The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 24, 1873, Image 3

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    r t
mails arrive:
From Railroad (north and south) daily
at 12.20 p. K.
From Corvallis, daily, at 10.30 a. m.
From Lebanon, trl-weekly, (Monday,
Wednesday and Friday) at. 10.30 a. m.
mails depart:
For Railroad (north and sonta), dally,
dose prompt at 11.45 A. M.
For Corvallis, daily, at 1.50 P. M.
For Lebanon, trl-weekly, (Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday) at 2 P. m.
Ofllce hours from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sunday, from 12 m. to 2 p. m.
Money order office hours from 9 A. M. to
The REGISTER is issued twice each
week (Wednesday and Saturday mornings)
at the low price of three, dollars per year,
in advance. Call at the ofllce, corner of
First and Ferry streets, and subscribe.
The Appearance at the Fair
Grounds. Thus early in the week
(Monday), a day before the opening of
the Fair, the Fair grounds present a
very animated appearance. AH the
houses, stalls, etc., are fitted tip and
occupied, while a large number of peo
ple have spread tents, in which to
"keep house," during the week. The
big circus will spread its tent to-day.
Two large boarding houses, where
hungry mortals may obtain a "square
meal," are in full blast. All the im
provements suggested by past experi
ence as necessary for the convenience
and comfort of exhibitors and visitors,
within the means of the society, have
been made on the grounds, making
them more attractive and lessening
the complaints of former years. J udg
Ing from the expression one hears on
every side, the show of products ot the
oil, of blooded stock, of machinery
and in fact everything that goes to
make up a Fair, the present will be
the greatest success ever achieved by
the Linn County Agricultural Associa
tion. The attendance will certainly
be much larger proltably double that
of any former year if we are to judge
from appearances to-day, aud from
what we hear on the streets.
Personal. Mr. Blevins, of Ochoco,
called on Monday. He speaks highly
of Ochoco as a grain growing and
grazing country, and thinks that rich
gold diggings may yet be found there
He exhibited some very nice specimens
of gold which he obtained about six
miles from his farm.
Mr. S. M. Pennington, an old resi
dent of Linn, who removed his family
to Butter Creek, Umatilla county,
something more than a year since, re
turned witli his family, on a visit, ar
riving on Thursday of tost week.
They will remain a week or more vis
iting relations and friends.
Jerry, the show agent, threw him
self in sight Monday. Dodge is the
"git ap aud gitest'' agent on the Pacific
Mr. Wm. Morgan is up from Port
laud, to do the Fair.
Mr. VV. S. Parrott, of Salem, has
been engaged to paint ten scenes in
the late Modoc war for Messrs. Levar
and Co.'s Panorama. Mr. Parrott's
acknowledged ability as an artist, is
sufficient guarantee that the work will
be well and faithfully executed.
The Circus Balloon. Wilson's
Grand Parisian Circus is at the Fair
Ground, and will give entertainments
every afternoon and evening during
the Fair. As those will remember
who attended the cirens iu this city
not long since, it is the best that has
visited Oregon for many years, and
deserves better of the people. As an
additional attraction, a balloon ascen
sion will be made every day frohi the
Fair Ground, which all may see, with
out money and without price.
reed's ureat panorama.
Views of Oregon. Washington
territory and northern califor
nia grand success of its first
exhibition in albany.
Monday evening the people of Al
bany were all thrown in a bustle and
excitement to witness the Grand Pan
orama which they had heard talked of
for eigfit months past, and which they
were now ready to witness. Every
person formed himself or herself into
the critic ot the evening, and were
sure to pass judgment upon the work
of art to be presented to them at
whatever cost.
Every one, however, was agreeably
surprised; we need not particularize.
All were good, and all of them showed
a softness of touch that we could hard
ly believe the hand of man was capa
ble of doing with paint and brush.
Indeed, the artist must have been
thoroughly imbued with the spirit
described in the following lines, as
each scene was being painted :
"My hand feels skillful, and the shadows
Dost. One of the greatest lncon
veniences attendant on visiting the
Fair, should no rain fall during the
week, will be the dust. The roads,
owing to the protracted dry weather
re covered with dust to the depth of
several inches, and as it is kept in con
tinual agitation by the passing and re
pasing of all kinds ot vehicles, the vis
Iter may expect to get his regular
"peck of dirt" going out and coming
Reed's Pano iava Is an Oregon
institution, paint id in Oregon by an
Oregonian, and eonsist , of Oregon
cenery ; and as the work is well con
ceived and well executed, Orcgonians
ihould pot fail to show tlieir approval
of it by attending the exhibition of the
paintings at the Court House. It will
pay you to throw your eagle eye on to
them every evening of its exhibition
which you will be enabled to do, as
the admission is but 50c. Certainly
no one will fail to attend the jxhibi-
tion of Heed's Panorama.
