8MBMMMi8MiiBMrt lMa,LI, ALBANY REGISTER. 4 LOCAL MATTERS. post (imn; REbLVTEii. mails arrive: from Railroad (north and south) daily t 13.40 1'. M. Fronj Corv.ilH", daily, at 10.30 a. m. From Lebanon, tri-weokly, (Monday, Wednesday an,; Friday) at 10.30 A. Bt. mails depart: For Railroad inorth and .;:)'.(, daily, sdose prompt at 11.45 a. m. For Cornells, dai!.v,at 1.50 P. SC. Ko(- Lebanon, til-weekly, (Monday, Wed nesday and Friday) at 4 P. m. OflU-e bOM i ' from 7 A. M. 1o 8 V. M. Sunday, from 12 M. to 2 P. M. Money order oilier hours from 9 a. m. to 4 ft M. P. 11. KAY MOM), P. M. The REJUSTER Is Issued twice cneli week (Wr '. n B lay and Saturday mornings! it the low rice of three dollar per yew, fn advan.-. Call at the oiKoe, corner of ITim and Ferry streets, and Subscribe. Equalisation. Uie State Board tf Equalization Bare m:tI consider able changes in tfic assessments ol this county. have WW pie follow ing changes : Added twenty-five per cent, to the assessment ofngrlcttltural lands, rrtak Iti r .2.87 .'J27 50) an increase of647, 472 50. Adds seventeen per cent, to the as- eessuieutof hordes, making $317,490, ati increase of tl(W,180. Add? torty-six per vent, to the as MSment Of cuttle, making $223,061, an increase ol $70,403. Adds twenty -six per cent, to the as fessmeut of .sheep, making $102, 103, at i Increase of $21,131. Adds one hundred and nlnety-tv '?) ppr cent, to tlie assessment ol swine, making $13,803, an increase ol $0,658. It adds thirty-three and one third lr cent, lo tin assessment of the Western Union Telegraph Company's property, making it $;!,400. It adds one hundrul per cent, to the assessment of the European and Ore gon Land Company's property, mak ing it $27,70j 60. It adds sixty-six and two-thirds per cent, to t lie assessment of the Willam ette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Jiuiid Company' property, making it $107,382 04. It deducts $6,007 00 from the assess ment of the Oregon and California and Railroad Company's property, making It $107,032 04. Tlie above amounts arc taken from the ret urn made by the Hoard of Equal ization to the County Clerk of this county . The Board have made one or two mistakes which Will be very per plexing to the county Officers. It is jery evident Uiat Increasing the assess ment 102 per cent. i. the matter ol twine would amount to more than the Board have made it. In the matter ol tliv. railroad is another agrivating mis take. The original Assessment was $201,000. From this amount there was a deduction made by the county Board of $8,234, which would leave $1350.1 and to lake $0,067 00, the amount of the State Board's deduction, would leave $189,018 04, instead of $197,332 01 as they have it. As the Bcito Board has adjourned it 'eaves our county odirers in a quandary what to do in the premises. l.verybody Happy. The little differences of opinion on the question of locating tho Albany and Santiatn Company's diteh has been amicably settled to the satisfaction ol all concerned. It Is to be brought into town where it will do the most good. Our mill men and others rejoice In the prospect of soon having sufficient water to turn all tha machinery I hey may wish to run. This waterpewer is going to be of incalculable value to our city in a very short time. - I'E.I'OXAL. Capt. N. B. Umphrey, Prosecut ing Attorney for this District lias returned to tins city after an absence of several days on official business. Mr. lit. Smith, ex-candidate etc., was in town yesterday, jolly as ever. We are pleated to learn that Dr. W. F. Alexander, who has been quite sick for some days past, is now con valescent. Dr. J. P. Tate and Mr. Walter Monteith, of this city, are luxuriating on clam chowder and sich over on the Sound. Mr. A. S. Mercer is in town work ing up his new paper, the Oregon Gran ger. New Arrivals.