mid "Utm 'Ml1- ...!. . "' posr opmck Rivr. mails ahhivk: , From ItallfbaS. inor'h nml snnlrd l!My 1 im p ' From Vr-nllis, dail . a' ' 1 Sn a. m. Krom Li-'unon, trl-weekly, '.Monday, Wednesday an 1 Frldn 10.S0A. M. HAIL8 Dfcl'AST; For Railroad ortli and ;'.sily, close protll"' ' 11 -" A. For t"nrv;t 11-. .'.allv, a' 1.S0 !'. . i Kor Lebanon, rl-Wekl . -Monday, riesjtayand Kri my at '2 r. SI. Office flOTtW fmm 7 A. V. W J I'. M. Snn. lav. from 8 M to 2 P. . Money order otnee hours from fl A. . to $P, m. " 1" II. RAYMOND, P.M. STATE Oranrf..--Mr. N". Wi tir rctsoo. Deputy, tin? catlap a meeting f Hm Masters nf aihordiiitfte '.ranees jn tiie State of Oivprnn and Washlngl! Terrttury. with their wives wlio Matrons a also lwt Masters w.T their wives who are Matrons, atftilem. jit tb o'clock oil Vi',. ,..day. BepteWi- hertft, for the purposes of co-obera- tiotl and the institution ol a State Grange of the Patrons of llnandry. i'his organization hM grown with a ra)1dity nnemialled in numbers and power. It is in no sene a political oratnfaatitMl a we miderstaiid it, but simply a gni'd, with an organized sys- tent of mutual relief and assistance, similar to those of various other benev- oletit orders that have existed among M for yeais. Pkrsokai.. W. R. BlalU starts for .San Francisco, to attend the Theolog ical Seminary at Oakland, by the next outgoing Heamer from Portland. D. C. Ireland, Esq., of the .LvV'tVM, called on Wednesday. Hon. A. R. Rmbank. Cant. VV. h. n it .u 11,... r a ii..,..n,i IpIp. ronuiiiuio nun. .. fates trout ainhill county, U ailed on. Wednesday. Rev. J. W. Van Cleve, liavingl)een appointed to the Roeburg charge by the late annual Conference of the M. E. Church, will remove to that point with his family next week. Rev. . Wilson has been appointed as pastor of the M. K. Church in this city for the ensuing year. Rev. J. S. HcGain fills the appoint ments for Lebanon and Tangent Metb islist charges for tiie twelvemonth to come. Senator Mitchell came up on Wed nesday. He held a reception at the St. Charles until noon Thursday, and was called upon by scores of our people. C. P. Home, of A. W heeler & Co., shedd. was with us Thursday. I Hcnrv Me vers, lately ran over by ! our fire engine, lies in a critical state. Rumor lias it that three marriages are to be celebrated in this city in a few days. X. BMimi returned on Wednesday from San Francisco with a smashing i-tock of goods. We were shook up, during the week, by the following members of the ed- itorlal fraternity : Hill of the Ortgnnimu, Scott of the BrdlStn, Crandall of the .S'tiittsr.xni, Ireland of the yltori'o, Carter ot the Corvallis GMfe, Clarke of die Salem. Froif, Head of the l)r,ivKroi, and Turner, Jacksonville Xentind. late of the New Firm. The late flrm ot West lake & Howell is no more, Mr. How ell having purchased the interest of Mr. Westlake. in the large new ware- liouse, and immediately selling the m teht to Messrs. P. C. Harper & Co., M rtliis city. The flrm name is now Howell, Harper a uo. a ii.moi uum- ness men, who will win In tiie race of straightforward competition for trade. A General Smash. Eight horses attached to a horse-power near Browns ville, one day last week, were stam !ieded by the belt connecting with the elevator flying off, and by unanimous cousentran away. The horse-power was badly smashed up, and one horse succeeded in breaking one hind leg. At last accounts the animal was alive, and it was thought the leg would heal up. The maimed horse belonged to Mr. W. C. Beard, and was valued at $150. , Wheat. Buyers are offering 90o per bushel tor wheat, but we hear of no sales at that figure. SAI.F.M I)fTRICT-'n' fit. K. All- mini Conference which chwiihI in Olympia, v . 'i'.. KM we -. imhiIp' Uw f'nlli.wiiii:li)(iliitineiit: i vSi!t.in Dis - Iru't for the en-'Uiiig fmti . i . 