V. S. Offl rivl rap-r for Oregon. SATITI AY; DEC. V: lid. KmroKlAt, XOlt. PreMdei t Jratil. 'ii llie I Of l. hien-i-Veraiinn i I, ;i hlllliJi'rofji dlvidm'. exirecd i; i. hi - tirm be'i flint tin (lill'cn'tvN t celiSriiu aii'i llii'Tnllei' SttC Hun il c M'ltlnl Mill I'lUlmilv. Without a flfjhf, A sJatellieM liffiil'pllii'nwtlltl-tltl' the rate of tixitioi i.i Oi if mi" anion it t die emii'inon sn n nf $H T") r capita fir i v. TV man. ivom in ami (SliiW in the Slate. 'J'hi' price of (Viini4tliii ii tliel'hjT cago print h is U about to In' reiluueil from .V to 4".: f tlitni:iii''. Th price ha been icilticeil in ;i i.n.nltr u.' the Inrjic ritie. , Aivnli.ie i" the Am tla-re In bWitMliit iluri,.: tln iat few year lit On Bay. twenty-live -i-i p vesel. ImvIiij; i total ciiici;y of liv. tlmiKiail hht. I'll'- wrl I id t tit Coiii Bay will l ink Willi .1 iv of tlieii c!.i in tlk.- worid or eleWUere ! It 1 rvjiortHl hi (JnU that if III Virginia I given tip all tin- oiuVeri of the Tfuiil (, i;iili) will re-ig.i all grade, honor- iimI Uf r:itt'i.., awl retire frlMII tli' - rviiv. ami that many officer ol'utlki war ve-ci d. tin Kline. Tlie Aftnr.ev-'ienenl f H hmi lai I r-night -nit iijjitu-f tile Chieijf H.ll Northwestern Jl ii nvil Co -i i v In recover ilawnge anion .ti.ig to $100- OUO f r n iju t il''rinii.iiiiiu i ii fin nial freight tiri f. The dill biVil vc the coii-titiill i,i ility of the new nil rwil law. mill tiie riiiro.nl innna.ile iire uiii tlh ir U'-t endeavor t oh t ifn a d.fhion adverse to the State, of Bill Ar; settle the siiliject of taxa lloii Willi a iu!e pen fn l nf ink. lie nyi: Til tax a m ill inchiii on an i. film f 5 thmi'Uii.'i lin'lnr ami nmler IM fax 10 petet mi all letivccn 5 ami ICfthouflin; twenty perct. ay all 'e tween 10 ami 20 ilion-an. an I no on. doubling nji to 150 iIioikiii. About tin. Fil f iki- it all. ev-rv ili:iar. I tell you Hi it wllJ jret em." The ;eo;i!e ot I'hiladelphi.i nt al ready excited i(ver f'H- eht-tlon of Mayor, whlt'h oeenri l H7J, a the jnrty houoreil at tint liiin- by an eVe tinni hI'I hold the ollhv until H7T lurlnr tin- ivVI)i-'?i(i!i of tin- nation'. OTM h'iiiilnVtli liirtlnhv. IJ' Mm W. Forney i tin" pnuitiiifiittcaiHlHlate nt pree ,t. He i one of her inoa prAuthH'lit fitizi-n -; h i In en liVlitllli il with the Interest" of tln eity fir manv ywiK anil won'il lili the olllee with crtnlit to the dry ilnrinj; the fn ii ' tin ot 1 -7 . From Fari. Fmik. WB Ifarri fli t Oil tlie ( veiling of fht! liXh. ilft-r lonp tlelilieratloii. tile jliigw llei'lllreil "( ir !ial Ba.:iiue jniit v of the eli'irjM of cnpifiilatiu.i of Mi-tz anil of the army In tin- o i n tVIil, anil iitMulnioti'v COlKlemiieil him I" ilesith. ami to In derideil from rank prevloin tnexriu tinj. Alti-r jmjr nent W remlereil ul! tlw meinher' of the ('ourt ijjneil ai appeal for mercy which tin1 Jiieil'Aii male immeiliately