:1 VOLUME VI. ALBANY. ORW50N, SEPTEMBER 10, 1873. NO. 1. DRUG8, ETC CEO. F. gETTLEHIER, DRUGGIST, iSuooeeaor to D. W. Wakefield), rwwfafc'd Mew BuIMJnr, llrejSWfi, ALBANY, OREGON. IiiJer in DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEliTJALB, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. AH articles warranted pore, and Of tat taat quality. Physicians prow rir-' tons carefully com onmded. Albany, Oct. 17, wmtt A. CAR0THER8 CO., -Dealers in OODDCiM, Oil, FAIJtTN, BYW lais um, IT',, All the popular PATENT MEDICWEf, FS CliH-r, iaaB6. THBAfiiaa. MTIOWi PEEFIIMSITi aa TUr Ut- (articular care and promptness fiTen Physldaiis' prescriptions and Family Hec ipBt' A. CAKOTHEKS ft 00. Albany, Orstm-4v5 Harder la Albany MASNEVE TKTBEEN KNOWN, AMD no threatenln of it at present. Death U a thing which wmetlujc must befall erorysoii and daughterof the human fam ily ; and yet, At the Mid-day, Of your life, if disease lays his vttt hands mm you, there i t1ll "a balm in titlead," by which you may be restored to perfect health, and prolong your daystoamiracu. jobs eneui ByoalHngon m. c. wivl sc son, With a prescription, where you can have It compounded by one experienced in that particular line. Also, constantly on hand iiiood assortment of fresh drops, patent wedicines, chemicals, paints, oils, dye rtufft, trusses, etc Agents for the Celebrated VTak Weed Remedy, Or, Oiwon Ehenmafio Cure ; Dr. D. Jayna 8onsincdleinos,etc Spence's Positive and Negative Powders Kept in stock. Also agents for the Heme Nuattle SWwta Sbtchiaw, One of the most useful pieces of household furniture extant- Call and examine. B, C. HILL ft SON. Albany, June 10, 71-40vS Lnff, and ever- affection of the fwfcungsana Chest, including Con- oTstotirrOoughb 2anses the lungs, and thus removing ,hS?miSSS2r pronared by 8rra w. )WHl?iri' Srsold by Ebdwotok, HowmMft Jfim Rnotooo, and by dealsrsgen MISCELLANEOUS. TR Eyes! The Emf DR. T. L. GOLDEN, Oealist and Anrlat Albany, Urefron. U. GOLDEN 18 A I J son of the noted eld opthaltnic doctor, 8.0 rtoi 'en. Dr. (Holder has had experience in treating the various disenses to which the eye and ear are subject .and feels confident of giving entire satisfaction to those who may place themselves under his care. April 18, 69. FOR SALS I rpHS CELEBBATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS A. MOWERS, aloe's Headers, (Wood's improved.) CoqnlIIarfii Indiana Farm Wagon. The Snasel and Vibrator Threshers, (best machines on the coast. Statesman Foreeleed Drill. Ktw Plows, and other machines. Call, see, and get price and terms before buying elsewhere, at my Blicksmitb Shop, corner Second and Ellsworth sts., Albany, OW- DR. GEO. W. GRAY, DENTIST, AJLBANT, OBEtWN. f F FICE IN PABBLSH BRICK nun J corner First and Ferry streets. Residence-Corner Fifth and Furry streets. Office hours fromsto lit) cjock a. ui.,aii" 1 to 5 o'clock p. m, Hf M. R. Herren, Proprietor. TXT ILL ENDEAVOB TO BE ALWAT8 W supplied with the best meals to be had in the market, and will be ever ready to accommodate those who may favor him MIL un W. H. KUHN & CO. Wholesale and Betail Dealers in Ml El AND HEATT HARDWARE, Farmers' & Mechanics' Teals, BCiXDEBV HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL, OAK and ELM HUBS, Hlt MOBT 4c OAK HPOKH, HlfMOBT AXXSB, Hardwood Lumber, Beat Bias SknAs, Pe4es, fte., WOOD AND WIW.0W WAtE, All of which are now ottered to the nab h.. at lnw rmtpj). As we make the !i sin ess a specially, we n n(1 keep a better assortment, at lower price, than aay house in this city. W.H. KUHN 4 00., Hon tcttn flre-proof brick, First street Albany, June 14, 1841v4 W. H. McPARLASD, (LATE V. M. HABVKT A CO.,1 Opposite the betels, Alhaay, Orefoa, STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pump. LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow "Ware, hours wvmmtmu hardware, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware. UUWEBT (fitM'K HI THE fMJff. IjWett trices Every Time. Properly Bern. tOvt EPIZOOTIC! D1STAWCED. THE BAT TEAMmU, IXVEM, a ND 18 FL0DBI8HIKG LIKE A mm-n A bay tree. Thankful thr past favors, a.i.. a MMwrir thA avinttnnontvk est theflameTthe BAY TKAM will Hwajijbe rtdy, and easily found, to do any haaltng Wl VII 111 fclKJ VlfcT HIUIM) " "-"w '"'" compensation. 