--Messrs. Lnm brecht & Co., who arrived in Albany last spring and established themselves in the wagon and carriage manufactur ing business, have represented this country to their friends back in Penn sylvania as they Hud it, a good place for those who will try to help ihetn- selves, and the result is a number of their friends arrived here a few days ago. and intend to permanently locate here. Thus it Is, those who settle and remain here a while always bring more. I FISAXCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Gold In Xew York. 10810S4'. Legal tenders 90 'aoi'c. Wheat iu Liverpool 12s 5d12s Sd ; club, 12s 9d13s. On Thursday morning, the 23th lilt., the stable of Mr. David Kelly, of Poca hontas, Baker county, caught fire and was entirely burned down, together with a quantity of hay and two or three sets of harness. It is not known how the Are aught. Loss, $800 or $1,000. The ship Eskdale, now at Portland, is reported to be the largest vessel ever in that port. She can carry l.OOOtons. and will soon tommence to load with wheat for Europe. It is rumored that Prince Bismark will summon Catholic Bishops of Ger many who refuse to comply with the Government measures toward ecelesi- tstics, and demand their resignations. Large numbers of einplo3'cs in Eastern States continue to be thrown out of employment every day in con sequence ol the recent money panic. Thos. F. Ileall, of Jackson county, the past season raised 673 bushels, of wheat on eight acres of land, being 72 busiiels to the acre. MISCELLANEOUS. New To-Day. OK. STt,'EI.E"Ji MEDICAL WONDER ! CUKES ALL INTERNAL- AND EATER nnl Aehes and Pains; Purities tho lllood ; Regulates the Liver ; Cures Agues and bad folds. Don't he without it Sold by Druggists. 3tnl4 A. W. GAMBLE, M. D., Physician, Surgeon, etc. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE At the Inte residence of John C. Mendcnhall, near the Foundiy, First street, Albany. October 42, W7;iy NEWGrOODS! All who suffer from coughs, cokh bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, and the most to be dreaded otall. Con sumption, can find sure relief iu Dr. H'Mqr't tUOmm pf Wild Cherry, which always cures when other remedies fail. 14. MONTAGUE Jk McCULLY, LEBANON, OREtiON, HAVE J IT ST RECEIVED, AND ARE constantly receiving, large involeesof lute style OltY UOOOS, ft'BESU UHOt EKIIX, KEW CLOTHINU, and General Merchandise ! which they will dispose of on tho fairest and most, accommodating terms. A gen eral bivitat ion is extended toall tocallaml examine our new line of Dress Roods, late styles of Clothing, head wear, boots, shoes, Ac. Ac., the very latest in market, irml leeled with the view of meeting the re quirements of this people. MoNTAtUIE & McCULLY. October 18, 73m3 MISCELLANEOUS. Only about a Half Dozen MITCHELL WAGONS left at xu 4om-.s, Register Building, Albany. For Hardware, . Q.0 TO OOoJHk For Groceries, F RESH AND GOOD-GO TO noon. For Plows, MOLLNE. PEORIA, CAST ( ASTSTKRL, DODO'S is l he place to get t hem. anything you want, fir8t tht dodjtn. For Domestic Senilis Machine, wh y ! don 't kail to call at odd. Wheat. There is but little wheat now coming to town, ihe farmers hiv ing hauled pretty much nil in except wheat they can keep iu their own granaries. Buyers are only offering ninety-five cents here, and farmers ,vill hold their grain in preference to taking that figure. Seed Wiieat. Howell, Harper & Co. have for sale a choice article of Wheat tor seed, such as Fall or White Winter. Click and Chila Club, Sonora, etc., &c, all of which thev will dispose of by exchanging for other wheat, or i th" burnt fflstrlct, seemed ny the si on other terms which will nlltf. t$S$L S'lte;co,,1 REAL ESTATE SOLD ON CKEOIT, OR EXCHANGED for other Proncrty. Money Loaned. Notes, Accounts and Demands on the U. S. collected. C M. (IIITEK will sell his own City Lots nud BloekS and outside lands, on a long time, or will ex change for other property. He owns real estate In all purls ol the idly, and can sell cheaixr than any one else. MOi.-Nr-i iajamii lor any person, on For (bo Latent Iu BU C K 8 A W AXES, P1TCHKORKB, etc., give Bonn a call, anyway. When Toil Want ftlDER PRESSES, OR FARM MACIHN erv of any kind, call at thoHegintei uouuing ana see liCLTiBU-r noun. improved real estate in this city. Interest eolieeteil quarterly and remitted to lender. Loans can lie ma le to rebuild brick houses inn merty. Notes, Vouchers, Aecoimts and Claims on the U. S. collected. Address, C. M. OABTER, Carter's Block, Portland, Or October IS, l.