The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 25, 1873, Image 2

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V. H. Olli' rial Paper for Oregon.
The Yellow fever still continues Its
ravages at Memphis and other place'.
The tie led ami flaming debt of
South Carolina amounts to over Stteen
millions of dollar.?.
On the 21st w ool quotations In Phila
delphia were : California fine ami me
dium, 23 330c ; course, 23325c.
Mrs. E. M. Mo: -in has been elected
enrolling clerk of t lie Washington Ter
ritory Legislature.
Enek Pity.
Ilad the ide i ever entered the heads
o( tlic trainers of the Constitution,
that members of Coneress wonld
I deliberately vote themselves com
I penraflon for past swviee?, they
would have prevented the possi
bility of sncl) legislation by constitu
i enactment, As proof we sec
j the care taken in prescribing that no
Senator or Representative should, dur
; ing the time for which he was elected,
be appointed to any mil ofh'ce that
was created, or the emoluments of
which had been Increased during such
time. The principles are (lie same,
although the cases are not altogether
From the World's Fair.
VIENNA, Austria, Aug. 20, 73.
W. 0. WitSON. ESQ.. President
)Vilsu Sewhui M'c'iinet'imimnf,Cteve-
hml, Ohio: Tlie Wilson Sewing Ma
From Northern New England and
Cleveland, Olrio. comes reorti of a
severe storm on the 20th, which- done
great damage to Gripping.
The Xeiv York Sunday Mercury
claims that the debt of that city
amounts to nearly $170,000,000. A
large amount, certainly.
The Cnirird Steamship Company
are to withdraw their steamers from
the West Indian service, and establish
a daily lino between Liverpool and
New York.
The rice for the Cambridgeshire
itake, Newmarket. England, on the
titt. was won by Moutargis, M .ilmtt
second .and Sterling third. Thirty
aeven horses started.
Jay Gould has resigned the Presi
dency of the Southern and New Jersey
Railroad, and it U rumored, will, at an
early day, retire from Wall street en
tirely. W. F. Deitehen, son of the Presi
dent of the General Security Rank of
Lou toil k Kentucky, was killed by
William Panlk, on the 21st, who struck
him w ith a heavy piece of weed on
the head. Panlk fled and cannot be
On the 21st two passenger trains on
the Hudson River Railroad met cn
Tivola Bridge. Fortunately they w ere
going slow, and no damage was done
beyond smashing headlight. But
think what might have hapieiied had
they been going at forty miles an
Four men have been arrested in
New York, charged of be'ng connect
ed with the recent Immense forgeries
of N. Y. Central bonds. The evidence
Is furnished by the engraver who
made the plates from which tlie forged
bonds were printed.
All the Xj. S. Mints Lave been or
dered to work to their fullest capacity
in coining silver. Fifty thousand
ounces of silver hive been received at
the Philadelphia mint from Chicago,
which will be coined into halves, quar
ter! and 'dimes. Silver will soon be
plentiful in the Eastern States, and be
In general tii-CHlaliea as before the
Tine CULTIVATION ok Prunes. II.
II. Tuttie. writing to the Portland
Bulletin, calls attention to a branch of j
industry which might be entered into
largely In Oregon, with the most
profitable results, If his fignres are j
correct. The branch of industry to j
which he calls attention is the eulti- j
Vflflon of the prune or plum. The i
statement made is that the business
cannot be overdone; that there will
always be a good market for the
fruit in a dried slate nt remunerative
prices; that no State east ot the Rocky !
Mountains can raise them, and that
Ores: .in produces them in perfection.
Mr. Walling, at his place, near Mil
waukee, soli I tlie product of four acres
for the neat little sum of $3.000 this
at 15c per pound. The labor of gather
ing and drying is said to amount to
but a trifle, as far as the expense 'il
concerned. Mr. Luclling, another
nurseryman, sent his crop green to
San Francisco, where he realized five
cents per pound net for them. Mr.
