ALBANY REISTER. 4tattj Agister. LOCAL MATTERS. IHWfr OFFICE REGTOTEH. MAILS akrive: From Railroad (north and southl'daily Ut I2.S0 P. U. From Corvallls, daily, at 10.30 a. m. From Lebanon, trl-weekly, (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 10.30 A. m. mails depart: For Railroad 'north and m.Ull), daily, )OSe prompt at 11 a. m. For Corvallls, daily.ut 1.50 p. m. For Lebanon, trl-weekly, (Monday, Wed nesday and Friday) at 2 p. m. Office hours from 7 A. K, to 8 P. M. Sunday, from -l M. to P. M. Money order office hours from () a. m. to (1P.M. P, H. RAYMOND, r.M. The Stl l.HM E lt is issued twice each week Wednesday and Saturday mornings) it the low price of three dollars per year, in advance. Call at the office, comer of First and Ferry streets, and subscribe. Council Meets to-morrow night. Regular meeting, Tuesday evening. Owing to rmwellnes8 we have been unable to devote the usual attention to this Issue of the REGISTER. THAWING h what's the matter now. V eather warm, streaked with sunshine and clouds. A Ti'RKKV Setting on top of Tax ton's photograph gallery, on Wednes day morning, created much excite ment nmong the boys. Canal. The Canal Company have paid out thirty-seven thousand dollars for the work done so far. W'i OLEN Mill. Articles of incorpo ration for the erection of a woolen mill will be placed on file in a day or two. Capital stock, ffj0,000. This Is business. Si ri-Eit. The J. E. Sunday School people are to have a grand blow out at the l'acttc Opera House on Christmas eve, we learn. A committee of young ladies are already making the necessa ry arrangements. BEE1GIOU9. Meetings continue nightly at the M. E. Church, and con siderable interest has been awakened. Rev. Mr. Driver preaches this even ing. He is probably the most eloquent divine of the Methodist Church on the Pacific coast. Pictures. Mr. Paxton, ever ahead oi all others, is taking a new style of picture, which some prefer to any of the other styles. The large photo graph of Father Douthitt, executed by Paxton. for the Odd Fellows Lodge of this city, is one of the most complete and perfectly finished pictures we have ever seen. As an artist Paxton takes the lead on this coast or any other. Personal. Tim. Davenixirt, of Silverton, wife and baby, were in the city on Tuesday. Hamilton Boyd, insurance man of Portland, was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. Alexander Is still seriously ill at his farm, some nine or ten miles from this city. His lrlends feel quite anxious about him. Mrs. F. M. Westfall is lying very sick at her residence in this city. Elder Alfred Powell has removed from tills city to Halsey. .Settle. Considerable more than half the earnings of the Register, for two years past, still remain unpaid. If other bills are as hard to collect as j are the printers, we don't wonder at the grumbling to be heard on every hand. There would seem to be no good reason why this state ot affairs should exist. We would much prefer that those who are indebted to us would pay up and quit, rattier than continue their flattering "promises." Business is business, and those (lint pay us are our best friends. If we re ceive the money due us we can pay tliose we owe but unless we do re ceive our earnings, we must suffer unnumbered dunnings without the t- .... power to ptingie. i nw shikj n whp ; lias existed long enovtKh our patieuce txsase with the new year. DIED. In this city, leoember 13th, 1873, ABaoail, wife of Elder Alfred Fowell, In her 05th year. In purcheuhing a machine tried the moil pop ular NEW TK5I tllIS! HAMS Or LAW TEAR. THK STATISTICS FROM SWORN RK turns of the Sales of Sewing Machines in 187, (reported In 1873), show that ttte Singer manufacturing Company sold, last year, over F( RTY-FlvK THOCSANDmore machines than ANY ot her Company, and over one ouartef of all machines sold dur ing that year. Nine out of ten of said Singer Machines were for FAMILY use proving popularity of