1). Oliver, 'it'-iJiiit :ivr. j Siiinii V;ii. Mepltei-t. ' . HWel) I'nirii' - loliii Vn.in. J Tcr-'oi) I. H. -., Albany I. Wilson. LtlaMiaiulTitugentr; ;.S. IffcCaln. i'.ii.un-viltc- P. Sf. Staff, Cre.swcll N. ( iiirk. HtniMie - P. 17. Hm(RT,. C'nrvallL. tu kH tumtjtti. l)a.ia--tV. I). Nichois and John . '.lame;. Krcenc Citv A. C. Fairthild. Si'nii?lit !d'--V. f i ..it.- 1 ir um .tv' l'niveritv L. .Pow ell. Pro!., 0. rYYShaw, Agenf. Santi.ui) Aemlt'iny fj. M Xiokcr hod. Principal. Hai.f FaHI;. In response to h,it,i- Tij, VV. W. Pareish. Eq., Secretary of the Linn Comity Agricultural Asso - elation, has received the following re- py fmt, Mr. B. P. Rogers. !en. Pa- gengcr Agt. of the 0. AO. Railroad, fjated Portland, Sept. . 3d. 1,73: '-yours of the .10th inst. at hand. All an() articles intended for exhibi- ttoa ft nK, fjm Comity Fair, will lie f0rvardi(l to Albany at tariff rates, but will be returned free, upon pre- cenration of oertincate to the agent at A.lhany. signed by the Secretary of the ( Association, that such stock or articles j ,ltVu been upon exhibition, and have not clianpsl bands.' " This h a matter j ()f considerable interest to exhibitors as well as tiie IRsociatioh. A great many art'cles, and a large number of blooded stock were kept away from our Fair !at year, owing to the fact that no arrangement had been effected with the Railroad Company for half fare, rates. We may expect a much 1 ml stock ' "f" 'S '" - 1 , , .,.,, . ,t,a. h,;, nmlm. " mcnt liaa been maue. Not 4 SnrKss.Last week Mart Brown went to Pass Creek on a deer ! hunt. He promised everybody veil- j ison Never having been thoroughly instructed In the science of gunnery. his first attempt to load his ftMbie- perfect rush of mingry people. Prob barrel proved a failure, as he put in j w y Conveltion wouM not me uucMMou um. o..,u m W UlT, um m loe eiciieiiieui uuiimiiDnij I upon observing the flight of a huge I "drove" of quail (they were black birds), he loaded from the wrong pocket. Failing as a hunter, lie took to his old business, hunting camas, ; and the last we saw of him lie was out 011 the "divide" rustling for his regu lar grub. Camas is thin diet, and ac counts for tiie pointleasness 01 all the emanations from his pen. Weather Record for August, 1 1873. Mr. J. R. Smith furnishes os j witlt our regular record of the weather j during last month, as follows : Mean 1 temperature Jor the month. 70 degrees, j Highest temperature on the 115th, 87 ; iJowest on the 27th, 61. Highest tem- 1 perature during the month on the loth, 98 . owest on the 23 m cieardays 21, cloudy 0, showery 4. Wind north 21 days, southwest 8, northwest 2. The mean temperature for August, 1872! Was 07 degrees; highest 80, low gg. Highest temperature during the month, 90; lowest, 44. Clear days 24, cloudy 4, showery 3. Wind north 23 days, south 6, southwest 2. Linn Cocirrr.The value of real and personal property in Linn county, as shown by the Assessor's books, de ducting indebtedness and exemptions, foots up $3,897,099. The tax levy is sixteen mills on the dollar, and is as follows : For State purposes. 5i mills; schools, 3 mills; county, 1 mills. Polls, 1,303. Directors Elected. At the an nual election, held at the office of the Company in this city on Tuesday, for seven Canal Directors, the old board was re-elected, viz: Luther Elkins, Martin Luper, Jas. H. Foster, Dave Thompson, J. F. Backensto, Calvin Burkhart and Jason Wheeler. $20,000, Messrs. Beard & Son, at Tangent, on Saturday and Monday last, bought 20,000 bushels of wheat, for which they pay $1 pet bushel. Their average daily receipts ol wheat amounts to 1600 bushels, at their warehouse at Tangent. j lil l.K'im-H. Pi . ftl J .. - M E. church he th t : -. I a to Wilson, at II .".,.., . -,- , 71 ; P. M.' fcutyrrt of mt..