The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 29, 1873, Page 6, Image 6

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wiwc BBburrEK.
Fire -A frame building on the Excursion to Latham. 'Hie Odd ! Personal-Mi-. Goldsmith. Presl
corner of Sixth and Ellsworth streets Fellows of thk city and their Mends dent oi the W. R. T. Co., was In the
eamjht fire and was burned W UK will nave an excursion ny ran to j city on nonnay.
.. ,. i. . .1... i. i !;..
mails akkive:
From Railroad (north and mth) dally
i IS.Kt e. m.
From OorvalH, dally, at 1030 A. M.
From Wnnnn, tri-weekly, I Hon day,
Wednesday and Friday) at 10.S0 a. .
mails pei-akt:
For Railroad mnrth and wrath i, (tally,
close prninnt Bt H.iS A. M.
For Corvallln, lallv. at 1.50 r. x. , ,
For Lebanon, tri-weekly, l Monthly, Wed
nostlai and FrWayi at i P. M.
Office hours from 7 A. M. to S 1'. M.
Sunday, from 12 . to H I
Money order o'tlee hours iron" fl - 1; ,0
Volume Fi vk. This number closes
volume five of the REGISTER. If we
linve deserved the patronage of the
public in the part, we liope to make
the REGISTER till more deserving Ota
liberal patronage in the future. At
the coiiniieiicemcnt of the year we
adopted the cash system payment of
subscriptions in advance experience
satisfying us that in no oilier wav
could we publish the REGISTER with
profit to ourftelf. We shall continue
the same line of policy in the future.
All subscriptions ending with tiiis
utimbcr will lie dtscoiitinued, unless
payment for another year lie made
U tore the issue of No. 1 Vol. 6. It
U much the best plan, both for the
publisher and the subscriber, to pay
tM you go: the subscriber is iu no
worry about duns, and tlie publisher
knows to a dot just bow far his finances
will allow him to indulge in any ad
ditions or attractions that may suggest
themselves for the benefit of his pat
rons. - We hope the cash system will
receive tlie endorsement ot every one
of our readers, and that many new
ones may lie added to our lists.
Okck More. There are mite a
number of persons in Linn county
who are indebted to us for the REGIS
TER from the first number issued, to
number 17 of volume 5 four years
mid four months. All of them, we
believe, have been dunned, and all of
them promised to pay but, we are
sorry to say, with one or two excep
tions, all of them have failed to make
good their promise. They owe us tin?
money, and we are not able to make
them presents of tlie accounts; but it
they will come forward and pay us
toy time during September, 1873, we
will allow tbem reasonable di-comit
on their bills. We make tliis offer as
an inducement for all to pay up, as
we do not wish to sue on each account.
We simply want what is due us noth
ing more.
Republican Primary.-The attend
ance at the Republican primary in this
city lat Saturday was the smallest
within our knowledge, seventeen
being the highest vote cast for any
Delegate. Our Democratic friends
who met to elect delegates immedi
ately after the adjournment uf the
liepubiicau primary, claim to have
had a larger attendance, a prominent
Democrat telling us that they bail
twenty-five Democrats and three
white men." The following gentle
men were elected delegates to the Re
publican County Convention : M. C.
George, S. Dawson, Geo. F. Simpson
W. S. Newbury. N. B. Humphrey,
I,. Elkins, Benj. Turley. J. Hanuon,
(!. Mealey, (loll. Van Cleve.
Layton Blain, Esq., of Blain, Young
& Co., started for 'Frisco and new
goods on Monday.
.Mi s Flora Star starts for lier home
in Southern California this week.
Messrs. Dave Kronen, and L Alt-hon-e
returned from the mountains on
Tuesday. They got away wulisevernl
deer and one black hear.
Dick Williams and I. B. Congle,
both ol Portland, were in the city tlie
first of the week.
Mr. .1. M. Metzl.T, of Jefferion,
tlie gteat cnair builder, was in the city
on Tuesday.
Uev. Mr. Butcher ami family le-ive
e. y. no to
ground on Sunday evening. The Are Latham, on Pass Creek, at the head
oecurredbetweenelghtniid iilneo ciock oirne n iiiameue aiicy-s,.iin-iciH.
