V. 8. OflirfXI Tavr V EDXF.SDAY. OCT. 28. 1S73. The total xid mi to Mempliis in ld of yellow fever ;atients, amounts to $24,000. Mcavv snow storm reported in Cen tral and Western Wisconsin and Minn- ; MCa on the 2.r)th. A Postoffiee has 1 established at Little Elk, Benton canity, with Mr. K. II. Baber as Postmaster. "Hie National Bank aud n firm of jiivate bankers in Chicago have com menced paying out silver at par. At Hamilton, Nevada, on tlie 25th lust., Matheny was sentenced to be tanged on the lath of D eember nest. - Thomas Forte, locked tp in Jersey dtv sttice July last, Jbrkdling Eugene Aters, died of starvation on tlie 25th Inst. - Tlie leading hotel of Salt Lake, the CM House, was burned on the night ol the 24th. Loss, $10,000, partially insured. Shaw, convicted of wife poisoning at Albany, N. Y.. on the 24th, has tecu sentenced to be hanged on Friday, N ownibor 23th. Tlie Apollo Hall bemocrtts and the Republicans have nominated Julius Wadsworth for d. ngress, in James Brooks' district. Wintermute, who killed Gen. E. McCook at Yank n, Dakota Territo ry, a few days since, has been admitted bail in $5,000. At New Hav n, Con-, toe excur sion steamer ftnne P. Smitlnvas burned to the water's edge, on last Saturday. Loss $30.000 ; insurance, $15,000. As a step tow:utl the resumption of peoie payment', the General Govern ment will pay out silver as soon as It can be profttal'ly aud conveniently owned for that nrpose. Hie effect of .lie financial troubles iu New York are beginning to affect the working classes. In many trades large numbers f operatives were dis cliarged at the close of last week. Ata meeting held at Pittsburg, Pa., nthc 25th, at which all the lurnaoes bi that city and vicinity were repre auited, it was resolved to reduce wages tea per een . on and attertlie 27th inst. A Boston t iegram of the 25th, states that the be iy of Alfred Walnwrighf. well known in San Francisco, where he resided nuny years, was found in Charles river tc-day a supposed suicide. A Memphis dispatch of tlie 27th gsys : From noon Saturday, to Sunday, twejrty-six )-eIlow fevcrdeaths. From noon Sunday to noou to-day there were thirteen deaths a decrease of thirteen. A Wa-Mngton telegram says the amount of silver to be put out next week wll iw between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000. and tlie Secretary will lue more should the demand exceed, t'jis amount. Capt. Jtym'J II. Smith, ship broker, residing iu Patehogne, Long Island,' has been arrested, on the testimony of a servant girl, charged with poison ing his wile. The wife has evidently been poisoned, but is recovering. A telegram from Goidjborougfe, North Carolina, states that a meet important capture of counterfeiters was effected on the 24th inst., byU. S. Deputy Marshals. The gang coi misted of WJlftaui Black, John Moore, Wash tngtan fieoadley and William Bryant. Blade was the supposed chief. i i . . The Western Onien Telegraph Com ny give notice that no higher rates than 1 90 for tea words will be charg ed between offices on the Padfleceast, except te British Columbia, on and after November 1st. This reduces the ratjes to Oregon and Washiogton 'i'ar-rft7. Sdontiar I MM. BesearcTi and investigation are con stantly develong new facts in the scientific world, aud old theories arc ns constantly being exploded. The most enrkw aa well as interesting; devclopmei!-- have lieen madeiu phys-: iology. A profound scientist, witlt a name as long as a flag-pole, w ho has made the economy of man the subject of a life's stndy and research, gives the following as the result of hi inves tigations and calculations so tar as he has got. lie says; When pre mmr milk into a cup of tea 01 voflW-, the albumen of the milk ami the tannin of the tea Instantly form leather, or minute flukes of the very sime Compound which is m-oduecd in the. texture of the tunned hMe, and whieh uakes it leather ns dlslli' nlshed from the original skin. In the v use of a year a len-drhikcr of average habits will have imbibed leather enough ' i makea pair of boots, if it could Ixj put .uto the proper shape for tlx; pur pose. We are about to make an original remark: A great many things go Juto the mouth! (Tlu is a scientific fact that none dare dispute, therefore we claim a patent on it.) Aside from the originality of the remark, it is certain ly an alarming fact. Just think of it each of us, you. ig and old, big and little, male and female, drink, in the short space of one year, enough leath er to make a pair of boots ! Astound ing. We carry iu our blood although of the F. F. V. 