ALBANY REGISTER. V. H. Ofltelal Paper for WEDNESDAY. DEC. 3. 1873. EDITORIAL SOI IS. A two fhou-wiiil ton liip has been Aarteml to take a cargo of wheat from Astoria to France. Friedlantler ta tsid to be the man who does the butineM. The United States Army has one officer tor every fifteen men, to aay nothing of the retired officers. This would seem to indicate a very healthy ate of affairs for officers. Rev. B. H. Lewis, wlio had been Mpelled from the United Baptist Church, La Criuide, has been rein statetl, with full authority to act as a minister ot that denomination. Hon. E. Casserly, United States tteuator from California. lias written a letter to Gov. Ilooth. dated November 18th. resigning his seat as end) Senator. Mid resignation to take pl.tec at once. ft is stated flint the bridge acros East river, uniting New York and Brooklyn, will cost $20,000,000, at the present rate of expenditure. The original estimated cost of the bridge was 15.000,000. Ft seems that our Navy is not in as good condition, from the printed ac counts, as that ot Spain, and that although our officers are ready anil villing to go for the enemy, they can didly admit that our armament is not squal to the occasion. Texas held, her State election yester lay December 2d the last election of 1873. State officers and a full Leg islate re are to be elects ! . The Repub lican candidate for Governor is the present incumbent, Edmund J. Davi. The Democratic candidate is Richard Coke. The Albany, New York. Journal Administration) says: "Against the assaults of these bloodthirsty wretches. Mr Governmrut itself will have to protect its right and it will do this if It has to cover the Cuban waters with American ineu-of- War." New York has a new "Boss," who Md fair to till with some credit the place lelt vacant by tlie "retiracy" of Tweed. Hon. John Morrisey under takes the role of Boss, and now con trols Tammany, and through Tam many, tins various departments of city affairs. The bitter denunciation that now comes up from every quarter of the Mate against the acts of the State Board of Equalization has so worked up our old Democratic friend, Col. dates, of Wasco, one ot the "Equal tirs," tlut lie lias resigned, and will no more equalize at 5 per day. Tbo Torpedo system d Ised by our engineers against the entrance of hos tile fleets into our harbors, is regarded as affording absolute defense. It is announced that the Secretary of War b to have timse torpedoes distribute! once for the defense of our ha and riven, and officers have been pecially charged with their rrauiufac. 'tjire. The Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Vic toria's second son, is to espoojfr the (fraud Duchess, a Russian Princes, afraetlme hi 'annary. The marr'wg iseramony will he solemnized a coon: mg to the rite of the Church of Eng IwhI, by the Archbishop of Canter bury, to be followed by the same sol pmaization according to the Greek QNrcli- Spain has a naval force ot fifty-six rase), carrying eight hundred and twenty-two guns, the greater number of which are in actual service. The United States baa 82 vessels, carrying l,tp guns, beside 51 ironclads carry if 127 guns, all of large calibre. This gives us fatal naval force ofl33 ves tals of all classes, carrying 1,376 guns. Of these there are: Steamer 5 first me. XI second rate, 92 third-Rite. 5 toorth-mte, carrying 8G9 guns; Sall Jsag 10UM1& second-rate, 4 fourth rate, carrying 830 guns. A nnnibrr t these ruuels are out of commission and nut In first-class condition. In the Benton County Circuit Court, held at Corvallis last week. Judge Masher presiding, proceedings were brought by certain taxpayers of that county to test the legality of the equal ized assessment fixed by the State Board of Equalization. Judge Mo-liei deckled adversely to the Bnnrd. and granted an order restraining the county officers of Benton county from recog nising the changes made In tin- assess ment rolls of that county by the State Board. The Court held that tiie act creating the State Board of Equaliza tion conferred no authority to dis criminate between Individual--, but simply to equalize taxation between counties; that tlie county court, sittinjr for county business, lias no jurisdiction to raise the assessment made by the county assessor, that duty pertaining to the county board of equalization. It is stated that an appeal is to be taken to tlie Supreme Court. In the recent trial of the Credit Mobeliersuit in the Federal Circuit Court for Connecticut, the demurrer raised by tlie Union Pacific Railro.ul Company, (hat the United States had not such an interest in tlie subject matter as entitled them to bring suit to redress wrongs committed by the Union Pacific Railroad Company, was sustained, and the Court decided that the United States liave no interest to be reached by the act. This decision practically stops the Government from obtaining present redress for the Credit Mobelier frauds. Attorney General Williams expresses great surprise at tlie decision, and will take immediate steps to appeal it to the Supreme