The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 29, 1873, Image 2

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V. R. Olflrlnl Pnprr for Oritou.
SAT :KDAY. NOV. 29. 1873.
A XV hlngton special, referring to
tlm late. . dispatches from Spain, says
it is antl.oritlvely stated that the de
mand of tlie Government are as fol
lows: That i lie Virginia must be
surrendered; that surviving members
ot the passengers ami crew must be
restored ; that the United States flag
mast be saluted in the port where it
hi$ been outraged; that suitable in
demnity must tie made to families of
American citizens massacred.
Later dispatches have been received
from General Wolsoloy, commanding
Uie Ashantee expedition. They eon
demn native auxiliaries as worthier.
The Ashantei are in full retreat.
Their main column, however, is within
easy marching distance of the British
advance, yet the General is unable to
Overtake and attack them, owing to
the slowness and cowardice of his
native allies.
Crescent City got more ol the recent
earthquake than anybody else. It
lasted about thirty seconds, and did
considerable damage, more or, less In
Juriiigall the brick lionsesin the town. !
Quite a number ot chimneys were
thrown dowiiand other damages done.
The ground In that region is full of
cracks since the quake, some of them
over a hundred feet in length and sev
eral incites i Me,
Forest Grove Grange of the Patrons
of Husbandry was organized on the
81st. with thirty charter members.
It is officered as follows: Master. Hen
ry Buxton ; Overseer. A. S. Watt;
Lecturer, C. H. Walker; Chaplain, A.
C. Brown ; Secretary, A. T. Buxton;
Treasurer. S. G. Gleason ; Steward.
Geo. Hines ; Assistant Steward. John
Sheppard. 0. G. Keeper, T. G. Todd ;
Ceres. Mrs. M. A. Koe; Poinoru.
Mrs. R. A. Buxton; Flora. Mrs. R.
Kimsly; Lady Assistant Steward,
Mrs. s. C. Todd,
We now have authority, from Span
ish sources, denying that an attempt
was made to assassinate Minister Sick
las. It this assertion prove true, then
the Spanish-American embroglio rests
entirely upon the Vtfgintm, and
ih the light of the late news from
Spain, the prospect of a war between
'he two nations is remarkably thin.
The difficulty seems to bo to tell which
of the dispatches received from Mad
rid are to be credited. It is announced
that our Government will continue her
preparations, and in the event that
Spain (ails to come, to the '-scratch"
when '-called" by Uncle Samuel, the
aforesaid Uncle Samuel can go to the
trout with a full hand.
The following Welds of grain, as re
ported from different sections of the
State, gives an outsider a slight insight
Into the productiveness ol Oregon : C.
P. Burkhart, of this (Linn) county,
raised Golden Amber Wheat that
weighed 8 pounds per bushel, with
a yield of forty-three bushels to the
acre, R. 0. Geer. of Marion county,
turned out White Winter Wheat that
weighed sixty-three pounds to the
bushel, with a yield of sixty bushels
per acre. II. Massey, of Polk county,
raised Little Bed and. White Club
Wheat that weighed sixty-four pounds
to the bushel. The same gentleman
raised Russian Winter Oats, weighing
forty pounds to the bushel and yield
ing forty bushels per acre. J, W.
Hearford, of Marion county, raised
Winter Oats that weighed tilty pounds
to the bushel, and produced seventy
live bushels per acre. R. C. Geer of
Marion county, produced of the En
jjlish Waiter variety of Oats, weighing
forty -five pounds to the bushel, one
hundred and six bushels per acre.
These are but a lew indications of Ore
gon's productiveness-we might pub
lish columns of equally as favorable
The people of Omaha are variously
and pleasantly alluded to by outsiders
M "Omahogs," "Omahosses," "Oma
borribles," etc,
Gen. Butler is fir decisive measures
in the Virginia aifair. He says there
being no state of war the Virginivs
could not be a legitimate prize of war.
She could not lie properly seized for a
violation of any of Spain's municipal
regulations, because she was not in
Spanish waters. She could not be
deemed a pirate while carrying, as
she did, an American register and an
American flag. To maintain the sa
credness of the American deck, which
is American's soil, and to insure re
spect to the nation, he demands ample
reparation and swift punishment of
tlte offenders.
And now comes Tweed's counsel
with a bill comprising nine objections
on which to base arguments lor a stay
of proceedings. If the prosecuting
officer ask time to consider the bill,
Judge Davis may possibly take time
to coy over the points presented and
then what? In the meantime, it is
stated, Tweed will not go to Black
well's Island, If Tweed don't get
away with that twelve years' sentence
we shall begin t think the milleulum
ha. struck the modern Sodom.
