The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 10, 1873, Image 3

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mails arrive:
From Rallroal 'north and south) daily
M W W p H.
From Corvaitls, rlalSy, at 10.30 a. m.
From I.e'inron, trl-weekly, iMonday,
Wednesday an Fridaylat 10.30 a. .
mails tirbart:
For Railroad (north and aouth), dally,
clow promnt tj.45 A. M.
Fori orv::K ' umr. n.
For Lahanon. trl-weekly, (Monday, Wed
ncsday and Fri 'ay' at 2 P. M.
Office homo from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Him lav from 1? M. ')2 P. f.
Money order ""If how from 9 A. M. to
" n . I',,, ic r a A
VP. M. r. ll. luinu.w, r. .
Will hereafter wivar u a semi-week
ly, and e isiiJ on Wednesday and
Stturtlav morninc of each week. The
advantage of a paper issued twice in
stead of once a week to its readers are
0 many and obvious that we need not
recite them. We shall endeavor to
give the latest intelligence, both local
and foreign, and make the Register
a sprightly, newsy, readable paper.
The subscription will remain the same
three dollars per annum in advance.
We hope by Issuing the paper twice a
week to make it generally more at
tractive to the home reader, ind thus
gain largely over lormer subscription
lists. If our fricndB will help us, vol
ume six will prove more prosperous
than any of the preceding volumes.
In this hope we send out the initial
number of Volume Six.
Examination or Teachers. A
public examination of teachers will be
held in the Albany District School
House on Saturday, Sept. 27, commenc
ing at 9 o'clock A. M.
Co. School Supt
Scoar Corn. F. M. Wadsworth
has a large quantity of splendid sugar
corn, the finest article for roasting and
sucatash puriose.s we have seen. It is,
also, exactly the thing for drying, and
those who desire corn for any of the
above purports, nan pmrairn it at
Wad., at reasonable rates.
Successful. Charles Mealey, Hank
Mendenhall, John Walton and Jerry
Winters, who returned from the Cas
cade Mountains last week, got away
with thirty-six deer. They killed four
the morning they started for home.
Hank Mendenhall has our best bow
for kindly remembering us with a
choice ham. No wonder they have
good luck.
To Advertisers. We have read
justed our rates for advertising, and
now ofFer ?pace in the Register for
small, short-time advertisements at
much lower rates than heretofore. No
man can expect to succeed In this age
of telegraphs and railroads, who does
not use printer's ink freely. Send in
your cards.
BiisiNKSs lias bean lively all along
the' railroad during 'the week. The
wheat excitement extended' to Ilalsey
oa Monday, and as high as one dollar
and two cents per bushel was, offered
for wheat. We are informed that
something in the neighborhood of 50,
000 biiheh of wheat we're purchased
InHalseyon Saturday and Monday,
prices varying from 90c to $1 02.
Wheat Salesc-A large amount of
wheat passed out of first hands, en
Saturday last, at one dollar a bushel.
Below we give the names of purchas
ers and amounts bought as reported to
W.S Newbury, forComstock
&Co. 80,000
WestlakeA Howell 88,000
R. Cheadle W.000
Beech & Monteith I&OOO
Jas. H. Foster & Co .. 11,000
Total....... m000
Average Yield. It la stated by
those who have had good oprjortonltles
of becoming posted in the matter, that
the average yield of wheat per acre
this season in Linn county will be ovei1
forty Imshels. Fields that have turned
out from 45 to 65 bushels per acre
' wete not infrequent, while still larger
yield have been reported.
Finishing Up.-Measrs. Westlake
6 Howell have about completed their
fine warehouse. It is fast filling Up
with wheat.
epabllrxn County Convention.
At a meeting of the Itepiiblican
County Convention, at rlh Opera
House in Albafty. Aug. 30. 173. the
Convention was called to order by Coll.
Van Cleve. Chairman of the County
Central Committee.
On motion, n temporary organisa
tion was pfTeeTHl by electing, Dr. W.
