ALBANY KEGISTER. V. S. OOlrlnl Paper tor Oregon. SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, 1873. Republican Candidate. FOB congress, HIRAM SMITH, OF LINN. Speaking Wednesday Evening. The campaign was opened on Wed nesday evening, at the Court House, by J. W. Nesraitb, Democratic can didate for Congress. He commenced to "iiarate" by saying that, owing to laborious work in tlie campaign and unexpected sickness, lie 'vaa scarcely able to address the people. After tell ing a rat story, he declared that the present State officials were surely hon est. He then denounced condemned and execrated Ben Holladay for cor rupting our legislators, and took a ter- rible oath to oppose monopolies every where. Denied that labor and capital were mutually dependent, and proved the same by saying that he could labor with capital. Repeated the stale Democratic falsehoods in regard to the Credit Mobilier. He held that the Re publican party were responsible for the back salary steal because they were in the majority. He forgot to mention that had the Democratic majority furnished as large a proportion against the bill as the Republican, the bill would have been deflated. He said that Giant would be held in history as the man who stole 100.000. By the way, he didn't take it as "back pay," as Senator Xesinith did at one time. He wanted to loan Sconchin his grind stone to whet his knife to scalp Mr. Meauuam. Declared that the Peace Policy of the Government was nncoii stitntional, on the ground of uniting - church and state i we suppose because it recommends a humane policy). Re hashed the state tariff arguments of the Democracy. Denounced the pro visions in the charter, for the building oi our railroads, which says they shall be built of American iron, and said a great many other things too tedious to mention as well as of little importance. Mr. Nesmitb is not of extra ability as a speaker or reasoner, and we were greatly disappointed in the vaunted champion of Democracy. JUDGE KELSAV. At the conclusion of Mr. Xesmitli, Jude Kelsay took the stand. He alluded to Nesmith's remarks about the inability of Mr. Smith to peak in ? public. Referred to Gen. Jackson, and others, who were in the same con- dition. Assailed successfully the Denr1Ilealj TMg wU, be ve ch ocratic plank on strict construction He showed that while the Democrats preached, they never practiced it. As proof he alluded to the purchase of Louisiana President Madison on the Xational Bank question President Monroe on the war Of 1812 Gen. Jacvsou when the Choctaw were , made citizens Polk when Mexicans. greasers, etc., were made citizens at I respected citizens of Linn County, one swoop. Buchanan, however, car-; died very suddenly on Wednesday, ried it out. Even in the Burr trouble ; from something much resembling chol Jeffefflon favored the suspension of the era. He was buried by the Masonic writof habeas corpus all, or nearly all I fraternity, of which he was an honored snowing a contrary tendency to strict construction. Rubbed the Democracy up on the "lock and dam" business. Replied to Mr. Nesmith's opposition to monopolies by referring to the Oregon A California railroad which, for the nrosenf. is .1 mnnnnnlv. sn J, .mr nm t !. i rains do not come-aiid will be even exhibited nightly to our citizens, giv then so far as the Umpqua valley is j ing universal and unqualified satis concerned. In relation to the back fiction. It leaves us to-dav for other salary steal, he referred i to the vote at ; parts of the State. In November it uie line, wmcu snowed mat a major- , i t . J" , i iU iu' 01 Republicans Aesmith up uy oi me ieiuocrats voicu in Jr, It, and a majority ot the against it. He touched decidedly when ie said that this taking . back pay was a failing that had cropped out before. Referred to th1; granting of hack pay to our judiciary, in times ' Donation Party. A donation past, when eight out of eleven of the : party wU1 gien at the Metl0(it Democratic members of the Oregon Z . , . Senate (Mr. Crawford, of Cum, in the PaaS('. the benefit of the M. E. number), voted lu favor of it. pastor, Kov. Mr. Wilson, on Friday Tlie above is an extremely brief evening next. All are invited to at wiopsls of Col. Kelsay's speech, which fr..t k,!i., i .u , was well received. The Colonel wa, . br'"g'"S whatever they choose followed by Ben. Hayden. alias "dirty tntJ Wfty of a "free will" offering. hirt," who, in a characteristic speech of fifteen or twenty minutes, tore open ym' housajsd DOLLAR9-IIas t'his shirt in front, and charged around been offered for Pathfinder, the three jmewhat on the style of Capt. Jack : year old colt owned by the Crawford ,Jjlg lava bed. I Brothers of this city. Albany, Or., Sept, 2ti, 1873. Ed. Registkr : Referring to an intemperate and libelous leader in the Democrat of cliU morning, I have to say, that I never asked Mr. Lincoln for a reappointment to the Indian Superintcndeney of Oregon or Wash ington. 