mimt V. S. Oatflal Paper tor OwfM. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10, 1873. With the last number of the Regis- connection with this paper M its edi tor. Our best wishes go with him. Stat Okiltwi. The Bepublican State Convention meets in this city on Thursday (to morrow), at two o'clock P. M., for the purpose of selecting a candidate for Congressional honors. In connec tion with this nomination quite a num ber of gentlemen have beep named, any of whom, doubtless, would fill the position of Representative in Congress with honor to themselves and the con stituency which sent them. But the point to be considered is, which of them can toll the full vote of the party. It is useless to attempt to dis guise the fact, that the man Selected as standard-bearer of the party in the coming campaign, to be successful, must net only have the brains to lit him to fill the position with honor, bat be must be in full accord with the people, and possess their entire confi dence and esteem. Party ties are not to be relied upon In the future. Men who have voted the ticket straight in former years, without a question as to fitness, fonly demanding that the can didate be an uncompromising Demo crat or Republican, can not be counted upon hereafter to so vote. A radical change has taken place, and voters now require that the man or men who receive their suffrages shall possess other qualifications in addition to those of party. It will be the duty of our delegates to canvass thoroughly and in the fullest manner the character and standing, as well as the ability, of those who offer themselves as candidates for Representative in Congress. That they will do this, we have no doubt, and that tb man, so selected will be elected by a handsome majority, we honestly believe. Among the names mentioned as nmhahle candidates for the honor of representing the people of Ore gon in Congress, brought more prom inently before the public within the last few days, none stand higher in the estimation of his fellow-citizens, at home or abroad, than our fellow townsman, Dr. E. R. Geart. His ability is undoubted, his character spot less, and lie possesses in a nigh degree that personal magnetism which at taches to every successful public man. Should Mr. Geary receive the nomina tion at the hands of the Republican Convention on Thursday, he will be endorsed 1y the people of Oregon by an overwhelming majority. The cant and hppocrisy of De mocracy is glaringly apparent in the cry of "stop thief" it sets up concerning Republicans who took "back pay," when not a whimper does it make concerning Democrats who did the same thing. Every Democratic Congressman in Penn sylvania, Ohio, MinRouri,Kentucky, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Ne braska, Nevada and all the South em States pocketed the back pay. Even Oregon's Representative, Mr. Slater, took it These would-be reformers don't say anything about these facts, though, bat try to con vey the impression that Republi cans were alone guilty of that of fense. The people of Oregon are not so easily piled. Another thing: Bat two of these Demo crats have as yet returned it - ' S ., .1,. The Supreme Court of Illinois has decided that an insurance com pany cannot cancel its policy on an insured property, when a fire is ap proaching that property, or it is in Impending danger. Tin Madrid resigned, Ministry baa again "Bat let it be remembered that while it tried to destroy the Consti tution, which Jffermm wrote with his own hand.' Albany Kkghtkr of 22d italics ours. We did not know before that Mr. Jefferson "wrote with his own hand" oar Federal Constitution did not know that be was even a member of the convention that framed the constitution ; thought he was at that time representing the United States near some foreign Court We have beard something about Mr. Madison being the author of the Constitution. We must read ourselves up in history again we seem to be retr-igrauing--Democrat. Now, neighbor, don't be so "sar custical" over, our inadvertent mal entendre. Too much big shame you make us. But you are not "retrograding" in your knowledge of history. No, no. You "seem to be" progressing like a singed cat Ton claim Mr. Jefferson as the father of Democracy and its principles as derived from the Fed eral Constitution. As the former lived and taught before the latter had a being, therefore be must have made it. Don't you see it? So look out. It may be a serious point in the eyes of your party to deny that Mr. Jefferson wrote any thing. If you keep on progressing that way, first thing your readers know, you will fall in with that class of "sroartiee" who are denying that Mr. Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence, giving the credit to Patrick Henry. Heretofore, however, you have tried as a party to saddle all of your in consistencies and follies, iu the way ofdepartures," upon the devoted shoulders of Mr. Jefferson. Have you as one of the mouth-pieces of that party concluded to be more just in the future? If such has been the influence of our mistake upon you, give us your hand, we are glad we made K Go in peace aud sin do more. Authorised Text-Books. Albany, Sep. 9, 1878. Directors and Clerks ol School Dis tricts in Linn county are hereby noti fied that the following text-books have, in pursuance of law, been adopted for exclusive use in the public schools of the State for four years from October 1st. 1873. Thompson's New Graded Series of Arithmetics, (Including New Mental for primary classes New Rudiments and New Practical,) and Brooks Nor mal Mental, (for advanced classes,) Monteitb't Introduction to Manual, Physical and Intermediate Geogra phies, Clark's Beginners and Normal Grammar, Barnes' Brief History of the United States, and "Peter Par ley's" Universal History. Spencerian penmanship and copies. FOB SCHOOLS OF ADVANCED GRADES. Robinson's Progressive Higher Arithmetic Brooks' Algebra and Geometry, Anderson's General His tory, Hart's Composition, Steele's 14 weeks in Physiology, Steele's 14 weeks in Natural Philosophy, Steele's 14 weeks in Chemistry. Wood's Bota nist and Florist Bryant and Strat um's Book-keeping. The selection of Readers and Spell er will take place about the 15th Inst., when due notice will be given. The law under which these books have been selected, requires that they shall be introduced Into all the public schools of the State on or before the first day of October, 1873: but the Bute Board of Education has conclud ed to take the responsibility of extend ing the time, so as to secure their grad ual Introduction without working a hardsdlp upon Districts so situated that they can not obtain the books immedi ately. Hence,' though It will be ex pected and required that all the public schools shall begin In good faith to In troduce said books on or before the flrat day of October, 1878, yet they ALBANY REGISTER, will be allowed until the first of Mfcrch, 1874, to complete the Introduction. It will be the duty of Directors and Clerks to see that these books be obtained as soon as possible. The importance of attending to tMs matter will be more fully appreciated wlien it becomes gen erally known that no district (except such as may not nave had a school taught between the first of October, 1873, and the first of March, 1874) that fails to report at tiie close of this school year, the complete intro duction of the authorised text-book, will be permitted to draw public money tor the year following. Teachers are requested to use thoJr Influence In introducing the test books, for the purpose of carrying into effect the law on this snMect. T. J. STITE8. Co. School Supt. AUANT AS St NAHTIAX CANAL. The Albany and Santiam Canal Company would respectfully call the attention of the public, and especially the Capitalist, and those desiring to engage in manufacturing, to their gigantic water power and water priv ilege. Sixteen thousand dibic feet constantly flowing every minute, equal to 800 horse power, with from 8 to 30 feet fall, sufficient for the most exten sive machinery, with ground on which to erect the necessary buildings, etc The Company deem it but proper that the public should know more fully the locality of this great water power, its Bcuuies ana surrouiHlings, in owe that those unacquainted may form some estimate of its value. The city of Albany u the county-seat 01 uiuu uouiuy, ITOWOT Oil UK! IW east bank or toe v niamette river. about 100 miles south of Portland, by riwr, aiui 0 miles by railroad; sou'h of Salem 45 mile by river and 39 miles by railroad, and uo.th of Eugene City 40 nines. Albany Is located in a prairie of the same name, which Is the great agricul- Linai eeuierui uk n uiuuieue aney. and it is believed that upward of oua bushels of surplus wheat will be receiv ed at that point, tlie present season The most of it will find its way to for eign markets, either by boats or mil road to Portland aud from thence up on the ocean. I lie Willamette river is navigated by beautiful steamers. carrying from 80 to 300 tons, running as tar as Aioauy some ten mouuis in the year. Also, the O. M C. K. U . with Its beautiful locomotives. Is pass ing enrougn tne city daily. Toe city of Albany is located upon a high, roll ing prairie, with the Calapooia, a beau tiful creek, flowing into the Willamette river on the west, the water of which is used in driving two large flouring mills, situated on the bank of the Wil lamette river, The city is about one mile in length, running east and