H. Rowland chairman, and J. M.
Shelley. Secretary.
The following committees were then
appointed :
On Credentials-Coll. Van Cleve,
W. R. Bishop and L. White.
On permanent Orfanijsation -M. C.
George and S. H. Clangbton.
The Committee on Credentials re
ported the following delegates from
the several precincts entitled to seats
in this Convention :
Orlem-i George H. Riddell and John
WttrlnoW. G. Harris.
leVnwn 8. H. Cianirhfon, E. P.
Henderson and J. Roland.
H'trrisburg Hiram Smith. J. M
She'lev, J. Macy hy Hiram Smith
proxy and, J. J. Brown by J. M. She!
ley proxy.
Brownsville W. H. Rowland, L
White,' fienj. Cutler and W.B. Kirk
by Benj. Cutler proxy.
Brush Creek-W. R. Bishop.
Albany S. Dawson, N. B. Humph
rey, Joseph Hannon, L. Elkins, W.S.
Newbury, Beitf. Turley. Geo. F. Simp
son, C. Mealey by W. 8. Newbury,
proxy, and Coll. Van Cleve.
Center J. R. McClure.
On motion, the report was adopted
The Committee on Permanent Or
ganization reported the following
named officers: Chairman, W. H.
Rowland ; Secretary, J. M. Shelley;
Assistant Secretary, N. B. Humphrey
On motion, the report was adopted
The following nominations were
then made for delegates to attend the
State Convention, to be heWat Albany,
Sept. 11th, 1873 : S. Dewjsoti, Geo. F.
Simpson, O. P. Tompkins, J. M. Shel
ley, Robert Glass, J. W. McKulght,
J. H. Johnson and Geo. H. Riddell,
who, on motion, were declared unani
mously elected.
On motion, adjourned.
J. M. Shells?, Chairman.
A Big Dat's Work. On Saturday
last, wheat, which had been gradually
advancing in price, suddenly jumped
from 82c to $1 per bushel. The news
that wheat commanded one dollar,
spread like a prairie fire, and the rush
and excitement was tremendous. Mr.
W. S. Newbury, agent for C. B. Corn
stock & Co., bought eighty thousand
bushel's at the Co.'s warehouse in this
city, on Saturday, while agents of the
house in this county, during the same
day, purchased filly thousand bushels
more, making a grand total of cne
hundred and thirty thousand bushels
of wheat, tor which the round sum of
one dollar per bushel will be paid.
This is the largest transaction in wheat
that ever transpired In one day fn this
Junction Crrr. This place, a town
that has sprang into existence since
the building of the O. AC. Railroad,
a few miles south of Harrisburg, is
already a place of considerable com
mercial importance. Messrs. Smith
& Brasflekl have erected a large two
story frame building, 20x100 feet
occupying the lower story for the sale
of general merchandise, and convert
ing the upper Into an Odd Fellows
Hall. These gentlemen do a business
of between four and five thousand
dollars per month in merchandise
alone. There are six fine warehouses
completed, with a capacity of 190,000
bushels. We were told that between
250,000 and 300,000 bushels of wheat
would be shipped from that point this
. .! . .(
Thanks. Charley Mealey never
forgets his friends he would have
been a richer man but for hH Mg soul.
We are indebted to him for the present
of a pair of venison! hams. We shall
always live well while we number
such men as Charley among our friends.
Good Yield. Judge Baber's oat'
crop averaged sixty bushels to the
acre- His wheat crop was alio over
avenge. '
f f
I .reT 11
most enjnv'Me ,
safed a similar
The fifalfi v
Cornnarv vol t i
' I i ever voor
ntpn't r of neo"'
:;'" in RiPi t
.- rTji ;i Mil f
excnrdoi i t- n i.'i -! .". r
box r. which weii- t mi the switch
at the sittn itlt tor thvlrtpe a.;l behiv".