eonveyeil in ht-o. to Freddei.t MeM ihnn. limine wa greatly agitated " hen tlie deci'ion ot tlie Court w riialerpd. hut refn eil te villi himelf of the ri;:!it to apjieul. The 8tiptvnn Court In ndlnmil tin rlefi-io:i nl' tlw Iowa Court InTeattl t raliraid freight In tluit State. Tin leoiion Wa to tlie eflect that the law of the Statu of Iowa rejjii!atlug ralroiil freight wn valid u within the mwct of tile -Stiitu lo pMect the Jieople lioiu 10iMl4ttuil. (Jive ii an Ohio man tor fcMcitou exprnniim. A l'i pia man drew up h proffrttimite fur a iliiWrenVenni-ert. in which he My: ,-riiet' emieert by the ehildreu, cm Ik- attended by per om ot the mut !i titioii fHtt." Bev. TJio. Condon, of Forest Orove. Btatu Oeoh;i4. U giving a wrieii of lecture mi the wienee nf Oeo!nj;y. In Portland. TImb Iidiirc nro nf tlie greittest iutene-f. and of vwm art; at tnvtlu full Ikxmu. i "W..i l. II .ilwl Thejonriuil of n-go:i hi if nw an-.liui-liigthc tvmovil of A OlW fnm the ofhVc of Fnltisl St n ll iri.t Attorney, a .d iIk Hiiiiihnout of Hon. Rutin M illory. of Milein, to tint o!tice. It woii'd iceni fioni the flits di-c.'o nil in the proceed! i, . that lr. flltih Owe hi roinovil t-mi of ttei to dlohiillf niv of ihc ivder of lii- iiM rior. It i ch irpd ihif at a ivceul t--ic.i of (lit) Unit.! rfltC , Di'llict Court for Or. n u. thrf(5Uill ! fury fii'cd to hhcI tlw dcnaml- of I the lmlj.i-ai.il A'f'r:iey In ihe miti i' of llniling i iilH-tmei.t ai'-iiu t Mrtle ; r'iriilcgi! voting, odd htry thdy 'i (l 1 lug one liill, agliu-t linice. nln hi j tried, convict d and e it to file p- ii. i U' tiarv I llrlt-f'ir -in il af.cr the 1 r I : o 1 ! lury wa ltiehargel. (hh mi le i i;ipllntion fr a i onl r to ii!il Hon a new jury, with the l it. incut tlm tin jury ju t di-clnrg d hnligioiMll.i l i.i irmt wliere the I Vlih'lHK -le w d til it crime had been coni uitted lioit till applictltlihi ti e lodge miienilcil a ru c of hi own court to -uit li'i n n Hilt protwHlinsf, and i-iied a.i e-i, r for a llre for a new jury, prci i i' i.ig that ihe juror- shoii.'il Ini h-Ii . d ir i.ii Mn.tiiourih, 'O.ac'i'liiii and Va-bi g'i:i cou. .tie o ily. Hitherto lie Boird lor tile 'leetl-in of per-o,w tVOtll whom a pailth'l -Ihhi'i In- eli-ien ha- co.i-i ted of I lie 1'. S. Mar In! and '.erk of the I'. S. M-tricf (''Hl-I but on tin ivx-idon the Kegi fer in Bank ruptcy wi added f ) thfl I'o-ir l an !lic-r w ho-e iipjxmitmelit ilepend- mi tlie no iiination of -aid lodge. It wa i extraordinary a we'd a ii :uual iiroceedh'lT, larsri-lc i. cH'a dng the ' niiei f tlw l"iurt f t what? Tlie T. S. Mar hi' hid .revioo-h- been in. fir md that the appropriation fi tb )-)iart; it of .III tb-e bad already Uvn expeiHhil. and lb-it cxpeiw uni t lie rwlmvl. a.id vet tbi-sajiient I'l lge aU'tted lhn l)iirlet Alton ey in largely i;icrea-i g them. Till fife of aTair wiling til tin klKiwl eilgo