The Commissioner of the General
Late: Office has informed Delegate
MeFadden, of Washington Territory,
that J lie public surveys will next soring
be extended over San Juan and other
islands in the Hue of Northwest boun
dary, recently in dispute between Great
Britain and the United States.
Jacob Kibiinger. of Salem, has been
adjudged insane, and sent to the Asy
lum. The Oregonian says that the
whole family are in a fair way to
bring up in the same place, geatly to
the delight of the Salem people.
Mills at Xtwburgh and Ponghkeep
sie, X. Y., have resumed work. They
give employment to 50 men. Mills
at Troy, also, resumed work on the
24th. Over live thousand men are
employed in them.
The latest gold discovery is from
Ilolcombe Valley, California. It is
about one mile from Haley and Com
Kiny's mill'. The ledge is sixty feet
wide, and projects one hundred feet
from the ground; and gold can be seen
all over ft. It was discovered but a
few days since.
Washington county objects to the
"equalization," on the ground tliat
her lands arc assessed at so high a rate,
that they cannot be sold for enough to
pay said assessment.
Washington Territory has a new
order, a relative, no doubt, of the
Granges, entitled the Order of Indus
trial Co-Ojieratives. A lodge organ
ized in Olympia is called the "Sunset."
At tue recent election in Newfound
land, fourteen Government and thir
teen Opposition members were chosen.
The House meets in January. There
is fun ahead.
The plasterers ol New Yotk have
struck for $4 per day during the Win
ter. Dr. Glass has been refused a new
trial. His sentence was to have been
pronounced yesterday.
. 4V-
A State Grange of the Patrons of
Husbandry has been organized at
Camden, New York.
''Protected Viscera," is the new
name for patent insides, Western
publishers are in a fair way to wear
out the dictionary.
Hunters Scheme. We have alrea
dy mentioned the scheme of R. M. T.
Hunter, of Virginia, to ask the Gen
eral Government to '-lend'' the late
slave States &00,000.000 without in
rest, the principal never to be de
manded, in consideration of the loss of
"property" occasioned by emancipa
tion. The scheme contemplates the
further loan of this sum by the States
receiving it, and on like generous
terms, to the individuals whose slaves
were set free. It is now mentioned as
one of the probable outcomes of the
recent -'Conservative" victory in Vir
ginia that Mr. Hutite.- will be gent to
the United States Senate, in order that
he may have an opportunity of pre
senting his Ideas, with the authority
of a law-maker, to his admiring coun
trymen. ..Whenever "Conservative"
or Democratic politics get lu the as
cendency, ideas like these Invariably
crop out with them, 1
Latest New.
On the 25th tlie American ship West
morehmtl was destroyed by Are at Ant
werp. Loudon telegrams report the loss of
the bark Clyie oft Valentin nine of
the crew drowned.
McMahon has accepted the resigna
tions of several members of his Cabi
net. The Augsburg Gcsette says the King
of Bavaria has signed a decree repeal
ing the concordat n ith the Pope.
Sir Robert Hedgeson has been ap
pointed Lieutenant Governor of Prince
Edward's Island.
On the 25th a patent was issued for
the nincho San Viuceute Mesa Del
Padre Barona, lu San Diego county,
California, containing 18,810 acres.
It is estimated that thirty thousand
French Canadians have returned from
the United States to Canada during
the Kist three weeks, owing to tlte
large stopige of manufactories.
The report that the Government had
suspended work on ironclads, and
ordered officers detached from till large
vessels in stopped all preparations
in anticipation of a war with Spain,
"until further notice," is contradicted.
By an arrangement of the Eastern
Railroad ot Massachusetts, the Port
land and Ogdeusburg. .and the Mon
treal. Chambley and Surelo Railroads,
A through trunk railway has been as
sured between the West and the At
lantic. Explanations given by the French
Government with regard to the pasto
ral of the Bishop of Nancy ordering
prayers for tne recovery of Met and
strasbnrg, are regarded as unsatisfact
ory at Berlin.
A bailiff entered 'lie residence of
Archbishbishop Lulochwiski last
week, in accordance it It a decree of
the court, and seized the furniture,
The Archbishop maintains an attitude
of resistance, and is surprised at the
severity of the measure.
A prairie' tire near Vermillion, Da
kota, on the -Jlth, destroyed several
farms at il farm houses, and burned
three men to death.
A number of prominent politicians
ot New York are to lie arrested, charg
ed with fraud at the last elect ion.
On the 25th Tweed transferred to
relatives over one million dollars
worth of real estate, all situated in
the city of New York.
Official investigation shows that the
defalcation of the State Treasurer of
New York through cashier Phepps,
will be $331,772, two hundred thou
sand of which was stolen last August,
and the balance in September. The
irregularities of the office, it is an
nounced, are not of a nature to war
rant the removal of the Treasurer.