W H. Dodd A Co. Have estab
lished themselves in business on corner
of Ferry and First streets, Register
Building, where they offer to the pub
lic a fresh stock of groceries, all kinds
of hardware, iron, steel, cider presses,
agricultural machines, Mitchell wag
ons, etc.. at fair, living prices. A dis
position to do the fair thing by all who
patronize them, has already attracted
a large custom, and we predict for the
Arm a prosperous aud profitable trade.
Crowded. Our hotels are already
pretty well filled with visitors who
are here to attend the Fair. As we
write (Monday) there is a much larger
gathering of strangers in tbe city than
at any previous annual gathering so
early lu the week. Should the arrivals
continue for the next two days in pro
portion, our hotels will be taxed to
their utmost to accommodate them.
Campers. Two boarding houses
and a large number of campers were
on the Fair grounds as early as Mon
day morning. From the number of
bouses erected and canvass stretched,
the grounds' resemble a new And
arriving mining town.
Tramway. Howell, Harper & Co.
have under way, and will soon have
completed, a tramway, leading from
their warehouse on corner of Ells
worth and First streets, down Ells
worth to the railroad track, which will
enable them to transfer grain or other
produce from the warehouse to the cars
in short order. It i3 built of heavy
timbers, and will cost a deal of money.
Levar & Co.'s Panorama Which
exhibited at the M. E. Church on
Monday night, was largely attended,
giving general satisfaction. A large
majority of the pictures are exceed
ingly well painted, while the whole
panorama is an over average produc
tion, and as such meets with general
approval wherever exhibited.
Higher Still. Late advices from
Liverpool seem to indicate a greater
probability of an advance in the price
of wheat during the coining month
than a fall in price. There are but
175 cargoes of Wheat en route for the
United Kingdom now, against 225 ibr
the same period of last year.
From my waked spirit airily and swiftly;
And I could paint the bow upon the ben
ded heavens, around me play,
Colors of such divinity to-day.
No one present had any one partic
ular favorite. They spoke ot this one
and then of that one in fact each in
dividual picture appeared to have been
alone by Zamprierl and like his
"He who observes it, ere he pusses on,
Gazes his till and comes, and comes again,
That lie may call It up when faraway."
This Panorama will be on exhibi
tion at the Court House every night
this week, except Saturday; it will
then be taken to Hillsboro. where it
will be exhibited in the Court House
during the Washington county Fair,
and Troni thence to Salem Fair
Ground during the State Fair. After
the atate f air it win ne taKen to tne
Eastern States. We advise our pat
rons and the public generally, to not
let this opportunity pass without wii
nessing this wonderful work of art.
Having Received An invitation
to be in attendance at tlie ceremony
of laying the corner stone of the new
State Capitol, in Salem, which trans
pires on the 8th prox., if possible we
shall avail ourself of the opportunity
aud go. That's what's the matter.
Change. Twenty dollar pieces are
getting pretty thick, but small change
is exceedingly scarce. However, those
who are indebted to as can pay us in
20's, and if there is anything over
we'll give them due credil therefor.
Circulating their Money. C. B.
Comstock & Co., through their agent
iu this city, Mr. W. S. Newbury,
have paid out forty thousand dollars
in gold coin this season for wheat.
Fine Stock. The exhibition of
stock, at the Linn County Fair this
week, is said to be much larger and of
finer grades than at any previous Fair.
Lively Times. On Monday last,
N. Bauni sold about wur hundred dol
lar's worth of goods, mostly for cash.
Baum is doing an excellent business.
Cash Money. On Wednesday N.
Baum expects to receive and pay out
sixty thousand dollars on his wheat
contract-quite a little pile of 20's.
Millinery. Mrs. Allison has open
ed a new millinery store, in tbe room
lately occupied by Mr. Btruckmeyer'a
tailoring establishment, on First street
' 0
Wilson's Circus exhibits at Dallas
Saturday night
To-Day J. W. Nesmith will speak
his character-piece to the unerrified in
this city.
