5 ALBANY REGISTER. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1S73. Thiht;it"nr Proclamation. By IV President of the Vnitfd States tf America The approaching close of another ywrr brings with It the occa iion for renewed thanksgiving and acknowledgment to tlie Almighty Ruler ir the Universe for the iinnnm bewd mercies which he has liestowcd upon us. Abundant harvests have been among the rewards of industry. With local exceptions, neaiii-iiasneen tmong tlie blessings enjoyed. Tran iiuillty at home and peace with other nations liave prevailed. Frugal indus try is regaining its merited recogni tion audits merited rewards. Grad ually, bit, under fte providence of God, sorely, as we mist, tlie Nation to recovering from tlie fingering results of a dreadful civil strife. For these and all other mercies vouchsafed, it become us as a people to return heart felt and gratefnl acknowledgments, and with our thanksgiving we may unite prayers for the cessation ot local and temporary suffering. I therefore recommend that on Tlmrsday, the 27th of November next, the people meet in their respective placesof worship to make tlieir ac knowledgments to Almighty God tor HLs bounties and His protection, and to offer to Him prayers tor their con tinuance. In witness whereof I have hereunto et my hand and caused tlie seal of the United states to be affixed. Done at the Citv of Washington this 11th day of October, in tlie year of our l4ord one thousand eight, Buna reel and seveuty-fliree. and of the muepcnti ence of the United States the ninety MrrenUk ULYSESS. GRANT. By Hamilton Fish, President. Secretary of State. Ttoe Etcetten. The estimated majorities in the dif ferent counties in the State, so far as heard from, are as follows: 00CKTIE8. HY.V. PF.M. Jack win Douglas Ine Unn Marlon 33 Benton Hoik Yamhill Clackamas Washington i.'olumbm Multnomah .523 Wasco Umatilla bo 300 175 499 13R m 7i 50 40 135 3t) 3,355 Total majorities 55S Baker, Coos, Curry, Clatsop, Grant, Josephine, Tillamook and Union yet to bear from. EAMTERX ELECTION SEWS. PENNSYLVANIA. Gordon (R). candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, U elected over Ludlow (Di. by 18,000 majority. Sixteen Republicans and two Democrats are elected to the Leg islature from Philadelphia. Elliott (B), for Sheriff has 27.540 majority ever the Democratic and Reform can didates combined. IOWA. The entire Republican State ticket ta elected by about 20.000 majority. The Legislature is close although the Republicans will have it by a small vote. OHIO. The election in Ohio is very close, both parties claiming it. The majority will not run more than 1,000 either way. The Democrats claim the legis lature certain. district op Columbia. The Republicans elect twenty mem bers of the House of Delegates while the Democrats elect as many as two members. NEW JERSEY. Tlie Newark cliarter election result ail in the success of Perry, Democratic and Reform candidate by 179 ma jority. Attorney General Williams Has deckled that one-halt of the com pensation chargeable for Government dispatches over tlie telegraph lines of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany along the Kansas Pacific Rail road may be retained by the Govern ment and applied to the payment of baud issued by tlie United States to aid in the construction of tlie road. Sustained. A recent decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois sustains the Liquor Law of that State, which is similar to the one hi force in Ohio. Memphis. Sixty-one deaths frcm yellow fever at Memphis on tlie 14th. AcQcrrTED. Miss Mink, ou trial at Rockland, Me., frrthe murder of Dr Baker, was acquitted on the 13th. Foundered. The schooner R. T. Warner foundered at sen, and the crew, sixteen In number, perished. Thanksgiving. Thursday tlie 27th of November, has been set apart by the President as a national day of thanksgiving. Nevada Weather. On the 15th com tlie news ot a severe snow-storm that had been prevailing in Eastern Nevada for tlie previous twenty-four hours. Strapped. On the 14th. at tlie Scandinavian House, San Francisco, Ernest Diedricli choked himself to death with a strap. Masonic. There were 000 Masons in attendance at tlie Grand Lodge of Masons, which met in