In the evening. Tlie Bremen were on miles beyoial Kugene. Tickets will
lamias usual, getting water from an be Issued for the round tri. good for
old well In Court House block. Tlie ten days, for tlie small sum of 4 60
upper portim. of the building was all each. Tlici-nmninggre.u.d is as pretty
inflames before the cry of Are was a one as there is in the State, and is
raised, but nearly everything of value " 000 .....higher tli, his va ley.
was rescued fmu, the lower story be- The aftoxcel ent sport tor
fore the fire reached them. By the tl disc pies ot Izak Ua.ton. abound-
gallant exertions ot citizens and Are- H wiU. trout, while grouse and deer
men, the building adjoining, occupied as plenum as .lie moat ard. nt
by Mr. Hart was saved. Buckets full Nimrod conld desire. I he uomuaiiy
of water, passed from (tie pump hi the " ill go prepared to camp out and en-
.. , i mi i. i. ihMn joy the tree, careless Itle ol the inoiin-
kitchen, by willing hands, and thrown f
.. . , tains tor several ilnvs. One or more
onto the roor next to the ourning - - - - - - , 7 .
hliikling, saved it. although on Are v e .v .,-!,
-ii.-..,.. nlmwa: It was ofexcurtionists may require!, especl- Dalles,
St'lCIHI 111 1.1. i
hot. close work, and at one time it was ally for their use, and will remain on
thought the bovs would be driven by the side-track at Latham until the
the intense heat from the building; party desire to return. Kach exc.u
but the boys, headed by our County tlonist will Ik- allowed one hundred
Clerk, stuck to their posts and got pounds of baggage. This will be the
awav with the fire on that building, pleasantest and most enjoyable ex
The building was but slightlv damaged, curslon that ever left this dty. while
The damage sustained by Mr. Hart, the cost will be almost nothing as corn
in the removal of furniture from the pared with the cost in visiting other
K..IMI.,- i.imosidemble. The localities for pleasure. Those who
I M! I IU t I Ih " I" -
bulkilirg belonged to Mr. D. F.-oman, wish to continue the trip as tar as
and was not insured-loes, fSOO. It Oakland, can man tickets at half
was occupied by Mr. Butler, who had fare. All who wish to go should apply
an insurance oil the furniture amount- tor tickets to the Commirtee-W. S.
ing to 11.000. We never saw a build- Newbury and Coll. Van Cleve.
ing burn so rapidly. A fire cistern is j
. ,, , ' .-.i. Brownsville ITEMS. A corres-
badlv needed in that section ot the city, '
II ohruiMMhie water was 1" Brownsville writes as toi-
., ' ... o.,,,. lows : A few nights since a valuable
. . 11 horse belouslug to Mr. Win. Temple- j brick, and deserves patronage
wr.tu.gUH, anove we .. an. inai W10ther horse that Mp. Thon,as Uaunou, brother of
was an .nsurauee u t.ouuogo. in lm,lkil, hlg hnlt(,.
talks ot
Mrs. Cnuior is slowly
from her late illness.
Dr. Smith, ot Jefferson
locating hi this city.
Col. Saxe and lady have been stop
ping at the St. Charles during the week.
Mrs. Harper is spending the week
in Corvallis.
J. R. Moors, Ks!i.. Land Agent of
who I O. AC. H. K. Co., beamed upon us
Wednesday the same jolly, genial
Mr. Chas. Cartwright. of Salem,
has been hi the city during the week.
Mr. G. B. Blood, insunince agent,
returned to the city, after A long ab
sence, on Wednesday.
Mr. W. O. Palmer will engage in
monthhtfidhnW at Taneelit. IK' S a
('. K. WHKE1.EK.
a. warn.:! a at.,
Forwardins&COHnniss'n Mercfiants
Dealers m Merehnndise ami Pro lnee. A
HOodnsHortnM'nl of all kinds of (ioodl al
ways in store at lowest market rates.
Agents for sale of Wagons, (jraln !rilla.
Cider Mills, Churns, Ae 4e.
BUTTER, KliliS ami I't'I'LTRY.
riie Wear iiikI Teiw of Life.