Miller, of Milwaukee, sends his to
Baltimore, dried. Onr' prunes are
preferred above all others in the Eas
tern markets, and from all quarters
comes the demand, "Wh never saw
the like : send us all you can of them."
In California the fruit loes its prune
nature anil changes to a plum. It i
a branch of industry in which no other
State in the Union, can begin to coin-
pete with ns, and when railroad com
munication is opened up direct to the
great centres of trade in the East,
there will scarcely be a limit to the
amoint tint can he sold there. Land
suitable for the cultivation of the fruit
can be obtained in close proximity to
the railroad or rive'r. at from $10 to
f40 per acre, anywhere in the Wil
lamette Valley, so that a very little
capita! invested will secure the largest
results. Almost any kind of fruit does
well in Oregon.
Lebanon Grange, R. A. Irvine,
Master, initiated seven new members
at its last meeting.
fheiv are no dwellings to rent in
tlie city, we believe ill full.
Dr. W. F. Alexander is reported i chine received the Ghani Prize MEU
seriously ilk we are sorry to learn, j al for being the Best Sewing Machine,
Indian Summer is upon us, the finest : aiid a Grand IYize (medal of honor)
portion of the year. (was awarded to the Wi.son Sewing
Astoria excurtiouists expected back j Machine Co. for manufacturing sewing
to-day. machines in the best manner, from the
Rebekah Lodge meets this evening, best material, and by the best known
River still too low tor navigation. meeliaiiical urincinles. These eele-
Butter in good supply at 25c per
Cai.i.kd Home. -An aged lady,
Mrs. Fox, died very suddenly on last
Saturday, at her residence In this
city. Din ing the, temporary absence
of her daughter from the room, the
old lady fell from her chair in front of
tlie fire-place to tlie floor. The daugh
ter, hearing the noise made bv
in Til machines ar now on exhibition
and for sale at the store of
The Albany and Saiitliini Canal
Company would respectfully call the
uttentloi of die public, and especially
the Capitalist, and those desiring to
engage in manufacturing, to their
the i gigantic water power and water priv
fall, hurried into the room, drew her Bixwn mousaun enow leet
eon now m:;rri iiinmii', t'ipiai
to 800 horse power, with from 8 to 30
mother farther from the fire, and then
hurried across the street for help.
Help came immediately, but the aged
lady had departed to her home in the
spirit land.
An Exciting Rack. On Wednes
day, shortly after the train on the O. &.
C. R. R. had left Eugene City, coining
tlris wav, a colt feeding near th track
took a fool notion to out-tin the train.
After putting in its best licks for about
a mile, the colt caught up and ran into
the rear coach with such force a to
thro.V it violently to the ground. The j
colt immediately arose, and although
its head was bleeding profusely, gal-:
lantly continued the race until it came
to and fell through a bridge. It
showed good pluck, but poor discretion.
Elegant Building Lots. The
two lots south of the M. E. Church
arc for sale. They arc elegant lots
for residences, and will be sold cheap.
Inquire of the paster oTthe church, or
at this office.
Here's a little story carting"
prominent citizen: Fond du Lac,
Wisconsin, voted one of Iter Aldermen
a cane for being tltc homeliest man in
town. When the votes were counted
up and the result announced, Mi. Me
Henry took off his coat and mauled
that crowd of friends and aeqnaintan
oes, until I he Siiciwtuess of the ballot
tx was forever destroyed.
The leading Democratic rtatcsmnn
and oratr of Ohio, Geo. M. Pugh, in
a speech delivered at Cincinnati, Au
gust 4th, uses the follow ing plain lan
guage in relation to the Democratic
party Of Ohio-:
Look at the mtnoCKltlc Party
Butler, good for 2,200 majority every
year, and less than a year ago they
took the bottom Out. of the treasury
and left her without accent, and com
pelled ler Senator 'to wppeal to the
Legislature of Ohio for leave to Use
her credit, to pay the ordinary expens
es of .her administration. -Look at
Fairfield county with a Democratic
majority of frma 1,000 to 2;00.