Fine Sheep. One hundred head of
fine sheep, jut from Vermont, are on
exhibition al the Fair grounds.
The Weather Has been exceed
ingly warm, unusually so far this sea
son of the year.
Dates from New York to the 19th
show that the money panic is creating
the most intense excitement. Bank
after bank has closed its doors, and the
feeling ot insecurity is seriously affect
ing business. The news from Wash
ington, that the President had de
termined that the U. S. Treasury
should come to the relief of the New
York market, had somewhat abated
tlte excitement. Further news is
awaited witli the deepest interest.
News from Spain to tlie 20th is that
the Republican troops under General
Paria have entered Malaga without
opposition. TbeCarlists have raised
the blockade of Olot. ArorceoiOarllsts
made an attack upon Toloso, the Cap
ital of Guipuzoca, yesterday, but met
a general resistance from the Republi
can garrison and were finally defeated
with great slaughter.
The Sioux Indians are officially re
ported as being on another raid. I! mi
tiers into Fort Fetterman state that a
large party has split off from the maiu
camp which was moving uito t etter
man, in consequence of an Arapaho
having killed a Sioux on Tongue Riv
er. Two large war parties were also
reported as having been seen thirty
miles north of Fetterman, going east.
Tbe Deer Lodge Inckftendent says a
man by the name of Graves, who has
a band of horses on Snake river, re
cently saw a man crossing that river
in Ins boat. lie caned to tne man
several times to come back with the
boat, but be paid no attention to tlie
warning. He then raised his Henry
rifle, drew a bead on Wm aud fired.
The man fell overboard, disappeared
heiieai h the water, and was seen no
more. He is supposed to have been
Daniel Case, a horse thief, who has
just escaped from the Owyhee jail.
Gold in New York, 111.
Legal tenders 878c
Liverpool wheat 13s13s Id ; Club,
13s 3d13s 4d.
The failure of Jay, Cooke & Co.. to
gether with their branches elsewhere,
will affect the northwestern coast seri
ously, if their failure shall retard the
building of tlie Northern Pacific Rail
road. It is understood that the imme
diate cause of the failure of this great
banking firm was owing to the fact
that it was attempting to carry for
ward to a successful and rapid comple
tion this great internal improvement
a burden that proved too much for
even their great enterprise and wealth.
The result of the failure on the N. P.
Railroad will be looked forward to
with great anxiety by the people of
the Pacific coast.
The San Francisco markets show
wheat quotations at our last figures,
viz: $2 252 35 f 100 lbs. Oats,
fl 7501 90. Barley, fl 5091 92.
From Portland comes tlie complaint,
lrom prominent exporters, that pro
ducers are crowding them, and that
more wheat is being offered than they
at present can get away with. As
soon as wheat went up to $ 1, every
body was anxious to sell. This has
had u tendency to somewhat weaken
the price j yet where payments are
deferred, buyers are still offering
$202 05 f cental for wheat.
Some dissatisfaction prevails among
those who sold their wheat to Mr. N.
Baum, as we understand it, because
tlie full amount of money is not to be
paid down at once. The agreement
was, ten per cent, down, forty per
cent, in thirty days, and the balance
in sixty days and we have no doubt
the money will be paid iu strict ac
cordance with the contract. So large
an amount of money can not be got
together in a day it takes time. At
the lowest estimate, a million dollars
will be paid out in this county, during
the next two months for cereals. It
takes time to get together so large an
amount of money, and after it reaches
this city it will take some time to pay it
out. It is asserted that every steamer,
including the one due at Portland yes
terday, for Oregon, for some time to
come, will bring at least $100,000 in
gold, nearly all of which will be used
in paying for grain already purchased.
We note no change in our markets.
Wheat still continues to arrive, taxing
our warehouses and mills to the ut
most to accomodate it.
Butter remains at 25c f lb;, eggs,
25c f dozen. Market fully supplied
with vegetables at fair figures.
New To-Day.
Only about a Half Dozen
iu ooovm
Register Building, Albany.
For Hardware,
qo to dobw.
For Groceries,
For Plow,
iu. virFi is tne piaoe to get ineni.
For Dome tic Sewing Machine
For tbe La teat In
etc., give DODO a call, anyway.