Tlietti.-es, anxieties. and misfortunes of
life have us much to do with Shortening It
as disease. Tliej are in luet the sim-cc of
many ailments and nhysUal disa'tilllles.
Nervous wrakness. aj-spepala, lufectiona
of the liver, dlstni'oaneeH of tne Itowels,
headathe, livtun lioietrin itntl monomania
areamoii!! timsedtsircsslns fruits. It la,
I therefore, of great hmioruuiretlmt persons
I whose minds me ojwiresse I wllh heavy
I business rosponsibllilies, 01 lianisscd by
fiunily troubles, or excheil h speculation,
or lierplexetl byn innll.liwlellj' olen-emris-!
es, or In any way overtaxed or overworketli
i fthould keep Up their stamina ny the dally
j use of ii wholesome tonic. TUo.mntlil of
person i bus circumstanced an- enabled to
I near up aitninsl the dirtlcul.les hi which
they arc liivotvitil, and n ivtatn their
ftlu(flli, henllh and menial clearness,
b Lite rejt'uiar use of Uosietier's Siomaeh
Riiiers. hlsensea which are prone 10 at
taek the body when debilitated and broken
down by oiei-nnieh brain work or ex
baustlnK physical IhIw, are kept at Uiy
by the reaisian. xwer wh h wlilob this In
eoinfiurahie ionic eudows I he nervous sys
tem an I ihc vi'iii orirmis. At ihisseaaon,
when the Ileal Iseviipoilifiiii! llicoiument
of stren rt h from nverv mm nn liu iiror-
ant is altsoniielv essential to I Ik- safety
and com fori ol the public, ami is reauired
even oy the more robust If they desire to
keep i heir athletic cupa'dli. ICS In slatus
quo. Heme u courseof HosleUer's Bittirs
la particularly useful at thtsperlod of the
ycai as a ilclen. e aiiinsl ilie Invisthle dl
east afloat in u sultry ill inospliere. It Is
tiie most poteni of ail preyeiitii ive iihmU-
dues, iin l for nil complainis which affect
the siomHCh, the liver and the howels, and
Inrorfeiv with the perfecl diuustinn and
asslmllalton of food, it Is iho sinndard
remedy. August.
total itisurauce, tl,)0.
Iiad succeeded in breaking his halter
dnriiig the niglit, breaking one of the
,x of fore less, It was deemed advisable
Shootino Scrape. On Tuesday at '"' ;
. . nnil the niiured horse was shot. 11k
Jefferson, a man named Miller shot
auotlier named Slater. Drs. Smith,
of Jefferson, and Kice, of tliis city,
were called in and made an examina
tion of the wou. d. They found that
a ball from a small pistol had entered
tlie body of Slater, on the nghs sale,
about tlie seventh rib, making a pain
and the injured horse was shot. The
machine boys raised quite a collection
to reimburse Mr. T. for his lass. On
the evening of tlie 27th. an outhouse
belonging to B. F. Barton caught fire
and was consumed, and it was only
by the most strenuous exertions that
the dweliins near by was saved. Loss,
B I aiAn A.. AOaL n.-i T- 1.j1
ful if not dangerous wound. They did t". -
. I t M;T:.w IauimI t i. ir; iimr
not succeed, on Tuesday, in tlnuing ""'"s -""" !
and extracting the ball. At a preli.n-i n.acliu.e, a horse just aneau oi ......
Vim Creek. W. T. We are in
receipt of a note from Mr. J. M.
Propst, dated Pine Creek (W. T. ).
August 18th, in which the writer in
forms m that their health in that coun
try is excellent, and all Oregonians
thereabout doing well. Thev are
busy harvesliiig, with good crops.
Wheat and oats sown on the soil, are
yielding, the first twenty, and the
latter thirty bushels to tlie acre. Mr.
Propat has side oats with heads that
measure twelve inches in length.
Orass was luxuriant and green at the
date of (he note, the days warm and
ulshtsoool. Mr. P. thinks that por
lion of W. T. better fanning couutn
than the Willamette Valley.