They found tlutt'by m concerted sys
tem, lasting through live or six years,
all her assets have Ix-en stolen and her
people robbed. When I am reproach
1 for getting out of a den of thieves,
I point to the Democratic parties of
Butler and Fairfield.
Portic riocriKn The Piochc Rec
ord fell's this : We have many and
beautiful meteors these autumn night.
Yesterday evening a tender swain said
to bis sweetness 'Some of these fall
ing stars seem to descend immense
distances, and they seem to leave be
hind them a bright path, as if they
were celestial messengers flying east
ward, the dust of heaven falling from
their feet, and making a track of light
behind." To which tlie soft, sweet
maid replied : "They alien make me
think about the circus man tot swal-l.-red
On the 13th, on the road between
Crescent City and Jacksonville, James
D. Appleton, fell from the seat in his
wagon, near Smith river, and one of
'he wheels passed over his head, crn-di-ing
it slrtfckingly and producing instant
death. He leaves a wife and seven
Next Monday Prof. Lay w ill go up
In the balloon ' New World," from
'Frisco, with a Justice of the Peace and
a young lady, and when three miles
above ;lio earth the accommodating
Sparc will unite them in marriage.
After that they will cruise around
s nne.
Here's how they fight in Cuba. On
the 17tll, Maximo Gomez attacked the
town of Bain, and after four hours
fightin; drew off w ith a loss of four
killed ;nd thirty wounded. At that
rate of kiiling, a small army would
last for years.
Hoitnini.K Domestic Tr.vokdt.
At Bedfurd, Ohio, on the night of the
19th. Thomas Christopher, a one-legged
blacksmith, discovered John Mor
row In criminal intercourse with his
wife. He stabbed his three children
thcH Ids wife, and attacked Morrow
Morrow disarmed and killed the hin
hand, stubbing him a dozen times.
It was thought the w ife and child will
New Version. ir-re's the latest
version of "Old Uncle Ned"' : Then
of j pull up the w icket and the stake, and
put by the mallet and i he ball ; for no
more croquet 'H be played this year
it's geiting too late in the fall.
Theltouse and barn df James Ilayer,
near Comllls, were burned on Mon
day night 'insured. Supposed woik
of ineeudiariw, ns the house was unoccupied.
Ti o official returns for Multnomah
enn. ty give Nesoiith 771 votes, Smith
1,303 ; Smith's majority, 530. Sirs.
Dunlwny and Dr. Geary got one vote j wrm.s Albany now, for man
each. I ufcctnring facilities. Cheap water
,, " " .,, " , I power and easy of access, and con ven-
El.ition returns still hang Are. L tMBaimrhitlo-i. lMii.h n .-
feet fall, sufficient for the most ex'en
! sive machinery, with ground on which
to erect the necessary buildings, etc.
i The Company deem it but proper that
I the public should know more fully the
: locality of this great water power, its
facilities and surroundings, in i nler
that those unacquainted may form
some estimate of its value.
; The city of Albany is the county-seat
of Linn. county, located on the south
east bank of the Willamette river,
about 100 miles south of Portland, by
i river, and 80 miles by railroad; sou'h
' of Salem 45 miles by river and 30 miles
j by railroad, and north of Eugene City
! 45 miles.
Albany is located in a prairie of the
same name, which is the "great agricul
tural center of the Willamette alley,
and it is believed that upward of 500,
000 bushels of surplus w heat will be re
ceived at that point, the present season.
The most of It w ill Audits w ay to for
eign markets, either by boats or rail
road to Portland, and from (hence up
on the ocean. The Willamette river
is navigaied bv beautiful steamers,
carrying from SO to 300 tons, tinning
as nil as Aioauv some len mounts ii
the year. Also, the O. & C. R. R ,
w ith itsMieautitiil locomotives, is pass
ing through the city daily, fhe city
ot Albany is located upon a high, roll
ing prairie, withiheCalapoofa, a beau
tiful creek, flow ing into the Willamette
river on the west, the water of which
is used in driving two large (louring
mills, situated on tlie bank of the Wil
lamette river. The city Is about one
mile in length, running east and west,
ami from one-half to three-fourths
of a mile in width, and is laid off with
streets of good width.