'a enough iron to make a good horse-shoe. A dozen good-sized bricks could he made from the clay we carry in our mortal frames, were it properly separated and burned. Our lager beer drinkers, unknowingly it may be, have commenced 11 ie man ufacture of material for hats they are simply making hat factories out of (heir stomachs. Tlie malt ol the beer assimilates with the chyle and forms a kind of kit tlie very same seen in hat factories. Aud as we proceed further , with our scientist, we are iuformed that every adult person in the course ot eiglit mouths, requires for the sup port of the bones iu the body, to be fed lime enough to make a marble mantle. This map of science sums up as the aggregate of articles charged to account ot physiology, to keep a man iu fair working condition through a life of three score and ten years, as follows . Men's boots, at one pair a year for 70 yean 70 Horse-shoos, one a month fdrtO years as our arterial system renews its blood every new moon StO Bricks, at 12 per 7 years 120 Hats, not less than tl pel' year two Mantles, at ii per year 105 It will be observed that we eat as many boots as we wear ; devour a sufficient number of hats, to supply a small orphan school ; that we lloat iu our blood vessels enough iron to make horse-shoes for a large livery business; that we "tote" around clay enough to make a good sized flue, and that our bones contain marble sufficient to make several large double-medium imposing stones. A dispatch from Havana, dated Oct. 25th says : The brig Gataatella has ar rived at Sagua La Grande. She 're ports having picked up Oil the 9th instant a man, sole survivor of the CreW of tlie English brig Gamaf, from Fortune Island, bound fjr Boston, laden with salt, which foundered at sea. The Captain and crew of the British bark Qrrmoa have arrived here. The vessel was lost In a storm off La- basco. The telegraph reports the death of John C. Heenan, the 'Benieia Boy," an ex-pugilist, on tteears, near Green River station, last Saturday, while on his way from Colorado to California for his health. He fought Morrisey in the prize ring and got whipped ; he also-fought Tom Sayers, Champion of England, without satisfactory decision iu his favor, the mill creating the most intense excitement at the time iu both countries. Mrs. Yano, wife qf the Japanese Charge d'Affalrs at Washington, ar rived at San Francisco on the steamer of October 'the 27tti, en route to join her busbaud at Washington. She is the -first wife ol a Japanese official who has ever left tier native country to take up her residence with her husband in foreign lands. A Curo.mc Ou DuwoL-Jamea B. McCautey, of Richmond, Virginia, recently made oath that Im ihaa uot been sober tor twenty years. To Pkeskkve Fence-Posts. The following Is a French receipt for pre serving fence-posts from becoming rotten after they are Imbedded in the earth. It is said to be especially good in low. flat groMuds, along swails, etc. This is the process : Take linseed oil, boil it aud mix it with charcoal dust until the mixture is like ordinary paint. Give the posts a single coat of tlie paint or mixture before putting them in the ground, and noarmer, it is averred, will live long enough to see them rotten. Wood is thus ren dered more durable than iron Itself. The discoverer of the process, says that posts of soft wood, removed after re main" in the ground seven years, were found as sound as when first put into the ground. The only precaution nec essary is to see that the posts are well dried, before covering them with filar ial paint. lie . Miri-ail's fiute. The follov iug letter, written to the Bulletin, speaks for itself: Hi i LSBoHO, October 25. Editors Bulletin: When in town to-day I got a Copy of the State Rights Ikni'icntty piibii-hed at Albany by Mr. Martin Van Buren Brown, formerly of Iowa. Out of one of its columns I cut the small extract pinned to this, which appears to have come from the editor : "Mrs. Surratt was hanged amid a howl of exultation, in which nobody howled louder than Holt, Bingham, Speed, Stanton. Howard, and the rest of the clique which ruled in Washing ' ton at