-'TS-lin Released on Bail. Sbutts, the young man bound over last week in the stun of $2,000 to appear belore the next grand jury to answer the charge of manslaughter, in the matter of the Sweet Home tragedy, has liceu re leased by giving bonds to that amount. Needed. A shower of rain is be ginning to be needed to enable the tanners to continue plow mg to advantage. Living Advertisement. A medicine that has done more than all j the prescript ions of the pluirinacopicir. to I protect the human system against the, j bodily ills siiK'iindueed by unhealthy giir- j foundings, iscertainly worthy of universal : confidence. It is mainly on account of Its I Host et tor's Stomach Hitters is so ox- ! SASIT, BLIND, AND DOOR' ew-uiHKn iw""m lit un-uunus nuujvui to the visitation of miasmatic fevers and other diseases produced by empoisoned air. A thmlly thiit has escaped sickness during a sickly season in ermsequeneu of using the Bittei-s as a safeguard, is a living advertisement of the virtues of tho pre paration. The w hole neighborhood 'al- ize the fact. "I couldn't believe it," says one. "I scarcely credited the iwlvertise nients; but one must bellove what one sees," says another. "It Is the very thing we need in this unwholsome soolioii of canntrv.' remarks a lllird. And theriv suit Is t hat the Instinct of self defonec, the (irst. law of nature, induces three-fourths! of that community to obtain u supply of tuegrent vegi-ianie aiutuote nciore tno BUILDKRS, ATTENTION ! F1 A. C T O Y . S.U. ALTIIOUSE. J. F. BACKKXSTO. W. KEICU1M. ALTHOUE & CO., Lyon Street, on the River Hank, ALBANY, OREGON. TO THE FARMERS 1 ANO AM. IX WANT OF KTOBAWE! CB. COM8TOCK ft CO. HAVE THOB- onghly repaired anilsti-euglhened their Altmny Warehouse, and having two good Cleaners, can handle ALL OBAN THAT ('O.WES - with safety and dispatch. They are prepared to furnish nil the sacks needed. Don't Ik; frightened by tho old cry that we are getting more (bun wo can "store Call and see for yourselves. "FAIR DEALING WILL WIN." Read ! nexi sickly season sets In. In the winter, i Kwm nn i.....,! f,. ,ljmr,ni.,f COONTY Court. The County Court is now in session. Yesterday the court was engaged on Probate business, The Jacksonville . Sviilinnl Icarus from Prosecuting Attorney Neil that August Walters disemboweled a team ster belonging to Wilson's Circus, at Ashland, on Thursday evening last. We have not learned the teamster's name, but understand that he is dan gerously wounded. OUR Mills. Messrs. Foster's flowed ing mills are grinding a little ; the lack ol wafer; however, prevents them from doing anything like bus iness. Messrs. Bench & Monteith's mills are compelled to remain idle for want of water. The lack of water has b!en a great loss to these companies, which, it is hoped will not have to he Incurred another season, as they will have plenty of water from the Sanliain Canal, CanVassinu.-Mi'. W. Peter3, of Uilscity, will canvass this city and vicinity for subscriptions to the Oregon Granger. This is a worthy enterprise and should lie favorably received by our citizens and well patronized by our fanners. Mr." Mercer will no doubt make the Gf inyer a first-class paper, and one which should be iu very family in the Slate. Business. Our streets present quite busy appearanfe. Our merchants re receiving large quantities of goods rrery day, and are selling them as UA us they are received. Appropriations for city expenses of New York for 1874, approved October 31th, by the Board of Estimate Ap portioned, foot up $25,500,000, an in crease over last year of $1,808,000. The county's appropriation foots up to 113.400,000, an increase over last year of over 13.000,000. Mr. J. H. I). Henderson who, was Representative iu Congress from Oregon when the Increased and back pay bill of 1833 was passed, has pub lished a card denying the alleg.ttiou by Col. Nesmitlithat he (Henderson) voted lor the bill. whnn the system requires extra vigor and elasticity to enable Itto iaflte tlieetreotsof serviceable. Rheumatism will not bo apt to fasten upon muscles and nerves that have been braced up by this excellent Invlgorant and nervine; nor will the severities of the season, which have such a disastrous citeet onlhepulmo nary organs of i he feeble and delicate, le likely to exercise the stone untoward Influ ences in cases where t he stomach and the external surface of the body (which always sympathizes with the digestive organs) nave noon toned mm si miniated oy n course of the rostomlive. The lits of Indigestion nod (rrogularltiesoftho liowels which pro ceed from sudden changes of weather may alw ays lo averted by u timely use of the Hitters. IKD. At Tangent, Oct. Wtb, 1873, of consump tion, Mary Jane, wife of Daniel Miller, aged 58 years, in mout lis, and It! days. Xew To-Ouy. fspw i.il