6T '"'l''' A'1FI' fAHV NEWS. Wm. Cree, an old resident of Port land, aged 43, died oo Fridny uight last. Deceased came to Portland in 1S63. was a nittive of Ireland, and left a large property. ', At Coos Bayon the 27th ult., Robt. Hull, aged M. and Henry Hall, aged 16, brothers, were killed by the caving in of the coal tnlneiu which they were at work. The taxable property of Polk county exceeds fl,60G.OOO. Delegates to tlie Republican State Convention from Benton are : A. M. Witham, 8amBl Case. W. B. Carter, J. Browusmi ami Sol. King. The taxable property or Jackson county Ulja6,ll. Grant county Republican Conven tion instrnctt for Hon. B. Whitten. Hon. J. R. McLain had his right leg broken above the knee, one day last week. nl foot caiiitht in the coll of a lariat attached to a running horse, when he was dragged some twenty- five yards. ., Wasco county w head of rattle : A.7M hevraas. 13.000 weth 720 swine. There are 880 taxpayers; last year there were but 531. . A VOUIlff man lu Rosebunt attamnt. ed to get away with the old man'a daughter; the old man smelt a mice: caught ttte eloping pair, and thereand then administered men a thrashing to the boy as he will remember lor a period. The wheat crop in Douglas reported extra. Price per'hueheC sacks fur nished, 76c. 100,000 bushels had al ready been sold. J. J. Comstock aid Ben Holiadav have formed a partnership, and will proceed at once to, open a coal mme, owned by the former on Pass Creek. Its proximity to the railroad will en able the Company to tumlsh it at a price defying competition. The election in San Francisco is mixed. It is conceded that tin Booth ticket got away with 'Frisco. Latest Mew. The Oregon Central Railroad reduced h freights from Cornelia! to Portland, which took effect Ang ust 25th. Floor, grain and mill stuffs toer car load is reduced to 12i cento per 100 pounds; merohandue, 20 cento per 100 pounds; horses, cattle and hoga, psr car, $1C; sheep, per car, $14. The A .inaal Convocation ot the Protestant Epiasbpal Miaaooary Diocese of Oiwron and Washington Territory, met in Trinity church. Portiatid, en Thursday evening of last week. Thirteen ministers were . ent. Bishop Morris delivered his annual address to a large con gregation. Hie Klamath Indians are very indignant at the liberties allowed Soar-faced Charley and tin scouts who deserted Jack and helped (General Dava, declaring thst if i "apt. Jack and the others convicted are hunsr. Scar-face and the soouto shall never leave the country alive. Tho soldiers at Fort Klamath svrer verigeanoe against Scar-faoe and Bogus Charley, because they caught, and brought back a coupie ot deserters whom they wen sent after. On the 28th lit, Captain Ha bro'ick, with a detachment of 16 men, had gone to the scene of the manacre ut'Cantoiu Thomas, com mand in the lavft-bcd on the 27th of last May, for the purpone of knig ing the remain of Lieut. Cranston ami others to Fort Klamath. Immense gold deposits are re ported to have been dunovered in British Colombia, at the head Wat. era of the Stickeeu river, 240 mileB back from the coast line. Rev. Stephen Bowers, of the Salem pastorate, has received 160 pentoia into the Methodist Church at that place within the past year. Mrs. Celia A. Blake, the first person born in Jefferson county, W. T., died at Port Townsend on the 17th met. For the lack of water and gold, the Ochaco mines have ou-ga spiel. On the 19th ult., the sheriff ot Whatcom county lost his house, bam (full of hay) orchard, fences and farm improvements by nre. The City Council of Seattle have deeded to the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad and Transportation Company all the tide flats south of h mg street, in that city, on Elliott s Bay. The road from Lebanon up the Santiam and over the Cascades is in fine order. The boulders in the five crossings ot that river are thrown out, and crossing is now good. A new station, to be called New town, is to be established two miles east of Hillsboro. The number ot resident tax-payers in Washington county is 1,093; non-resideut, 243; poll tax-payers, 768. Much sickness is reported in Washington county. John T. Bird, member ot Con gress from Ne Jersey, on 0e 27th ult, returned his back-pay to the U. S. Treasury, iiioludi g interest on a portion of the amount, which had accrued by investment Losses by the recent flood in the Delaware are put dowu at 1670 000, of which $500,000 may prob ably tall upon the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, $100,000 on vessels and barges stranded on the Meadows, and 150,000 on the Delaware Railroad Six dwellings were destroyed by tire at Edgefield, Tenn., on the 27th. A dispatch from Westminster, Mil,, August 27th, says that Wm. A. M&thias, seed 22 years, died, as was supposed, Sunday evening of brain fever, and the body was placed on we. Yesterday, when the family