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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1873)
ALBANY REGISTER. lfcmg gkgfeter. E. s. OfflrliU Psprr for Oregon. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 8, 1873. Kcpnbilrnii Candidate. FOR CONURESS, HIRAM SMITH, or LINN. As a Paper Squelcher Nesmith has a notoriety that he fain would get rid of at this time. The first paper aquelched was the Democrat, of this city, In 1862 ; Mr. Haley was then the proprietor. Tat. Malone's paper, the Union, at Corvallls, was shut up in 1883. The Register, of Eugene, run by A. Noltner, was the next to be Tlsited by the wrath of Nesmitti, which accounts lor Noltner's hostility to the nomination of Nez., before the meet ing of the Convention. Noltner, hav ing gone East, is deprived of the exquisite" pleasure of working lor Nesmith in this campaign. The Albany Inquiivr, mn by W. P. Haley and A. L. Stinson, was "crushed" about the same time. These papers were crushed by Nesinith because he thought tliey were in his way, as Lane organs, and not because of any liarm they were doing at tlie time, as is proven by his letter to Bush which we published last week. Wages k ErROPE. Sixty ceutsa day is considred good wages for a working man iu any of the European countries except Great Britain, where the wages are somewhat higher. In the Tyrol silk region and in Italy they often do not get more than ten cents. In the country in Germany ten cents is the common pay. Women there often get but five cents. In Sweden men ofteu work from 4 o'clock in the morning till 9 in the evening and do not get atiy more. During the late war many poor women in Berlin were hired to knit stockings for the soldiers for five cents. The profits of the poor who keep petty shops, sell trinkets in the streets or act as sutlers, do not average more than three or four per cent. Barbers in Berlin, since the raising of their prices, get five cents for hair cutting and two and a half cents tor shaving. Servants at hotels get trora three to eight dollars per month. Servant girls in private fam ilies often get but ten dollars a year. Sometimes these classes cannot get work at any price. Remarkable. The skeleton of a mastodoti; with an Indian arrow-head Imbedded in one of its bones, was re cently found near Stanislaus, Califor nia. The arrow-head was recognized, by the monogram on it, a3 one form erly belonging to Col. J. W. Xesmith. It is supposed that about the time he was superseded in tiie command of the Oregon Volunteers, who went out to fight Indians many years ago, and jnst about the time fighting was to com mence, he heard his family was uuwell and the feeling of "insecurity" caused thereby induced him to turn over his claymore and shot-pouch, the latter containing his arrow-heads, to the quartermaster, and "git" for home. This accounts for the presence ot the arrow-head iu the mastodon, and the reason why Nesmith's fame as an In dian fighter will not go down to pos terity with that brilliancy one could wish for so brave a talker as the Col onel. A clever statist in Paris las summed np the pecuniary results to France by the late war with Germany as follows : War indemnity, 5,000,000,000 francs; interest on the same for two years, 300, 000,000 francs; the keep of the Ger man troops, 573,637,000 francs; requi sitions, 327,581,000 francs; value of objects taken without requisition, 151,172,000 francs; war contribution levied on Paris, 200,000,000 francs, and so ou until the account forms a total of 6,673,811,000 francs. But this enormous sum is exclusive of pensions to the army, the damage done to ma terial, and the expenses of reorganiza tion, whichswellthetotal to 13,000,000 francs. The average value of a day's work in France is one franc and a quarter and thus it would take one man 10,000,000,000 days or one million of oeQ thirty years, to work it out. Hon. W. H. Odeix. This gen tleman delivered an able speech at the Court House In this city on Monday night, to a small but appreciative audi ence. Owing to Insufficient notice of the appointment, but few of our cit izens were aware of the tact that the Judge was to make a speech o.i tbe evening in questlou therefore the attendance was small, probably not over forty or fifty In all. His speech was like the continuous discharge of redhot shot from a battery, crushing and sweeping the enemy before it at every discharge. He proved every charge he made against Xesmith to be true by Indisputable evidence the rec ords themselves. He showed how this honest fanner, Xesmith, had been all things to all men ; how good and true a Democrat he had been by using all the power and influence at his command to defeat and utterly destroy it; how, through his agency, the Dem ocratic party had been thrown in the minority, and how it has remained so, with a brief interval, until to-day; how, as soon as he became V. S. Sen ator, he commenced a systematic at tack on such Democrats as Lane and Delazon Smith, and eventually suc ceeded in "shelving" them in the case ot Delazon Smith, his animosity following him even to the grave. Democrats will remember how, at his suggestion, they were insulted with offensive test oaths as a condition be fore they could obtain their land pat ents; while Republicans will remember that he acted as inconsistently with them, when, thinking Democracy was coming into power more, to curry favor with that party after do ing so much to destroy it, he, at. a critical hour of the