- l.s'- . -ic- 'The linpirBtimi of th" ill the ftfi h$r. " ; h" tifon.'' nuKmy who I 11 each Sniida v ; ftCUiiU 1 n every Thnr-ilay etfe'i li'ig cordially invin d to att nd, 'i' New (iooiis -Mt. N rtitttre; ;t 1- Ail Hre liumn has co wnh a returned from San Pre stik'k of general , ni'-' . Ike th"i our citi cliaHengcs tiie adiniraii 'ii 01 zens. Toe ladh who tall at W fore will he treated to ricli'atid rare -i'gbt. in the line ofd'-cs- goods, of Mi Ui d '. styles color Ind erices; thcirevt'emen to elothinu of the 'atesr aiid most genteel rati and fluid), underwear, etc. Ot course thi 1 do su't hi jjiii to tell the j ar)p, amount and variety of goods to ! j, obtained at Jiaimi's. ''.very one should call andexaminefortbemselves. Delegates fo the Republican State Convention swarmed upon Albany so thick last Tuesday that the Mayor deemed it prudent to place an extra poiicman on duty fortwodays. Some of tiie delegates propose to n ta'iate by cotnniencing subs against the city for damages to their shoe leather by reas on of the protruding spikes in our sidewalks. 1 C I Skwtxc. Machinks. Among many sewing machine-: ottered the for snle, the llomestic is highly spoken of by those familiar with the manner and style in which it executes all kinds of sewing. W. ,L Home. 104 Third street, Portland. Is the general agent, I See advertisement in this issue. Lost. Martin Payne, of this city, last week lost a pocketbook. between this city and Kee' mills, containing wheat checks and notes amounting in value to about $0,000. He is anxious toH'" the property, and will liheraly the tinder. Lively for Hotels. During Wed nesday Thursday and Friday our hotels done a lively business, there beins a objeote( tQ every week by our land, lords. Tangent. Last season two hun dred and twenty-one car loads of wheat were shipped from Tangent by Messrs. Beard & Son aggregating about 75,000 bushels, Harvest Is not yet over, and wheat pours steadily into our ware houses, taxing tiie machinery to the utmost in unloading. "Time Tries All Things," and has proven that WVntar's Jiidmtm oj H7M Cherry Is the remedy prr excel lence for the cure of coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough,, bronchitis, asthma, phthisic, sore throat, influenza, and "last, not least, "consumption. 2w . Rebekkah meeting to-night. Latest News. Sixty-five cents per bushel for wheat is what the Walla Walliaiis get who sell at Wallula. Three Indians attempted to over power and thus obtain the keys of the prison from Indian Agent, Rev. Mr. Wilbur at Fort Simcoe, a tew days since, in order to release Indian Dick, confined in the skookum house for the murder of one of his tribe. The three worthies attacked the Ajfent luiexpect. edly, after he had unlocked the cell door. They soon found they had mis taken their man. Mr. Wilbur before the two Siwashes could chirp, had knock ed down, and, unassisted, had thein safely caged in company with the In dian they honed to release where they remained at last accounts. The third Indian escaped. Astoria boasts of 1,000 Inhabitants. Umatilla county manufactures 50, 000 pounds of cheeseauniially. Broadwell alleged tax receiving de faulter in $75,000. has given bonus for his appearance before the grand jury of Newark. $1,000 lias been ottered for the apprehension of John T. Harp er, defaulting collector of the Spring field (III.) district. The yellow fever scare at Sbreve port still continues, and everybody is leaving that can get away. The feter is reported on the increase. Late mall advices state that rumors are again afloat at Shanghai that ah organization is in progress for a gen eral massacre of Europeans. The rea son stated Is that the French Minister will not consent to certain modifica tions of the treaty. Rumors are be- unnnig more and more gnive. mid oldicr- arc being stationed at the nitwi riaiigeiom points. I'hc President of the Howard Aso- ciatloi) m U ii-giupbed from Shiwe- I iorr. Texas, that the vellow fevi r is on tin' increase, i epideinic. and asks for iuim's and physicians. fhe 1.".500. WK) Geneva Rward to this Roveruinent was paid Into the U. LlTt'ne feT l,0"(1, h'Mry i'he reappnisemcnt of the Kavv lands has been ordered, ' Prom 8an Domingo we learn that I Col. Klvas attempted the life of Gen. I i Tl''7tlWin fT"'. . Th'' ?"m hot Riva through the head. (ten. Baberal is n-porred seriously I ill a., 'I unable to take the Held. The stage was stopped near Plcas Hii't Valky (Idaho), coining south, on ! 