Ordinance No. 21. lltclating 10 building Cisterns: prepared to FURNISH TO ORDER, Doors, Sash, Blinds, and Molding, Such us CHOWS, PANEL. HAND A MICTION HOLD, Of all sizes WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, -And- All other hinds oi imUdiitg Mntcrlal . We will con Inlet m sTi.na Wheat FREE,eillierat ALBANY, PORT. LAND or HALSEY, until It Is worth 7to per bushel. . ALAHCK AMOUNT OF KMX NEED wunied, for which wo will jiay to inUIIENT 11 tltiiCJ PRICE iu cash, from time to time. Present notations! For Common and Volunteer, 3c V ft. " Citra line and clenn, fl 25 "J IW u s. C. B. COMSTOCK ft CO. Aug. l5-n50 CO TO THE l LSO: work, I'ltEPAIiEl) TO 1)0 StII.I. furnish shaker fans, zigzag U oirlff (ii ft 6y th- LXmmrm CuumHoflhA shakers, suction fans, driving pulleys of CHucf fffxnij.' any kind, ui our lactory on Lyon si reel ion BECTt .'. L That four cisterns he dug or ' IhC river hoitk), next below MarkhamV made lor the use of the city, to furnish ! warehouse. ALTHOUSE ft CO. Two convicts were pardoned out of the penitentiary by the Governor. One was a man named Warren, sen tenced from Jackson county for larce ny. The other was a half-breed, sen tenced for killing an Indian. At New York on the 3d Inst, the Pacific Mail Company received a dis patch announcing the complete wreck of tlio steamo.' lrfei between Yokoha ma and Hnkodadl. The crew and passengers were saved. water for the purpose of extingnishin fires. BBC. 2. That the cisterns In built under 1 the supervision ofu Committee on Cistern Building. Said committee to te appoint-! od by the Mayor. BBC. 3. T'neclsternstobclocated.itsiich 1 not nt s us the Committee on Cisterns shall ! designate, and that they lie walled iipwith orioK, anil either nretieit over with nricK i or covered in with limber and liimlcr. a j shall bo deemed best by the City Council 1 considering I he bid for each way. siKc. 4. Tho sold Committee on Cisterns I to examine and report to the Council the I building of said cisterns, and whether they 8W) completed according to contract. 1 skc. 9. The i ity Hocoraur shall advorlUe for bids for the building of said lour els- . terns as hy the said committee directed, j Skc. ti. This ordinance to take etfect i and be in force from and after live days from its publication. Passed the Council October 28th, 1S73. Approved October 2S1 h, 1S73. COLL. VAN tJ.EVB, Mayor. Jos. Ha.nnon, City Recorder. A. WHEELER. C. P. HOCGE. C. R. WIIEKLEK. a. wheeled: co., MIEDD, OREGON, Albany, Feb. 10, 1SXM4 AI.nANY Collegiate Institute! Next term ojk un, 11mdu.v, September 1, It. It. WAKK:-:N, Prrsideiit nit t-5 Dealers in Merchandise and Produce. A good assort uieiit of oil kinds of Goods al ways in store at lowest market rates. Agents for sale, of Wagons, (iraln Drills, Cider Mills, Chums, Ac., Ac. CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, PORK, BUTTER, EGOS and 1-OULTRY. FARMERS ! TaJaco KTotloo ! riMlE NEW AND WELL-ARRANGED X Warehouse of It. C'beadle, with bn in oved cleaning ai'imit us of ample capac ity. Is now prcfttrcd to nvolvo giuWi for the harvest of I87S. Farmers w ishing lo stow! or sell wheat, will And It to their advantage tosee me before selling elsewhere. All will 1)0 tarn ished with sacks to move I heir grain by culling on me. The highest, cash prlne win he jsiid tor gtKKl merchantable wheat at all times. I! S. MkuiiIM, nn nlil oitlmn nf Alliimr of excellent business qwdlBcatkins, has I will always do troll toraliand see for iuem- BEE-HIVE STORE! to oi;y Groceries, Provisions, Motions, &-., fcc, &(., vn uv TOR ASH! Cnnnlry Produce ol AH Hind UOtKiHT FOR MERCHANDISE OK CASHJ This Is the ntaoe to cut the ItEST BAD. Cains over oiferod fn Albany. Par'les taken chaive of the warehouse, and will superintend the reeeivimtand delivery ol nil grain passing through it, U. CHEADLE. Albany, July 23, Is73-Sn47m3 C'ooh Buy Coal Agency. BERRTMAN A DOYI.E. DEALKRvS la Cumberland, Lehigh and all descriptions of Foreign and Do mestic Coals. Also, PIG IRON. Hulk head -between Pacific and Jackson street wharves, San Francisco. Col. Uv8 selves. 11. WEED. First slrcot, Albany, Oregon. flit &Ktn49Anerday. Agents wantedl AO JMlUflP" elasses of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more, m n ev t work Tor us in their spare moms it oi- all the time, than at anything else Po ticulars free. Address G, 8t bison 4 Co., Portland, Maine. Ujl