The exenrslntiNN went nroykM with
tents nnil grub." for comfort and
sustenance (Virlng their fnr; with
shot-guns, rifles ) patois with
which to get away with any enterpris
ing Modocs, ami with fishing tackle,
especialy adapted to Impaling grass
hoppers, which abound in ftir numbers
in that vicinity. The camping ground
was excclUjutly selected, plenty of
timber ami the flne-st water in the
world, being close at hand. No fish
ing, to amount to anything, was in
dulged in, owing to the distance. It
being a mite and a half or more to the
nearest stream from camp wliere trout
were to he obtained in any numbers.
The country being entirely new to all
the company. Tuesday and Wednesday
were entirely consumed by our hunters
In getting the "lay of tlie land," and
getting a big ready to go for venlon.
On Thursday parties received tele
grams from home, informing them
that hus'ness matters made it impera
tive that they shonld immediately
return. This being the state of affairs,
on Thursday evening it was resolved
rather than divide up the party we
would all retnrn together on Friday
and thus It was that the exciirtionists
returned several dayseai Her titan at first
anticipated. For fovors extended dur
ing the excursion, the party are es
pecially indebted to Conductors, Root,
Stroud and Bloomfield, all ot whom
are gentlemen of the first water. No
party ever received" better treatment
at the hands of a Railroad Company's
officers, each vicing with the other in
extending courtesies. We hope to he
afforded many similar pleasant occa
Good Times Coming. The good
times so long looked for and anxiously
expected, it would seem are at least in
close proximity to this commonwealth
now. It is estimated that Linn county
will have about one million and a half
bushels of wheat to sell, which, should
present prices maintain, would put in
circulation In the county, for wheat
alone, the neat little sum of one mil
lion five hundred thousand dollars a
sum which, if equally divided among
our people, would afford each roan
woman and child quite a little amount
ol Din money. Add to this amount
the receipts for oats flax seed, woo)
eta, and we would not be for out of
the way should we place the grand
total that will be received in nsh this
season by our formers at f 2,500.000,
It looks now as if Oregon, and especially
Linn countyv was on the eve of "flush
times" the most prosperous ever en-
oyed. Certainly as a people we are
being specially blessed, and should be
duly thankful therefor.
PtfsOSAfi. Mr. A. Wheeler, of
Shedd, called on Monday.
Dr. Tate and lady, Mrs. Barrows
id daughter, and Miss Josh Hamil
ton returned from their trip to Rose-
burg on Saturday, professing them
selves much delighted and benefitted
by the excursion, and grateful tor the
kind attentions shown them by the
railroad officials throughout. Mrs.
Thos. Monteith returned from the same
point on Friday.
Pat Fen-ell, ot Lebanon, was In the
city on Tuesday.
Mrs. Harper was visiting in Browns
ville during the week.
Mr. E. B. Purdoro, who met with
an accident a few days ago, by which
he came near losing his right hstW,' is
doing well, and will be ready for work
again In a week or two.
Chas. Barnes Is able to be upon the
street. His arm is getting along finely.
.i -
Died. Tlie youngest child of Mr.
John Parker, of this city, died Satur
day. It was buried on Monday.
The Oii) I
IV exiir ' i
of the ('! i: 1 1
ainpices y
). o. y.
Moihlfiv. Sej t
Frtonv of tie
eujnved row
, -tnut.,,orthls enterprise
Isirrw o fir advanced, that the Board
ifirftvtioi- arereadvto sell the use
.... ... .
i lie1 wiuer Miwrr io reponsiuie par
ties, tor mi i mtactnring and other pnr-
-. within ixty days from this
ne. Tle 'anal will furnish sixteen
thotisajid cubic feet of flowing water
i'r III nut., ainul tn uiahl hniwtrw?
minute, epiai to eight hunarea'-imi r. So for the Company
, .., i j
h ive expended about 19.000. meeting
i oblliritlons Tlie sii.-ms of this
ooojfiiions. nie success Ol tm
nterprie so far. carried on as It was
. . , ' . .