San Francisco ou the 14th. Heap Wheat. The Three Broth ers sails from San Francisco with the largest load of wheat ever shipped in one vessel 4,386 tons. In New York on the 14th, George Rook, the pugilist, fatally stabbed Richard Bradshaw. Ohio. The vote ot Cincinnati on the 14th, shows a falling off of the usual poll of from 15 to 20 per cent. Election news comes in tardily enough. We have no reason to be lieve, from the returns so far received, that more than half a vote lias been cast in the State. Stock Bcrned. Seventen blooded horses were consumed on the night of the 13th, by the burning ot the stables of Davidson Taggart, Goffstown, New Hampshire. . Gave Bail. Conway, who shot ex-Senator Pomcroy at Washington on Saturday last, waived an examina tion, giving bail on a charge of assault with intent to kill. Bank Robbed. On Monday night the First National Rank of Athens, Pennsylvania, wascntered by burglars, who seized and bound the cashier, and then robbed the bank. They didn't make a very large haul. Latest Eastern News. Ohio has probably gone Democratic, Legisla ture and all. The vote in Iowa is very close. The anti-monopolists and Dem ocrats will probadly have the Legisla ture on joint ballot. Good. The decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois to tlie effect that tele graph companies must transmit mes sages in the first instance correctly, and that an additional charge for re peating, to insure correctness, Is a fraud upon the public, is a good ouc Chicago Still Ahead. At the benefit in aid of the yellow fever suf ferers in Shreveport and Memphis, given in Chicago on the evening of the 13th, between $15,000 and $20,000 were realized. The Cai.ifoisnia State Grange Met in Convention at San Jose. Cali fornia on the 14th, between sixty and seventy delegates present, J. VV. A. Wright presiding. Gov. Booth deliv ered an address on Friday evening. The Convention will continue during the week. High Winds Blew a freight car from the side track, at Gait, Califor nia, on the 14th, where a freight train bound for San Francisco ran into it. ditching tlie locomotive and twelve cars. The engineer, Bradley, jumped from the engine and was badly bruised. Grange Trouble?. The Boston Orange composed of grain commission merchants, liaving been ordered to dis band by the Grand Master of the Na tional Grange, as It was not a Farm ers' Grange, threaten to carry the mater before tlie National Grange. The Boston Grange retains its books and rituals, the members using the passwords and grips of the Order. As it Is composed of prominent business meti a warm contest is promised. Anarchy Impending. The Journal de Paris, of France, declares tliat the recent elections demonstrate the neces sity for the restoration of a monarchy to prevent impending anarchy. Emigration Agents Expelled from Germany. The Minister of Commerce and the Interior, at Berlin, Germany, has Issued instructions to the district authorities to expel all em igration agents who are domiciled in Germany. Deserters to be Pardoned. The President has caused an order to be issued by tlie War Department, par doning all deserters who return to duty on or before the first day of January next and serve faithfully during the remainder of their term of enlistment. Bullion Coming. Two hundred and ninety-five thousand pounds of bullion were-shipped from London to New York on the 13th. Sixty-two thousand pounds were withdrawn from the Bank of England the same day, nearly all of which was destined for the United States. Terrible Tragedy in Missouri. Near Cnrrolton, Missouri, on Friday night of last week, Robert Austin, a wealth v voune fanner, who suspected the fidelity of his wife, announced his departure for St. Louis, but returned to his bed-room closet, armed with a double-barreled gun, and shortly after his wife hud retired, Elijah Haley, a young man, came in and prepared to retire, when Austin sprang out and fired one barrel at him. The charge Struck his wife, intlictlnga fatal wound. He then shot Haley dead with the otl.er barrel. Mrs. Austin died on Saturday. Austin has surrendered to the authorities. State Granges. A meeting of the Executive Committee of State Granges of the Mississippi Valley occurred at