1 IM 9th. by robbers. Wcfls Fargo & CO.'s treasure-box was taken, with which the robbers escaped. Prof. Marsh, of Yale College. wil leave feilt Lake for Oregon in a few days. lames Douglass suicided at San Francisco on the 9th. Telegrams announce a terrible fire in Havana, Cuba, destroying a large number of the inhabitants. An appeal for help has been received. September 10th, at Baltimore, the Ford's Holliday street theater, the St. Nicholas hotel and a large tour story building adjoining, were destroyed by tire. From Monroe, Louisiana, tin the IOtli. comes this: Oil Saturday last I udge T. C. Crawford adjourned the District Court at wainsboro, Franklin parish, till Tuesday, He accompanied District Attorney Arthur H. Harris, to Columbia, Caldwell parish. They started from Columbia on their return to Wainsboro Monday morning. iVhen twelve miles southwest ol Wainshoro. they Were waylaid by four men lying in ambush in the midst of a thicket, of several miles in extent, and murdered in cold blood. Judge Crawford was shot in five places in the head and body; it Is th'ugut lie strug gled w ith his assassin, a his head was badly bruised ami mangled. Harris was -hot in the back of th(! head and in the thigh. J 1 is horse was shot from under him. It is thought the murders were committed by a party of desier adoes known as "Tom Winn's gang." The leader of their party was tried at the last term of the Court , before Judge Crawlord at Columbia, tor murder, and convicted, he being prosecuted at the time by District Attorney Harris, lie made bis escape from jail before sentence was passed upon him, and made repeated threats that he would kill the Judge and Prosecuting Attor ney. The people of the parish are In dignant, and a large number are in pursuit. It is thought that the mur derer will be overtaken within twenty four hours. From Detroit on tile 9th : Canavan. w ho brutally outraged a little nine year old girl at Muskegon last week, was to-day tried before Judge G id dings, found guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary for life, the extreme penalty fixed by law. Righteous judgment. Flax Seed. Howell, Harper A Co. oiler to contract for Flax seed at three cents per pound, furnishing bags and seed. 1.6 A. WBHELCR. C. P. HODUE. C. B. WHEEL KR. A. WHEELER ft CO., &IIEDD, OREGON, Forwarding& Commiss'n Merchants. Dealers irt Merchandise and Produce. A good assort mcnt of all kinds of Goods al ways in store at lowest market rates. Aiteiits for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills, Cider Mills, Churns, Ac., Ac. ( ASM paid for WHEAT, OATS, PORK, BUTTER, EGGS and POULTRY. Undeveloped Vigor. The frehloand delrflitated usually fancy they are In a more hopelesseondil ion than they really are. The resources of nul im am not easily exhausted. Even when strength and appetite tail, when the eyes are Ilea vy and lustreless, uie complexion pallid, the nerves tremulous, the liody at tenuated, and the mind depressed, there is generally a reserve of latent power be hind such palpable evidences of weaknoss. Various modes of treatment are resorted to by imysicians in the hoie of developing and rendering available this store of slee ing vitality, but the surest, and Indeed the only thoroughly safe and reliable means of awakening the dormant energies of the stem is a course of Hosteller's Stomach liters. Electricity, shower baths, the flesh brush, sea bathing, Ac., may lie well enough in their way, as auxiliaries, but