Here is the latest order from the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs to nay
worth, Indian Agent of Fort Sill, In
dian Territory "issue no more annu
ities to the Comauehes. The demand
for five raiders and murderers is not
remitted, and if not complied with in
ten days after receipt of this dispatch,
you will stop their rations entirely;
and if they still refuse they will be
handed over to the military. Assure
the Indians that the Government is lu
earnest and that arrangements are al
ready being made to compel the In
dians to do right."
On the 25th the Secretary of he
Interior affirmed the decision of
the i
Commissioner of the General Land
Office in the case of Arthur St. Clair
and others against the Western Pacific
Railroad. '1'his dcisi u is to the
effect that the Lewis survey of the
Los Poeitas rtincho, made in 1864, and
covering about four square leagues,
correctly marked the outer boundaries
of the Lo; Poeitas grat;t, within which
two square leagues were subsequently
continued by the United States, Su
preme Court, and patented to .Mexican
grantees. These lands comprise over
thirty thousand acres, and about one
hundred and twenty settlers are affect
ed adversely by the decision.
In the Chamber of Deputies at Rome
on the 25th, Signor Mancini made an
eloquent speeohin support of the prin
ciple of arbitration. He praised the
conduct ol the United States and Great
Britain in the settlement of the Aloha
Wi claims. At the close of his speech
Signor Mancini offered a resolution
recommending the introduction of an
arbitration clause in future treaties
with foreign powers, which was unan
imously adopted.
Hon. Richard C. MeOormlek, Dele
gate from Arizona, was married at
Washington on the 25th. to Miss Kliza
beth Thurman. daughter of Seuator
Thurnian, at the hitter's residence, in I
that city. 1 he wedding was attended
by President Grant, several members
of the Cabinet, all the Senators now in
Washington, and many other distin
guished persons.
There are fourteen dally papers in
Kansas, and all but one repudiate the
action of Governor Osborne in appoint
ing Crozler a U. 8. Senator. It is al
leged that the arrangement by which
Crozler wtis appointed, Includes the
election ol Osborne to the United
States Senate, and the appointment ol
Crozler to the U. S. Judgeship in place
or iieiianey, whose resignation Crozler
takes in his pocket to Washington.
Machine Shop,
A. T, CHERRY Proprietor,
Manufactures Steam Engines,
Flour and Sow Mill Machin
And nil kinds of
Pnrttciilarnttentton paid forcpairiniriill
kindsof machinery. 4lva
(Successor to I). W. Wakefleldl,
rat-fish's New IStiililiuK, I'lrstStreot,
Dealer in
AH articles warranted pure, and of the
belt quality.
Physicians prescriptions carefully com
pounded. Albany, Oct. 17, f
Dealers in
All the popular
nnil Toilet: Goods.
Particular wire and promptness eiven
Physicians' prescriptions and Family Bee
Mbany, OregOli-tv5
Murder i:i Albany YET BEEN KNOWN, AND
no threatening of it at present.
Is a thing which sometime must befall
every son and daughtorof tho human fam
ily ; and yet,
At the Mid-day,
Of your lifts, ii disease lays his vile hands
upon you, there is still "a halm in Cilead,"
by which you may be restored to perfect
health, and prolong your days loa miracu
lous extent.
How ?
By wiling on
It. C. HILL &. SON,
With a prescription, where you can have
it compounded by one experienced In that
particular line. Also, constantly on hand
a itood assortment of fresh drugs, patent
medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, dye
stuffs, trusses, etc. Agents for the
Celebrate:! I.'nk Weed Itciitcly,
Or, Oregon Rheumatic Cure: Iir. D. Jiiyno
& Sons' medicines, etc.
Spcnco's Positive and Negative. Powders
kept in stock. Also agents for the
Home Shu! U Setting Machine,
One of the most useful pieces of household
furniture extant. Call nnd examine.
A)tinny,.June 10,71-40y.1
Paying I3usineHts !
For Sale Low.
v.. imiui uivuiii, byjud -ana
1 ;
M .7 r' I
s ft r
u 2,"
J, C. TITCS. J. n. TITD.
Silver & Plated Ware,
-and -
. especially for the Paelttc coast by th
of Elgin, Illinois, viz:
'alii'uriiia and
Mm I rant'Dwo
WATCH, and we most confidently mo
otn ml them to the )xssesSing
more good tinulities for tlie price than iui
other Vtatcli In the market.
Wo alsojfecp all other bnmds of Efetn,
Wait ham and Swiss Watches, Clocks, J
elry, Silver and Piated Ware,
PistolN and CarlridgviK
6ST Repairing a Bpcclalty. jg9
KiAII Work Done mid (loodi
Warranted to be tw IteprcwuSMk.
Titus, Bourgardcs & Otk,
First street, ALBANY, ORHUOR,
iuw, in uui omoo,