Figs. We are Indebted to Mr. Sta
Mealey for two ot the largest ripe figs
grown in tlie garden of his father h
ihlscity. we have ever seen. They
were ripe and luscious.
inary examination held before Justice
Crow, on Wednesday, at Jetterson,
the following facts were elicited:
Charles Miller, an old man, and James
Slater, a soldier of the late war, got
into a dispute iu relation to money
which Slater alleged Miller was owing
him. Miller was riding in a wagon,
iu which rode another man and a
woman, while Slater was on horse
back, leading another horse, bei.hid
the wagon. Suddenly, while words
were passing between the two, Miller
drew a derringer, fired at and hit Sla
ter, as above described. Slater, who
Is reported to have been in poor health
for some time past, was severely
wounded while fighting the battles of
his country, and in consequence there
ot .as drawing a pension from govern
ment. We learn that Miller was held
to bail in the sum of one thousand dol
lars to answer at the next term of the
Marion County Circuit Court. Hon.
Geo. K. Helm lor the defense, N. B.
Humphrey, District Attorney, prose
Need Reproof. We have some
boys iu this place, youngsters about
half way along to a moustache, at that
age when they have the least sense
and the most impudence, tliat would
be suitable subjects for all of Solomon 's
roil, not a stroke being misapplied.
Looking out of our office window tlie
other day, we saw two of those
"smarties" arm in arm. iii a half
gufflle, pushing their way noisily along
tlie sidewalk to the annoyance ol
every passer. Arriving at tlie corner
of the street where stood a youth ot
about 'heir own ase from the country,
the one oil the outside gave tle other
a violent push sending hun butt with
his shoulder against the country boy,
nearly knocking him off his pins.
They then took to tlwlr heels. Tlie
victim of their ill-manners looked after
i beni a moment, and then quietly pur
sued his way. This act of these two
boys was not only ill-mannered and
mean, but cowardly, which nothing
but a good spanking would correct.
Sheep. Stock sheep are selling at
from f 1 25 to $1 75 per head.
pulled down a post to which he was
hitched, and ran. rendering iiiiiiianag
able the animal he was riding, which
threw him with great violence to tlie
groutai, while, as if to add insult to
injury, tins horse attached to ti e post
ran over hint, inflicting severe, but it
Is hoped, not fatal injuries. Consider
able sickjiess, principally among chil
dren, prevails in Brownsville. Diar
rhea and flux is what's tlie matter.
Dry Goods. N. Baum Is expected
up from San Francisco on the next
steamer with an immense stock of dry
goods of every description, among
which will be found the latest in ladies
dress goods, trimmings, etc., together
witli boots, shoes hats caps, and a
splendid stock of men's and boys'
clothing. Baum's acknowledged taste
U an assurance that the ladies will en
joy a rare treat in viewing rieh aial
beautiful goods displayed on his coun
ters for their special use and benefit,
upon his return. A general invitation
is extuinled to all to call and examine
his new goods upon their arrival.
Kvnawat Arm Broken. Mr.
Chas. Barnes, an old citizen of this
county, was thrown from a wagon on
Wednesday, causing the breaking of
his left arm iu two places, at the
elbow, and between the elbow and
shoulder, and bruising his head and
body considerably, lie has a span of
large young horses, which he was driv
ing, hitched to a wagon. In going
down a little pitch beyond the depot,
the wagon tongue tell to the ground.
letting the wagon on to the horses,
which caused them to rim away, seri
ously if not fatally injuring Mr. Barnes
as above mentioned, and tearing tlie
wagon to pieces.
As Desired. All of our subscribers
who wish, can receive the Register,
on tlie first floor of the Register Build
ing, in the store-room now occupied
by Mr. W. H. Dodd, thus saving postr
age. - .
"Why! You Keep Everything"
A remark very commonly made by
persons paying their first visit to the
complete and well arranged store of
A, Wheeler A Co., at Shedd.
I Archiinides Hannon,
1 r t btittO '1,-rived ill tills 1'itV
UI Illlll voovj, -.
from America a few days since. He
comes to reside here,
SICKNESS, A great deal of sickness
prevails among those of our citizens
who fled to tlie mountains for health
and sport. Diarrliea seems to be the
general "ail."