that time. But every man of tlxmi has been trying to wriggle out of his share of infamy ever since." I may be misinformed as to whether tlie Mr. Brown who has the Democrat is the same person 1 used to know, but I have strong reason to believe he is. During ttu. rebellion he was a niteer in the Union Army. I dUti ly re member hearing him vehemeiiily curse 'Old Mother Damnable," as it was the fashion then to call Mrs. Snrralt, and saying that she deserved hanging as' bad as any of the assassins of our great lamented Lincoln. I have not changed my ideas of it, but if this is the same Mr. Brown, he appears to have changed his very much since then. If the rest who then condemned her have got to wriggle in infamy on that account, I don't See how he CUU expect to escape. Oblige mo by publishing this letter. An Iowa. Uniox Man. President Grant's Deposit. The story that President Grant had a largii deposit iu the FI relational Bank at the tune of its suspension is denied. General Grant had not a "spec'al de posit" at the time of the First Nation al Bank' suspension. And it is also the fact that his account only covered his own personal salary, it having been the custom of former Presidents to instruct some ban . to collect their salary from the Government, Iron) Mr. Buchanan, s time of service to General Grant's. Grant o ly instruct ed the First National Bank to collect his salary account, and. hitc id of his having a "special deposit " to his cred it, his personal account was actually Overdrawn ($71). and Ibis Ins since been paid to the receiver and the ac count dosed. He did have "a little tin box" iu the bank of lay Cooke & Co., containing his variable private papers, and, among other thing, the liawlins bonds, which he holds iu trust, but not a dollar iu money on his own account. Washington (Jkrou ide, Vet. 10. Excellent Interest Pules. For fiuding the interest on any principal tor tiny number of days. The answer iu each ease being in cents, separate the two right hand figures of answer to express in dollars aud cents: Four Per CentMultiply the prin cipal by the number of days to run ; separate riglit hand figure from pro duct, and divide by 9. Five Per Cent Multiply by mimber of days, and divide by 72. Six PerCeut Multiply by number of days, separate right hand figure, and divide by 5. Eight Per Cent Multiply by num ber of days, and divide by 45. Nine PerCcnt Multiply by num ber of days, separate right hand fig ure, and divide by 4. Ten Per Cent Multiply by number of days, and divide by 3d. Twelve. Per Cent Multiply by number of days, separate l ight hand figure, and divide by 'A. During the absence of Isaac Ozen baugh from his heme in Fort Wayne, Iud., one night recently, burglars tried to break ilie door down. Airs. Ozeubaugh armed herself with an ax, and her son, a boy of fourteen, grasped a revolver aud then opened the door. A man sprang at him and tried to stab him with a dirk. The boy sprang aside, need, and missed. Then he placed the .muzzle of die revolver close to the fellow's shoulder and fired again. The nun fell tack into the arms of a companion, dragged him away, and the boy closed the dooc KPECIAL CABLE DISPATCH. From tho World's Fail. Vienna, Austria, Aug. 20, 73. W. G. Wh-son, Esq., PrenMent Wilson Sewing MachineCompany, Cleve land, 'Ohio: The Wilson Sewing Ma chine received the Grand Prize Med al for being the Bct Sewing Machine, and a Grand Prize (medal of honor) was awarded to the Wi.son Sewing Machine Co. for manufacturing sewing machines iu the best manner, from the best material, and by the best know n mechanical principles. These cele brated machines ar now on exhibition and for sale at the store of lltf. PLAIN, YOUNG & CO. AI.MA.M- AND KAXTIAM CANAL. The Albany and Santiam Canal Company would respectfully call ihe attention of Ha) pulilie, and especially the Capitalist, and those desiring to engage iu manufacturing, to their gigantic water power and water priv ilege. Sixteen thousand cubic feet constantly flowingevery minute, equal to 800 horse power. With from 8 to 30 feet fall, sufficient for the most exn give machinery, with ground on w hich to erect the neces-ary buildings, etc. The Company deem it but proper: hat the public should know more fully the locality of this great water power. l facilities and surroundings, in order that those unacfiiillhttetf may