of the Attorney tieliera'. beat oiiiv telegrnplail t'iGihb a fillow: UA-iiiMiri Nov. 27. H7l. T A. "iiftti. V. .V. -Ior- '. PnnH'im1, i rj ni I a ii lldvied that you have obtaiucl an order for a new timid Inrv at till term ot the inuit to lie -M-uiiio ieil in an u .11 ml llll.iner. You an in'ructnl to move to remind ilch order gn-at.y incnvi-iu 'he exaue of flic li'rul. I am -uti-ll.il tlie re-j;ii ar J r i ml lury roil do the bu i.ie of the court. Tike no actio i lieforv -neli iurr u itii roll have reiNirt- ed to nie the neee -ity for till exini imliiiary pnneili:ig ami exm ue, CKU. II- WILLIAMS. Attorney IJeiu r.d. S miefmr day after r ceivii.g the ab ive telegr.iui. (iibb teligrinlied an luoItiit reply to the Attorney (ieneral. elvtrgiug thai an a'arming ytem of friinl hail been Inaugurated at the la t State cleetliHl ; that the lury jut diuiiel had ignored bill by a lure majority wlierj guilt wa clearly pnven (virtu illy airu-iug lb- jury miil of perjnry) anil otlh-r (huge epiilly a mueimble. And then in toiai diregird of i.i t nicti'wi. the DKrh't Attorney pr H'eeded jut a if he II id rcivivcd no lu-tMK'tloil, Iitlt bid a contract to in i the Goveniment to -nil hi own wci t will. Ami tin I bow GiblH Im-ied hi dud I. Sel.ili. A ditatch from Boto.i report I'rof. Agiiz e rh hi dy ill. and that there i . rioii danger of total mi a'vi of hi nuiHiilar vteni. At Sucker Flat. Oil., on the Oth. 150 keg of Miwder. weighing 11.00(1 pounds wa exploded in Blue Point, prep . ring 40.000 inliic yard of gravel for Wlldilug by one "blow imu." The marriage tic in KnglaiKl hrfuz limit singular rem'K Of fiurtiim j !ier-on liuntf in Kliglaial during the ia-t year, ten were w ife murderer. U. S. DDtrlet Attorney Gibbi ha 'en removed and ex-Uo.igremui M illory apjioliitial p till the vac:incy. Well euuujjh. A diieu)iti(tu ha liefti sr.uited fir i Cliaiiter of Royal An3t Mmonry at IS Grande. Union enmity. Senator t'fliikllng of New York ha liitrodmvil a bill providing tnreonvey ing into the Trea-ury all "back pay " mfiirned, am prohibiting payment of wich sum st. ore yet uiivuiletl fur, FOUNDRY. AL1JAXY FOl'XDIJY Aul Mac hi in; Shop, A.r.CIIERJtY rroprictor, Af.BA VY. (.B!;(;0. U intif.uluii s Meant Dngiiifs, 1 1'lour nnd Hnvt Itliil Sllacbln cry. WOOD WORKING Ant A3R1CULTURAL1VSACHINERT, An 1 all kind nf iriiv a: nAN ( Avrimw. n.i-Mi.n'ni-ii'Vi'ioi) jij torciiro'-'atl IttnlOAf mai'titnerv, 41 s BHlMtS. BIT CiEO. V. iGTTLEBIIEB, I) RUG fil ST, iSnoees-mr lo 1). W. Wake.leld!, furrUir.i-H BulldliiKi I ln.1 Mri. M.ttANY. OltKIJOX. lH-a'er In ItTGSANDMF.DIClXRS. DRU CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, KT All arttetw wnrmntel pun-, an t of tlie j l'?ivlekiiw nn'-iorloHona ctirefn'iy enm- imnii k! I. . Al'wiiy, U.-1. 