the Singer In the household. Annexed are the Sales of the different makers: M At'H f NES. The Singn- Manuav'f Co. Sold 'H9 7HH. Wheeler Wilson MTV Co.. ..Sold 174,088 Ilowe Machine t'o. (estimated). " 145,(100 Grover & Itakcr S. M. Co " 52,010 Domestic S. M. Co " tt.Kl Weed S. M. Co 42,444 Wilcox & (ilhhs S. M. Co " 33,639 Wilson S. M. Co " KJB8 Amer. B. H. O. 8 M. Co " 18.1)30' Cold Medal S. M. Co " 18,897 Florence S. M. Co " 15,93 TITCS, B01TR(;ARDES A Co., Agents, Albany, Or. Also, all kinds of machine needles kept for sale. novl5y73 A. c. p. novoE. C. B. WHEFXEK. A. WHEELER ft CO., SIIEDD, OREGON, Forwarding&Commiss'ii Merchants. Dealers in Merchandise and Produce. A good assortment of all kinds of Goods al ways in storo at lowest market rates. Agents for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills, Cider Mills, Churns, Ac., Ac. CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, PORK, BITTER, EGGS and POULTRY. SPECIAL CARLE DISPATCH. From the World's Fair Vienna. Austria, Aug. 20, 73 W. G. Wilson. Esq., President Wilton Seicing Much ine Company, Clee land, Ohio: The Wilson Sewing Ma chine received the Grand Prize Med al for being the Best Sewing Machine, and a Grand Prize (medal of honor) was awarded to the Wilson Sewing Machine Co. for manufacturing sewing machines in the best manner, from the liest material, and by the best known mechanical principles. These cele brated machines ar now on exhibition and for sale at the store of lltf. BLAIN, YOUNG & CO. AKW TO-DAY. "ClfYHviARKET, W. II. MESDENIIALL, PKOPK. Will Endeavor to be always suimlied with the best meats to be had in the market, and will he ever ready- to accommodate those who may favor him with a call. 27v6 FRANKLIN iftohw MEAT MARKET FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, WILL ENDEAVOR TO KEEP CON stantly on liand a full supply of ALL KINDS OF MEATS, Whfeh will be of the very best quality. The highest market price paid for beeves, hnrtand sheen. Third door west of Ferry, on south side of First street. J. Albany, Dee. 15, 1S71-15V4 In HARRIS. Special Notice. 'V H E UNDERSIGNED HAVING SOLD 1 out their entire interest in tne iiaru ..r.imi hnalnlMd nli In tills I'ilr trt MASAI'S Clark Wyatt, request those Indebted to them to call at the old stand and square accounts. tt. ai'u. 4-u. Allwny, Dec. 3, 187S-2W Notice. nno THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE A Linn County Agricultural Association: Thcrewlllbeaiiiectlnir of the stockhold ers of the Linn County Agricultural Asso ciation at the Pacific Opera House. In Al bany, Linn)nnty,Orcon,on Thursday, Jnnimry 1st, 174, at 1 oVIock P. Iff , for the purjioso of elcctln Seven Directors to serve lor one year, or mini men suots sol's are elected anil qualified. fj. P. RUKKHART, W. W. Parrih, Sec Pres. MISCELLANEOUS. rtntMt:ie HAM.! ALBANY ENGINE COMPANY NO. 1 will give a-- GRAND BALL! IK ALBANY, AT TILE PACIFIC OPERA HOUSE, NEW TEARS EVE, Deo. 81, 1873. COMMITTER Or ARBANOEMKNTS JA8. nERREN, WM. TALLY, WM. BENJAMIN, UKO. CLINK, JOE WEBBER. KH;irTiiwiwn'' M v bbown, a. n. ARNOLD, N. BAUM. FLOOR COMMTfTSK t WM. BENJAMIN, N. B. II I ' MP 1 1 UK V, L. KLINE. WM. TALlYV J.RHERREN, GEO. CLINK. A general Invitation Is extended. Fire men are requested to appear In uniform. TICKETS (Including roppor at tho St. Char Hotel) ft MISCELLANEOUS. Only about a Hulf Dozen MITCHELL WAGONS left at 00001, 4v Register Building, Allmny. For Hardware, QO TO DODOtl. For Groceries, FRE: RESH AND GOOD-GO TO HOOD'S. For Plows, MOLINE, PEORIA, CAST CASTSTF.EL, DODO'S is the place to got them. IF-OH. ANYTHING YOU WANT, FIRST TRY DODO'S. for Domestic Sewing Machine, w HYI DON'T FAIL TO CALL AT DODO'S. For the Latent In BUCKSAWS, AXES, PITCHFORKS, etc., give DODD a call, anyway. When You Want rHDER PRESSES, OR FARM MACIIIN J cry of any kind, call at the Register eifiste DD. nuiiaing mm sec BO CO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO BUY Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c, &o., &c, CHEAP FOR CASII ! Country Produce of All Kinds BOUliHT FOR MERCHANDISE OR GAS H ! This is the place to Bet the REST BAR GAINS ever offered In Albany. Partiet will always do well local) and see for them selves. II. WEED. First street, Albany, Oregon. 