Keokuk, Iowa, on the lGth, with rep resentatives from Iowa, Illinois, Kan sas, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Mis souri. HH Pennsylvania Election. From the returns received Philadelphia will give about the usual Republican ma jorities, although there has been a great falling off in the vote polled since last year. Shocking Accident. The follow ing is from Yreka, October 14th : An accident occurred at Strawberry Val ley, on the, Sacramento River road, yesterday afternoon. Miss Emily Sliep- ard, 15 years or age. was out horse back ridins with another young girl. when her horse took fright and threw her from'The saddle. Her foot hung in the stirrup and the horse dragged her a quarter of a mile, when the stir nip broke, H lien found the Ctrl was dead. Fifty-nine Figiits in Less Than Two Hours. On Saturday night four pngilistically inclined gentlemen from Albion, all well versed in "the manly art of self-defense," drew a line across the principal public highway leading from this city to Gold Hill, just beyond the Divide, peeled off. and swore that every man should fight wo stepped his foot across the "dead line" during tlie night or at least until such time as one of their number should get whip ped by one man vfor no foul play was allowed or indulged in) or all of them should lie whipped by a crowd of pas sers. The result was fifty-nine fights in less than two hours. The Bulls were successful for a long time, and put heads on some fifty odd men be fore they found tlieir match. At last, however, three robust sons ot the Em erald Isle happened that way, and, lieing attacked, stilled in and gave the dead-liners (all four of themj an un merciful beating, and took possession ot the field. Ascertauiiig what the subjugated enemy had been up to, the conquerors concluded they would run the circus awhile themselves. They had not long to wait when two other Irish giants came pacing down tlie hill. One of the new dead-line guards drew his coat across the road in front of his passing countrymen, and the battle opened at once with the most savage ferocity. In less than a minute one of the three conquerors lay sense less in the road, and the other two were heeling it across the hill toward the Bullion works, with tattered and bloody shirts streaming in the wind. When Greek met Greek neace followed. and reigned profound till morning. Virginia Vnronicle. f A man advertises in a London paper for "very comfortable apartments, two bedrooms, and a sitting-room with meadow 'attached." "f was night. A warm couple stood in the pale, cool moonbeams. Their Hps touched, and there was a sound like a cow hauling her hoof out of the mud. SPECIAL CABLE DISPATCH. From the World's Fair. Vienna, Austria, Aug. 20, '73. W. G. Wilson, Esq., President Wilson Setting Machine ( 'mpanj, Clere land, Ohio: The Wilson Sewing Ma chine received the Grand Prize Med al for being the Best Sewing Machine, and a Grand Prize (medal of honor) was awarded to the Wilson Sewing Machine Co. for manufacturing sewing machines in the best manner, from the best material, and by the best known mechanical principles. These cele brated machines nr, now on exhibition and for sale at the store of lltf. BLAIN, YOUNG & CO. FINANCIAL AXD COMMERCIAL. Gold In New York, lOSWJ. Legal tenders !0l)l Uc. Wheat in Liverpool 12s6d512s 7d J club, 12s fld12s 13d. No change in San Francisco, Port land or home markets. How best to keep inquisitive chil dren's ears shut up: Box 'em. m ' ALBANY AND KANTIA.M CANAL. The Albany and Sautiam Canal Company would respectfully call the attention of the public, and "especially the Capitalist, ami those desiring to engage in manufacturing, to tlieir gigantic water power and water priv ilege. Sixteen thousand cubic feet constantly flowingeverr minute, eoual to 800 horse power, with from 8 to 30 teet mil. sufficient tor the most ex'en sive machinery, with ground on which to erect the necessary buddings, etc. The Company deem it but projierthat the public should know more fully the locality of this great water power, its facilities and surroundings, in order that those unacquainted may form some estimate of its value. The city of Albany is tlie county-seat of Linn county, located on the south