When Ton Waal
crv of any kind, call at thellcglster
Bulldfng and sec DODD.
In New York, up to the 20th, $28.
463,000 in bonds had been accepted at
from 9 to All offers of bonds
under 114 are accepted by the Government.
A fire which broke out in the Yellow
Jacket Mine, Nevada, on the 20th,
caused the death cf six persons. Very
little damage done to we mine.
From Buenos Ayres comes the news
that an unsuccessful attempt had been
made to assassinate Dr. Sarmiento,
President of the Argentine Republic.
From Calcutta comes the news of
the loss at sea of the Suspindus with
180 Coolies on board.
A. WHEFAER & t'O.,
Forwarding & Coiumiss'n Merchants.
Dealers in Merchandise and Produce. A
good assortment of all kinds of Goods al
ways in store at lowest market rates.
Agents for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills,
Cider Mills, Churns, Ac., Ac.
CA8n paid for AVHEAT, OATS, PORK,
Undeveloped Vigor.
The feeble and debilitated usually fancy
they are in a more hopelesscondit ion t ban
tney reauv are. jrao resources ot nature
arc not easily exhausted. Even when
strength and appotlte fail, when (he eyes
arc heavy and lnstrchiss, the complexion
pallid, the nerves tremulous, the liody at
tenuated, and the lcind depressed, there
is generally a reserve of latent power lie
hind such palpable evidences of weakness.
Various modes Of treatment are resorted
to by physicians in t he hope of developing
and rendering available this store of sleep
ing vitality, but the surest, and indeed the
only thoroughly safe and reliable means
of awakening Hie dormant energies of the
system is a course of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters. Electricity, shower hat lis, the
flesh brash, sea liathiiig, Ac., may lie well
enough in their way, as auxiliaries, but
they tlo not reach the source of the evil.
AH physical debility proceeds either from
a derangement of the functions of the as
similating, secrctiveaint vital organs, or
from a sluggish constitution. Iu either
cast;, and also In cases where both causes
exist, the Bitters will invariably produce
an immediate and salutary change in the
condition of the patient, and eventually
etfect a complete cure. None of the dan
gerous alkaloids, too often administered
as as tonics, can bo otherwise than delete
rious under such circumstances, and to
oughly repaired and strengtheued
their Albany Warehouse, and having two
good Cleaners, can handle
with sufety and dispatch.
They are prepared to furnish- all the
sacks needed.
Don't lie frightened by the old cry that
we arc getting more than we can store.
Call and sec for yourselves.
tract tO 8TOHB
Wheat FREE, cither at ALBANY, PORT
LAND or II A J. sky, until it is worth 75e
per bushel.
wanted, for which we will pay the
in cash, from time to time.
Present Quotation:
For Common and Volunteer, 3c V I.
" extra line and clean, ti'i'ifWiMt.
Aug. l!S-n50
all the
Flax Seed
delivered at our Warehouse In Albany.
give mercury is posit ively criminal. Tbe
direct effect of the great vegetable specific
will be manifested in an imninvoil nmw
tlte, a more cheerful frame of mind, a
gradual return of strength, an increase of
nesu, anua neaitnicr complexion. Mean
while, however, the constitution, if Inert
and feeble, will have liecn roused And rpn.
ovatedby the subtle elements of Invlgor
ation contained in the Bitters. sep
Flax Skew. Howell, Harper A Co.
offer to contract for Flax seed at three
cents per pound, furnishing bags and
aeeu. i.o
presents a record of success unparaleled in
ihu history of Sewing Machines.
Toe Latest Improvement!! ot lb
The Domestic
Sold at Chicago Prices, and War
ranted Five Yean.
W. J. HORNE, Gen. Agent
Ofllce, 104 Third street, Portland, iml
Tak.e Notice I
Warehonse of R. Obeadle, with Im
proved cleaning nparatus of ample caiflr
Ity, is now prepared to receive grain for
the harvest of 1S73.
Farmers wishing to store or sell wheat
will find it to their advantage to see m
before selling elsewhere. All will bo furn
ished with sacks to move their grain by
calling on me.
The highest cash price will be paid for
good merchantable wheat at all times.
K. S. Mkkhill, an old citizen of Albany.
of excellent business qualifications, has
taken charge of the warehouse, and ill
superintend the receiving ana delivery of
all grain passing through it
i;f UiA 111,
Albany, July 23, 187Wn47m8