The Canal, w hich Is the subject and
object of this communication, receives,
its waters from (he South Saiitlain
river, which heads in the areiitCnscade
mountains, some 75 miles east of
Albany ; thence running westerly
through a valley of the same name, to
Lebanon, a village located near the
west bank of said river, 13 miles east
of Albany. The Canal receives the
waters from the Santlani river at that
point, thence running west to its ter
minus at Albany. The main Santiain
flows uorthwaed, and empties its
mountain waters Into the Willamette
river 10 miles northeast of Albany.
The Canal is brought from Lebanon
through a beautiful prairie for a dis
tance of 12 miles, aoil empties into the
Willamette river, forming on ils way
and in the city some of the fittest water
powers for manufacturing purposes
found on the Pacific coast. There are
lint tew. it any. points in the btate
H 2 ,
2" 9
n a
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2 l7e,fcs c
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Nesnllth's majority will not range
much under 2,000 from present information.
Safe Robbed. The safe in the
County Treasurer's ofllce, Jackson
county, Iowa, was robbed, on last Sun
day night, of 20,000.
In the storm the other night nt
feekskill, nine canal boats were sunk,
involving a loss of $200,000.
Lizzie Schuttler confesses to the mur
der of Mrs. Branlin, at Pittsburg,
Penn., on the 17lh.
A Hvmn to Hash. A certain host
ess, whose (able Is noted for its uni
formity of dishes, has a brisk dimghtcr
wlio electrified her ma's boarders with
the following jjnrody sung to an ac
companiment on a new fifty-dollar
piano: "VV In le oeei steak and venison
costs lots of cash, 4te t ever so grisly,
there's nothing like hash ; the scrap
ings and leavings of no use elsewhere
when mixed altogether make excellent
fare. Hash, hash, good meat hash!
Be It ever se grisly, there's nothing
like hash! A stranger from home,
hotels dazzle ia wain: O, give me
cheap eating-house food that's more
plain, the waiter wiio gnyiy te-echoes
my call for a nice plate of hash ot a
single, fish-ball. Hash, hash," etc.
Fhee and Ancient Mason. Mrs.
Senator Sumner has resinned her
maiden name, Alice Mason.
railroad, and the location beautiful and
The Canal Company offers liberal
Inducements to persons desiring to en
gage in the business of manufacturing,
and w ill furnish water power upon the
most reasonable terms. Manufactur
ing of all kinds is needed In Oregon,
and could he made profitable. The
Canal Company will agree to furnish,
within sixty days, any water power
needed, from a button factory to that
of a locomotive.
Immigrants and other ; are earnestly
invited and requested fn visit Albany
and examine for themselves. Real
property can yet be procured on very
reasonable terms, both in and out of
the city. Our people compare f ivnr
ably with fhe rest ot mankind, morally
socially, politically and financially.
Published by order of the Boaitl of
Directors, Sept. 8th, 1873.
D. Mavsftkm), . President.
, . j. UJ
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u9 Is1 mQ
2 B M
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f " 2 " '
i$it 3 H
s fi
d::ai.i:iis l.V
Silver & Plated War,
Paying Business !
For Sale Low.
especially for the I'aelflo Coast by th
of Elgin, Illinois, viz:
California and
Sun FranctMM
WATCH, and wo most eonililcntly r
ommend Hiom to the pnbHe,an !X)sseaSiD
more goo 1 iiualilies foe i lio pi ke than any
ot her Watch in the mm kef.
We also keep all other hrsndfl ef Sltrtu,
Wulfham ami Swiss Wu'ehes, CidakaTjvV
elry, SUver and Plalivl Who;
Plitols and Cartrldye.
W Repairing a Specialty. Jf9
6JTAII Work Done Mid oad MM,
Warrmltnd to be na Uepresented.
Tit ua, Hoursardcn & o
rim street, ALBANY, OIUJUU