- ALBANY REGISTER. Blaln, Young & (o.! Column. BUSINESS CARPS. BUSINESS CARDS. ADVEUTlSE.MKN'l 8. PCBLISHKD EVKRY WKDNISDAT AND SATURDAY, By COLL. TAN CLEVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Center Ferry and First Streets. TERMS IN ADVANCK. One yew Three dollars Six months. Two dollars. Singla copies Ten cents. ADVERTISING KATES. Transient advertisements, per square of en nnes or ma, nrst insertion l; each subsequent insertion SOc. Larger adver tisements inserted on tho most liberal terms. JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of col ored inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are prepared to execute all kinds of prim-, ing in a better manner, and fifty per cent cheaper than ever before offered In this city. Agents lor Uie Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to receive and receipt for suliseriptions, advertising, etc., for the Kkgistkb : Hiram Smith, Harrishnrg. O. P. Tompkins. Harrlsburg. peter Hume, Krownsvtlle. W. R. Kirk. Brownsville. J. B. Irvine. Sclo. T. H. Reynolds, Salem. L. P. Fisher, San Francisco. D. P. Porter, Shedd's Station. MISCELLANEOUS. OUT OF THE FIRE! 8. J. MCCORMICK, IS HAPPY' TO INFORM HIS NUMER OUS friends, patrons, and the public in general, t hat he has RE . OPENED THE Fraxkljx Book Stork, AT 19 FIRST STREET, (NEXT TO CENTRAL MARKET) with a complete stock of Nebool Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Wold Pen-, Cutlery, Ac., Ac Which he will dispose of at The Lowest Prices ! SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all t he popular KWN PAPERS AND piAUADNIS t which will be Delivered In any port of the elty. Portland. Feb. 7, 1873-23tf Arctic Soda. HAVING ADDED VASTLY TO OUR facilities for dispensing this delight ful and health-giving (leverage, we would announce to our former patrons, and the nubile generally, that we are fully prepared from one of those elegant Tuft's Arctic Fountains, to supply soda of the best quality In un limited quantities to all wlio may favor ua with a call- BOTTLED SODA I -AJID Sarsaparllla! WILL, DURING THE SPRING and SUMMER. I delivered to families ordering through out the city. Dealers Kupplled at Liberal Rates. A. CAROTHERS & CO, OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. t'OOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES ! Of the beat patterns. iM I TIN, SHEET IRON AND ( OP. PES WARE, And the usual assortment of furnishing -uods to be obtained la a tin More. Repairs neatly and promptly executed, nn reasonable terms. tiortrerkonlnss make losy (Hrads, FROST 8TBB T, ALBANY. B.a,M n a 69 g M i S i 0 h 11 kt CD ' 5 GO I CO 96 I I 0 81 K S3 t 0 M r 0 D p & p Q S3 0 V 3 5 JOHN CONNER, BANKING AND Exchange Office, ALBANY, OREGON. Deposits received subject to check at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections nmdt and promptly remitted. Refers to H. W. Corbet!, Henry Falling, W. 8. Ladd. lianking hour? from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, W71-22v3 Something New in Dentistry. OK, E. O. SMITH . DENTIST, HAS LOCATED LN A LB A ny, anil has the hew In vention in nlate work. which 1'iiii.i.N in inorlliiir ttvth in-the mouth without covering uie w bum roof, as heretofore. It gi ves t he wearer t lie wearer t he free use of the tongue to the roof of the mouth in talking and tasting. It is the Smith A Purvine intent. Teeth extracted without pain. Plates mended, whether broken or divided. trfromt'K-First street, east of Conner s Bank (up stairs), Albany, Oregon. 7v4 CITY MARKET, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OBEWON, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, WILL ENDEAVOR TO KEEP CON stantly on hand a full supply of ALL KIN OS OP MEATS, Which will bo of the very best Quality. me nignesi inarsei pntc iv. hogs ami sheep. , , . Third door west of Ferry, on south side of First street. J- L. HARRIS. Albany, Dec. 18, ltffi-iov JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To bacco, Ac, to whtca he invites tho atten tion of our citizens. Tn Mwnalnn wtth tIA Ul1'0 ho. W i II 1CC1 A i . ni,,l vlllalwavahai'nnn bund A full supply of fresh bread, crackers, &c. Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. Februaryl6-34v4 TURNING - - TURNING, S3 r AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS I of tnrninst: keen on hand and make to order rawlitde-liottomed chairs, Ac. Shop near tho Mills and Hosiery, Jetferwn, Ore gon. Branch snop near -magnolia win, Albany, wnere oruem " eiiairs iiimiug, Ac., can be left. JOHN M. METZLKR. Jetlerson, aub. s, m2 PETERS &8PEIDEL, MANUFACTURERS OF Carriages & Wagons. Of Every Description, ALBANY, OREGON. MANUFACTURE TO ORDER ANY and all styles of Wagon, Carriages, Hacks, Ac., at as reasonable rates as the use of good material and fl rat-class work will jus Repairing neatly and expeditiously done at low rates. , Shop on Ferry between First and Second street. PETERS A SPEIDEL. Albany, March 7, 1873-27, JTotioe. OBBflON A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Depart immt, Portland iregon, April 5, MWS.-Xotlce Is hereby riven, that a vigorous prosecution will be instituted aseamst any and every person vho trespasses upon any Railroad Land, y cnttlng and removing tiuilwr therefrom efore the same Is BOUGHT of the Coinpa v AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land in odd numbered seo ons. whether surveyed or unawrveyed, Ithln a instance of thirty miles from the ine of the road, belongs to the Company. LB. MOORE8, nvitt Land Agent. W. C. TWEEDALE, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Etc., ALBANY OREGON. WILL STRIVE TO KEEP THE BEST of goudt in my line, and tell at the tar et living rates. Call and tee me. 34t At North Brownsville, KIRK, HUME & CO., ARB STILL SELLING DRY GOODS, (LOTHIM BOOTH, SHOES, HARDWARE, UROCERII8, NOTIONS, ETt, ETC., of which they keep on hand a full stock, and are able to sell at lowest rates, us usual, for Cash or Produce. Will also lie able to huy and sell Grains of all kinds, or attend to storing or for warding it at their Warehouse in Hulls'. Give usa trial KIRK, HUME A 00. J. W. BALDWIN, Attorney and Counselor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts in the id, 81 and 4th Judicial Dis tricts, in the Supreme Court of Oregon, and in the U.S. District and Circuit Courts. Office-In Parrlsh brick, (up stall's', in office occupied by the laic N. H. Cranor, First street, Albany, Oregon. toI5V J. C. POWELL. L. FLINN POWELL A FLINN, Attorneys and Counselors at Law AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY (L. Fllnn notary public), Altiany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances promptly at- tenueu to. I S. M. JONES. J. LINKKY HILL. JONES A HIM.. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ALBANY, OREGON. 37v4 T. W. HARRIS, n O., Physician and Surgeon, ALBANY, OREttON. OFFICE-OVER A. CAROTHERS A Co Drug stoi-c. Residence Fourth-st., four blocks west of the Coast House. LEFFEL & niERS' WaterWheels SPHERICAL FLUMES, And Ueneral Mill Machinery. J. F. BACKENSTO, Agent, S1t3 Albany, Oregon. D. B. RICE, SI. O., Surgeon 4c Physician. OFFICE -Fh st street, between FeiTy and Broadalbin. RESiDEttF.-Third sti-cet, two blocks below or east of Metho dist Church, Albany, Oregon. v5n40 JPiles! Piles' WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot be enred, when so many evidences of success might lie plaetld before you e-ery day cures of supposed hopeless cases? Your physician informs yon that thelongeryou allow the complaint to exist, yon lessen your chances for relief. Ezyerknce has uught this in all cwses. A. Carothsrs A Co.'a Pile Pills and Ointment are all they arc recommended to be. Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Piles in a very short tiine.and arc eonvnirnt to use. Tills preparation is sent by mall or ex press to any point within the United States at 1 50 per package. Address, A. CAROTHERS A CO., 27v5 Box 33, Albany.Oregon. LIUIIT Bl'NNINU "HOME." Latest ! Simplest ! Best ! IpXCELS ALL OTHERS. WARRANTED J for 5 years. Furnished tn families at factory prices. Sold from m to $15 less than any other first class machine. The only agency in Portland Importing direct from manufacturers. Send for terms, il lustrated circulars and samples. . "HOME SHUTTLE" Improved at low prices. Either machine warranted to give satisfaction. Oil, and all kinds of needles for sale. Extra commission to agents. GEO. W. TRAVKR, Gent Art. Sonthwost comer Third and Morrison 43v5m3 streets, Portland, Oregon. MARBLE WORKS. MONROE 6c 8TAIGER, Dealers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stone, Executed in California, Vermont and Italian mm. SALEM, OREGON. MUNCH SHOP AT ALBAS. HENHI r. KAYRS, General BuSiDessJiisiiraiiceApBt, SPECIAL ATTENTION given totbead iulita.lon