west, and from one-half to three-fourths of a mile in width, aud is laid off with streets of good width. Tbe Canal, which is the subject and object of this communication, receives its waters from the South Saiitlam river, which heads iu the great Cascade mountains, some 75 miles east of Albany; thence running westerly through a valley of the same name, to Lebanon, a village located near tbe west bank of said river, 13 miles east of Albany, lbe Canal receives the waters from tbe Saritiam river at that point, thence running west to its ter minus at Albany. The main Santiam flows northward, and empties itn mountain waters into Xhe Willamette river 10 miles northeast of Albany. The Canal is brought f-ora Lebanon through a beailtifurpralrie for a dis tance of 12 miles, aud empties into the Willamette river, forming on lis way and in the city some of the finest water powers for manufacturing purposes found on the Pacific coast. There are but tew, if any, points in the State which surpasses Albany now, for man ufacturing facilities. Cheap water power and easy of access, and conven ient traiinportation, either bv water or railroad, and the location beautiful and healthy. Tbe Canal Company oners liberal Inducements to persons desiring to en gage in tne ousiuess oi manufacturing, and will furnish water power uuou the rnost reasonable terms. Manufactur ing of all kinda is needed in Oregon, and could be made profitable. The Canal Company will agree to furnish, within sixty days, any water power needed, from a button factory to that of a locomotive. Immigrants and others are earnestly invited and request! to visit Albany and examine for themselves. Real property can yet be procured on very reasonable terms, both in ami out of tbe city. Our people compare favor ably with cite rest ol mankind, morally socially, politically and financially. Published by order of tne Board of directors, Sept. 8th, 1873. L.XLKIH8, D. Mansfield, President Secretary. At Biajer'a beadituartars in Boston ontheOth, tbe figures stood: Delegates to State Convention far Rntlr sir for Waattwrne, 283. MISCELLANEOUS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLEND, AND DOOR FACTORY. AJ.TH0UBJC. J.r.BACUSSTO. KKTIHCK. AI.TMOU9E CO., l.on Street, tar Riser ALBANY, OREGON. Keep en hand a fall assortment, and are pnjpareu 10 FURNISH TO ORDER, Door, Sash, Blind, DSoldiiigs, And Such as CROWS, PA MX. HAXB & NIXTIO MOU, Of all sizes WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, - And- AU other kind of UnlMIng Material 4 LSO: PREPARED TO DO MILL A work, furnish sinister fens, ztanur shakers, suction fans, driving rnillcvs of any Kirw.ai our factory on i.yon srr't ;on the river bank), next below MarkbamV warehouse. ALTHOL SE GO, Albany, Keb. 10, 1860-14 GO TO TIIE BKE-HiVE STORE! TO BUT Groceries, Provisions, Notions, Ac., &c, &c, 19 GAP F R UASH ! wintry Proitaee ol All Kin as BOUGHT FOR MERCHANDISE OR OAS J3L I This is the ulaee to iret. the BEST nun. OA1NS ever oflhr! In Albany! Parties will always do veil I u vail it ml see for them selves. H. WEED. First street, Albany, Oregon. 3Jv5 ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw mil vac!jJn- CfJ, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IB! AMD BRAND t WTtSM. Particular attention paid to rcnaulni; all kinds of machinery. 41 vg OA Per day. Anent- wanted! All either sci, ymtniiroroW.TOake rafthi man- ey at wont ror tu in their spare tnoment" or all the time, than at anything else Par ticulars tree. Address G. Stlnson A Co., Portland, Maine. iij j Cooa By Coal Agency, BFRHTHAJC A OTIJE. DIALBBa ta Cnrnberbnd. Lehigh and all descriptions of rnrelgn and Do noCoaJ - Also. P8 iaoS",t Bnlibead-between PaclOe aad Jaskson street wharves, San Franclaco. CaJ. Uri DRY GOODS, ETC. iff C i Burl Tat00 2 L Mm Bit f 1 2 gas ro ?! ills r , e . 2 V 0 i r M (ft Mil S3 2 A j 3 r v s rw m' ft L. ft 9 r H 5 H o 5 it i i V- E a r if 2 ink 3 S S : 3 c if.? IS - 3 g 3 s 0 s ft H e i fa M i w 1 v. s s C3 9 WA'RUIES-JE W'ELRY. 1. D. T1TUH. J. a TITIH CHA8. WiCBOABDF.. TMS, B0UB6ABOES I CO., DCAIilM til JEWELEY, Silver & Plated Ware. and IAM0NB' SPECTACLES. MANtTFACrrREI) AND A3MCTED eHpeelally for thu Pacldc Cwi bj : ! NATIONAL ELGIN WATCH CO. of Elgin, Illinois, via 1 Paclfle, California and San FraiBCiftCo WATOI, and we most confidently no ommtmd them to the rnibllc,as poasesKinff more good qualities for t he price than any other Watch In the market . Wealso keep all other brands of JEteln, waltiiam and Swiss Watches, Clocks, W elry, 8Uvorand Plated Ware, ALSO - ftatola and Cartridge. Repairing a Specialty. . BaTAU Work Dane aad Uootft HoM Warouitcd to be a Hcpreaeatsai Tllaa, BourgardcN A Co., AT JOITR C ANTES 0WOTAjrD, rirststwot, ALBAKK, OKMOK, &2m J-d em