Court. Tlie new Const: ivtion of Pennsylva nia, announced as just completed, con tains a section which is extremely stringent with regard tos; cial legisla tion, inhibiting specifically and abso lutely nearly every variety of local and special enactments. In another section it is provided tliat no local or special bill shall be passed, without first giving thirty days notice, by pub lication, of an. intention to apply for such bill. At tlie Republican Congressional caucus, on the evening of the 29th ult.. at Washington, presided over by May nard, J. G. Blaine was nominated for Speaker by acclamation. Orth was nominated for Clerk, and E. McPlier son was endorsed. A. 0 JOnl way was nominated for Sergeant-at-Arm ; O. S. Buxton for Doorkeeper; Henry Sherwood for Postmaster, and Rev. J. G. Butler for Chaplain. Tlie Courier accuses the Lafayette girls of riding horseback clothes-pin fashion, and the Bulletin asks, "what next?" Ah, there's the rnh. Spain Derides. A Madrid telegram of November 20th, states that tlie Spanish Cabinet has agreed to deliver to the U. S. Gov ernment the steamer Viryinivs, and all persons remaining alive who were captured with her, leaving the qnes as to wlicther the seizure of tlie vessel was legal to be decided by a mixed tribunal. Tlie question of wlicther damages are to be paid to families or relatives of tlie men who were shot is to be settled in a similar manner. It seems the Spanish Government confi dentially consulted with the Powers of Europe, and was Informed by all of them that reparation was due for the capture of the steamer and the execu tion of the captives. Leading Spanish Statesmen, of all parties, to whom the question was submitted, gave tlie same decision. The terms of adjustment offered by our Government were so reasonable and just, that the Spanish Government coukl not refuse to accept them, and at the same time make good its professions of good will. This action on tlie part of tlie Spaniards knocks the war bubble all to flinders for the present. The District Attorney of Dallas. Texas, is only paid when he convicts. His appeals to the jury are terrific, and as lie has a large family they have double force. W. O. Bnien was elected Chief En gineer of the Portland Fire Depart ment on Monday, by 108 majority in a vote of 220. W. S. Chapman was elected First, and A. G. Murray, Sec ond Assistant. Luteal New. At the Salem city election on Mon day, the entire Republican ticket was successful. The President's message was not delivered to Congress on Monday, and Congressarijounieil. 'Hie message was probably presented on Tuesday. The President ami Vice President of the Mechanics Savings Bank at Pitts burg, Penu.. are charged with embez zling 84,000 hunk funds. Another Asliautee engagement re ported, the natives holillv attacking .1.. ,,.(, . ... . ... O uie unrisn pomou, lorttneu as it was, and siflerhig defeat. From Elko. Nevada. November 30th, we get tlie following account of an .mini trageify : . L. Hedge, aged 2- a native or ureffon. nan neeii stop- nliur at the ranch ot John Davis, and had 'attempted to induce Mrs. Davis to leave her husband, a few days since, and live with him. Davis succeeded. however, in making matters right with his wife, and a few days since cave Hedge a hor-e and outfit, witii which he agreed to leave the country. Tills morning fledge, in company witn Thomas Brown, a brother-in-law ot Davis, returned, anil after an exchange of a few words Hedge pulled out a re volver and shot Davis through the left arm. Davis had a double-barreled .-hot-gun in readiness, in an instant fired at his antagonist, missing him. I lei !in IimvL' clwltt.!. Ih.liiiirl fi linohti but Davis let go a second charge of Duck-shot, winch tore awav the atxio inen of Hedge: producing instant death. Hedge kid hardly reached tlie ground when young Brown pulled a revolver ami put a ball through his brother-in-law's brain, tlie lull enter ing above the left eye. passing entirely through his head. Brown tlien mount ed a horse and escaped. Epizootics has agar, appeared among the stage and car horses in New York. Another terrible disaster at sea . On the morning of November 2;td, the steamer Ville de Havre came in col lision In mid ocean with tlie ship Lochiel. from London lor New York, and sank. Two hundred and seventy six passengers on the ill filed steamer were drowned. Eighty-seven passeu gers and crew were saved. The Cubans oppose the surrender to tlie United States or the steamer Vir yiniut, and are using extraordinary nieans to resist any aggressive act of the u. s. uoverumeiit. Gen. Manteufal and Count Goeber fought a duel ueaf Berlin. Nov. 29lh. The count was seriously wounded in the stomach. Fahmkrs' Umon. By order of the Executive Committee there will be held a meeting of the Oregon Fanners' Unlrn in tlie legislative Hall at the city ot Salem,' on Monday, January 5th, 1874, ami important business will be brought before it for consideration. All the Farmers' Clubs now organized or that maywbe organized before the call meeting are requested to send del egates to tlie