war, struck hands with those who declared the war "a failure" and, with Andy Johnson, tried to strike the Republican party In a vital part, so as to aid in killing it as effectually as he had the Demo cratic party. H w soon did this ' 'loyal, honest Senator" forget the close friendship he professed for General Grant, wheu he loudly proclaimed him the fittest man for President in the United States? How long was U before he (Xesmith) spoke of Graut as drunken Democrat?" and even now does he not, in his speeches in this canvass, denounce Graut as the greatest thief in America?" and while vilifying Grant does he not abuse and slander every member of his Cab inet, and every prominent Republican in Congress? And if he should be elected to Congress, unfortunately for Oregon, judged by his past record, hov long would it be before he would try his game of double-dealing with prom inent Democrats of Oregon, whom he might imagine were in the way of his ambitious designs for self in the future? In the face of such a record, it is not possible that Republicans are willing to let the election go by default; it cannot be that Democrats, who still retain their self-respect, wish the suc cess of such a man. RnrceMfnl Hanging. The four Modoc chiefs, Captain Jack, Sconchin, Black Jim and Boston Charley, were sent to the "happy hunting grounds, "on last Friday, by the hemp line. A few minutes after ten o'clock on Friday morning, the four were strung up in mid air from the same elevated platform, where they dangled for about fifteen minutes, when they were taken down and ex amined. Sconchin and Boston Char ley died hard, writhing and struggling fearfully. Captain Jack barely showed signs of life after swinging off, while Black Jim died easy. Examination showed that Sconchin and Boston Charley had died from strangulation, while Black Jim and Captain Jack had their necks broken by the fall, and hence their easy death. Captain Jack looked the worst, and exhibited less grit than the others. Sconchin was sullen and unconcerned; Black Jim a trifle defiant, and Boston Charley seemed vicious and unrepentant. The other two chiefs tried and found guilty by the courtmartial, Brancho and Slo lux, having had their sentences com muted to imprisonment for life in Fort Alcatraz, were placed in confinement until they can be forwarded to their future homes. There were, besides military, quite a number of civilians, Jackson county officers, and four or five hundred Indians in attendance to see the show. The squaws and pap pooses employed their time in groan ing, moaning and wailing until the final taking off. The application by sheriff's officer from Jackson county for the murderers of the Lost river set tlers was refused by Gen. Wlieaton, as was a writ of habeas corpus issued by Judge Prim, on account of orders from headquarters. The balance of the Mo docs are to be removed to a new reser vation in Wyoming. Thus ended the most successful hanging we have any account of this sea son. Illinois Corn Crops. From Illinois exchanges we learn that the corn crop of Illinois for the present year is thirty and one-half per cent, below that of 1872. Under date of September 15th, the National Crop Reporter gives reports from seventy counties, which shows the crop In the several counties to be as follows : In seven counties the present condition of the growing corn is ten per cent be low the average of the same date last year ; in two counties twenty per cent, below ; in thirteen counties twenty five per cent below; In seven counties thirty per cent, below ; in live counties thirty-three per cent, below ; in thir teen counties fifty per cent, below ; in one county sixty per cent, below. Five counties report a condition ten percent, above last year; one county reports twenty-five per cent, above, and one county reports an average. The average condition, for the seventy counties, is thirty and one-half per cent, below last year. Counties In the central and northern portion of the State report frost at various times from Sept. 8 to 15th inst., but only in one county otadamaging nature. Allcoun tlcs reporting except extreme south ern and southwestern river counties speak of the pastures as severely dam aged by the drouth, the roots in many eases being utterly destroyed. Light, scattering rains have fallen in some of the central, western and northern counties, but not extensive enough to afford decided relief. DRY GOODS, ETC. lmU rSo-MS CO 2" CT N Mil fin s - U S v 9 1 O 0 r srfJ ?s had 3 ft C Nasty. 1. W. Xesmith, Demo cratic candidate for Congress, made snch a dirty, nasty, obscene speech iu Portland, the other evening, that none of the papers there dare report it. Even the Democratic paper there ac knowledges that it was too obscene to be committed to paper. And yet there are people who Insist on the election of this hogshead of obscenity and nasti uess to Congress, to the end that "Ore gon may be properly represented and the moral atniospbcrc purified.'" Serve Tuner. And now comes the astonishing as sertion that nerves, human nerves, can be tuned like any stringed musical instrument, and brought into harmony with each other ! An Italian (of course its an Italian) claims to have discov ered a method by which he can tune the nerves as easy as he can the strings of a violin! His theory is, "that nervous systems, like musical instru ment?, are all liable to change of tone, and this change is of little importance if all the nerves change together, as by -attention to diet and temperature the evil' may be corrected en masse, but when, owing to accident or uneven wear, the general harmony of the nerves is destroyed, a disconnected action is the result, and a special mode of treatment is required." of which he professes to possess the key. The gentleman calls himself a "nerve tuner." Only fancy having one's nerves screwed up to any key. When they are flat they can be sharpened, and when too sharp (hey can be made natural. The all-knowing Shake speare seems to have anticipated such a thing when he makes Lady Macbeth say to her hesitating husband, "but screw your courage to the sticking point." Roscoe Conkling, of New York, has been nominated by the President as successor to the late Salmon P. Chase to the Chief Justiceship. The appoint ment is heartily condemned by the Democratic press the fact is, it is im possible to suit them. Latest News. A Mistake. One ot the assertions of Xesmith and his friends is, that he never takes back anything. This is a grave error. When in Congress it is a matter of record that he took "back pay" so easily and naturally that one would conclude that it was an old thing with him. 9 - It is stated that the U. S. Govern ment will not turn over to the Oregon authorities the Indians Indicted for the murder of t' e scttlera on Lost river. They will be extradited with the balance of the Modoes to Fort D. A. Russell in Wyoming. Worth Having. The Greenville Advocate says that Miss Mirande Thompson shears sheep, and on Sun days wears the biggest bustle to church of any of 'em I Bully for her. Well Answered. A Bennington daughter, whose domestic nature is equal to her natural simplicity, was invited by an Advent cxhorter to join his sect, get her white robe ready, and prepare to ascend. "I can't," the maiden replied "fat her and mother arc going-up and somebody mast stay to see to the cattle." At the meeting of the California Democratic State Central Committee, held a few days since, the Treasurer announced that there was $62 on hand with which to carry on the campaign, and only one candidate to assess. The "boys" will -find the sinews of war wanting on election day. The Democratic cry has always been "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the press." The party shows Its re spect for the sentiment by nominating a man for Congress who suppressed four Democratic papers in Oregon, on personal grounds alone. A colored man named Wade kindled his last fire with kerosene at Little Rock, Ark., tbe other day. Jay Cooke .& Co. propose to resume business again, and will pay every cent they owe, principal and interest. The funeral services ot the late Rear-Admiral Wiuslow transpired on the 3d inst. iu the St. Johns Episcopal Church, Bostou. A large retinue of relation's and friends attended. The Odd Fellows of Memphi's ap peal to their brothers throughout the country for aid, they having exhausted their funds in treating cases of yellow fever which prevails to an alarming extent m that city. By order of the President, 5,000 army rations were shipped to Shrcve port on the 4th, for the benefit of suf ferers there by yellow fever. The tobacco crop now being cut iu Virginia is the best lor years. Peake, Opdyke & Co.. of New York, dry good.-, have suspended, Liabilities $2,300,000. Iu one hour, on the 5th inst., Chi cago raised and forwarded to Memphis $1,500 for the relief of the yellow fever patients. A few days ago, at Schuyler, Ne braska, John Tahay, a young man, while temporarily insane, killed his father and attempted to kill his sister. At Wilkesbarre, Penn., ou the Wight of the 4th, Geo. Law, while attempting to rob the garden of Frank Espy, was shot dead." By proclamation of the Mayor, all steamboats from the lower Mississippi are quarantined at Cairo, Illinois. Lamper & Co., grain dealers of Bos ton, have suspended. Liabilities $250,000 more than their assets. At Brooklyn, New York, on the 4th Kate Stoddard was iudicted for the murder of Goodrich. On the 4th the Grand Jury of Brook lyn indicted Courtland Sprague, ex City Treasurer, and E. Rodman, his deputy, for embezzlement. There were 20 deaths from yellow fever at Memphis on the 4th, and 7 at Shreveport! The crops having failed in Hungary, a famine is predicted in some sections. A financial panic prevails at Alex andria, Egypt. Money is very scarce no lailures yet reported. The English Parliament has been formally prorogued until the 16th of December. m CO Li. . H O H S as. 2 a a?n w f w z. 1 n s a H 0 S8 e ft H 2 3-H j? lull B. 0 v 9 ft 0 i i A WATCHES JE W ELRY. j. a TITUS. J. a tittsv. C1IAS. BOl'KGAl'.DES. TITUS, BODMRDES & CO,, DEALERS IN JEWELRY, Silver & Plated Ware, -and DIAMOND SPECTACLES. riNASft'fAL AND (WMMER11AJL. Gold in New York, 111. Legal tenders 89390. Wheat in Liverpool 12s 7d12s 9d : club, imm 2d. No change in San Francisco, Pott land or home markets. MANUFACTl'KKD AM) AIWl'STED iu especially tor rueiuc Coaft by tiw NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, viz: Pacific, California and Snii Tranrlaco WATCH, ami wo mnsf inn(ii...,i ommcml them to the publican ixwfnir nX'v10:1 ;"I"I1.V,'!' ,ir l1"' PriwthBB any other Watch in the market. wc also keep all other branch 0f kIkIr Wfitham ami Swiss Watc hes, Ctattfc olry, SUver and Plated Ware. ' ALSO Phtols and Cartridge. tST Repairing a Specialty. 4a 63TAI1 Work Done and Oowta Mold, Warranted to be na Retrcaeied. Tltat, Bourgardet & Co., AT JOHN OANTKR'H 01 D STABH, First street, ALBANY, OttJJUOS,