"io inn fi iiiom-y pressure inai ibckku
Imt little ot being a patllc. is nnpre-
cedenttil in Oregon, and speaks in the
highest terms of the ability and honesty
of tlie officers and Board of Directors
umler whose supervision it has been
so happily prosecuted.
. I.
Look BErOttE Leaping. It roust
not be inferred twin the fact that A.
Wheefer A Co. do not give any guar
antee in refeitd to the price of grain
stored with them, that they do not in
tend to buy. On the contrary, they
trust that they will be able to make it
for the interest of all who can deliver
more conveniently at Shedd, to sell
them their grain. But preferences
aud guarantees are part of due system,
and one naturally depends upon the
Other; and both are destined to go
outot use.' GoJaiid see them before
Sesposing of ymtr grain.
Eagle Woolen Mills. By notice
elsewhere in this issue, it will be seen
tlral the regular annual meeting of tlie
stockholders in the Eagle Woolen
Mills Company is called for Friday,
October Dd, 1879, at the office of the
Company in Brownsville, at three
o'clock in the afternoon of that day.
A ftill attendant is requested.
Benefit. The ciMrmiug actress,
Mrs. Mart. Taylor, takes a benefit at
the Pacific Opera House. 0n Friday
evening uext. Messrs. F. K. Wads-
worth, ttc inimitable, artd A. C. Sweet-
have volunteered for the occasion. It
will doubtless prove a pleasant occa
sion, and will be enjoyed oy a large
Wm. DwyeiT pugilist, and Dick
Harrington, alias Happy Jack, got
into a row in San Francisco on the
night of the Cth. when Harrington
nlimrari a knife into Dwver's breast.
bwyer died in a few minutes after the
stab, and Harrington is in cusiuuy.
Tliesettlemeut of the Geneva award
by Great Britain, and the final pay
ment bv Prance to Germany on ac
count of the war Indemnity, occqrred
on the 6th inst. Tlie final payment
on account of tbe Geneva award was
Col, John Harper. TJ. S. Collector
for the 8th Illinois District, has defaul
ted lu sunns variously estimated at
from 150.000 to $300,000. His bond
is for UOOtUOa and will probably cover
the dutaJcatlon. lie nas laaen
Greeley ? advkiaand gone W est.
nuAKtiAJb A5 comnaMAh.
Gold In New'Tork vesterday, 114.
Legvi tenders
Liverpool wiieat 12s 10dI3s ; Club,
,13s dSSm 4d.
The following1 vessels are loading
with wheat at Portland : Bark Wetter
hom; scliooner liera, for San Frahds
ot; shipOtago, for Corkj Privateer,
for United Kingdom.
Tlie steamer Oriflamme was due at
Portland yesterday. .
San Francisco quotations show :
Flonr-fB BOW active.
Wheat Firm, closing at H 32
for choice, and 2 27 j2 30 for ship
ping, perlOOfos.
Oats-tf 6501 90.
Btirley New, choice brewing,
91 50;
In thh rhartet' considerable excite
ment prevaf led on Saturday and Mon
day, owitig to the sudden advance of
wheat to $1 Yte bushel, and a large
amount of wiieat was sold. As the,
amount of wheat necessary to fill a
contract was secured, wheat now rulos
somewhat lower, and we quote at OOt;.
Oats Thirty cents per bushel is the
highesflgure we have yet to report
Butter Hardto obtain; 25c par lb.
Eggs 25c f dozen.
a B. WHBBUtft.
Forwarfling&Comniiss'n Merciiants.
Dealers in Merchandiae andsProduce. A
good assortment of all kinds of Goods al
ways in store at lowest market rates.