Spanish Merinos. Peter Saxe lias
on exhibition at Montgomery's stables
j several pure blooded Spanish Merino
bucks. They furnish very fine silky
wool, and lots of it. See tliem.
New To-I.
AXD .41.1. i wivr OK KTWRAuer
OUuhly repaired and strengthened
their Al'miiy Warehouse, and having two
good Cleaners, can handle
AM. URAX THAT (11)1111
wilh safety and dispatch.
They aiv prepared to furnish all the
sacks needed.
Ixinl he friwhlened by the old cry that
we are Wiling more than we can stor.
tall and see for yourselves.
Conundrum. If the "combination"
won't unlock a safe, what will?" was
tte conundrum W. H. McFarlandwas
trying to solve on Tuesday.
I I - 10-.
Reed's Panorama Thisheautiful
piece of art. consisting of thirty paint
ings of Oregon scenery, will be exhib
ited in this city during the coming
County Fair. It has been exhibited
to the people of Salem and Portland,
where it has received the highest
praise. As it is entirely an Oregon
production, our people should and will
certainly patronize it well. Due no
tice of the time will be given.
Stranger- "Do the Chinese occupy
rooms in tliat brick building?" Citizen
-"No. Why do you ask?" S.
'Why, that sign over the stairway
there Isn't It a wash-house sign?"
C.1' 'Pshaw ! Can't you read? That's
the sign of the State. R(ght$ Democrat,"
Coi.LEOiATK Institute. With R.K.
Warren as President, and an efficient
corps of ahtauts, commences the
school vear on Monday next, with
flattering prospects tor a large attend
District School Will open next
Monday, under charge of Mr. T. J
Stites assisted by Mr. John Kitchen
and Mrs. Adda Mansfield.
i: will con-
Irnet In stork
Wheat FREE. either ul ALBANY, PORT
LAND or HA LSI-: 1 . until it is worth 730
1-IT ,-tlsllcl.
HARVESTING Has la-en seriously
impeded by the heavy rains of I he tore-
part ot the week, and no little wheat
damaged, we fear.
TmiOTiER Stoiim. We were visited
with quite a storm of thunder, wind
and rain on Monday night.
ritTirv' In our chantreable cli
mate, coughs colds and lung diseases
will alwavs prevail. Consumption
will claim its victims. These diseases,
srt.ibo,. In timo imiii lie arrested and
II l,IM II ... ."..., V".- "
cured. The remedy is Dr. II Mar's
Hulmirn oj wua vnetry.
We pledge our reputation on the
assertion tliat any educated physician,
after a careful examination ot the re
cipe, will say tliat 'wm' Pw gative
I'M possess more merit than any other
pill now offered for sale.
wanted, for which we will pay tb
In cn -h, from lime to lime.
I'reaeut ll.iUoiia:
For Common mi l Volunteer, .lc V f.
" extra line and clean, f! V bu a.
Aug. l.VnjO
all the
Flas: Sood
delivered at our Warehouse In Altiany.
1 A AAA Rl'SHKLs OF OATS. Inquire
llM'lU iu UioOlil Warehouse, ol
aim.Vl'Jiiia E, 8. MERRILL.
Collegiate Institute!
West term opeuo,
Monday, September I, 1STT
It, K. WAKKEX, rresKleut.
Take XQTotloe I
1 WaiehouHo of R. Cheadkn with Im
proved cleanhiK aparnt us ol ample capac
ity. Is now prepared to receive (,'inln for
the harvest of IH73.
FHi-mers wlshlnK to store or sell wheat,
will Ibid It to their Hdvuntiifje lo see uuy
before selling elsewhere. All will he tiirn
lshed with sacks to move their frroln hy
culling on mo.
..l.' .'Yl. ,,ul, rl.. will he 1,11 (I for
good mnrchantahle wneai at nil times.
E. 8. Mkkkiix, nn old elllzen of Albany,
of raoDiient hnsinesfi (pialiftcations. Ml
taken eharge of the wanihoiiH.-. and will
superintend the receiving and delltcr ot
allgroln paaalng through U. , :hkaD!K.
Albany, July 23, !S73-5n47inS , ...