ot accounts. Collections made in ail iar;sof theS a e. Office nexi door aliove Bee Hive 8tore, First stroe!, Albany, Oregon. v5nii Albany Book Store. D BALER IN M1SCEI.I..ANEOI SBOOKS, Schoe. Botk,B auk Biioks.S.aiionery Fancy Ac U cs, Ac. Books Imroned toorfernn shortest pos sible notice. v5n30 '! " ' rVV J- : ij i iceman's . ,ii mll'il L3 Comiiound ponnd Extmc1 of Eiualypins Is u prepare lion coin lining nil the saiiiiiMi mc liclnal proneriies! f fine Kmalypius which is cul ilvtedin nearly even California garden tjat i's uie llolnal oitlity, having become sbb hoinelioi 1 retne ly lor mi discuses of Ibeki Inejs, !i a l lei uii'liiriiuin lanol.and 'inpial weakness. Ii seems io have a di ttufllfflul y for ilie gcnl.o-iii inar) orgajDS and their surroundings, and cures them by lis altera ive. healing and itiisauile prop erties more elfcctually than any other known remedy. ! iMill ft V U it an inval- kUlTfi j L Si I uabkt rem cily for all diseases of the mucous and serous membranes, snch ti: Hi'ouel.KiN Ilnchlnir CoiikIi. Nnu sen dnrii.x Pr kuhiicj Oyspcpala, I. iicl onl omi t ie This pivarai ion isilic resull of Dr. Cole man's experiments with (he meiiicinal nropertlesof thetreein the r. s. Marine Hospital in San Frnnciseo. in lf-71 anil 1872, where he hud unusual faciii'ies for testing the various methods ox pit'taring' the remedy, and tls uses. It can be relied ir -on as certain to give the piomisel re- suits, ami hundreds of test inioniais ot its emca cy can be seen at his of- tier. 4n"i Kearney St.. San Francis, o. I'ol iiinn's It.xitile Extract of Eucalyptus is a )Hwerful, yet harmless, febrifuge, and is ii special prepare' ion for the treatment of the mala rious fevers f our interior vaileys. and is warranted to cure any case of IVver and Agae treated wi b it according to direc tions, whiie the baneful n snl'sof the use of the usual Quinineand arsenical remedies lor those diseases are entirely avoided. Beware of lmitai ions, and ,ake none bat t'olrit. 's For sale everyirhere, and bj ( has. i.ang leyACo..l ruggiMs,Agen s.t-an Francisco. HOLLOWAY'S Erery Man his own PlysMiHL cxJTionsr. THE immens d'-mnnft for HOLTOWAVB 1 PII.M ami OINTMENT has ti-mpted unprinoipl-il parties tocou&terfcit these vulu ahw ai;' lii'inee. In order r" proii-rt Ihepn', 'ir m l oumelvea, W h ive i.'n-! a new " Tr;,' c Mark." eonaist tiguf an Ktfrptiau circVs of a rpent, with rrt?! rTTTurffirtfirrw. Kt.'rylnxofgtu i a . . ;ii.t.-w.4 (' and OtHTMsai will !! iwu OH it ; none are gvnuiaa v T, 0ft8t8t-WJ -rintors, " wTont CRANE BKIGHAM, San Francisco, Cal. 13 Sole Agents for the Pad lie Coast. REWAED FOR AN Inc urable Case! XDH. LE RICHAU'B GOLDEN BALSAM! After ten years' trial on this Coast has proven Itself t!w only curative in a certain class of diseases pr mounced hymcdicsl practition ers as incurable. Dr. Ls Bishia's GOLDEN BJLLSAH Ho.l cures Chaacres first and second B'ages.Sorcsoq theLegsorUiKl)-; Sore Ears, Eyi s, Nose, fcc.f Copper-colored Blotches, Syrltilitic Catarrh, Diseas-d Saalp, and all prlmrry forms of thg disease known as SyphiUs. Price, $5 per hot tie, or two for $9. 9 Dr. Ls Bihia's G1LDEN BALSAM m eures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Bheniu. tism. Pains ia the Hum s, I ai kef tho Neck, Uil cerated 8oro Throat, Syrhllitic Bash, Lumps and Contracted Cords, Stlflntts of tho Limbs, and eradicates all di&raKS from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse o mercury leaving (ho blood pitreind healthy. Price, i per bottlo, or tw- for $9. Df. LeBiahan's GOLDEN SPANISH AN- tldote, for the Cure of Oonnorhoca, Gleet, Irrl. tation, Gravel, and all Trinary cr Genita disarrangements. Price, t'J.60 per bottle, i Dr. Lo Bilbao's GOLDEN SPANISH IN- Jectlon, a wash and injectio" frr severe casta of Bonnorhoaa, Inflammatory Gleet. Sfrictnree, and all disnams of the Kidneys and Bladder. Price, $1.60 per bottle. Also Agents for D? IE EICHATJ'S GOLDEN PTLLS wr 93inhiai Wraknecs, Kielit Ernla. Blons, Imnotnncy, and all tiibci ws arising from Masturbation and exrewivs ibus's. Price, fs per bottle. Tho gi-nulne Oolukn Sxuut Is put npontjr in routid bottles. On ree ijit of pri' C. th.i" medli ines will bnwnttoi II ptrtsof tlm c r.ntry. by uprefl cr mail, so-im ly pi kidand freu from otatr. vauon. SoloAp-nts, C. F. PTC1HAKDS CO. X Wholesale and Retail PniKiilHts and Chemists, 8 W. cor. City i Runsomo Dtreetl.Uan inuicuco, uau