form some estimate of its value. The city of Albany Is the county-seat of Linn county, located on the south east bank of the Willamette river, about 100 miles south of Portland, by river, and 8t) miles by railroad; sixt'li of Salem 45 miles by rivt rand 30 miles by railroad, aud north o: Eugene City 45 miles. Albany is located iu a prairie of the same name, which is the great agricul tural center ot the illaiuette alley, and it is believed that upward of '(OO, 000 bushels of surplus wheat wil be re ceived at that point, the p: -i Dtfeasou, The most of it will find its ly to for eign markets, either by boat i or rail road to Portland, aud from thence ti on the ocean. The Willamette rivet is navigated by beautiful steamers, carrying from SO to 300 tons, running as far as Albany some ten months iu the year. Also, the O. & G. It. It , with its beautiful locomotives, is pass ing through the city daily. The city, ot Albluty is located upon a high, roll ing prairie, with thi ( ttapooht, a beau tiful creek, flowing ikU the Willamette river on the west. theVater of Which W used iu driving two large flouring inills, situated on the bank of the Wil lamette river. The city is about one mile in length, running east and west, and from one-half to three-fourths of a mile in w idth, and is laid oil' w ith streets of good width. The Canal, which is the subject and ol.ject of this communication, receives its waters from the boulli Santiam river, which heads in the great Cascade mountains, some 75 miles cast of Albany; thence running westerly through a valley of the same name, to Lebanon, a village located near the west l ink of said river, 13 miles east of Albany. The Canal receives the water: from the Santiam river at that point, thence I'miring west to its ter minus at Albany. The main Santiam flows northward, and empties its mountain waters Into the Willamette river 10 miles northeast of Albany. The Canal is brought from Lebanon through a beautiful prairie for a dis tance of 12 miles, and empties into the Willamette river, forming on its way and in the cily sonic of the finest water powc rs for manufacturing purposes found on the Pacific coast. There are but few, if any, points in the State which surpasses Albany now, for man uf during facilities. Cheap water power and easy of access, and conven ient transportation, either by water or railroad, and the location beautiful and hcalthv. The Canal Company offers liberal Inducements to persons desiring to en gage in the business of manufacturing, and will famish wajeV power upon the most reasonable terms. Manufactur ing of all kinds is ueeded iu Oregon, and could be made profitable, fhe Canal Company will agree to furnish, within sixty days, any water power needed, from a button factory to that of a locomotive. immigrants and others are earnestly invited, and 'requested to visit Albany and examine for themselves. Heal property can yet be procured on very reasonable terms, both in and out of the City. Our people compare favor ably with the restol mankind, morally socially, politically and financially. Published by order of the Board of Directors, Sept. 8th, 1873. L. ELKINS, 1. Mansfield, President. Secretary. REMEMBER! C. MEALEY, omns a (mos JPAying Business! Fof Sale Low. DPY GOODS, ETC. as C5 M M 23 Hid $ -i a r- 5 C i ". s Si i'ff o r$ Q Urn "Yil it 2 is ' 4 'I, I '3 si 5? - 5 1 5' fi u W LI W ft 28! sn i u X " A t? M M 2 a3 ft ft 3 0 ' m S a e O H i ft A "1 ft x 0 s HI Ji m $m u s ' 1 . h 4 o m 3? site "3 O i & 5 2 9 i B 2 1 ft nesatm WATCH ES J E W E LEY. ::r.:r:zz: r-rrrrnrrrrrrt J. 1). TITVS. J, B. TlttH (HAS. lllH'KOAHDt.S. TITUS, BOURGARDES & CO,, jli:alki:s ijj I O s. J EWE LEY, Silver & Plated Ware, and DIAMOND SPECTACIES. MA N n PACTUltBD AND AI)JTJOT especially lor tno t'aciilc Coat by th NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Ullnols, viz: Paciflc, Culifumlu and uii FranelMrw WA'I't'll, n:el wo most confidently rt ommenil tbem to the piiliJUvioHC881nc more goo.l (iwlttles for Ihe price than wit other Wak li in the market. We also Keep all other biamls of Elirtiw Wulllmin amt Swhi WatehOS, Clocka, J elry, Silver and I'latoU Waiv, also Pistols and artridcf t&T Repa-lriiig a Snecialty. JSf eT All Work Bone and Moonta mte Wacrantcd to lit n ncprcsemcriU THua, Bourgardea St Otk, AT JOHNOASTBA'8 OLD KTANU, First street, ALBANY,