snyder couldn't invest in a cur of more reus ability than the Oregontan man. The Ditch Surprised. The tele gram brings a rumor that the Acheens had made a night attack on the Dutch forces, completely surprising them, and tnat a heavv tattle fougnt A-cheen! Tire Sigma Phi Societt Give one of their pleasing literary entertain ments on Tuesday evening next, at the Chanel ol the Albany Institute. This Society never falls to please and entertain theiraudlences. Admission, 50c; children under twelve years, half price. The Aesthetics Society, we came near omitting to mention, of the same Institute, will lend their aid in making the occasion a success. A Love Affair. The Oregoniau is In love with the Democrat, if we may hollovp the naaertfnna nf tlie editor nf the latter. Good. Now let the twain marry, and "damned be be who first cries, hold, enough !" . . Conciliation. It is announced that conflicting interests in the Spanish Cortes liave been conciliated, and the establishment of the Castelar Govern ment assured. Rumor has It that Deady is writing those bitter personal articles against Judge Williams that appear dally In the Oregontan. If the rnmor be true, Deady should be invited to resign the office he is disgracing. The collection in New York at the Evangelical Alliance on Sunday night, for the families of Profs. Pronior and Corrosco, lost on tlie Vf lie de Havre, amounted to $10,000. The Aflmiiilotratloii and lh Ouellou. ! The Sixth Visit. The steamer Edgar Stuart, having succeeded la landing five cargoes of men and arms upon the Island of Cuba, is new fitting , m at Baltimore for the sixth run. FOITXDRY. ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw 91111 Tliu liiii- cry, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kind- of IRON AMI BRANS (ACT1MJS. Particular at tention paid to repairing all Kinas oi machinery. ivs DRUGS, ETC. GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield), Parriah'a New Building First Street ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer In DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC All articles warranted pnre, and of the beat quality. Physicians prescriptions carefully com pounded. Albany, Oct. 17, 1868tf A. CAROTHERS & CO., -Dealers in t IILMN AIM, OILS, PAINTS, l VIS SLASH, LAMPS," ETC., All the popular PATEVT MEDICINES, FINE CPTLKKY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PEHFVHERY, and Toilet! Ctoeda. Particular care and promptness given Physicians' proscriptions find Family Rec lues. Albany, Oregon-4v5 Murder in Albany HASNEVER YET BEEN KNOWN, AND ho threatening of it at present. Death Is a thing which sometime mnst befall every son and daughterof the human fam ily ; and yet, At the Mid-day, Of yonr life, If disease lays his vile hands npon you, there is still "a bulm in Gilead," by watch you may te restored to perfect health, and prolong your days toa miracu lous extent. By calling on R. C. HILL A SON, With a prescription, where you can have It compounded by one experienced in that particular line. Also, constantly on hand a good assortment of freah drags, patent medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc. Agen ts for Uie Celebrated Ink Weed Remedy, Or. Oregon Rheumatic Cnre; Dr. D. Jayne A Sons' medicines, etc. Spence's Positive and Negative Powders kept tn stock. Also agents for tbe Home Shuttle Settlor Machine, One of the most aaef ul pieces of household furniture extant. Call and examine. B. CHILL 4 SON. Albany, Jnne 10, 7V40v Notice. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OP THE MnMfVnfttB i..i.l.inl 1 .1 There will be a meeting of the stockhold- era or tne uownry Agricultural Asso- f for the parpote of electing Seven Directors to serve for one year, or until their succes sors are etoeted and qualified. " C P. BVSKHART, W. W. rABKom, te. . fn JOB PRINTING. ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE Wrni NEW AND FAST POWER AND HAND PRESSES, Latest and most Desirable St)ie of Printing Material, Is undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels But why particularize, when it Is gen erally acknowledged that we are ON IT When it comes under the bead nrOoma to w w, one DRY GOODS, ETC. H t V 9 9 m 9 & 2 O ST e S - ra 1? Oft so 5c a m 111 mm V 0 9 Jh 9L M m I I S i B B ft - III ?2H te 9 J If 3 ICf 3 i o ft U I I I . mm 9 m to m HI - I 4 jmm m fl Urn. C3 i S til r H e r j oi St ft s 2 motto H WATCHES JE WELRY. J. D. TITUS. j. h. rm-H CHAfl. BOUROAKDK8. TITOS, BOUR&ARDES I CO., DEALERS IN WaftAefcCloftki. JEWELRY, Silver & Plated Ware, and DIAMOND SPECTACLES. r A N U FACTUUKI) ANP ADJUSTKP . mpivmuf ior me rociflc Coast by the NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Klgln, Illinois, viz: Pacific, California and San Franctoeo WATCH, and wo most confidently too ommend tliem to the public, as poMesSlnii more ennd qualities for the price than any other Watch tn the market. We al Keep all other brands of Elirtn Walllmm and Swlas Watches, Clocks, Jaw elry, SUvorand Plated Wure, ALSO- Pistols and Cartridge. tSff" Jtepalrlng a Specialty, jl NTAI1 Work Hone and OoMat Bold, Warranted to be aa Hepreeente. Tltun, Boargardes 4c Co., AT JOHN OANTKIt'H OLD 8TAKD, nntitieet, ALBANT, OSBfJO mm 5 9 0 x O (j! J: 8 1 ..a i a 9 So 4 WTB