east bank of the Willamette river, about I0O miles south of Portland, by river, and 80 miles by railroad; souih of Salem 45 miles by river and 30 miles by railroad, and north of Eugene City 45 miles. Albany is located in a prairie of the same name, which is the great agricul tural center of the Willamette V alley, and it is believed that upward of 500, 000 bushels of surplus wheat will be re ceived at that point, tlie present season. The most of it will find its way to for eign markets, either by boats or rail raid to Portland, and from thence up on the ocean. The Williwoette river is navigated by beautiful steamers, carrying from 80 to 300 tons, running as far as Albany some ten months in the year. Also, the O. & C. R. R , with its beautiful locomotives, is' pass ing through tlie city daily. The city ot Albany is located Uiou a high, roll ing limine, wmi tin; una doom, a Beau tiful cl-eek, (Towing into the Willamette river on tlie west, the water of which is used in driving two large flouring mills, situated on the bank or the Wil lamette river. The city is about one mile in length, running east and west, and from one-half to three-fourths of a mile in width, and is laid off with streets of good width. The Canal, which is the subject and object of tliis communication, receives its waters from the South Santiam river, w hich heads in the great Cascade mountains, some 75 miles east of Albany; thence running westerly through a valley of the mine name, to Lebanon, a village located near the west bank of said river, 13 miles east of Albany. The Canal receives the waters from the Santiam river at tliat point, thence running west to its ter minus at Albany. The main Santiam flows northwanl, and empties its mountain waters Into the Willamette river 11) miles northeast of Albany. Tlie Canal is brought from Lebanon through !'. beautiful prairie for a dis tance of 12 miles, and empties into tlie Willamette river, forming on Its way and in the city some of the finest water powers for manufacturing purposes found on I he Pacific coast. There are but tew, if any, points in the State which surpasses Albany now, for man ufacturing facilities. Cheap water power and easy of access, and conven ient transportation, either by water or railroad, and the location beautiful and healthy. The Canal Company offers liberal inducements to persons desiring to en gage in the business ot manufacturing, mid will furnish water power upon the most reasonable terms. Manufactur ing of all kinds is needed in Oregon, and could be made profitable. The Canal Company will agree to furnish, within sixty clays, any water power needed, from a bntton factory to that of a locomotive. Immigrants and others are earnestly invited and requested to visit Albany and examine for themselves. Real property can yet be procured on very reasonable terms, both in and out of the city. Our people compare favor ably with the rest ot mankind, morally socially, politic-ally and financially. niDiisned oy oroer ot the Board of Directors, Sept. 8th, 1873. L. ELK INS. " D. Mansheld, President. Secretary. DRY GOODS, ETC. ft a 2 ST 9 ft" 7? 8 J I U ft M 9 rQ m re :S3 0 mm W Tr B EG 5 V 9 I D W v" ipso? s r . mt B2 99 m 4 o i, Li h mmm i " U I ' I ff I 3- ft T . 1 (0 w a ran si." tj a ? si a a - M i; iff - a A ft H i H i. 6 ft 9 ft 0 0 2 4 m 0 -ft, O J C8 B 0 SB e x m ft B 2 . lb - tr! 2 2J -Erj y s jl t- 9. f A. V k- r 2 k e t 93 1 ft WATCHESWEWELRY. J. I HTCS. J. B. TmHt CT1A8. BOVKGARDES. WHS, BOORGARDES & CO,, DKAUtta IS. m, J EWELEY, Silver & Plated Ware. illlll- DIAMOND SPECTACLES. MANtlFACTUHEI) AND AIUtTHTEP ai!ciJIy for t lie Pucillv Coast by th NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Klfcln, Illinois, vU: Paclllc, i California and Nan Franvtsro WATt'H, and wo most confidently rwi onmiena them to the public, us rwsesSlriu more frnod .inulitles for the prire tlmruin? other Watch in the market, """u7 VVe ulw keep nil other liran-ls of Klptn, waltliam and Swiss Wiiielies (Jloc-kg Jiw elr', 8Uver mid Plated Ware, also Platolt and Curt ridge. ear Repairing a Specialty. . 6VA11 Work Done and Hood warranted to be na ITrpi raralad. Tlluu, Bourgardet A Vo., AT JOHN O ANTKR'H OLD BTAIRX Flwt mroot, ALBANY. ORBBtnT. wvs -