Agents for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills,
Cider Mills, Churns, Ac, Ac ;
f, f.B
j . Z1'. 7;,',., .jyt
Bttter Market not wwtoowd,
at 25c per pound. Eggs, 26c per
Fnd vrloped i
Tbefeeble and debilitated usually fancy
they are In a more hornless condition than
i ' "v '"""J lire rawraws n nwiin
,ore no) f,- eshttnsted, EvBn wnen
strength ind inpetll foil, when the eye
1 arc heavy aud instrclens, the eomplexiOD
pallid, the nerves tremiilorw. the bodvat-
i jeunated. and the mind depressed, there
jteneimily a reserve of latent poer be
! h'1",1 scn palpable evidences of weakness.
I Various lnwles of treatment are resorted
ho oy physicians in the hope of developing
; IZtliilA
rpi( viiailiy, but the sorest, and indeed the
oiuy inorougtuv sale
Rath anil npllAhlA
of awaken Inn the dormant enei-Kies oft
sj sifiu is a course oi uosteiiers sioina
Bi'ters. Eleetrii'ltv. shower luiths. t
flesh brush, aea bathlnif. mavbe well
enough in tbeir way, as auxiliaries, bat
tliey do not reach the source of the evU.
All physical deWUtv m-oconls either from
a deraiHrenient of the functions of the' aa
simllathvt, accretive and vital organs, or
from a sluggis! constitution. In either
ca-K!, and also in cases where both causes
exist, the Bitters will Invariably produce
an iinmc liate and salutary change ilj the
condition of the patient, and eventually
effect a complete cure. None of tin dan
gerous alkaloids,1 too often administered
as as tonics, can be otherwise than 1 delete
riona under snch clrcntnstancea, and to
3 Ive mercury Is positively criminal. The
Irect effect of the great vegetable speciflc
w ii, vn- iiuniiM'HHMi in an lmpiovea appo
int), a more cnwrliu frame of mind, a
graitnal ret nrn of nircngt h, an inusaM ol
flcsh.anilaheidililer eomnlexiori. Mean-
wbila, however, the conntitui Ion, If inert
sou ieciue, win nave oren ronsea ana ren
ovatetrby the sntn'leeiemehta or lnigbr-
ation uontaiuitd in the Bitters.
New To-Day.
Eftitle Woolen Mill (ouipauy.
l ho next regular annual mcttim; Of
the Slnckltoldem will tmliclfl ai Ihn 'ntfRi
of Hie Company, hi llrownsvinc, on Fri
day, the 1 day of Oc'tolier ncxi.iit three
o'cloi:K' H. M. A mil atten. lance Is desired.
By order Of the Bfimil ol IHi-ectors.
A. WllKKi.KC. ShwIiipii
oughly repaired and strengthened
t heir Albany Warehouse, and having two
guou Cleaners, can nanute
with safety and dispatch.
Con't be frightened by tbeftliUcrn-rturt
ouljSSrsswn psmaww
TT tract to stcB
Whdat FHKE, either at ALBANY, POBT
LANU or HALSEy, until it is worth 70c
per oubmi.
iV wanted, for which we will pay th
in cash, front' time to time.
Present Onotntfonsr
For Common and Volruitecr, 3e V I.
" extra tine ami vlufat, 'tft M IKS.
Aug. 15-nM
all the ,
delivered at our Warehouse in Altiany.
1 li AAA hEL8 OF OAT8. ' Inquirt
1 VjUUv at the Old Warehouse, of
r 9. biuuuIjL,
Collegiate Institute I
Next tens opens,
Hondajr, September 1, lgrt.
R. H. WARREN, PnnMeot.
nti ' S
Tak.e Notice !
Warehouse of R. Cheadle, with im
provJ ctcauinK arwra t as of ample capac
ity, is now Pigg1? ' receive grain for
Farmers wishing to store or sell wheat,
win And it to their advantage to see me
beforetwlftijr elsewhere. All m be tarn
ished witn xaeas to move meir gram oy
calling on me.
Taohlg-best cash price will he paid for
good merchantable wimt at all times.
E. 8. Mebkill, an old citizen of Albany,
of excellent business qualifications, has
all grain passing through It.
Albany, July 23,187Mnm