sains. All persons who nave neretorore aitenueu as ueieiraics still hold tlieir scats as delegates, and where there are vacancies they are en titled as follows, from Art. 4, Consti tution: "Each Club, league or Grange shall be entitled to one mem ber at least, and one additional mem ber for each 55 members or fraction of 13 mcmbeis over." The different commit tecs appointed nt the last meet ing fire respectfully and earnestly re quested to forward their reports as soon as practicable, also the Secretaries of different Clubs, Leagues and Gran ges who desire to send delegates, will please forward to this office the names of tlie same. The different newspapers throughout Die valley are requested to publish the above as a matter of news. J. Henry Brown, Secretary Oregon Farmers' Union. The Chief Justiceship. From a Washington dispatch of the 24tb we quote : , It is stated to-day that Associate Justice Miller, of the Supreme Court, vlll be promoted to the place of Chief Justice, that Attorney General Wil liams will bo appointed Associate Justice in ; place of Miller, and that Edward H. Pierpont, of New York, will be made Attorney General. Mr. Williams hails from Oregon, and Associate Justice Field from California. This would give two places on the Supreme Bench to tlie Pacific Coast. We learn from the Courier that a denotation of a score or more of the officers of the "Olympla Light Guards," waited upon Governor Ferry a few days ago, and notified him that they ami their command held them selves in readiness to respond to any orders that may be given them in con nection with the Spanish difficulty. Also, that the Castlenook fishing steam er was manned and coaled, at their service, to transport them to San Fran cisco. This magnificent work of naval art measures some 7 or 10 tons, and will afford; Olympia's chivalrlc heroes safe and ample acoinmodations for the voyage. , T. Moreno, one of tlie Vasqnez gang of California robbers, was convicted at Sallnos, of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to States prison for life. FOUNDRY. ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A.F.CIIERBV Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Floor and Saw Mill Machin ery, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IKON AND BRASS CASTINUN. r,i rtfcnlar attention paid to repainnK all klnils of machinery. vS DRUGS. ETC GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield), Parrtoli'a New Building-, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer In f DRUGS AXDMEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC All articles warrant! pore, and of the best quality. Physicians prescript ions carefully com pounded. Albanyi Oct. 17, lstswitr A. CAR0TI1ERS & CO., -Dealers in- ( III JIK AI.S, OILS, PAINTS, DYES GLASS, LAMPS, ETC., All the popular PATENT MEDIC-IX ES, riSK CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PEBFimEBY, and Toilet; Wood". Particular euro and promptness Riven Physicians' proscriptions and Family Bee ,Pe8 A. CAROTHERS CO. Albany, Orogou-ivJ Murder in Albany H AS NEVER YET BEEN KNOWN, AND no threatening or it at present. Death Is a thins which sometime must befall every son and dauguterof the human fam ily ; and yet, At the Mid-day, Of yonr life., if disease lays his vile hands upon you, mere, is mu "am, ui ,i-..v., by which you uuiy bo restored to perfect healt h, and prolong your days to a miracu lous extent. How ? By calling on R. C. HILL St SON, With a prescription, whoro you can have it compounded bv one experienced in that particular lino. Also, constantly on hand a good assortment of fresh drugs, patent medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrated Cnk Weed Remedy, Or, Oregon Rheumatic Cure; Dr. D. Jayne A Sons' medicinos, etc. Spenoo's Positive and Negative Powders kept in stock. Also agents for the Home Shuttle Kcwlnif Machine, One of the most useful pieces of household furniture extant. Cull and examine. K. C.HILL A SON. Albany, Juno 10, 71-40vS REMEMBER! C. ME ALE Y, omnia a good Paying Business ! For Sale Low. B LANK DEEDS, MORTOAOES, ETC., en nana amn Hjw-tm io muo Ww.tthlaoffli. DRY GOODS, ETC, O w d X S3 -s a i 0 - 1 XT H -ah A - - - m n r. S 9 5; 53 r&2 0 i 30 5 n a A d r H e B a m a ss e ft a S3 M ft M Haw - 2 m m S s i a m 3 a o 9l S Kj a - W 0 0 ft. . S w CO WAIVIIES-JEWKLKY. 1. D. TITI S. 3. B. Tinfe. ( HAS. BOURQAKDFlj. TITUS, BOHRGARDES I CO, DEAIEKS IS JEWELRY, Silver & Plated Ware and DIAMOND SPECTACLE MANUFACTURED AND ADJWPftBI espocially for the Facine Coast by iM NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Pacific, cuiirornlu and San EranrlMp WATCH, and we mont eonfldentlT icb omincnd (hem to the poKaeaaiaf more good iiuiilitiev for the price limn an? other Wateh In I he market. We also keep all other brand of Elp Waltharo and Swiss Watches, Clock. MP elo', SUvcrtfnd I'lated Ware, ALHO- PUtola and CartrldfOh (KIT Repairing a Specialty. Jf) UTAH Work Done nnd Uooda MM Warranted to be an Represented. Titan, Roargardci St ., AT JCHJJOANTKR'8 OLD STAHtL rirrtttreot, . ALBANY, Qiiy. a d wrs