1 did not leave Portland till after I was removed and relieved from office by Gen. W. W. Miller, of Olympia, and William Rector, of Salem. I did not go East till late In the fall of 1861, and then as an agent for the Brownsville Woolen Factory. This was months after the two gentlemen were inducted into office. A life-long Democrat. I was a patri ot, and urged all parties to unite in ex tinguishing the (lames of civil war. I diil all in my power for peace in Oregon. I was active in behalf ot the Christian Commission, and efforts to raise U. S. Volunteers in Oregon. All that Mr. Brown lias said regard ing my status during the war. is false. 1 have not endorsed gedtustion, em be:zlement, adultery, bigamy, and Mor mmu'.iiih but Martin Brown has violat- a, 1)rincinlt.s of manhood and oth obligations in the utterance of wanton and reckless falsehoods. EDWARD R. GEARY. Panel of Jurors. Through the politeness of Sheriff Parker, we are enabled to give a list of the jurors drawn for the next term of the Circuit Court, which meets in this city on Mon day. October 13th, l":t, together with the residence and occupation of each : A M Shelton, Scio. fanner. I) S Busey, Ilarrlsbjirg, farmer. J W Swank, Brownsville, farmer. Miles Carey, Brush Creek, tanner. David Smith, Lebanon, farmer. F M Smith, Santiain. farmer. S W Pugh, Halsey, farmer. A Monte nery. F. Butte, fanner. Win. Thompson, Lebanon farmer. A B Griggs, Santiam, firmer. Thomas Clemens. Orleans, tanner. Win. Cochrane. Brownsville farmer. "B II L Irvine, Scio, fanner. Oamalial Parrlsh Center, farmer. Peter I! Settle, Sweet, Home, fanner. W II McBride. Orleans, farmer. J S Dickson, Lebanon, farmer. Henrv Johnson, Syracuse, farmer. R X Armstrong. Albany, merchant, R C Miller, Lebanon, fanner. B R Holt, Harrisburg, firmer. John Roblnett, Halsey. farmer. John Ostrander, Scio. farmer. C PBurkhart. Albany, farmer. R G Cusick, Scio, farmer. Wm. Allford, Harrisburg, farmer. John McCay, Orleans, farmer. V II Caldwell, Orleans, farmer. John Isom, Orleans, farmer. J W Fronk, Sweet Home, farmer. Grand Excursion. An excursion for fanners and their families is propos ed, from Albany to Astoria and return, to transpire about the 20th of October next. The tare by rail and boat will he i!9 for the round trio, without. ide, and the small amount of money required will enable everybody to go and enjoy themselves in sight seeing. If this excursion doesn't attract the largest crowd that ever went anywhere in Oregon, we'll miss our guess. Sudden Death. Mr. Jno. R. Dawson, one of the oldest and most member, on rnursday. Deceased was about 57 vears of aire. Read's Panorama. This magnifi cent series of paintings, representing some of the grandest .scenes iu Oregon and Washington Territory, has been win oe taken Mist lor exmnttioii, w'here it will aid largely in attracting the attention of tomosts, people with plenty of leisure and money, anderai- will be taken East for exhibition grants to this portion of the United Stai's Extracts from a Letter. To get a clear understanding of the position occupied by Rev. E. R. Geary, read the following extracts from a let ter written by him to Charles Hand ley, Esq., of Yamhill county, dated the 24th inst., in reply to one from that gentleman : The resolution of endorsement, as you are pleased to terin it, I do not regard as a part of the platform, nor at all binding the candidate to its defense. When I saw it first, on the evening of its adoption. I declared it "essentially alien fo, and calculated to embarrass the object of the convention"; so I wrote to my friend In Portland ; and so, for obvious reasons, I believe to day. Hence I declined an almost unanimous nomination In the face of a procedure threatening to disorganize and disrupt the party. I could only be understood by declining the nomi nation. This conclusion was emergent and instantaneous ; hut mature delib eration declares it right. 1 deplore this resolution as a grave mi-fake; but it was not mine; and I will incur no part of the responsibility of the meditated default. My part to ward victory, if spared to vote, will be done, by casting my ballot for the nominee. If error attach to these views, it is neither wilful) nor inten tional. The success of the Republican party, as. in rny judgement, conduc ing most to the honor and prosperity of ohr State and nation, is my anient aspiration. Theatrical, The Rosedale Dram atic Troupe have been delighting our people nightly (hiring the week, at the Pacific Opera Douse. It is without doubt the best theatrical company that ever visited this city, and lias attracted full houses each night. Silver and Gold. Four boxes of coin came up by express for X. Baum on yesterday the first instalment of wheat money. One large box con tained silver, six thousand dollars, the other three