had assembled for the funeral services, it was noticed that the skin had assumed a natural appearance, and examination showed that lite was not extinct rhysi oians were called and M&thias it recovering. A fire at Gloucester, Mass,, on the night ot the 27th nit, destroyed five blocks. Loss, $75,000. At Lancaster, N. Y., Henry Ward Beecber delivered the clos ing address ot the Woman's Suffrage Convention, in the open air, to 2.000 persons. iWn. R. Boyee, President ot the First National Bank of Lpn, Mam., committed suicide, August 27th. J. R. Rosanguest, Cashier ot the First National Gold Bank, Tarrytown, N. Y,, committed sui cide the other day. The dairies about St Louis are troubled with the Spanish fever. Twenty-five cows died within two Idays last week. T W. W. Anderson, of Montana Territory, has been appointed agent for the Indians of Milk River Agen cy. Hon. Joseph Farewell, Mayor of Rockland, Me., Isaac M. Bragg. Esq., Bangor, and Messrs. Pope Bros, Mach ias, Me., lumber merchants, fully en dorsed the Shm'dm C'mxrfry Qmiitinn J'medm, and have given the proprie tors liberty to us weir names to rec ommending them. The latest telegrams give Washburne 100 clear majority over Butler in the Convention. Yellow fever is reported In Galveston, Houston and Shreveport, Texas, and that a perfect panic prevails, the In habitants fleeing in every direction. Five men, sent from Madrid, Spain, to assassinate Don Carlos, were caught and executed at Estella. On the 6th a square of buildings la Havana, known as the Plaza, were burned, and twenty lives lost On the night of the 6th, the Phoenix plauing.mlll, Chicago, was destroyed by fire. Loss $300,000, partially in sured. Morris Puepill was arrested in Philadelphia on the 5th, charged with firing the Fashion Stabler at Trenton. Peace Commissioner Dyer Bays our soldiers killed but four Modocs, while the Modocs killed two soldiers for each Modoc engaged in the war. Late news from Monterey give rumors of renewed hostilities in Mex ico. The Pope is again indisposed. The most astonishing cure of chronic diarrhoea we ever heard of is that of Wm. Clark. Frankfort Mills, Waldo Co., Maine; the facts are attested by Ezra Treat Upton Treat and M. A. Merrill, either of whom might be addressed for particulars. Mr. Clark was cured by Johnson's Anodyne Lini ment. A. T. Stewart's $100,000,000. Wealthy men are often credited with greater riches than they pos sess, and frequently, after diligent inquiry into their resouroes, find that they have set too high a limit to their possessions, it therefore rarely happens that a man aston ishes himself with his own ; yet a little on dit attributes a bit of this amazement to Mr. A. T. Stewart It is probably generally known that Mr. htewart took steamer for Europe last week. It is not gen erally known that before his de parture he made a will. Prior to making this will it was thought advitable to prepare a schedule of his real and personal estate, with its valuation. Upon the comple tion ot the schedule, much to the surprise of Mr. Stewart, and to the greater surprise of his friends, it was found that he was worth one hundred millions of dollars. That any American citizen should be possessed ot so great wealth almost surpasses belief, but the truth ot the foregoing statement is well au thenticated. N. Y. Sm. A little Vermont charmer of 7 years aeut her beau lover a letter; the postscript was "They that seek me early shall find me." A young man has been arrested at Hudson, Michigan, for spitting tobacco juice on the back breadths of a young lady's dress. She had declined his company from church, so he walked behind and had his revenge. A soft-headed fellow wrote his name with a diamond on a Saratoga window. A miss wrote under: When I see a looney's name Written upon glass, I know he owns a diamond i 4 And his Hither owns an ass. , The girls in a Springfield (Mass.) factory are supplied by the propri etors with chewing gum, fai order that they may not waste time in talking. "Oh! George, your sister w a nice girl, but she does dress her bead up sol" "Yes," said George, ' but it's the fashionthere's noth ing in it, you know." A St. Louis young lady caught s 180-pound codfish while out fish, ine with a party of friends at Glou-' center, Massachusetts, the other day. , f - ; A recent visitor to one of the islands on the coast of Maine discov ered a school ot forty scholars, all of whom were grandchildren of on man. ' v The editor of a Nevada newspa pr gives notice that be cannot be bribed with a five-cent cigar to write a five-dollar puff.