17. W il A. DA HOT HE US & CO., -Dealers in- ji:;u: ai.v, on.a, i.vtM, Itl ii ULXS, L1.1IP.S, KIC. All theimpular PATET HSK IXTLERY, I'lUAUS, TOIUCC'O, ?S(TIOVi I'.MItt HS.ttV, ami Toll t UiMMla. I'ar'lcn'ar enn- an I rroiUr)tnef given Pin --ieiiin.V pie.-H'i ipiioii-aii l Kiliilily Kee ilK!. I A. CAKOTIILUS A I'D. AUmny, Ort'j;ou4vj Murder In Albuny II ASXKVKR VKTIIKKX KNOWN, AM) IIOiUl'CU.UIIlllglM il Ul prom-'lll. Death I ii ttiin'T whleli i!ne-line innst liofall ! i 'Very Win an 1 duu0'liiVi'ot i he liuuuut tune ily ; and ye:. At the SHd-day, i If yonrlife. It (llefi-n-'ays 1i!h vile liandn mKin jam, inure Is .lii "ii 'Iiii in iiiiind," lijr wnleli yoa may lie ntnre.l lo pertccl IhiiMi. an I I pro.oiu J'OUf Jays loa iiitmeu- .OIMC.1.UIU. Ily calling on IS. C. IIII.L & SON, Wl'li a wsrrii'lnn. wliere von ran linve K conrwmn le. t by onfeinerlonue'l in tl' ir le'liiir line Also, n iintly on lainy a itonl awnr'mnnl of fresh lrurs, na'mr inetlelnea chemicals, nuinta, oils, dye. :ii:rs. I raises, el c. AxenU for tlie 'el brnt d I nk Weed Il.'medy, l)r.0rB90n RhenaM'tO Cure; Dr. I). Jaynr A siiis' in" Ite.lne, e'e. -"ee's I'osl Ive an I Xe-m'lve Powilert !(!! In atook. AloaXeni for the llom Miiiltl pewlnsf Hitrhlne. ( me of the mnsi nmifnl nleees of hnnehoM fm-nliuraex unt. Cullan l examine. . R. IM1U.L A SOX. AI'mnv.Jnnein.Tt-WvJ RI.AXK PEErS, MORTfiAfiES, ETC.. on hanl -tateat ttylca -and fo wile low, at tliU o.tkxi, f 30B I'BlXftXG. THE ALBANY REGISTER I'RINTING KOUSK WITH NEW AND FAST rowER a?;d iiad ! P R. E S S E 8 Latest and mo?t DcsiniLIe Style Of Pjyintllljj Material, Is undoultediy THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When yon wish Posterc, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, 0 Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels Bi:t why partleuJariw. when It Ij gen erally acknowledged tliat we are ON IT Wlteti It comes under tlie head fl M if. mm I KTComc to sec nt, ontt i I, DRY GOODS. KTC. t sr w V ft " a; ' w n 1 1 ft? p H r as H o B S3 ft a 0 i sP Q - S S T ! l m 0 SI: f L 0 r 5l! 5 e 1 r,' Ft M fi B c i 02 1 9 v. WAlXJIIKS-JKWKI.liY. J. D. TITlM. J, II.TITVR, oias. DcvnoARiitt. TITUS, BOURGARCES & CO., DEAL I l!S IN Watcli.es Clocfes, J E W E L R Y , Silver & Plated Ware, and- 0JAMOKO SPECTACLES. 'ASCFACTCRKD AMI An.T?TlB uBiwuiu.ij iui .iiuruiiiK-i.iaci y ilia NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH GO. of Elgin, lUlnula, viz: iaclfi-, California nnd Man Frnnclnco WATOI. ami we mnsi confidently reo inmicii 1 'hem (o h,. puMie.iiH 1 ns.eiIni amm ijou I uiMlliiui tor the pike iliunany her Mulch In ihu nini-boi. Weii.iK(Wiftll(i he,, hmndd of Klein. Aillllmiii lllld Swiss WiCi lies, L'.ockit, Jvwl JlrjvSbverani l.ateQ Wniv, ' Piitola ami Cartridffcm. C3T neitilii(r a Sneelatty. jffj er i C SS W " Mk Hmlz 0 5 H:s,r'r) IW .11 SAI! Work Hone nnd (ionda f old, Unrrnut. 1 U be Uipnacnted. Tltua, Bourgardr & Co., AT JCHSOASTER'S I I.f) HTAKI), First street, ALBANY, 0VUQOX. Am