tbey do not reach the source of the evil. AU physical debility proceeds either from a derangement of the functions of the as similating, secretive and vital organs, or from a sntggisn constitution, in eitner case, and also in cases where both causes exist, the Bitters will Invariably produce an immediate and salutary change In the condition of the patient, and eventually effect a complete cure. None of the dan gerous alkaloids, too often administered as as tonics, can be otherwise than delete rious under such circumstances, and to give mercury is positively criminal. The direct effect of the great vegetable specific will be manifested In an imptoved appe tite, a more cheerful frame of mind, a gradual return of strength, an increase of flesh, and a healthier complexion. Mean while, however, the constitution, If Inert anil AmIiIa. will bnve been mimed and ren ovated by the subtle element of In vigors ation contained In the Bitten. Sep I Gold in ev York yesferfiay. Ill1-, Legal tenders mjSli Liverpool wheat'l UdlXs; CJot. The demand for "heat Is still firm. ; although the immediate wants of ex- orters ba'vc been supplied. One flrm j portlahd want 2,000 tons. ft M ?2 pi cehUl-equal fo $1 gi perbusbeL-aekedanddellvvredtheie. ! On the llth wheat was still $2 .10 per cental in San Francisco, but an ! effiort was King made to force the ' price up to 9 50 per 100 lbs. No change in our market quotations1 tv note. ew To-Day. Domestic mewimj MAcnm: presents n rororftof success nnparaleled irt the hhttory Ol Sewing Machines. The LhIcnI Improvement of Age. The Domestic CHALLENGES THE WORLD I Sold at 'lilciro Price, Mid War ranted Elve Years. W. J- HORNE, Gen. Agent. Office, 104 Third street, Portland. ' mt EhjcIc Woolen mil Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the next regiimi' annual meeting of the Stockholders will lie held at the office of the Company, hi Brownsville, on Fri day. 1 lie :M day of Ociolior next, at three o'clock P. M. A fail auandaneo is desired. Hv order of the Board of Directors. A- WHEELER, Secretary. Sept. 1, Is7.ltd6 TOTHE farmers ! AMI ALE E WANT OF KTORAUl: ! CTt. COMSTOCK A CO. HAVE THOK ougUly recalled and strengthened their Albany Warehouse, and having two good Cleaners, can Imndle ALL (lif t THAT COMEB with safety and dispatch. They are prepared to furnish all tiie sacks nee led. Don't be frightened by the old cry that we are getting more titan we can store. Call and see for yourselves. "FAIR DEALING WILL WIN." Head! WE WILL CON tract to STORK Wheat FREE, either at ALBANY, PORT LAND or HALSEY, until it Is worth 76c per bushel. Wanted. A LARGE AMOUNT OF TIJLX HKIJ wanted, for which we will pay the IIIOHENT MARKET PRICE in cash, from time to time. Present Quotation! For Common and Volunteer, 8c V A. " extra tine and clean, 82 41 If 60 lis. C. B. COMSTOCK A CO. Aug. 15-n50 HFLAjTeiEED WANTED. TJ I G H E S T CASH PRICE PAID FOR EX all t idl the Fla: Seed. delivered at our Warehouse In Albany. WESTLAKE A HOWJjXL. aiigl5v5n50tf Wanted. 1 A AAA BUSHELS OF OATS. Inqnire 1 U.UUU at the Old Warehouse, of aug. 849ui3 E. S. MERRILL. A LB AX Y Collegiate Institute! Kext term opens, Uonday, September 1, 17.1. it. K. WARREN, President. FARMERS ! Talc Notice ! THE NEW AND WELL-ARRANGED Warehouse of R. Cheadle, with Im proved cleaning aparatns of ample capac ity, is now prepared to receive grain for the harvest of 187S. Fanners wishing to store or sell wheat, will And it to their advantage to see me before selling elsewhore. All will be furn ished with sacks to move their grain by calling on me, , The highest cash price will be paid for good merchantable wiieat at all times. of excellent business qualifications, has 11.. a. .nMiiuii., un uiu mown 01 Ajusny, taken charge 01 tne warenonse, ana win superintend the receiving and delivery of nil gram jnuouig lUlUUgfl 11. t U CHKADLE Albany, July 88, 1878-6nn8