32v8 OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer In RANGES. COOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES ! Of tbe best pattern!. ALSO : TIN, SHEET IROHI AND COP FEB WARE, And the usual assortment of furnishing Os to he obtained in a tin store. Repairs neatly and promptly executed, m reasonable terms. Short reckon lna make long friend, FRONT STRE T, ALBANY. Dec. S, 1886-1 ALBANY Collegiate Institute! Hex term open, Monday, September 1, 11 R. K. WARREN, Preatdent. Coor Ray Coal Agency. BIRR YM AN ft DOYLE. DEALERS In Cumberland. Lehigh and all deserintlons of Fore Urn and Do- mnmtlR Donls. Also. FIG IRON. uuwneaa oerween racmc ann ohoibii r eweet wharves, Saa rranc4cc. CaL IflvS 50. $2 50. Subscribe for the Oregon Granger, The Advocate of HOME INDUSTRY, -lUMl- Internal Improvements ! -THE- WORKING !IIAX' OllGAX. THE FAMILY PAPER of the NORTH-WEST. It rin-alnte Everywliero ! An Eight Page, FORTY COLV1H1V Weekly P&per, 93 50 PER AJVJWM. Pnbltobed Every Tftarwlny, ALBAS T, Lira ctmrrT, obbhoh. The County Clerk's records of a Western city show that more mar riage licenses are granted on Mon day than on any other day. This is probably caused by the sparkings of the Sunday nights. The boys havn't had time to get over that last squeeze at the garden gate. Benevolent persons have been advertising gold watches and like gifts for a dollar, during several years, and by this time every man in the country should be rich. Wheat has been grown this year with great success n the valley of Blue Hiver, in Weston, Colorado, over the snowy range, and 200 miles beyond the settlements. English agricultural writers gay a great deal about the recessity of progress, and yet they all insist on spelling wagon with two gs. . Seed Wheat. Howell, Harper & Co. have tor sale a choice article of Wheat tor seed, such as Fall or White Winter, Click and Chila Club, Sonora, &c, Ac, all of which they will dispose of by exchanging for other wheat, or on other terms which will suit nil tf. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS I MONTAGUE & McCVLLT, LEBANON, OREGON, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND ARE constantly receiving, large Invoices of late style DRY UOOOH, FRESH GROCERIES, NEW i'LOTHING and General merchandise ! which they will disjiose of on the fairest anil most accommodating terms. A gen eral invitation is extended toull to cull and examine our new line of Dress (ioods, late styles of Clothing, head wear, boots, slioea, Ac., &c, the very latest in market, and se lected with the view of meeting the re quirements of this people. MONTAGUE A McClTLLT. October 18, "731113 W. H. McFARLAND, (LATE M. M. HARVEY A CO.,) Opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow TOTetre, HOI SE FURNINHlNe HARDWARE, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware. I.ARUE8T STOCK IS THE VAIJLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing1 Properly Done. 40v BUfLDERS, ATTENTIO ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTORY. 8. E. AI.TIIOUSE. J. F. HACK KNHTO. W. KLTCBV'M. ALTHODSE & CO., Lyon Street, on the River Bunk, ALBANY, OREGON. Keep on hand a full assortment, and are prepared to FURNISH TO ORDER, Doors, anh, Rllndu, and Moldings, Such as CROWN, PANEL, RASH ft MECTION HOLD, Of all size WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, -And- All other kind of Biillt Ing Material . AL0: PREPARED TO DO MILL work, furnish shaker' fans, zigzag makers, suction fans, driving pulleys of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street (on tbe river bank), next below Markbam's warehouse. ALTHOUSE CO. Albany. Feb. 10, 1980-1