containing gold, fifty-four thousand dollars or thousand dollars. a total of sixty Still Pouring In. There has been little or no abatement of the receipts of wheat during the week, and it still comes pouring in. The price still re mains at $1 per bushel although we hear of no sales. A Runaway. Uncle Jimmy Douth itt was considerably bruised up by be ing thrown from his wagon, on Wed nesday evening, on the occasion of his team running away. The wagon was thoroughly demoralized. CIRCUIT COURT. Linn County Cir cuit Court will convene in this city on Monday, Octolier 13th, two weeks earlier than usual. PREMIUMS. The Domestic sewing machine took the first premium on machine, and the Singer took first premium on the best samples of work Roads Somewhat dusty, but the heated term is about over, and human ity hasn't perspired so easily or so much, since Wednesday, as it did. City Council Meets this evening, HAUKIEO. September 24, 1873, in this city, at the Congregational Church, by Rev. E. R. Gery. D. D, Mr. S. B. Story and Miss Libhy Graf, and Mr. Fred Graff md Miss Carrie Carothers. Compliments received. A double wedding, the first witnessed in this city for a long time. A large num ber of the relatives and friends of the married pairs, after the ceremony at the Church, assembled at the residence of Judge Carothers to congratulate and wMi them many years of wedded bliss. Business is business, and we wish them success. H'j'w To-Day. Kaifle Woolen Mills Company. NOTICE W HEREBY CUVBN THAT tlie next regular annual meeting of the St oel. holders will be held at (he office of the Coinnany, hi Brownsville, on Fri day, the 3d day of October ner, at three o'clock I. M. A full attendance is desired. By order of the Hoard of DireetorA A. WHEELER, Sueretary. Sfipt. 1, 1873.1tdfl ALBANY Collegiate Institute I Sext term oprn, liouday, etcmler 1, l7t. K. 14. WABREN, 1'reNhlent. nU 6 Wanted. 1A AAABCShKLS OF OATS. In 1 VUUU at the Old Warehouse, oi kBTJSHKLS OF OATS. Inquire vt at ;imiii-, in K. S. MKSRILL, if aug.e4Uaiil MISCELLANEOUS. BUILDERS, ATTEXTIOX ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOli FACTORY. S. H. ALTIlOl'SK. J. T. BACKKNBTO. W. KKTCHCM. ALTS80l' & CO., Lyou Street, ou the Hiver Hunk, ALBANY, OREGON. Keep on hand a full assortment, ami are prepared to FURNISH TO ORDER, Doors, ShmIi, Blind, and Kloldlngs, Such as t'ROWJi, PAXEI', BAM A SECTION MOLD, Of all size WINDOW AXD DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, And- AU other kind of Building Material . ALSO: PREPARED TO DO MILL ,LV work, tarnish shaker fans, zins; stinkers, suction tans, driving pulleys of any kind, at our ftiotory on Lyon street on the river bank), next below Markliatu'a warehouse, ALTHOUSE A CO. Albany, Feb, It), 186M4 CiO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO HI Y Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c &c &c, CHEP FOR CASH ! 'ountry Produecof All KIimK BOUGHT FOB MKRCHAXDISE OR OAS XX ! This is the place to get the BEST har fJAlXS ever offered In Albany. Parties will always do well to call and see for them selves. II. WEED. First street, Alhunv, Oregon. 82v5 ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ATJUXY, (iREOON, Manufactures Steam Ku?ines, Flour and Saw mil Machln er, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IRON AND BR.Si 4'AKTIX4W. Partlcnlaratlention paid torcpalnnirall kinds of machinery. Jlvg dtKtBOAlM-r'lnv. Aacntswanteilt All qpJlU3P" cIicmcs of worklnpc people, of either sex, youiiR or old, make more inon oy at work for its In their spare moments or all the time, than at. anything clue Par ticulars free. Address O. Stlnson A Co.. Portland, Maine. lly) Cooh Bay Coal Aircncy. RKRItYMtsTd; DOYLE. DEALKRS In Cnmlierland, Lolilgh and all descriptions of Foreign and De mesne Coals. Also, PI IRON. Bulkhead -between Pacific and Jackson street wliarves, San Francisco. Cat. IfivO DRY GOODS. ETC. ft T M 7 o - an ST e Ms gc s s. ! 23 1 0 "O 2 v -? 9 2i a rJn 5: r : 2 ID ? r- 9 (I w H H 0 0-0 s j 3 e ! 9 m - 3 5 5' H X B s 0 n c M 99 m ft B t. ft 0 0 ! 3 BC f 9? S 3 M 53 i r 2 S t s M m 1 ft WATCHES JEWELRY. J. 11. TITOS. CHA. B0CBGARDK8. TIM BOQRGARDES & CO.. OKALEHS IN J EWE L II Y, Silver & Plated Ware, -and- DIAMOND SPECTACLES. f ANUFACTPRED AND ADJUWJ5B 1U especially for the I'ncliic Const ly tlw NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Klln, IIHikiIs, viz ; PaclOo, Caliroruia and San Frnnt'tnco WAT'M, and we most confidently ro oinmciirt them to the ptiblic,a iswsi-sSina more good guaUUei tor the price ta5 any other Watch m the market. Woalsi. kviall other hmnds of Elgin, Waltham and Swiss Watches, Clocks, jiw olry, Silver and Plated Ware? 'ALSO itols and Cartrldi. $T Heiirlng a Specialty. . Kir AH Work Done and Uood no 14. Warranted to be an Hepreaentcd, Tltni, Bourgard A Co., at ions Sahter'b old stanp. First street, ALBANY, OBBQGK , 40v5